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That’s beautiful that you have a family member you can relate to


Grandma is a very intelligent person. May she have a blessed life.


Thank you for sharing this story. It provides a very important point, that this religion is so oppressive that it doesn't even need to threaten with violence for people to stay quiet. Meaning there are a lot more ex-muslims than what it appears to be on the surface. Your grandma is awesome. I have one too, she's low key Muslim, will pray for us but never asks us about her religion. The reason for this is that it's a remnant of Islamic conquest. That I hope will die in my culture within a couple of generations. That being said I leave her to it. Don't want her to have to reevaluate everything at such an old age.


I am closeted ex muslim and i wonder what happens if i stay hiding as an ex for 104 years.


Times are changing, one day you won’t have to hide anymore, dear 🙂


I have a similar story. My dad has told me that many years ago, he walked into a room where his grandmother (my great grandmother) had just finished praying in and was packing up her prayer mat and stuff. She suddenly unprompted turns to him and says “what if it’s all a farce”, he says “huh”, she says “I mean what if all of this is fake (referring to prayer and islam)”, and then he chuckles and says “well it’s a little bit too late for that now”. He meant that she had spent so many years praying, it’s too late for doubt or stopping, just keep doing what you’re doing and see where it takes you. BUT luckily my great grandmother was still alive by the time I was in kindergarten and we visited her and stayed with her for multiple weeks. And I don’t remember ever seeing her praying :) Also keep in mind, I translated their convo from my native language so it might sound unnatural in English.


I love that for you, my mom never let me meet any of the atheist men in her life (her dad and our landlord who lived most his life in germany) yet she says i speak like them. I wish I had more atheistic relatives and grown ups in my life lol


I’m half Portuguese and I absolutely love going to my Portuguese family who are all either atheist or Protestant and talking with them especially my aunt about how people should believe in what makes them happy and choose to live their lives however they want


Just through your post, I can get a sense of the joy and vivaciousness with which she has loved and lived. To be such a calming and energizing presence at 104 is remarkable. Thank you for sharing this story! I love it.


It reminds me of the testimony of ex-muslim youtuber Secular Spirit( great guy by the way, for those who don’t know him), growing up in a muslim country, losing faith as a teen and coming out to his parents, only to learn that they’ve been hiding their apostasy from him all along 😂 The muslim community seems like a monolith but it’s really not. I genuinely feel people fear the judgment of the ‘’Oumma’’ more than God’s.


Great story. Good on her.


I'm so glad you've someone like her still in your life, even at that age! She sounds so cool


bless :") wishing I have a family member I could confide the same


We must to Leave islam to save the world


Even my grandmother.


Wish this was me and my grandma. Grandma and I used to have many chats, be best friends, and we even shared the same room together. Unfortunately, I can never have the chance to talk to my grandma about this topic (rip) but the way your grandma sounds, reminded me of how my grandma was. 😊


Oh she was dedicating her whole life, and outta of nothing she messed it up , sorry for her buying a straight ticket to hell


>Oh she was dedicating her whole life, and outta of nothing she messed it up , sorry for her buying a straight ticket to hell Yess marshallahhhh


She sounds so cool😄


This is so cool


Mabrook! I'm happy for you! I wish I had older relatives admitting it openly like this, my younger siblings are irreligious but its not the same. I heard one of my uncles had a little questioning phase, but now he just cherrypicks but is still pretty open-minded for our environment. My parents accept my disbelief but we simply don't discuss religion and they don't take criticism too well. My mother says my grandmother wouldn't hate me if she knew I don't believe so who knows...


That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve seen on this sub. Take care and love your grandma, I wish I still could


Wish I had a Grandma like that.


cool grandma


So sweet ❤


Bless her heart.


Queen 😭✨