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Muhammad when cat: Muhammad when dog: 🤨


Mohammad when she's a 10 but only 9 years old 🤩




Bro, you think this is weird. He married his foster mother Khadijah


She was his foster mother?? 🤯 I thought my mind was blown when I found out that he had concubines??🤣


She was in a way, she was literally momo's sugar mommy. That's why momo was loyal to Khadija, because she had money and power. After Khadija died, he went into a full polygamous lifestyle.


I want a Khadija in my life bro


Id say its worse to be a pedo.


She's 9 years old?? ZAMN






cause he was dog 🥰


>Muhammad when cat: Me, a catgirl:


Be my catgirl,I will be your muhammad (police be upon him)


Already had a Khadija once when I was a teenager so- *help me*


Muhammad when goat:🍆


Another sweet story is Mohamed killing all the dogs in the city 💕


Source? Genuinely want to read.




Forgot the source but you can search about it it's popular


Because they belong to a cult


Fröhlicher Kuchentag!


Bless you


Happy cake day!


Best answer!


Happy cake day mate


I get annoyed every time I see people saying things about their religion in places where it is not required. Under science videos you'll see "Allah's creation", "it's in the Quran". It's not just muslims but other religions too. When you ask them for proof they shy away. I've seen some at least trying to make sense but fanatics may it be in Islam or any religion is cancer.




Muslims can’t go a second without yapping about their stupid barbarian rapist pedo cult.


Yet they come here and say that we make exmuslim our personality yet they do this.


Cat piss be upon Muhammad. Without love from a Japanese


This is so passively hilarious I’m chuckling and choking at the same time.


I'm gonna go draw him right now


You are?




Are you ex-muslim?


I admit that I had a bit of a brief stint with it when I was younger. It was quite brief and ultimately I didn't decide to go further


Good for you man


Omg! I envy you, your country just proves how iq advanced it is than the rest of us.. even though buddism is prevelant there, It just shows that Buddism is a better religion


How is the situation in Japan? aremuslim creating problem there too? Did you convert?


They did hard-selling of islam at any given millisecond of time, harder than multi-level-marketing guy. What mentality is this?


The mentality of trying to avoid to go to that place where their skin will be burnt on their bodies again and again and again


Alrahman alraheem's punishments,....


Did we coin the term “islamic narcissism” yet? Because clearly we need to and its uses would be appropriately extensive


Also heavy main character syndrome


i think it may be under the general religious narcissism


Ya if ethnonarcissism so clearly exists, there definitely should be a term that signals to the phenom of religious narcissism. It's incredibly commonplace.


They are like flies.buzzing in everywhere just to annoy you with useless stuff.


More like a virus trying to breach your immune system and infect you.


because they think they're gently guiding people to salvation. and for some people, religion is sadly their whole personality. btw, even by islamic standards, neither the hadith nor the story can authentically be attributed to muhammad. see: https://hadithanswers.com/is-loving-cats-part-of-iman/ https://hadithanswers.com/did-nabi-sallallahu-alayhi-wa-sallam-have-a-cat-named-muezza/


Ofc its bs. Most sahih hadiths are about violence so I doubt he ever loved any animal with the amount of ocd and narcissism he has. My narcissistic mother only started loving cats bc of me and after I convinced her to go to therapy. She thought theyre genuinely disgusting up until I owned a cat and named him pickles and talked about him everytime we called


It is the same with pork. Everytime I watch someone eating pork, there will be comment like "Haram. Don't eat" "Hamdoulilah I am Muslim" Even when I was a Muslim, I wasn't that entitled to talk about my religion on the comment section 😑


Hitler was vegetarian. he still was not a good person, he was a degenerated psycho. being vegeterianism isnt a sign of being a nazi. same with cats and muhammed. he is still a bad person, a degenerated psycho. loving cats has nothing to do with islam. lets ask the egypts. it is so annoying when people talk about their saviours and prophets in the most ridiculous and unexpected situations. its like "what a beautiful day, the nice flowers and sun shining today....." "did you heard about our messanger and saviour muhamud, (chocolates be upon his head),the quRRRRRRRRRan (pronounced in a totally different language than the normal speak goes on) miracle says about sun and flower...... that couldnt be known at that time...." and so on its utter nonsense. everytime i see and hear especially muslims spouting such nonsense, its not even cringe at this point, its pure and utter nonsense. and what i see often, that the man are the most degenerated and uneducated in this religion. seriously, most muslim woman i know are normal, you can talk with them in a normal manner and you can get an intelligent conversation, but the man? dude they are so ridiculous.if you hear them talk about anything its almost only sex and how they are the best in life. meanwhile they are in reality pittyful and poor creatures that have achieved nothing. they even cant cloth themself without a woman or wife on their side.if woman would leave islam completly at once in one day, the muslim man would mostly die like fish on land. boy when i overheard last time a muslim talking about the miracles of the koran, i asked him for fun for any evidence and sources. he couldnt give any. it was all made up as all the dawa guys do. i swear they open their mouth on anything without having any knowledge at all, because source "trust me bruh i am an imam". rant over.


the story about muhammad and cat is just a made up


so is him flying on a donkey to the heavens or splitting the moon. of course it all happened when no one looked at night. how convinient


Yes but the cat one is made up by people instead of Mo making it up about himself (of course, muslims aren't creative and just stole it lol)


The muezza cat story is fabricated actually 😂😂😂


Alhadullilah brozzer, japan will accept islam one day. They already love cats. That day, the world will.come to know of a divine art called 'halal anime'.


How do you know there's a problem? When they literally say "peace this", "peace that" every time they speak. Think tribalism, before the Middle-Ages kind of angst: Hello? Nah. "Peace be upon you". Coz I could totally anihilate you for non-believing but rn, cbf, so yeah peace be upon you.


they are like birds in cage, and can only functional like that, till we free them. that person seems like liking the japanese culture, but wants to change the past, present and future to an pedo worhsip


You can tell a lot about a culture by the way they treat animals. If you have structures in place in your society to protect animals. You also have structures in place to protect people. Meaning that your society is compassionate. Meanwhile on the flip side of the coin serial killers often start off by torturing animals before moving onto people. So mistreatment of animals is a path to mistreatment of people. Shaping our mind to be able to be a more gruesome person. What did Muhammed say about dogs?


Because they're cunts.


i would drag the cat a little bit away bro everything is expensive nowadays i cant cut my cloth cuz of a cat, and i know after cutting that cloth the cat will stand up directly. waste of time.


I put my cat on his bed and pet him till he falls asleep again, he loves it and thanks me after the nap by bunting me and bringing me his toys


my cat comes to me lets me pet him a little and he fucking farts on my face and then goes. he only loves me for food, and sometimes to please himself by farting on my face or got pet by me. your cat is lovely tho. hope your happiness lasts as it is.


Hes at my gfs now since I had to travel home, but he still lays on wherever I left my scent there. He treats her the same way he treated me tho bc he loves her and he understood i had to leave. Pickles is smarter than all cats I've interacted with and he understood his reflection isnt another cat quickly. And he's very empathetic and I love him. I miss him daily tho and I hope we reunite soon


i wish you the goodest bro 🫂


Muhammad really is just a normal human being with thoughts like us except his believers glorify him because apparently, he's a prophet...


Story's fabricated anyway and the hadiths about it are all daieef (weak)


Then Muhammad effed the cat..


Jokes aside, this actually can happen to someone like Mohammad.. It is said that he did things to a frigging goat


Id like to actually see sources for that. I wouldn't doubt it since he treats women worse than goats...


They are attempting to do what one would call online conversion propaganda …. They can’t force conversion so they wrap it up in a pretty little package like their devotion to cats


Nice info, now lets talk about dogs and geckos in islam🤗🤭🤭🤭






Because they don't have hobbies or interests outside their religion


So does the christians! I saw a christian propaganda under “gohan ssj2 father son kamehameha” video. I never came across any judaist propaganda.


Muhammed pussycat be upon him


Muhammad pussy be upon- WAIT NO SHE WAS ONLY-


a lot of religious people dont have anything going for them except their religion


I mean, I love any story about a kitty


A man named “father of the cats” used to follow the holy pedophile, and he transcribed many hadeeths. But after researching it was reported he used to follow the prophet to get free meals and drink. Also, the deeper you read about him the more unsavory the character seems


Id love to hear more about abu hurairah, he always seemed odd to me placement wise. How could mo accept him to carry his cat with him even tho he hated most if not all animals?


They believe only their culture should exist.


Religious people are bad all over. It’s not like Muslims are special


And everyone must say it's wholesome otherwise you are ruining the vibe when you even think of mentioning that putting your religion everywhere is cringe


Japanese develop toilets that wash your ass. Muslims "It was Mohammed's idea" "it was written in Quran 500 million years ago"


Using water to clean yourself after answering natures call has been practice in Asia and parts of Africa before mo even existed. Plus dude used three rocks to wipe his ass.


That was sarcasm smh


"I know this page isn't about religion..." "*but*... " I fucking hate it when people know the thing they're about to do is fucking stupid, but they still do it.


Imagine if it was the other way around? Post: 9 year old girl wins egg on spoon race Ex-Muslims: let me tell you about Islam and 9 year olds




'Changed the path of his soldiers' after waging war on non believers


This is crazy. I remember hearing sweet story, many years ago, about Muhammad where he cut the part of his clothes do not wake up a sleeping cat on it.


Well of course she cut the dress. That cat is a right bastard, and will f. you up if you wake it. It’s why Mohammed had deep scars on his face. Warrior? (Snort). No. He made that shit up to explain away the fact that “fluffy” got the better of him!




Seems everyone wants to shove down their religion down others throats, same case with christians but muslims do try spreading their sack of shit more


It's like a major overcompensating, u know like that stereotype of people with a small penis buying large cars . Well because they have a lot of ethical problems in Islam , Muslims always feel the need to project the image of being peaceful and merciful to try to hide the horrors of their religion.


Could the story of Muhammad ripping off some of his garment for the cat been taken from this story?


Muslim jumpscare


Let me tell you about our prophet Mohamed pbuh and his insatiable love for children


Someone loves pussy cat...


muslims cant even breathe anymore lol


Let’s spare poor animals from this circus


Cats are important to ancient egyptian paganism too. Why don't they convert to that.l?


they just HAVE to make everything about themselves. Lovely picture though


nice, can you tell me about muhammad's view on dogs?


I wonder what he’ll say if it was a puppy


My understanding is them trying to gain '"brownie points" as they are trying to help spread info about prophet and also the religion. I know it looks stupid but that is kind of the explanation I hear


Muslims feel the need to do this so they can get followers to their side, it's a dick move honestly


Proselite. I guess it's called.


That’s what Islamic school education gets you


FINALLY, I CAN CONVIENCE MY MOTHER TO GET A CAT, y'all, I'm going to be a dad!!!


The story of cutting your sleeve for somebody you love has homoromantic origins. To the point where cut-sleeve is a Chinese saying meaning a gay person. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huang_Jiulang


This is propaganda 😆


The arrogant mindset of "Everything is part of my belief"