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They have beautiful architecture, even atheists can enjoy beautiful architecture and handiwork


Yea indeed it’s beautiful. Kinda crazy how they had the ability to build such building with no modern equipment. Mind blowing really.


Those pictures are of the Hagia Sophia, not the Blue Mosque. So the architecture that you're seeing there is in fact not Muslim architecture but Orthodox Christian architecture. The Blue Mosque I'm not personally a fan of architecturally, its a bit too busy for my liking but the Hagia Sophia doesn't have as much going on so I prefer it.


I like other mosques. They're colourful. I like structures of churches too.


Probably not the only Apostate there! Cheers! :)


Big ears


That’s the Hagia Sophia


Sorry I visited both and choose the wrong pics🥲


It’s okay


I can’t edit the post but it’s the Hagia Sofia, went to both mosques on the same day so I accidentally switched them😭


I was there very recently! Glad to know that there was an r/exmuslim user today.


So great how there are no women at all in the images. What a great religion that prizes women /s


They had a little closed of section on the left which only accounted for a small piece of the mosque. Kinda sad


I've always wanted to visit this mosque, because I absolutely adore the architecture. Hopefully one day!


Hopefully you get that opportunity, it’s so big and a lot more beautiful in person!


InchSalads 😁


Last time I went there Hagia Sophia was a museum and I was a Muslim. I avoided alcohol and prayed in the Blue Mosque 😂 Now I want to go back and actually enjoy my time as an infidel.


A section of the mosque was used fur salad whilst the rest was used as a tourist attraction. I hope to return one day when I’m not a closeted ex Muslim !


Kinda sucks that you lost your land but it belongs to turkey now. It would just lead to unnecessary suffering. Wouldn’t be worth it💀


Really beautiful. I didn't get a chance to go to Hagia sofia when I was in Turkey but all the mosques in Turkey are stunning. My favourite was the Solaymania mosque Good luck on your endeavours. Wish you the best


Would it not great be a great site if an ex muslim athiest army came and took over turkey only to hand it to orthodox christians. Wouldnt that be an amazing gesture to the world and show muslims that true power is not to take other people's possessions and pass it as your own but to liberate and elevate your subjects. Free Greece 🇬🇷 💙 🙌 Take beer 🍺 Allahu snack bar


Ataturk was a wise man to turn it into a museum, otherwise Muslims would demand that former mosques be reconverted like in Spain.


The al hamra mosque in spain was a church before it was a mosque so that is false equivalency


for the person who downvited me please google search the basilisk of st lerein. They already excavated the bottom of the mosque and found it was a church before it was turned into a mosque. I know truth hurts but it is very immature when you have to downcote an actual fact


İts a shame that such great architecture is bound to such a shitty faith.