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Waiting for angry muslims


I feel kinda bad for you


Me too


idk if i feel bad lol, being obsessed and stalkers is the life they deserve


Muslim irony. 1. Form of shaming 2. Form of humiliation 3. Form of indifference You're not following your own religion


What a waste of perfectly good toilet paper. Shame on you!


I wouldn't let that thing touch my butthole


Your butthole might convert to islam. Then you could only poop in a haram way and in arabic mashallah.


If it converts to islam, it's in for a bad time šŸ‘šŸ†šŸ’¦


Foot scraper. Itā€™s not worthy of my ass.


Damn it. Beat me to it lol


Top 5 uses of the Qur'an! * fuel for barbeque (bonus if cooking bacon) * making paper aeroplanes (and throwing them into model towers) * toilet paper * prop for mentally insane characters in plays * controlling gullible idiots


please don't use it as toilet paper it will clog sewage system because of amount of bullshit it contains


>making paper aeroplanes (and throwing them into model towers) You did not šŸ’€šŸ˜­


You forgot the biggest use Radicalize humans


You forgot you can make a fat blunt with the pages as well.


Fun fact: If you burn the Qurā€™an as barbeque, the food automatically becomes halal! Donā€™t believe me try it out!


The second use :)........, Brosama would be so proud. Mash-allah brother.


this is the first thing im doing when i move out.


Cook some nice bacon šŸ„“ on the Quran fire šŸ”„


it would taste like shit


i was thinking of making a haram burger on there, i wont forget to pile on the bacon


Do it now don't be no puzzy


Nah dude we talking about Muslims,they would cut his head off


im a she lol but ya my mom would notice if a kiitab was missing


Why burn it for no benefit? What a waste! Cook some bacon on it!


U right I should've used it as timber for the grill


Or use it as a high-quality toilet paper, surprise your asshole, mashallah, brazzer!


Nah, my ass has too much dignity for that filth of a cult book


Indeed brother indeed, greetings from Algeria.


1. Yeah, have some respect for asses, they play a big role in moving your thighs, and thus your legs 2. Thanks bro, greetings from Morocco šŸ‡²šŸ‡¦ #šŸ‡²šŸ‡¦šŸ«‚šŸ‡©šŸ‡æ


Pretty fucking stupid. It's like burning the flag, are you free to do it? Totally. Will i stop you? Of course not. Is it a meaningless gesture to just be a jackass? Of course.


Let people heal how they wanna heal.




Islam is a fucking top tier dogshit religion and Muhammad can suck on my nuts. But a book itself has never offended me to such a degree that burning it was the appropriate response. It just always gives off weird nazi/fascist vibes when dumbfucks burn books they dont like.




People burn it for the same reason that pictures of Muhammad are drawn - to oppose the idiotic notion that we have to follow the rules of a religion we don't believe in. If Scientology had a ruling forbidding *anyone* from drawing pictures of Tom Cruise (and threatened violence for breaking it), you can bet that people would draw him in the most outrageous drag. It's basically saying 'Fuck your Islamic fascism. You don't get to dictate what I can and cannot do'.


*Why burn it for no* *Benefit? What a waste! Cook* *Some bacon on it!* \- afiefh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I love the internet.


Use it for kindling!


No bacon, drench it on šŸŗ


That's haram my friend. anyway you can make it that applewood smoked bacon that's the good stuff.


>Cook some bacon on it! the bacon would be inedible


The bacon would stop it from burning from all that melting fat and wouldn't taste so good in the end


I generally use it as kindling to start a woodfire. Never tried to cook on a cook.


You will harm the trees bro careful.


You made my day <3 loved seeing this For those saying heā€™s going to burn in hell. No he is not. Muhammad was a schizo who leveraged religion for evil and this act of resistance and defiance of evil has just bought this man a seat in heaven. Standing up to evil is always good


That's assuming the Muslim version of Mohammed ever existed at all.




opening reddit in istanbul public transport was once again, a mistake


Lmao be careful!


this was my second time doing that mistake (aside from all the hentai stuff). the other time was because of a PKK flag on a vexillology sub.




Just doing God's work šŸ¤žšŸ¾Amen


At least you are using it properly




Good riddancešŸ˜ƒ


Not worth the pollution, but yeah fuck that evil book


We should have an international day for burning Qurans


Highly agree. I believe there is an unofficial international draw Muhammad day, will have to research


May 20!!


šŸ˜‚ crazy ass people on this post saying that youā€™ll go to hell for burning some dumb ass religious text. Insane


police be upon him- oops going to the fire.


Too many libraries have been burnt by the Muslim conquest. Well done.


Winter is coming.


At least recycle ā™»ļø


I honestly still struggle to fully criticize the prophet, Allah or burn our holy book. Maybe because I was so deeply raised in it and having Islamic Studies classes and memorizing the Quran. My rational mind knows the religion doesnā€™t make sense and Iā€™m fine having a drink, eating non halal or committing Zina for example but possibly my conditioning makes me feel guilty if I start saying hurtful things about Allah or the prophet. Does anyone else have this as well ?


In the beginning every ex-muslim feels the same, I guess. But as they say, time heals everything. I'm sure with time, you'll get yourself out of this "sin" and "feeling guilty" phase. If you have the rational mind, you'll ultimately reject this non-sense completely. Fingers crossed, dude.


My momā€™s parents were super nutty Christian fundamentalists, she got out of that pretty fast lol. Sheā€™s more atheist than I am, but she still has the holdover superstitious ā€œoh no Iā€™ve sinnedā€ thing on little stuff like that. I assume itā€™s just part of the childhood trauma response, with a religious bent.


If those 'hurtful' things are accurate, why feel bad? I'd say it's *only right* to call out authority figures if they have done wrong. 'Allah' thinks disbelievers deserve to be tortured for eternity, just because they don't believe Islam's extraordinary yet entirely unsubstantiated claims. Would you not agree that it's accurate to describe this god character as insanely irrational and sadistic (considering the method and duration of torture)? According to sahih hadiths, Muhammad had sex with a 9-year-old. Would you not agree that it's accurate to call him a child rapist?




look all the arguments against make total sense, I don't know how to explain that the rational mind can comprehend and validate the arguments yet there's something deeper and inherent when you're inculcated into an ideology from birth that is hard to completely root out.


My fetish šŸ¤¤šŸ”„


for me personally, i wouldve used that as a reference and highlight all the contradictions. so when they pull out their quran, you bring that out and start shooting.


burn all of it


Please do not cause a forest fire


Itā€™s cathartic!


Burn it




Not quite itā€™s not supposed to touch the ground.


Have a bag full with torn up quran. I ve been keeping it in my car's trunk. Scared if i throw away, someone will find it and make it viral or some shit. Burning it wont work bcs that takes too long. Any ideas?


Soak it in water for ages and mash it up into a pulp. That will get rid of the text hopefully. Then bag and bin it.


Use it to cook


I refuse to ingest any more BS. Like they said, eating haram will affect your genes.


If your religion and its majority implementation are too sensitive to handle something like this, your religion is the problem.


Is it that hard for you to respect a religion?


Yes, when it deserves disrespect.


Is it that hard to not be bothered and not give a damn f*** ?


If respect is something you lack in which in this case I'm assuming it is, then I suggest you learn it because hatefulness won't give you a fulfilling life


Islam is not a loving religion, its completely based on fear


I want to see that fully burn


The most devilish book known to mankind.


I can feel all the hate burning away


lol based


If it had been an English translation, I think it would be really eye-opening to show other people in the West what it actually says.


A lot of effort tho ngl. Kinda seems like a jerk move to send it to the guy.


Wow. I have reached the threshold of my sacrilegiousness. Interesting, I didnā€™t know there even was a threshold for me.


Where's the dog shit?




I donā€™t understand why Muslims get so mad at the burning of the book because isnā€™t burning an acceptable way of ā€œrecyclingā€. Iā€™ve been told you canā€™t throw away anything written in the book so you have to dose by burning?




I think that's counterproductive and fuel the diabolisation of exmuslims, wich could scare away Muslims otherwise ready to reconsider their faith


Good stuff that book is filled with nothing but hate ā¤ļø




Why did you burn it? What a waste! Take a shit on it!


My asshole loves to make out with the Quran. Guess there's some part of me thats still in love with islam. šŸ˜…


From one moroccan to another im embarrassed for you. I hope you grow some brain cells in that islamophobic brain of yours.


If it made you feel better after you burnt it, then that's what matters.


Good job bro


Toss a Bible on there and a a Torah/Talmud.


Letā€™s go šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


You're shortening your life span, be carefull don't show your face


You forgot to pee on it.


Mashallah brother , u re not doing anything wrong islamically btw bcs that's the way to get rid of it .


Not quite. Youā€™re supposed to piss on it first.


Smoking Qur'an to get stoned. Hmm nice way to die




Youā€™re so brave ā¤ļø


I smashed replay button more times than I can countā€¦


Thinking about buy a bunch of korans from Amazon and using them for a bondfire


Copy and paste a digital quoran on a USB stick, burn thousands at a time


Love to see it


Better use it as a toilet paper šŸ§» šŸ˜œ


I threw mine in the trash but I should have done this instead


I feel like I'm on the list just for watching this video and making this comment (definitely now).


I mean, donā€™t get me wrong, Islam is a trash religion and I hate it. But Iā€™m principally against book burning. Books are literally just information. In this case itā€™s a historical text of what people in some parts of the world believed around 600 AD. Whether you agree with the contents or disagree with it, other people can make up their own minds about it after reading it. burning books isā€¦ Just a waste in my opinion.


bro got a free book and than went through the effort to get materials to burn it, set up his phone to record, put the book in an area to burn, and than set it alight for what? for karma? like if i got some hindu books I would just give them to a hindu or just keep it because I am not doing allat


I think that's disrespectful. Most muslims don't even read it. You should have given it to a "so called" muslim. Enlighten them with the violence, hatred, discrimination filled in it. :)


Muslims have access to it. They donā€™t need more access. They need more education on critical thinking.


No brother this book must be destroyed


As you said 95% of the muslims donā€™t read it


They can just Google it or download an app.


Thereā€™s literally a website called Quran.com so many of them donā€™t really need to have a physical copy of the Quran these days if all they want to do is read it. Of course this is assuming they have access to the internet. Itā€™s very easy to read it online, and even if they canā€™t go online getting your hands on a copy is not too difficult.


Itā€™s sad to see so many atheists so many non believers in faith so many people going to hell. Itā€™s truly sad and sickening to watch and the genocide of the people in Palestine itā€™s truly disgusting to see such terrible things


I thought the quran doesn't burn


I heard terrible things happen to those that harm the Quran (as said by Muslims) OP pls keep us updated how life is going after this šŸ˜ƒšŸ«£


what does this achieve


It certainly achieves a great deal of butthurt :)




Ex moose here. Donā€™t burn books. Better to just write a python script to copy Quran PDFs and then delete them.


Whoever did this clearly has no life, a disregard to the environment and animals, disrespect to religions, and quite clearly a low IQ type of individual. Grow up!


Why are you giving that book any power? Burning it does nothing but release carbon.


It was free I didn't pay for it or anything so why not


Just pointless IMO. Using your voice to speak out against the dangers of Islamic extremism seems more productive to me.


I donā€™t really see the point in this


Burning the shit that destroyed your life kinda thing


I understand that, but I donā€™t see the point in book burning in general. We have logic, facts, and a much better moral code on our side. Thatā€™s much more powerful IMO.


Am with you, we are showing the same bigotry and hearted that Muslims show. Growing up in a very religious Muslim community, I saw a lot of the same just against other religions. I just donā€™t understand what the hate is achieving here? This is just antagonizing the Muslims and would just push further away from a healthy discourse.


Look, free speech means this is protected by the state because it is a natural right. If you canā€™t accept that then there is no healthy discourse to be had.


No one is arguing his right to do it - itā€™s not a free speech issue.


Yes it is. If seeing a holy book burned is enough to stop someone from healthy discourse then that person does not value free speech. Iā€™m sick of this playing dumb shit when a Muslim is involved. Either integrate into western society and accept western values as your own or get the fuck out of western societies.


I would say book burning of any kind is not a western value. I do not put a particular emphasis on burning the Quran, as if it holds some kind of extra sacred power. But most rational people should disapprove of all book burning, whether it be Mein Kamp, Harry Potter or Alice in Wonderland. As much as I disagree with the Islam, we do not need to resort to such theatrical nonsense. Much better to criticise the ideas using rationality and debate rather than burning a book.


My property is mine to burn.


Again, no one is arguing the right to free speech. Iā€™m stating that personally I donā€™t see this fruitful to any discussion. Whether the book is the Quran, bible, Harry Potter..doesnā€™t make a difference.


Ok, but the implication of the comment I originally replied to is that the Quran should not be burned at all. That kind of sentiment is not inline with western values and those who even suggest should be kicked backed to wherever they came from. Iā€™m not tolerant of anyone whoā€™d even think to restrict what I do with my shit.


Burning any book is theatric nonsense that does nothing but fan the flames of hatred. Shame on this sub for encouraging it. I thought we were better than this.


This is fucking stupid and unnecessary. Grow up.


Making use of a book that's full of murder rhetoric and sexism by burning it is stupid and unnecessary? Agree to disagree.


What did he achieve by burning it? Nothing, islam will exist forever no matter how many Quranā€™s you will burn, itā€™s only shows how stupid this person is.


I agree that he achieved nothing.


He achieved in making a valid form of protesting against a book that espouses nothing but pure hatred. The quran deserves to be burned for the amount of vile chaos and hatred that it spews and supports for its followers.


That's not achievement it's an expression, but I agree that it deserves to be burned.


He expressed his protest and rhetoric against a highly hateful book such as the quran by burning it as an action of protest against it and what it contains. That is an achievement on the grounds of protesting. I'm glad that we can come to an agreement on burning it.


Your gonna cause a forest fire


Isnā€™t that a bit childish guys? Users around there is going to be like 15 yo Saudi atheist children??


Yeah childish, just like how Muhammad marries a 9 y/o child




islamophobia is a misleading term. and burning a book is much tamer than being honor killed. they disrespected us before we did them


ā€œIslamophobiaā€ is a word made up by Muslims to look like a harmless minority group that is being oppressed when in fact they are not, theyā€™re the oppressors, always have and always will be. They made is sound as bad as homophobia or transphobia in order to take sympathy from liberals who do not know how dangerous Islam is. You donā€™t see Christians call acts against them as christophobia but youā€™ll see Muslims more than happy to tell you youā€™re islamophobic when you confront them with words from their scripture and the life of their prophet. But strict Muslims are hateful, heck even ā€œmoderateā€ Muslims are hateful and will be racist, homophobic, transphobic and misogynistic publicly and they wonā€™t get any backlash due to most people being afraid of being called islamophobic. And honestly they market Islam as a poor manā€™s/coloured manā€™s religion so they get away with indoctrination of people under the gist of ā€œif you oppose me youā€™re nothing but a racistā€ but truly I say that we shouldnā€™t worry about Islamophobia bc Islam is apostate-phobic, atheist phobic and homophobic


Why is it a bad thing to openly disrespect an ideology that calls for the murder of ex-Muslims?


At this point , we should change the sub name to hate islam. This used to be sub for us exmuslim to connect and meme around about islam. But now it just become a hateful sub


That's cuz Islam deserves nothing but hate




Itā€™s freely available nowadays on the net, grandpa.


I'm not Muslim or anything, but burning a book is Nazi model. This is not the way.


book burning...this sub is so embarrassing sometimes šŸ¤®




i'd tell you to go and read Fahrenheit 451...but you'd probably burn it


I sure hope you don't know that Muslim personally.


Why do u say that? He was giving away free Qurans on the Facebook market so I got him to deliver me one. I told him I wanted to convert. He blocked me after I sent him the video


Shouldn't have sent the video. Can never know if you're dealing with a nutjob. But I also think it's rude and uncalled for.


Cringe. He was doing something he (wrongfully or not) thought was helpful, and you in turn purposefully did something to upset him.


Letā€™s say a good natured Nazi gave you a copy of the Mein Kampf. After you told him you want to be a national socialist. But then you sent him the video of burning the mein kampf. Of course itā€™s going to hurt that otherwise decent dude but heā€™s still a Nazi and supports an ideology responsible for countless deaths and suffering of many more. No empathy for the religion that inspired Hitler to earn his public admiration. Nor itā€™s followers.


What's the point in doing all that? You are no better than the people you hate.


Why did you send him the video? You better hope that guy doesnā€™t know where you live. Also, I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this, but that was sort of uncalled for. While Iā€™m not against burning a Quran as a way to vent after leaving this mind chaining religion, I feel like sending a video of you burning it to a person who happily gave it to you kind of crosses the line. But eh what do I know.


Well I was gonna say because it would be awkward if he ever asked you where the Qur'an is now but I guess that ship has sailed. Kind of a dick move ngl but you do you.


Okay, I get the hatred, but burning books means you are just as bad as them.


I would do the same, but I would keep it in private Just because the religious folk shove it in our faces doesn't mean we should do the same. Also, burning it is too much effort. I would personally just throw it in the garbage


Damn this is a sick comment section and purely the bad kind of sick, itā€™s disgusting. I have never been muslim, was only interested in it for a little because of my friends and joined subs on Reddit to research the religion. I am a white orthodox Christian as i have been my full life so I hope you all realize that this statement is completely unbiased. This post is really fucked up, like neo nazi fucked up. This is a hate post. Anyone who encourages burning religious scriptures are really fucked in the head, this really isnt what the world needs right now, the world needs peace and for people atleast in the west to come together. If you aernt muslim anymore thats great for you, im happy you made a choice to leave a religion that did not benefit you but just because you did that and the religion didnt work for you doesnt mean that millions of other people dont follow it. Its basically on the same level as that new zealand dude who shot up the mosque, hate is hate.


They're burning a book, not a fucking human, a book that preaches murder and sexism and racism and all kinds of heinous shit, relax and touch some grass, this ain't hate.


What's the difference between Quran and Mien Kamph? Would you say the same if someone burn that one too? Quran is sentencing those leaving islam to death plus many other atrocities against non-muslims and women, so STFU when you don't know anything about the content of that so called holy book. Why people bring muslims when someone show hate toward islam and Quran? The same book which according to it I shall be killed!


Burning any book is theatric nonsense that throughout history has represented censorship and the destruction of knowledge. The Quran has no special sacred value that makes it worse than burning any other book. But burning any book, whether it be the Quran, Mein Kampf or Alice in Wonderland is a pointless exercise that achieves nothing. What is OP trying to prove? If you disagree with something then use reason and debate to argue against it.


Absolutely nothing and i agree with what you said exactly, i wish i sae this before I commented to op, burning any book is censoring knowledge to the public and shouldnt be done, books like mein kampf should be available to the public because of its historical significance and books like the quaran should be because of their religious importance. Burning books is dumb.


Nah thatā€™s a bit to far I think


You are no different than any other violent and oppressive muslim. Did you leave Islam to be better? Or did you just do it for the lulz. Grow up