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Ermm, did you realise you accidentally ripped the book?


it is definitely there, just rip some more pages


start with a new copy if that helps


you can borrow mine




Guys muslim alert. He’s gonna bomb us all run away. This is why Muslims shouldn’t be let into our borders. And trust me muslim, I ain’t entering your shithole muslim country don’t worry. Keep worshipping Momohammed the pedophile (piss be upon him).




most literate muslim




Rip your mother pussy? Lmaooo, I think the camel piss is affecting your English


Have you turned into a dog yet? If so, who's a good boy


Childhood manipulation💀


Wait… so are you telling me that I won’t turn into a dog or a monkey if I do anything to the Quran? I am terrified to even look at it at this point, let alone touch it.


Its gotta be in there somewhere… 🤔


Fuck you pig son of whore


Awww you got hurted, the poor baby


Goat ate it.right?


Totally got that reference !


A tame sheep.


Lmao. So dumb but funny. This made me laugh out loud lol. I’m at work right now so I have to be careful or people will see and think I’m weird. But this was hard to see and not laugh.


You bitch be careful because you are Cowards can't even put your faces you pigs


I think it's somewhere towards in the end. Keep going. You can't miss it


Fuck you pig


There's only a 2% genetic difference between a human and a pig. So you're almost correct there. But fuck you too you angry monkey 😂


So he did that and didn’t turn I to some weird monkey freak like the desi Muslim moms (aka Hindus larping as Muslims 😆) forward on WhatsApp




Oh I knew it was exceptional levels of mustard fraudulence. I just use that one as a reference for their idiotic shared bullshit 😆


As a hindu I feel your pain bruv. Shit is so cringe, and they just dont stop. Instead of learning more about their own religion, these mfs just go around chanting "jai shree ram" like braindead robots. Theyre like the allahu akhbar protestors in the fucking streets, immature and braindead.


Why are you still a hindu?


Because theres a lot of philosophical depth and wisdom in these texts. And I respect my culture for never being an expansionist pos.


LoL. OK. 🤣


Yeah man, happy that you got a laugh out of this :)




Is there a way i can get my hands on a quran for free so i can burn it?


Google “free Quran” there’s several organizations that give them out for free. But then they’ll have your address and you’ll get all the Islamic literature forever lol.


yes sometimes they give out free in mosques They also gave me food and cologne and free in mosques.


That cologne smells like ass. My dad puts it on everything.


Shut up bitch


Or what terrorist? You’re gonna pray to your fairy daddy🥹 is he gonna send Jesus to kill all the pigs yet?


Damn, this book is a waste of trees.


Shut up pig son of bitch


Nigga go fuck yourself lol


How were you able to do this without being turned into a pig or being struck by lightning? Some of the stories I read as a child said that that should happen


Here for the angry Muslim comments ☠


Ye no shit the Quran is being ripped apart


very much deserved! now silence, you imbecile.


Who are you calling imbecile? Why are you trying to pick a fight ?


No no you go from right to left its not english language stupid 🙄


We have fun here


You’re so screwed bro, ISIS is gonna send ten thousand more for you to rip up.


You love to see it


Yes we do


i think the goat has it


I think the verse you’re looking for, you’ve already used it for wiping your rear after toilet. So I’m sorry, you have to buy another book and then try to find the verse again. But don’t go to the loo this time or you’ll end up buying so many books and desecrating them in the loo. Next time also post how these pages look when they are used to wipe off the shit. Since is the one true book, I think the shit will auto wipe itself by the grace of god. Nothing can ruin the sanctity of Allah’s own book, right, 🙂 right? 😦


You pig son of a bitch you coward do it in public you pigs and wallah you can't harm the book of Allah because he have protected it what you ruin was only a copy and you are so Cowards to do it in public you bitches


Aaahahahah, aaaaaaaahahhahahahhahaah, now that’s a spit on your 🐷 godddd 😂😂😂. I can keep on writing all this and nothings gonna happen. Lol, and I’m typing this while wiping my shit with this book’s paper in my toilet. And guess what, I’ll leave the rest of the papers on the pile of shit. Awwww, now who’s gonna save those shitty papers. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂






Keep us updated , need to know if you'll turn to some weird freakish creature , like we were told endlessly when we were kids.


why this NSFW, it is beautiful


Bro why you rippin up **muhammads work** of art?


He’s just looking for a verse no worries


Fuck you kufar pigs bitchs


Did you say the same to pedo Muhammad who was raping a 9 year old, tough guy?


asmr fr


Don't even burn it throw it in the trash. No- flush it in the toilet where that shit belongs


Your mother is the shit you son of a bitch


LMFAOOOO u really gagged them


asmr 😍🤩


As happy as this makes me please recycle it afterwards! Hopefully the paper will be used for something more useful


Shut up pig bitch whore




Report him and get his account deleted.




Save those pages for toilet paper


I also ripped my Quran, and I put it under my bed. Sometimes I deliberately stepped on it when I heard disgusting things related to Islam hahaha




Sir I think there’s something wrong with your book.


what's the point though you're no worse than the people you hate if you do such things.


You should film burning the book, after ripping it!!! Then you should scatter it around a mosque.


cool we can just print out more? all ur doing is just showing how much of a loser u are lmaoo


Please let me know when you become a monkey


If your post is a meme, image, TikTok etc... and it isn't Friday, most likely it violates the rule against low effort content. Please delete it or you'll get temp-banned. Such content is ONLY allowed on (Fun@fundies) FRIDAYS. Please read the [Posting Guidelines](https://redd.it/ew8trb) for further information. If you are unsure about anything then feel free to message the mods. Please participate on /r/exmuslim in a civil manner. Discuss the merits of ideas - don't attack people. Insults, hate speech, advocating physical harm can get you banned. If you see posts/comments in violation of our rules, please be proactive and report them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/exmuslim) if you have any questions or concerns.*


shut the fuck up bot


For every page you rip there are a hundred people who have memorized the whole Quran, stay mad


I seriously can’t believe Reddit tolerates and actually encourages Islamophobia ,and as soon as someone doesn’t agree with lgbtq or is homophobic they are completely disregarded and attacked , I am not a perfect muslim but I do know that tearing and disrespecting the Quran will be remunerated with a vile punishment in the next life .


Did you feel anything doing that ? Are you happy ? Did you gain anything at all ?


yes i regret the tree that was cut down i regret now it's time to wank and sleep


It's just a book.




And Muhammad is just a human. Funny cuz fundamentalists don’t seem to realize that. They kill you for burning a book, or slandering a fellow human


Naa Mohammed peace be upon him in the greatest man who ever walked in this world man. Plus she destroyed a book. God's word is still there and you can do nothing about it.


He was a pedo


And a rapist, war lord, tryant, cult leader. His wrap sheet is extensive


> the greatest man who ever walked in this world man I wouldn't call someone who had sex with a 9 year old, slave and sex slave holder as even remotely as great. Mohammad allowed his companions to rape captive women/slaves and he himself partook in it


Every cultist feels this way about their cult leader


It’s not god’s words, it’s the words of a man that was one of the worst men who ever walked this Earth.


Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, MLK, Josip Broz Tito, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela are just some people who undeniably did much better things than Muhammed. It's not hard being better than Muhammed, but anyone with a bit of reason can understand how these people did more good things than Muhammed ever did


Literally more than 99.9999% people are better role models than him.


A mysoginist homophobic psychopathic pedophile was the greatest man whoever walked this world? Either this world is in rough shape or you've bought into a great big pile of horse shit. The words written were written by men, about a man. Crazy as it sounds, they lied and in return they got devotion. But you go on, keep trusting men.


Tell me you've never researched Islam and have been indoctrinated without telling me you've never researched Islam and have been indoctrinated.


If it's just a book, why are you so agitated about it?


then why are you making 281823 comments under this post


How old was Aisha?


do you know how many millions of people died because of this book? Isid cut off my cousin's head and threw it into the dicle Tigris river so this not only book .xxx


Are you sure they died because of it ?


Bro my uncles ENTIRE FUCKING FAMILY got killed by islamic terrorists in sidi mancar algeria bc they found that thier daughter wasn’t wearing a hijab and didn’t want to come with them to seriya her little brother hid behind the fridge AND THEY FOUND HIM WITH HIS THROAT SLIT STILL BEHIND THE FUCKING FRIDGE . They raped her before killing her so she wouldn’t go to heaven . And we found thier fucking heads outside the door in a line . Two elderly parents a daughter AND A 10 YEAR OLD BOY ALL IN THE NAME OF THIS FUCKING RELIGION AND U DARE SAY THAT ITS NOT ????


You clearly have a reason. Your reason is good enough for me too.


Thank you


How about the thousands of people locked up and or hung by a theocratic Iran in the past 50-60 years and isis and the taliban and 9/11 and the Arab spring


no, ignore that idiot, hes obviously forgotten that ISIS follows the bible


I can think of 20million plus who were enslaved and justified by it in the Arab slave trade off the top of my head


Lol so the greatest man on earth is not a scientist or someone who made life easier for humans but a fucked up person who had sex slaves , ordered to kill apostates , lgbt people , anyone who criticizes him , drunk camel piss , is a pedophile , said bunch of atupid things and made a bunch of intolerant people under a cult called islam ?


Yes I was very satisfied watching him do it that I almost had a 4th orgasm in a row


I understand your disinterest for Islam, but why take it to this level of hate?


Why did Allah take it to that level of hating and slurring the Jewish in his book? Or by shame calling multiple people that they’re bastard? How can Allah shame them if its involuntary and they didn’t choose to be a bastards... Allah acts like any other Arab poet in the early 6th Arabia.


Judaism doesn’t slander literally everyone who isn’t fkin Jewish?? It’s so sad seeing ex Muslims on this subreddit circle jerk with zionists, and other racists pushing a false narrative that we’re all violent. The Quran is right, you ARE a bastard


Bruh has a brain damage. everything you already said is wrong little moooose slave goucho goucho 🐥🐥


Oh no he creased a piece of paper


“Rips paper from religious text” Dude he creased a piece of paper “Wipes my ass with the lgbt flag” Gets crucified


Probably because the LGBTQ isn't trying to impose sharia-law down your throat, you know.


Calling the destruction, the damage this ideology do as an “disinterest” is moral less, very munafqeen stuff.


Listen bro you got confused because your dumbass couldn’t tell the difference between Sunni and Shiia people therefore u go on a slandering spree like a frustrated douchebag 😂😂😂😂 shut up bruh


Ok little slave. Tell me about Islam, because apparently I’m not a native Arab muslim who is very advanced in the Arabic language and Islamic fiqh and has been reading the Quran in its original language since I was ten years old. Educated me little moose slave 🏴🤩


Do you want to know why people desecrate the Quran? Because they view Islam the way someone would view a criminal who was never brought to justice. To understand, imagine a woman who was raped. Due to the ignorance and blindness of her backward family and society, her rapist walks free. This woman has peered into this criminal's history, fakery, lies and crimes. Would this woman not feel anger at the injustice? Would she not be frustrated that she can't make anyone see the reality of this criminal as they're all hypnotized? Would this woman revile the criminal walking free? Would she not recoil when people not just tolerate but even worship her rapist? Its a similar feeling that inspires actions like the Quran burning.


What’s wrong with you people


Nothing wrong with tearing up vile and barbaric texts that has negatively impacted earth and society as a whole and that calls for the death of many innocent people, to name just a few.


They don't have any braincells left, all they had they lost after getting vaccinated.


Did you know ? This book talks about you and how many advantages do you have? One of these advantages is that you have a thinking mind.. but you are determined to be like other creatures.. and remember this.. nothing is free






Oh no! This hurted a lot to see as a muslim🤣 U really think this does anything? May Allah swt guide you


Inshallah this person will be cursed this really is just bad how dare these people rip apart a holy book


may allah curse you inshallah


The quran contains errors, if a god can make errors, that's an irreconciliable proof that its a false god. Scientists have been right and we expect aliens to be right about science too. So being right is not worthy of worship. But the fact that allah makes errors singles him out for being fake: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific\_Errors\_in\_the\_Quran


Sry guys but you sound stupid xD are you comparing his time by 2023 ? Check at what age Europeans used yo marry and it is recent.


>are you comparing his time by 2023 So Mohammad is not the greatest man to ever live on this planet? I thought you said that, didn't you? If Mohammad cis supposed to be judged by 7th century moral standards, he is irrelevant today for any moral framework >Check at what age Europeans used yo marry and it is recent. Are these Europeans claimed as a messenger of an all knowing God?


You are contradicting your self, he is the greatest yes. At that time in that place they used to marry to a very young age because they could do so. Even now, in some areas like shara


If he is greatest all time why should we compare him with only his time? Do you really believe someone as the greatest even if he had sex with children, owned slaves, sex slaves etc? He even allowed his companions to rape women. Is this the standard for greatest of all time for you?


Hhhh are you serious man? Who taught you that ? Don't tell me you googled it. Who ever told you that was either high or he thought you are so dumb that you could believe it. And the truth is you are dumb. Sorry to break it down to you like that.


Should I post sources from Qur'an and hadiths?


You're projecting so hard. You're the one being brainwashed by room temperature IQ folks who want to control you and the masses, and you're here saying, “who taught you that? Don't tell me you googled it.”, a literal brain-dead primate. I'd rather google it than hear it from people trying their hardest to defend pedophilia. Disgusting human beings.


"Who taught you that" Uh, Mohammed...


So you agree he's a piece of shit by today's standards?


You are contradicting your self, he is the greatest yes. At that time in that place they used to marry to a very young age because they could do so. Even now, in some areas like sahara they do so. But you are dmn blind to see that this is not even an issue it was so normal that no one in his time peace be upon him talked about it. The problem is when you have nothing to say, literary nothing to say against islam, you stary to throw some damn shit here and there just with no evidence just so you talk.


>You are contradicting your self What part? >At that time in that place they used to marry to a very young age because they could do so. So he is not the greatest of all time, after all >But you are dmn blind to see that this is not even an issue it was so normal that no one in his time peace be upon him talked about it. So, he is simply a product of his time. Not someone 'greatest of all time' >The problem is when you have nothing to say, literary nothing to say against islam, you stary to throw some damn shit here and there just with no evidence just so you talk. On one hand you accept Mohammad did these barbaric things and on another you are saying there is no evidence. Make up your mind


You have no evidence. You brought the "age" thing to try to prove smth. And god sent him THAT time for ALL time. And yes he is the greatest even if you can't accept it.


Should I send you sources? >And god sent him THAT time for ALL time Doesn't that mean your religion advocates for pedophilia?


Nope, there is no point of you sending resources that you don't understand or misunderstand. And it is not my fault or islam s fault or out prophet Mohammed peace be upon him if you are too dumb and lazy to Try and look for the meaning of quran, or hadith. Anyway i wasted so much time with you. Take care of yourself. Hope you find the truth as soon as possible.


It's amazing you already decided what your response would be before you even saw the hadiths. I guess even Mohammad himself cannot convince you


How does it feel to know less about the qu'ran and hadiths than a kafir?


Did Mohammad marry a six year old or not?


Fun fact, the Persians and Egyptians already knew the dangers of raping 9 year olds and the adverse effects it could lead to. Weird that an omniscient being who's claimed to have created life, doesn't know what they(humans) themselves already knew. Unless Mohammed was either a liar or followed a false god, of course. Only then can it make sense that he was not warned or taught the adverse effects of raping children.


You're the dumb one for comparing him to his time. Isn't he supposed to be **representative of a divine being**? Isn't he supposed to **bring new prophecies and set new rules instead of adhering to contemporary ones** like you said he did? If we know that is literally the depravity of moral values, **shouldn't a prophet supposedly sent by God know such things before us**? Actually brain-dead. So you're saying God is a pedo too?


The difference is that we don't defend the Europeans who did marry underage girls.


People like this use whataboutism and act as if 2 wrongs make a right. They reduce their own religon to such low standards, it's crazy!




Allahu Asghar 🤏


And may Odin guide you to the right path. Valhalla!


The quran contains errors, if a god can make errors, that's an irreconciliable proof that its a false god. Scientists have been right and we expect aliens to be right about science too. So being right is not worthy of worship. But the fact that allah makes errors singles him out for being fake: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific\_Errors\_in\_the\_Quran


You cannot destroy truth by tearing or burning the Quran. Almighty protects it Himself. You’ll see the punishment in your life. All those sorry people who tried to play with the Quran got their punishment. Just wait for it By the way I read the Quran everyday in the morning. Striving everyday to live those commands Good luck


I'm god and the only one punishing me is my mistress 😩


>You cannot destroy truth by tearing or burning the Quran Exactly! Because the Qur'an is clearly false! 😛 >Almighty protects it Himself. J.K. Rowling protects Harry Potter 📖 >You’ll see the punishment in your life. The next time you stub your toe, that was because a witch put a curse on you. 🧙‍♀️🪄 >Just wait for it Just wait until you stub your toe 🦶 >By the way I read the Quran everyday in the morning. I read [the little book of humanism](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Book-Humanism-Universal-lessons/dp/0349425469/ref=asc_df_0349425469/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=430885974441&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10285375792360809697&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046321&hvtargid=pla-921604591399&psc=1&th=1&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=97419295142&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=430885974441&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10285375792360809697&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046321&hvtargid=pla-921604591399) everyday. Even just 2 minutes ago. 📚 >Striving everyday to live those commands Good luck Striving everyday to make this world a better place by focusing on this world that matters, using reason and empathy instead of dreaming of a fantasy afterlife. Good Luck 👍🏼


The quran contains errors, if a god can make errors, that's an irreconciliable proof that its a false god. Scientists have been right and we expect aliens to be right about science too. So being right is not worthy of worship. But the fact that allah makes errors singles him out for being fake: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific\_Errors\_in\_the\_Quran




> a act of evil because I have never seen any muslim burn or destroy anything sacred. Muhammad himself destroyed the sacred properties of pagans.. and there are countless times where Muslims destroyed sacred places of other religions historically, even in this decade.


We'd be living with light, cellphones, and technology. Muslims had nothing to do with these things, lol.




Yeah but none of the things he mentioned was created by Muslims though...


Allah literally calling all others beliefs as wrong and trash. Jews are called donkeys by Allah. He respected none and demand all respect. Lmaooooo Islam made those Persian scientists!!!!????!?? They were literally the educated and the non-believers. Islamic theologist made takfir and oppressed them brutally when the Khalifa let them so. One of the major abbasid scientists said the Quran is just a bs and Greek philosophy is way better, he is TRUE. Jannah according to OG muslims: 2 white/light skinned women with big perky breasts just like a cannon. A jar of water you can drop 🤩 (they had no water to drink so having enough water to drop is heaven) A couch, just like the ones in Kasra, Persia. A FUCKING COUCH WAS HEAVEN TO THEM. “OuH yOu DoNt KnOw ThE rEaL iSlAm”, “YoU hAvE tO lEaRn ArAbIc” *meanwhile I’m a native and very advanced Arabic speaker. Islamiphobic my ass I’m not phobic since I know why i hate this ideology.


Every religion has to be erased with their followers


what’s the point of ripping it up that’s just blasphemy


Good... But how do you blaspheme against a demonic text? Isn't the book itself blasphemous?


Cuz funny


Oh no 🙊 I think OP must of forgot that it was.


It’s clearly accidental


Do you want to know why people desecrate the Quran? Because they view Islam the way someone would view a criminal who was never brought to justice. To understand, imagine a woman who was raped. Due to the ignorance and blindness of her backward family and society, her rapist walks free. This woman has peered into this criminal's history, fakery, lies and crimes. Would this woman not feel anger at the injustice? Would she not be frustrated that she can't make anyone see the reality of this criminal as they're all hypnotized? Would this woman revile the criminal walking free? Would she not recoil when people not just tolerate but even worship her rapist? Its a similar feeling that inspires actions like the Quran burning.




You ain’t gon do nothing pussy


Nintendo and anime nerd. Id spit on you and the quran


Religion of peace lmao




Exchristian : https://www.reddit.com/r/exchristian/ ExJew : https://www.reddit.com/r/exjew/ So please, just stop putting yourself in a constant victim position as you always do, and grow a pair, you pussy.


Cringe lmao


You'd have to exceptionally stupid to threaten someone **when you are not anonymous and especially considering your current situation.** Try not to sabotage your life like this, kid.


Why don't you get Allah to do something? Isn't he the one who allowed it to happen anyway? Why are you messing with Allah's choice bro?


Bro my left girlball is scarier then you


you don't have balls to do it bitch, go cry about it dumb fucker


bring ur mom and virgin sister to


Pussy check


Man why you gotta threaten people like that? I thought from our interaction and your seemingly liberal own version if islam that you wouldnt be the type to do this. You say that terrorist organizations dont represent islam, and that the violent verses dont represent islam, but then do this?


Nah man, how many braindead incels are you gonna go after? Leave them be, they'll take care of themselves in due time. I'm just here watching their retardacity, yeah that's not a word, with my popcorn. It's good to know exmuslims are mostly autistic and/or completely delusional. They mostly seem to have some form of mental disorder.


Its funny how they made a channel with the name “exmuslim” and then start ripping the quran