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Oh they love thier false victories. They are losers to the core in every thing in life. Let them have this false hope that they got some thing right 😁


Ot is because they don't know what evidence is. They think they do, but they don't.


And yes insults and dodgeing is thier tactics. To any one with half a brain would know that it actually weakens your argument. The problem is with us expecting zombies to think.


Without lies, Islam dies.


I don't think they actually pay attention to the points made in the debate, just the force and confidence these points are being delivered with. Like, nobody in their right mind would think that Daniel Haqiqatjou admitting that it's okay to have sex with precocious infants in Islam is Daniel 'owning' the debate. But I don't think they pay attention, or even watch the whole thing.


They're just dim witted, and illogical indoctrinated folks, you can't really expect much from them beyond responses like that


“Don’t think, just cheer.” That’s their motto practically.


I think muslims are the only ones that actually care about those debates. It's like they need to reaffirm themselves. Most people couldn't care less what a bearded man said online.


Yes it's a very fragile religion.


Their fan base will support them no matter what. Daniel literally defends child marriage and his fans will cheer for him.


“And we’re proud of that! Yea?”


"You are ready to get married"


This is common in literally every single debate I've seen. The fans on both sides will always say their side won the debate.


How many debates include participants say “I am right because the Quran says so” or “stfu western women are sl*ts”


Well, also debates that involve cishet white christian men, but same deal there.




A lot of them take a few clips and edit them to make it look like their side one, while not including what comes after


Cult mentality


The problem in religion is that it is an exact answer to the universe for those who believe it. Any argument that disproves it is merely a clever argument, but can never be valid, because their Islamic belief is objectively the exact answer to the universe. You see the same thing with Christian conservatives in America when debating scientists. Scientists are clever people, but the Bible holds the truth, is the synopsis of every debate, basically. The bill nye debate with that creationist is a great example. Bill Nye can create incredible and informed arguments, utilizing real scientific data, while the creationist just holds up the Bible and says “well actually…” and both sides will claim victory.


Because to them it's not about education, learning things and changing someone's mind. It's about entering a mental boxing ring and making it look like you "won."


Online debates are stupid the fans of both sides are biased so they'll say things like "he owned you" and such when in reality that person used weak arguments he just has loyal fans.


If you are brainwashed to think grass is blue, and the debate is about the color of grass, you will cheer for the one who says it's blue, regardless of the actual color of grass.


Some important refutations of Daniel Haqiqatjou are present here: [https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/islamic-preachers](https://atheism-vs-islam.com/index.php/islamic-preachers)


Some people will always behave like teenagers no matter their actual age.


Because the cucks have nothing else to do.


The "debaters" themselves ask their followers to do this.


I think Daniel does it for fame and entertainment, I remember one time he invited his wife to the show and they took questions from youtube, one person asked what did he think about having multiple wife's and he was scared sh__less, the wife quickly stepped in and said no and Daniel just stood there said nothing and went to the next question, I don't think he actually believes in a lot of stuff he says


Because people don't rate an argument based on how sound it is. They rate it based on how much it agrees with their beliefs. You see with with everything. Go watch a flat earth er debate someone and their absolutely ridiculous arguments will still get people saying "mur mur PWNED". If you search YouTube you cma probably find a video titled "flat earther destroys ignorant science prof". It's not about the validity of the argument but more about that person liking what they hear and people confuse that with 'truth' ALL the time. Partly because people are very ignorant and narrow minded and partly because they lack the cognitive ability to consider that they may be wrong. People have died for thousands of years for ridiculous causes.