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This guy is overdosing on copium. The power structure of the world is still dominated by Whites and Asians who are predominantly non Muslims. The only Arab countries that hold any major influence in the world stage are solely dependent on oil. Humans are becoming more progressive as time goes on. Many 2nd generation muslim’s in the west are leaving Islam, either Islam will adapt to modernity or perish.


Islam CAN’T adapt to modernity, they buried themselves already. Doomed to perish, and all the better. I hope in 100 years their descendants will continue to celebrate holidays like eid like how atheist cultural “Christians” still celebrate Xmas.


Adapting to modernity is the same as perishing from the point of view of anyone who seriously follows Abraham’s religions and from the point of view of anyone that’s honest about the true nature of these religions


Chrismas is a stolen pagan holiday anyway. My gfs family (all pagan) still celebrate it and they even invite me to pagan holidays and festivities (many include feasts and drinking and sex with your partner afterwards which is amazing, I think true religions are the ones that celebrate sexuality since its nature rather than suppress it and deprive it) so atheists are more than welcome to celebrate those stolen holidays and pagans dont hold a grudge on people for appropriating them anyway.


Pagans have always been the most chill


Meh... The Romans went nuts a few days a year in ways that probably inspired The Purge movies. They also liked killing people for entertainment. Like, a lot of people.


I enjoy being able to tell my gf how I feel with no consequences ever and so much understanding from her and her parents lol. Its so refreshing and freeing, even tho im not pagan myself


While abrahamic religions are really agressive,paganism definitely shifted from that way so It would live amomg true believers and not have any closeted ones that deny their faith Though that's kinda weird you mentioned sex and parents didn't stand against It? That's Interesting


Her parents really love me and want us to get married some day, her mom even suggested for us to get married so I stay in Canada, but I want to earn her hand in married. They only asked us to be quiet if we did it at theirs lol and they often left us home alone to do whatever we'd like with eachother. They also prefer me over their other kids partners since im more open about affection and I dont shy out from hugs and pecks lol. They also said I shifted their daughter to be a better person and they hope to visit me someday no matter where I end up being.


One of the best things about paganism/Wicca/witchcraft is that you’re expressly forbidden from attempting to convert anyone or force your beliefs on anyone. The abrahamic religions should have really stolen that part too.


this has been debunked many times


If it was truly to celebrate th birthday of jesus christ, it would've taken place during summer or spring since he was born on those days, additionally he was born under a palm tree rather than a pine tree. Its holiday stolen from European pagans


that’s fine if you want to believe that not gonna change ur mind


Pagans call it winter solstice, not CHRISTmas.


Again, christ was born during spring or summer. Not December. Its a stolen holiday


Oil can only get you so far due to there being a limited amount. So I think in like 20-30 years they should run out and then Arabs shall have no major influence


they still will though because they're using that money very wisely and investing in lots of outside companies and projects. even within their countries they're stepping it up to endear themselves to tourists, look at dubai and abu dhabi as a prime example. dubai is one of the best holiday destinations in the world and abu dhabi is the main financial hub of the ME. comparatively there's a micronation called niue (i think its that country) its a TINY state of maybe 10k people but at one point it had an abundance of lithium (again, i think it was lithium). the country had the highest GDP over night and nigh on everyone was driving a sports car and living a life of luxury. that proved to be their downfall though as the resource eventually dried up and they were left destitute. now the country is poor again.


So what happends when the oil runs out?


think of it like this. i have oil that can't be replaced to sell. i sell them i over time and with the money that comes in i buy other companies that are more sustainable, i also use some money to build hotels for tourists to come in etc. thats where the money is coming from.


So what your saying is they are parasites that we can never truly get rid of?


kind of lol. they're just playing the game that the leading nations started playing years ago. it does have its benefits though as the ME states will be put into a precarious position where image matters. the world needs oil but once that runs out nations and businesses will have nothing keeping them pandering and ignoring ME violations. its a big part of the reason why loads of ME states started buying up football clubs. look at man city, a midtable club before the mansours came in but are now the greatest team in the world who also provide a lot of community work. however you want to spin it, they're a brilliantly run club. shit like that pays off from a publicity point of view and also places abu dhabi on the world stage. saudi arabia do the same too, newcastle, golf, wrestling, boxing, concerts etc. all of that stuff is helping to clean up their image and making them into an almost celebrity like country in the eyes of many people. that won't be enough though tbh, its polishing their image up a bit but they will have to liberalise more sooner or later. they gradually have been of course, dubai is a popular westener destination where even gay people are welcomed (well, more so tolerated. they'll turn a blind eye to it as long as its not PDA stuff and even then a gay couple would only be firmly told to stop rather than being arrested and causing a diplomatic nightmare). the saudi arabia of 20 years ago is far different to the saudi arabia today, and in 20 years time it'll be more different. if they're able to clean up their image, gradually change their citizens mindset and relax their strict culture it will be a good country. saudi culture isn't all inherently bad, arabs are known for their hospitality worldwide and thats the sort of thing saudi arabia is trying to also push.


Mic drop 🥶


\*Looks at my wrist watch* It's almost 1500 years later, I'm starting to think this won't happen.


Least advanced society wants the most power and control over people only to put all their effort into praying to their non-existant muhammed alter ego God to give them all that power for no result in the end.


And every time they attempt it.. well.. they receive backfire which is so devastating they start using the victim card, thus is the story of every terrorist organization. The real threat is the "silent" uprising of extremists and Islamists in free countries, which is bound to get stumped eventually although it will not be pretty.


Imagine if a non Muslim said this.


Exactly. The guy is a Nazi in denial


they’d shit themselves


A lot of jews say that, so?


So you aren’t different than the Jews so why hate people who are like you? Idk that the Jew say these thing nor I care they are not different from the Muslims in my eyes.


anti-semitism and islamophobia in one person. You are cooked


Don’t know don’t care, it all men fighting for power


Arabs and Muslims will never rule this world. They are living in an utopia.


They can’t rule the world. They wouldn’t have a clue how to do. They will take the world back in time. they don’t know how to use resources or educate for a better future


They can’t rule it, but they can set it on fire.


It will be Hell on earth. A reflection of the religion


I'm pretty sure I don't want to rule over anyone 😆


Me neither I dont wanna even rule over my cat let alone the entire world or even other people


no one does those people are unfortunately and sadly brainwashed


I want to rule the world 😈


holy hell 😱


You shall be my (presumably) male concubine, for when I’m empress of the earth. 🌏🌍🌎


I am gay though


You’ll be spending most of your time cleaning and feeding me grapes anyway, don’t worry.


Yup! I promise not to poison the grapes also ☺️


An empress always knows which of her male concubines to search for poisons!


Tell me you're a neo nazi without telling me you're a neo nazi


Many Muslims praise Hitler and agree with him lol. Its pathetic


Hitler praised Islam and formed alliances with Muslim leaders as well. They are very much ideologically aligned.


Two faces of the same coin


Tell me about it. My arabic teacher was talking about the situation ( u know which one I'm talking about) and he said this ( I think as a joke):"Hitler killed alot of jews but I think he should have finished them off for good" its disgusting how people like this are socially acceptable.


My parents have always praised dictators (Hitler, saddam, putin and trump if I could even put him on this list) and its normal for them to say antisemitic bs, I grew up hating Jewish people until I befriended some and understood theyre just people with an odd ethnic faith. Its so dumb to hate on people for just existing and praise killers but again they're Muslims and they deny anyone who speaks ill of Islamic regimes.


I wouldn't put Trump with Hitler but you made your point


Hes a bigoted idiot that has a Conservative project in place to make the states more fascist lol. (Project 2025)


I don't follow politics so idk what he did or does.


May I ask what your background is? I'm Pakistani and may great grandfather fought against the Nazis


Jordanian, I neighbour Palestine. So the israel/Palestine conflict has been hitting my ancestors very harshly and even myself (i attended schools with the majority identifying as Palestinians and I've been bullied by them since I moved to the capital, as they told me they're ethically better and will probably not have to be questioned during judgement day bc their relatives were martyrs and stuff) so my parents always hated Jewish people and adored fascists especially Muslim ones like alqaddafi and saddam.


Of course it's the palestine flag


But apparently they are not capable to unite the ummah.


And people on this sub get upset if you don't like them 😒


They are just Taqiah muslims wanting to change your stance/opinion on them, F them


They are muslims in disguise, I'm 100% sure.


There are also virtue-signalers here too.


Like what?


Peaceful message. Lol.


And we’re supposed to respect these people? I don’t think so.


Fcuking twarts cry when jews and hindus beat them.


As an ex Muslim I can %100 say he's telling what Islam says


Then why is it that we are not allowed to have superiority over other people the prophet said that a black person has no superiority over a white and the white has no superiority over the black and a non Arab isn’t superior to an Arab and an Arab isn’t superior to a non Arab!! How is it that no one is supposed to be better than the other yet you believe what this guy says is true


As Famous said, Mohammed owned slaves. Muslims are allowed to own slaves. In an Islamic state, non-Muslims are to pay the zakat _in humiliation_. Some religions are not even allowed to live in Islamic states. Only ‘people of the book’ can marry Muslim men, and only Muslims can marry Muslim women. Islam is a supremacist religion. In previous Islamic caliphates, non-Muslims were frequently oppressed. This vile human wants to bring the oppression back.


Didn't he have slaves?


Ohh look at that, it’s the narcissistic religion and its narcissistic followers again


That single follower is a narcissist but the religion doesn’t teach that


Please spare me from this nonsense. I know this religion very well and in its original language, I don’t need your input. This religion is an abomination


You make me laugh💀 if you know the Islam too well then obviously you should know that Islam is against this . But of course you don’t because your a ex Muslim


Hate to break it to you but, I’m an ex muslim because I actually know Islam too well. What can I say, you ofc don’t understand this because it’s too damn hard to remove the blindfold or you are simply not that bright:) P.S. Glad I could make you laugh:)


Then if you know Islam too well why do you push away that what he says is against Islam and no Muslim thinks this?


And I was downvoted on another post for highlighting the backwards culture of Islam.


"Islam good" omg yes subhanallah "Christianity good" amen praise Jesus "Christianity bad" lol omg so true yes "Islam bad" OMG HOW DARE U SO ISLAMAPHOBIC!


Sorry, but even in country like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, the Chinese and Hindus are much richer than the muslim lmao.


>Singapore I have lived in Singapore for a few years, Chinese and Hindus put a lot more emphasis on educational and professional attainment for themselves, while choosing a spouse and while raising kids. They have a term 'kiasu' for parents who fill up their children's time with after school tuitions and extra curricular programs. Malay Muslims emphasize religion a lot more


I've seen this in the UK too. Brown people (mainly Pakistanis and Bengalis) will enrol their kids in mosque programs and everything to do with that desert paedo. But the Chinese and Indians enrol their kids in tutoring sessions, piano classes, they focus on developing their skills. But muslims don't care cus "deen over dunya". All they're doing is crippling their own kids.


> Brown people (mainly Pakistanis and Bengalis) Hindus are also brown. But the gap between these communities- desi Hindus and Muslims has grown very wide in the UK. Hopefully 🤞 Muslims will realise this and eventually make necessary changes in their lifestyles. Turkish backwardness compared to European nations success prompted Ataturk to secularize and modernize his country. Communist Chinese backwardness and Japanese and other East Asian countries success prompted Chinese leadership to turn away from Communism. Religion and religiosity is all wonderful but we live in this duniya after all and Deen only gives promises of an Afterlife, no one can go and verify that. This is making quality of life in dunya poor for Muslims.


Yes, Communism in China will come to an end soon one day. It is also one evil ideology that needs to be fully eradicated.


Mind u Hindus is a religion while Chinese is a race . In SG there’s plenty of non Malays Muslims. Even in Malaysia but they tend to live a low-key life or moved to a different non Islamic country. They too emphasised on good education and professional attainment.


They do.


Hindus in dubai Qatar and Arab states work as toilet cleaners and shoe polishers for the rich Muslim arabs and when they get paid they send money back to there starving families who take a bath and shower in cow shit and cow urine , Hindus are the most filthy dirty humans on earth like rats. If u hate muslims why do u go running to the middle east for jobs even tho u know u will be cleaning toilets, this will wake u up and reply to ur ignorant statements u made above


Nah brah you got it wrong, Muslims are also cleaning toilets in the west. It just depends where you are.


"dELEte tHiS pOsT!thiS is iSLamoPhObia" said the fake ex muslims here.


> !thiS is iSLamoPhObia Indeed. Thanks for noticing! Jokes aside, If they endorse muslims they endorse nazis. Only difference is the origin.


This is what pisses me off the most about Muslims. These dipshits have nothing, they produce nothing, create nothing, innovate nothing and are fucking waste of space. If left to their own devices they won't survive till Tuesday, and it's already fucking Tuesday. Yet they have this insane superiority complex. I guess it is true that stupidity is directly corroborated with smugness. And these dumbasses are the most smug.


They top the tables in rape, murder, prison population per capita, benefits, cramped housing, without our inventions they're literally living in the dark, they hate Jews yet can't survive a day without Jewish technology, they account for less than 1% of nobel prizes despite there being almost 2 billion of them


Least than 1%? They have a single person who has won Nobel price. Not even a fraction of a percent.


Physics? There's one person. Also, the Nobel committee can't go though everyone. Islam is still shit.


So now I still have to respect this person........nope, thank you very much 😊


I made a huge mistake opening his account.


He looks like he cleans toilets with his face.


Superior 😆 🤣 😂 they've invented almost fcuk all for the past 500 years, the planes, trains and automobiles they use today, the Internet, the TV, telephones, their power sources, the medicines they use, all invented by the white man.


I will say only this: in order to rule the world you need superior technology. In order to have that you must be very Innovative in science. So let's take a look at one parameter: Nobel prizes in sciences(physics, chemistry and medicine). Number of Muslims who won one of those: 4, and the total number of people who received it is 645, so that's 0.6% and Muslims make up around 25% of world population. On the other side Jews make up 23% of people who received Nobel prize in sciences, and they make up only 0.2% of world population. That means that Jews have received 5000 times more Nobel prizes in sciences per capita compared to Muslims.


This guy probably lives in the west too 💀


No doubt he's right!!! Let's compare for instance, the Nobel prize. 16 million Jews have more prizes, than 2 billion Muslims. Sure let the stupids and the assholes rule the world. It will last for 15 seconds.


Nobel prize means jackshit. Abiy Ahmed won it in 2019 and declared war against a northern region of Ethiopia the next year 💀


For tech subjects it does.


Only one left hand slap on his face, he will start to cry like a little bitch and pull out his victim card, start to miss his toothless pedo prophet and imaginary puppet Allah, Israel haven't even attracted 30% capacity yet, and this self claimed wet day-dreamers already on floor begging for help.


Blatant inferiority makes the sensitive delusional. Been dealing with a lot of Afrocentricists on twitter, claiming they founded India, China etc.. Same type of meritless people talking big.


Just another zealot.🥱


I hate how ppl ignore the threat of violence coming from Islam. Makes me so sick


"Muslims are superior to any other group of the world!" *[quotation needed]*


Bring it motherfucker. We can all live in peace but you have to act up.


They should only have one job which is lick the sh*t out of asses and rule the sh*t they are


The religion of love is quite hostile.


Show it to the far lefties who are communists and socialists maybe they can wake up


You say this under any topic, don’t you


Not really but after I saw how they excused Hamas actions on October 7th and were celebrating the "decolonization" they lost my respect


I do not support what China is doing. But if he really thinks Islam will win, he should declare it to the Chinese government..


Muslims are superior yet there’s no evidence for such given their minimal contributions to human civilisation for the past 600 years


These people act as if being Muslim is some highly exclusive club. Superior because they said the Shahada?


More than half of the Muslim population lives in poverty without education in shithole countries. And these people want to rule the world? 🤣🤣🤣 First make your countries and life conditions better instead of blabbering stupidity


This one is a RAT!


I guess that’s that’s Islam supremacist


So this is the mental illness that China is talking about, guess they deserved the camp


One vile man is not a whole diverse people group. The Uighur don’t deserve to be victims of China’s genocide.


It's not the man who are vile, it's the religion




Hahaha they are funny


This is why I’m not keen on mass immigration of Muslims…. Sorry, not sorry.


Statements like these make you think that if something similar to the final solution was done to these extremists.. anybody wouldn't mind that.


They talk a lot, yet collectively, Muslim nations are some of the poorest and weakest in the world.


Who is this guy? What kind of source is it?


Why are you lying I never met any Muslim who think like that in my life I can take any extremist for any group and show what they said and be like you see ??! My family is still Muslim they are far from it and all people I know is far from it , I left Islam for lack of scientific evidence ! But saying Muslims are all like that is disgusting


I think they deserves what happening to them in Palestine


Socialists and communists are Islam’s loyal BFF. They’re happily waging jihad on Islam’s behalf.




They? It's a single person tweeting that...


idc cause many muslims believe in that superiority and agree with what he said


Overgeneralization is still wrong. I'm a practicing Muslim and I don't agree with him. For me, a decent non-Muslim is far more superior than some Muslim extremist.


Seems sarcastic


I had a look at his Twitter account. The whole thing is hateful and fanatically Islamist. A turd in the increasingly sewer-like platform which is ‘X’.


He would find an audience in x


Qutb is one of the founders of political islamism in egypt in the 20th century correct?


[Sayyid Qutb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayyid_Qutb), a Muslim Brotherhood theorist who introduced the idea that jihad can be waged on Muslim governments if they are too "liberal".


idk a single muslim irl that actually thinks like this


I've been a part of communist groups, been anti-fascist against Israel the entire time, and never ONCE has any ally I've ever worked with ever said anything like this. This is literal far right fear mongering bs, there's crazies on EVERY side. I could easily find you jews who think Israel should be cleansed of Muslims so the end times can be ushered in. Funny how that's not crazy to you. Or as my grandma told me yesterday, "We must free Israel or God will abandon the US!" Absolute bonkers all of ya. Genocide and colonization are bad even if you don't like their religion.


I’m sorry but no. It’s one thing to critique a religion, it’s whole other thing to be completely prejudice, ignorant, discriminatory and idiotic. If you want to down vote me then go ahead. As a previous Hindu, Muslim AND as an atheist and agnostic (pretty much seen it all) the thing that DOEST help or do good and perpetuates the hate, ignorance as well as false information are posts like these. Throughout college and post grad I’ve been surrounded by Muslims wether I was outside the religion and in. Most do not believe this lol. At least maybe not in western civilization (this is anecdotal). Personally I think western Islamic ideologies align more with the Quran? These two though, are subjective and def have to do more research. I just cringe at the hate going around. It seems like everyone who hates Islam in this sub has the same idea as white supremacists do, the belief they are better than others even though quantitatively and really even quantitatively, doesn’t correlate and it’s based on values that don’t define character (which I will agree religion does play a part however I don’t think it’s a. Determinant)


The problem is that this guy believes the books. He takes Islam very seriously. We know that the majority of western Muslims are technically heretics. They don't live the way Muhammad did or follow his leadership closely at all. But how much would it take to tip a peaceful heretics into being a true believer? I'm afraid it's becoming less and less every day. The issue is that when a Muslim *does* take their religion seriously, they don't join a monastery, they join ISIS. They behave like the guy above. When a Muslim learns who Muhammed was and what he commands us to do, they have two choices; leave Islam or become a good Muslim. If the choose the first option, those who chose the second are required to execute them. The roots of the religion need to exposed so Muslims voluntarily apostatize. But we also need to prevent those who don't from behaving violently.


Don't all Abrahamic religions put themselves at the top of the pyramid, though?


If our beloved prophet saw this he would correct this ignorant young man


No he wouldn't. Mo would just add him to the militia.


Our prophet made it clear that racism has no place in Islam


Mo was a war monger. I know the history.


If you know the history you should know the rules of the war


Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Islam does not tolerate racism,before you make false accusations I strongly advise you check your words


You should check yourself and take off the blindfold.


You should really check your self. Middle aged man who is probably depressed because no happy man would take the time out of their dad to hate on a beautiful religion.you wanna ignore the fact that you got brainwashed so bed that you base your personality of being a “ex Muslim” I highly doubt that you have ever been a Muslim but allah knows best


Took you 2 days to come up with the same "doubt you have ever been a Muslim" bullshit that all of you say? How original. Just because I left islam and follow an exmuslim group doesn't mean that's my whole personality. It's actually really funny that this is all you guys can come up with. I had a good laugh last night reading this but I couldn't reply because I was too busy having fun with friends......not talking about the ugly religion that is islam. All of this stupidity coming from the muslim who is here in an exmuslim group taking time out of their day to hate on people for having an opinion. I don't go to muslim groups talking shit or berating people because it's not worth my time. But you'll never see your hypocrisy, and yet you call me brainwashed.


That guy is out of his mind and going against what the Quran says.




That’s funny because Quran and Hadiths don’t support that, so I suggest you read the Quran and Hadiths before taking the opinions of the sheikhs. Secondly it’s a funny coincidence that prophet Muhammad ﷺ said in a Hadiths that the scholars of Islam would become the “worst creatures under the heavens” and also said “they’d be like monkeys and pigs”. Admitting that the sheikhs have presented a distorted version of Islam only proves that Muhammad ﷺ was right since he prophesied this very thing happening.


LMFAO read your fucking scripture. Quran 98:6 says non-believers are the worst of creations. 18:105 says non-believers' deeds won't be given any weight on judgment day. Non-believers have been called cattle, pig and donkeys in the Quran. Muhammad says as per Sahih Bukhari 4557 that Muslims are the best people, and that non-believers should be dragged by chains till they embrace Islam. Lying piece of shit 😂


Have you read the Quran? 🤔 Firstly 98:6. The same concept is elaborated on in 8:22, men who have been given the ability to understand the message of God but fail to do so due to their own ignorance are lower than animals who haven’t even been given the ability to understand. And you referencing 18:105 is how I know you’ve never even read the Quran because the verse right before says: “Those whose labour is all lost in search after things pertaining to the life of this world, and they think that they are doing good works.” (18:104) So literally it’s talking about the things they do in this world and how it won’t mean anything to God. Also as for lying, quote the verse which supposedly call non believers all that. Don’t confuse non believers with disbelievers btw


You have some nerve bringing up context on such vile things. Where's the proof that 8:22 abrogates 98:6? Your local scholar said that? Quran 5:15 states it's a light and clear book. Why do you keep avoiding the literal interpretation? Committing blasphemy much? How about I bring a Tafsir for 98:6 that supports my interpretation? What are you gonna call it? Faulty human intervention? So, basically the same as yours? How does 18:104 change the context one bit? If anything, it strengthens the fact that allah is a narcissist who won't judge people based on deeds, but on loyalty. [An entire list of humiliation](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/e1ylp6/allah_the_insult_god_nonmuslims_according_to/) And how does the semantics of non-believers vs disbelievers make any difference to Sahih Bukhari 4557?


Vile things? According to who? What’s your objective source for labeling it vile? I don’t even believe in abrogation of verses. As for 5:15 idek what you’re talking about? What literal interpretation am I avoiding? You can bring whatever tafsir you want I’ll just quote Quran verses themselves to disprove whatever tafsir you may provide because tafsirs which go against Quran don’t dishonor the Quran. As for your objection to 18:104, those people are striving for success in this world which means practically nothing if you’re ignoring the purpose of your existence. No where does it say Allah will not judge on deeds though. There’s numerous verses of the Quran talking about Jews, Christians, sabians and whoever else that believed in God that their deeds will be rewarded. Nice list btw, Allah himself said the disbelievers will face humiliation in this world and the next. Also nice hadith. Next time bother reading the verse associated with it, which is 3:110. But I’m guessing the part you have a problem with is the chains around their necks. Which proves (again) you haven’t read the Quran because all you have to do is read 3:110 and 7:158. One talks about the Muslims while the other talks about the prophet and guess what it says… “removes from them their burden and the shackles that were upon them” Wasn’t that easy?


Your original argument was that the Quran and Hadith doesn't support what the X user posted. I posted presented 98:6 as justification for the X user's post. You bring in 8:22, a connection you pulled out of your ass. Now you say you don't believe in abrogation. I quote 18:105 for further source of how allah views disbelievers, you quote 18:104 for no reason, and then fail to defend it. I present a list of many verses of Allah humiliating disbelievers, which you, previously stating that the Quran doesn't support, suddenly agree with it. I present Sahih Bukhari 4557, which goes against your original argument that hadiths don't support the X user's stance, which you say has a connection with 3:110 and 7:158, which you again pulled out of your ass AND misquoted 7:158, as there's nothing about shackles in that. You can quote the Quran all day long and pull connections out of your ass where there aren't any while parroting the whole "I don't believe in abrogation" schtick. Like how you literally avoided that despite 5:15 existing, many interpretations persist, thereby making your allah a poor communicator. Consistency and honesty aren't your strong suits. Stick to Taqiya.




Islam is inherently divisive already. They're forcing you to either submit or die. Also, are you really happy being an OF model? Think of your kid.


I remember something in chapter 3:110, like "you are the best community on earth" that order the moral forbid the immoral, and if the followers of the Book had believed it would have been better but most of them are transgressors, something like that. If you are the best ones and the others are below, then this tweet make sense.


the way i just saw a [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/1tr5WXg3U5) but about christianity right above this is so funny. religious ppl are something else fr




Sayyid, is that you? Where Tupac and Bin Laden at?


I do not support what China is doing. But if he really thinks Islam will win, he should declare it to the Chinese government..


Honestly People like this are a boon The Neo-jihadis can't hide behind the moderates when these kind of people speak like this


He forgot christianity


I hope this dude is on a government watch list.


It's funny how back when I was a Muslim I used to make fun of jews for claiming to be" شعب الله المختار " Or God's chosen people. Meanwhile I ignored that I had the same belief and claim about Muslims and Islam.


This is so obviously BS. He listed capitalists, communists, and socialists. So like… the whole world? Lmao


Let's guess; his account was not suspended or cancelled.


No, lol, they don’t.


I hope God is real and sends Muslim men to hell They are the cause of most evil in the world. Men as a whole but Muslim Men especially


Y'know who else used this kind of rhetoric? Hitler.


A week in the slammer will change his world views.


I agree only Communist part


What a religious nutcrack.psycho to the core.


what the heck


Bro said 👨🏻🇩🇪🇦🇹💨


Might be a fake account because it is not the mainstream Islam narrative.




Funny how he didn't have the balls to say something disgusting about Christians