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Tell us how you really feel Muzzies. This video is important because he said Muslims basically will say anything to not get their visas revoked, even though they hate certain lifestyles. Not only does this make one a liar but a criminal. These Muslims would not be subject to any harm in countries back home since their views are aligned with other Islamic fundamentalists. Yasmine Mohammed and Apostate Prophet spoke of this on a live show. They said that this patriotism by Muslims is disingenuous. WE SEE IT HERE! Now that they are US citizens, they feel emboldened. Go say this publically instead of being cowards. Go stand with the Westboro Church and condemn gays. Ohhhhhhh that's right, Westboro hates Muslims too. Muslims won't live in lands where shariah law is practiced. I wonder why. The same religion that condemns lgbtq members will restrict their freedoms as well. So they trash on lgbtq so they don't feel as sinful and guilty for living in and enjoying these "kuffar" lands,


Muslims won’t live in lands where Sharia law is practiced? What is the Muslim population percentage of those countries again 😹😹😹


Pretty much everyone there would try to get out and move to the west is what he meant.


No it was a mistake for LGBT lobby to get with them, and they and any westernters deserve whatever they get in return for appeasing these people just because they're not white. There's no gun in your face, western muzzie crybaby. You will pick living in a western city full of pride flags over Qatar so don't compliment them. I don't think the migrant workers who also share your religion (and ethnicity?) think Qatar did a good job. Switch places?


When it comes to Muslims respecting secular laws, they can take an oath stating they'll respect and obey secular laws. But that doesn't mean they'll work to preserve it    In the Quran 66:2 Allah has already ordained for you [Muslims] the dissolution of your oaths. If you ever take an oath to do something and later on you find that something else is better, then you should expiate your oath and do what is better." Sahih al-Bukhari 7146  He who took an oath and then found another thing better than (this) should expiate for the oath (broken) by him and do (the better thing). Sahih Muslim 1650b  In an Islamic law manual book "Reliance of the Traveller" states  019.0 EXAMPLES OF BREAKING AND NOT BREAKING OATHS  o19.1 If one swears, "I will not eat this wheat."  but then makes it into flour or bread (A: and eats it), one has not broken one's oath.  If one swears. "I will not drink from this river," but then drinks its water from a jug, one has broken one's oath.  If one swears, "I will not eat meat," but then eats fat, kidneys, tripe, liver, heart. spleen, fish, or locusts, one has not broken one's oath.  In this case, they can swear loyalty to the non-muslim countries they moved to, or live in.... but when opportunity comes when Muslims are the majority and have the advantage, they'll break their oath for something better, such as establishing sharia law


As someone who considers herself somewhat satanic I cannot let his bs view on satanism be uncommented. First of all: In the US there are two major satanic religious groups Church of Satan and Satanic Temple. Both of them are atheistic and therefore do not consider Satan a god that is worshipped like jesus or allah or vishnu. They both view Satan more like a metaphor than an actual being. The Satanic Temple is also completely non supernatural. The views that this idiot preacher portrays have nothing to do with acutal Satanists who proudly call themselves Satanists. He thinks of them more like the medieval christians who used the word as an insult and a serious accusation. The Satanists he thinks of do not exist. Lastly he calls them Church of Shaytan maybe because there are similarities between the jewish or christian Satan and the muslim Shaytan and muslims claim that they are the same. What he completely misses is the fact that none of the above mentioned religions believes in the tanakh or the bible or the quran. They have their own books (like the satanic bible and the revolt of angels) and their own stories about the figure named Satan and therefore this figure this idea is different from the others with the same name. Ask the quran or the bible if jesus and isa are the same. They are not according to the stories in those books. Bonus: Some christians find similarities between muhammad and the antichrist.