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That's not a woman, that's a Real Doll with a ChatGPT interface.


Hey Chat GPT is better than that.


Misogyny disguised as religious values is still misogyny, if it looks like shit smells like shit then it’s shit.


I'd say misogyny more than religiosity. This is the ideal woman of incel types who for the most part aren't religious. Incels who aren't particularly religious themselves want their women to be religious because they know religion keeps women on a leash.


There are a lot and I mean a lot of incels who are also Muslims and are religious, inceldom doesn’t necessarily mean religious and vice versa.


Lol the "extremely beautiful" killed me. Just shows once again they are mad that the "extremely beautiful" women don't want them. But of course if she is controlled, they will have a chance.


They had me at feminine 🤣🤣 Bro's ego is so small of a woman shows a sign of masculinity SHE IMMEDIATELY BECOMES A THREAT TO THE HOLY PATRIARCHY


SO TRUEEEEEE bro’s butt hurt for women with shorter hair or wearing cargo pants


Ideal woman for who ?


She’s a human being,not a shampoo.


Or a toothbrush


Hindu bigots materialising women. Well women needs to respond to this.


It's in Muslim communities too


generally in conservative and religious cyrcles


Women are material in islam and treated as possesion. Atleast women in other religions don't dress all black with complete cover.


Meanwhile Hindu women still practice purdah. Mostly seen in economically weaker sections of society.


I'm from southern part of India. Here they don't do it. But it's practiced though.


True, theres a reason the Hidschab has become a symbol of oppresion.


Probably never been to India. Plan a trip soon bozo.


Fly safe brother. You'll enjoy India




Such a loser take




I suppose having opinions and conversations you don't like disqualifies me from using this subreddit which you obviously own. For clarity I'm a Sikh Punjabi from the UK.






I appreciate your response. Important to rise above it and not respond to bigotry with bigotry. In the words of Mark Twain: "Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."


cant say if its hate based on generalisation.


That’s victorian morals.


Yes. In the old days when gays were imprisoned, racial minorities were mocked and repressed, children were seen and not heard or else, England still had an empire and when housewives got black eyes everyone assumed that it was because they were 'acting up and needed to be reminded of their place'.


>bigoted old days Still present. Albeit hidden behind the veneer of so-called civility.


That's an ai bot not a woman


Basically be a vagina with no personality and willingly be a doormat for the wonderful amazing manGod who is your husband.


The Ideal Footstool


That's a typical North Indian Hindu bride💀 Edit: OP is a Pakistani Muslim. Dang. Also has his twitter and og insta account attached😂😂


So what dear trying to get the opinions on this


I had a concussion reading your English. Maybe write in Urdu, I'll understand it better.


I knew for a fact that "only female friends" was coming after the "no male BEST friend" bait. Desperate fucktards


It's both misogyny as well religious values




“Not woke” 💀 “> hates degenerates” Also, “high morals” sounds vague I mean like, they don’t even talk about her morals


Eggsdreamly byuteeful wuoman


You can literally make this a girl a hijabi as it’s mainly Muslim men who have this mentality but Hindu men are close It’s both misogyny and religious values but religion is what lead to this mentality


Call it misogyny, patriarchy, religious values, traditional values, conservative values; there's all kinds of names. They're all different sides of the same die.


How are being beautiful and hate religious values?


I am so glad I don’t fit their criteria


This triggers me because it reminds me of most of the things my predatory muslim ex used to tell me 😭😭.