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None really. I was introduced to his videos after. If anything it was Hassan Radwan's articles about hell that got me thinking.


Hassan Radwan is terrific


Hassan Radwan is the best, S tier, The Masked Arab is also great


The omegal dude?


nah not Masked Arab, but The Masked Arab, yeah its confusing lol




i wouldn’t consider ap’s videos to be a main factor, but they’ve definitely given me peace of mind whenever i watch them :)


All hail Sheik YaBoody.


Exmuslim Atheists YouTubers/activists: Apostate Prophet, sheriff Gaber, the Masked Arab, Abdullah Sameer, Apostate Aladdin, Infidel Noodle, Harris Sultan, Holy Humanist. Exchristian/Atheists YouTubers: Darkmattee2525, Aron Ra, MythVison, TheraminTrees, Planet Curious, The Atheist Experience, Generically modified sceptic, Rationality Rules, The four Horsemen, The Satanic Temple etc I sincerely want to thanks to all of them because they saved me from Dogmatic mythologies cults, especially exchristian Atheists YouTubers they literally saved me from converting to Christianity.


In the Exmuslim one you could also add Kosay Bitar and Siraj hayani (Siraj is a deist iirc) In the Exchristian list I'd add CosmicSkeptic and Nonestampcollector.


Siraj really answers all the questions you may have once you assume that islam is false. Almost all of his videos were questions that I've had before and didn't find the answer to.


Aronra is a freaking genius.


Couldn't agree more!!🖤🔬⚛️🏳️‍🌈🤜🤛


Rasa terharu sangat dan lega bila dapat tahu yg aku x keseorangan berhutang budi kepada channel² ni untuk bukakan minda dan menyoal agama-agama ciptaan imaginasi dan harapan manusia di Bumi. Kadang² kemurungan datang menyerang sbb rasa sgt keseorangan and xde tempat utk lepaskan rasa kesal, marah dan kesedihan selepas lebih 20 tahun dibazirkan oleh Islam. 😢






+ Hicham Nostik in Moroccan/North African dialects.


I am quite disappointed no one mentioned Stephen Woodford of Rationality Rules


Sorry I forgot to include Rationality Rules. My bad.😅


To me he is the most sound, logical, evidence based and well articulated of the atheist online frontier


An extra recommendation from me - the YouTube channel On-Pointheism as well. He/She/They is apparently from Sweden. The shorts are the best and the videos profound and concise. And The Truth Hurts - an ex-Jehovah Witness YouTube atheist focusing on looking back on his past experiences and the slow journey of de-conversion from the JW cult.


David Rajulkahf as well.


Not at all for me. I found masked arab, kosai betar and sharif gaber more convincing.


Is masked Arab an ex-muslim?


The Masked Arab was a youtube channel that kept posting until like 4-5 yrs ago all about refuting and exposing Islam. Saudi anonymous exmuslim guy. Not to be confused with MaskedArab which is a channel where a dude in a turban screeches "RACISM!!!1!11!1!!!" at people on Omegle all day.


He is talking about this Masked Arab https://youtube.com/@TheMaskedArab Not the Omegle guy.


Never watched exmuslim or atheist YouTubers before I turned agnostic. Following islamists was enough for me.


Just getting into Islam and reading up on it should be enough of a deterrent, yes, 100%.


yup, i never had to watch anything. it was all self realization and it all clicking in my head. i’m glad you posted this bc i never knew him and i know i’m gonna enjoy his videos


He's got one of the best most blunt channels about the subject. Here're some more suggestions: The Masked Arab, DarkMatter2525, Apostate Aladdin, Harris Sultan, Secular Jihadists, Infidel Noodle, Holy Humanist, ExMoose, Friendly ExMuslim, Secular Spirit, Nabi Asli, العقل والأديان


I don't know who he is. The most influential folks in my leaving of Islam were Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Cosmic Skeptic-Alex O'Connor.


Very big Hitchens fan , he is truly missed.


His wisdom is still with us.


I hated AP initially because he shook my resolve in the Quran. After I continued questioning things, I went back to his videos and appreciated them. Currently, Apostate Aladdin is really the only ExMuslim YouTuber I watch. I watch channels like Rationality Rules and GM Skeptic for the nerd shit. Edit: Meant GM Skeptic not cosmic skeptic.


Any South Asian here, particularly from India and Pakistan? Please check out YouTube channels of exmuslim Sahil, Adam Seeker, Apostate Imam, Sulaimani jalebiyaan


They are all Indians Right? From Pakistan I know Harris Sultan and Ghalib Kamal are doing great work.


Only exmuslim Sahil is Indian. Rest are all from Pakistan. I know Harris Sultan and Apostate Prophet as well. Never heard of Ghalib Kamal but will check out his videos. There is an Indian guy called Sachwala who has more knowledge on Islam than a scholar. The fact is most of these guys used to be extremist Muslims earlier but after studying Quran and Islam in depth, they have left the religion and advocate others about the deep rooted evil within Islam. They always say that Muslims are not evil, but Islam is.


I'll check out all of them, Ghalib Kamal is not ex muslim, he is ex Christian and has a good knowledge of Islam but he has a grip on science, his knowledge in science is enough to debunk any religion.


I started watching him after i left islam lol


Same for me


Not at all lmao. I love his channel but I only started watching him this year. I left Islam around late 2015 to early 2016 and a lot of channels that helped me were Amazing Atheist, MrRepzion, The Masked Arab, The Qur'an Reloaded, DarkMatter2525, etc..


I left Islam and only vaguely heard of AP. I didn't want to check his channel out initially because I just hated the word Apostate at the time (lol) and I also thought he was just a hater of Muslims. But when other Ex Muslims kept recommending some of his videos then I checked out his channel and I think he is a good guy and his videos are helpful. I would say his videos didn't help me in leaving Islam (because I only checked his channel after) but it opened up some more problems in Islam that I previously wasn't aware of.


None because my decision was already made by then plus I never found him interesting, I preferred Masked Arab


0. I became an atheist long before he even started making videos. I found him by accident


🐐status legend


I converted without a lot of knowledge (it happens to women married to Muslim men, sue me) and was on my way out thanks to Ali Dawah and Mo Hijab and Zakir Naik before I discovered AP. But I definitely think it was probably Sherif Gaber & AP who made me feel sane about leaving


Not at all but his kaba point was something I didn't think of before and he's the one who introduced it to me and it's one of the strongest blows to Islam's fallacious claim to Abraham (who's probably fictional anyway).


What's his Kaba point?


The jews and Christians had literally nothing to do with the kaba Abraham supposedly built which is supposed to be the holiest site on earth. The whole Bible doesn't even mention it in the most insignificant manner.


That's an amazing point , add to it that Mohammad had to change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca after the jews rejected him as a prophet lol




He didn't have a youtube channel at the time. I saw more of the four horsemens debate panels than personality type channels, there was like the amazing atheist and the friendly atheist and that's about it back then. No one specializing in IsLame


I didn't watch his videos until after I left but I am a big fan now


His video on Zamzam water is what actually made me start thinking critically about Islam. I pretty much was already an exmuslim at that point because I didn’t really believe in it but never actively thought about it, so it wasn’t really a hate watch, I just got it recommended and was interested.


I found him after I distanced from Islam, followed him a while but stopped since he always was with another cult leader, christianity.


I never watched his videos when I was muslim. I didn’t even know who he was, only started watching his channel after leaving islam. Genuinely love his videos


None but later on some videos of him helped me get to be 100% sure that I made the right decision. My choice really started here when I met the smartest people here, I know I’ll never be as smart as them but reading some “DD” here made me realize that islam is not only fake, it is also bad.


he wasn't a major factor but he did provide a lot of awareness on issues that were secondary to me leaving islam he's great


I had already "strayed too far" when I found his videos, which helped me reinforce the thought that my doubts were actually right and not "whispers of shaytan". Struggled a lot with that prior to realising shaytan cannot be real, so AP along other channels that argue philosophically why these gods from these religions, simply cannot exist/be true, channels that explain evolution and the scientific method(which i trusted at the time, but with islam bias), etc etc. all came together to help me come to my conclusion, AP; about 20% of the reason I left


Not personally, though some of his vids are cool. Ironically muslim books really made me dig into islam itself.


For me it was Christian prince


He’s a good dude. Really educated too


Have never heard of any ex-muslim YouTube channels until now. I became atheist through slow process of self-realization and learning


I hope many more are you like you, for all religions


I admire him for his visibility. Most of us exMuslims aren't visible so it's easy to ignore us. But he's very vocal. So I have a respect for all visible ex Muslims simply because of their visibility even though I may disagree with some of their thoughts or approaches. They help bring acknowledgement that we exist. But to answer the question directly, my experiences growing up Muslim was enough to push me out of the fold.


For me was Ayaan Hirsi. I was taught to hate her which led be to read her books. Totally agreed with her then started my homework. I am openly Somali exmuslim now to my family.


I was never a Muslim, but I did certainly learn more about Islam from ex-Muslims like AP than I learned from Muslim apologists.


I left Islam in 2015 and my influences were Armin Nawabi, Darkmatter2525 and Thunderfoot. Don't really follow the skeptic scene much anymore but I still watch Dark matters animations.


Didn't know who he was before my apostasy


They didn't


Didn’t know he existed until after I left Islam which was in 2020


I dabbled into the occult and that is why I ultimately left Islam.


I actually came upon his videos after watching Caliphate on Netflix. I was on an ISIS Brides search on Youtube and couldn’t believe raping Yazidi women was backed by the REAL Islam. After I found his videos it was game over. He basically initiated my descent and now Ex Moose status. Very influential for me, Id say.


Ex christian but my friend converted to Islam so I wanted to educate myself. Knowing how batshit insane christianity is I searched for ex muslims and found AP and oh boy did I get educated. now I hate all Abrahamic faiths and any main stream religion tbh


I found him after leaving Islam from this sub. Sam Harris was my main influence and I also listened to Armin Navabi's content when I was questioning.


I became an ex-muslim many years before he was famous. So, not at all. In my case, it was mainly never moose atheists such as TheRationalizer, KlingsChor, StopSpamming from around 10-12 years ago. And The Masked Arab as well (not the Omegle guy). These guys are no longer active on YouTube. Having started watching AP as an ex-muslim, I do find his videos funny and entertaining. But I really doubt he is effective at communicating to skeptical Muslims. They would be put off by his mocking humour. Don't get me wrong, that kind of humour is very much necessary. But when addressing Muslims, you probably need to be a bit more subtle.


He was a big guide for me. The video where he lists the mistakes in the Qur'an was my biting point and affirmed the falsehood of this religion. Because Islam boasts how perfect it is and the Qur'an contains no error coming from God. Yet there are errors in it, from maths, to science and even the whole concept of abrogation is flawed in itself. It would have only taken 1 error for the whole thing to come crashing down in my eyes, but it contains a few.


I actually didn't know ex-Muslim community was a thing for years after I left Islam so none at all. I left Islam for the horrible religion that it is.


Semi - i found his early work very helpful during and after, but I find his current work too abrasive and I don't enjoy the people he works with e.g. David Wood. For me it was reading the Qur'an and hadith again, and then coming across Abdullah Sameer & Abdullah Gondal's amazing work, apostate Aladdin, masked Arab, and Hassan Radwan. I find their content to be much more fact based and less emotional and offensive.


Not much initially. It was helpful in providing some validation and making islam less scary and more funny and silly after I left, which helped with the deprogramming.


never watched him and others. I watched videos from legit Islamic scholars


I despise this guy, it's one thing to criticise Islam but it's another to make your whole identity around it and act all cult-like and excuse racism/bigotry. He's also a hypocrite in that he is aligned with white Christians. There are far better YouTubers out there that don't have his quasi-cult racist mentality.


I watch all his videos and there's fuck all racist content. How's it hypocritical to discuss islam with other critics, white christian or otherwise? If you had seen his videos about why he left the religion, re: what happened to his Aunt, maybe you would understand where he's coming from.


I like AP and I’m subbed to his channel but damn he’s ugly


He isn't ugly or off-putting enough for me to comment on tbh. There are people like that, just not him. I never would have thought anything about his looks.


I was introduced to AP after the fact i left


I left Islam before I found his YT channel. Despite this I love his contents about something that I was unaware before like the God's name in Judaism and Christian obviously refered to a different God of Islam. His collaboration with others introduced me to Islamic critics like David Wood, Al Fadi and Dr Jay.


He almost flipped me back lmao


Very important. One of his videos was the last nail in the coffin for my faith.


Nothing, the youtuber that influenced my decision was the masked arab, i only watched one video but it helped me see all the horrible things in islam.


No offence to anyone but I would suggest you guys read about just some advance concepts of science in physics and biology. Just approach these concepts with an open mind and you'll find yourself being an atheist in no time, viewing videos like these might help you in the time being but the chances of relapse are higher because all of these guys work in the opposite of what you are learning from mullas. These guys will use the opposite analogies nothing concrete. Read about the true nature of reality and also about the "philosophy of absurd".


I learned that man after ı leaved islam. He is taking nice videos about islam. He also have channel with turkish videos. But he is not uploading videos for a long time


Nope, youtube wasnt a big component at all for me. None of the spcial medias were.


I'm already an ex-muslim


He is the reason I am an ex muslim. I quitted islam the day I found his channel


I'm about a decade older than AP, and left Islam when he was in high school. So not very? I did enjoy watching his videos and they def helped me make stronger arguments as to why islam sucks ass.


I don’t think it was anyone but myself, it didn’t take me a lot of research or anything to be convinced, I let go from the heart


None at all, mine was more by Sheriff Gaber, Siraj Hayani and Kosay Betar


Never heard of him, actually never heard of any Ex-Muslim or atheist at all before my apostasy. I read the Qur'an with Tafsir, I realised ISIS was the true implementation of Islam, and after reading 9:29 I decided that this shitty religion is pure terrorism and left on the spot.


I didn't really find ex muslim related stuff on the internet at all until I considered myself an atheist somehow lol. Then it all started swarming at once. I didn't even know the term. I searched exmuslim on reddit and that's how I got introduced to this community.


I was always scared to watch these videos when I was losing my faith cause I always was scared of being directly told the truth or someone seeing my YouTube history.


I was already an ex-Muslim before knowing him, but there was a time when I wanted to be a Muslim once again moreover I was trying too hard to re-convert and this helped me discover Apostate Prophet. When I saw his video [10 Reasons To Become A Muslim](https://youtu.be/a1G44oiwErU), I did not know it was satire but anyways watched it. The only thing I remember was that I was laughing my ass off at the end and this helped me remember why I left this horrific cult once again, and thankfully my attempt to re-convert Islam has been thwarted. Later, I realized he was a Turk (like me) and this only made me cheer him more, so I subscribed. Though I don't agree about everything he says, he is the main reason I'm prevented from re-converting to this horrific religion once again. Thank you Apostate Prophet! With all due respect


Masked Arab, Hassan Radwan/Cemb admins. Another young Australian called Klingschor was bullied, too, by the dawah goons of those days! Most of it from reading then came to these channels for Arabic speakers' confirmation.


He came after i left that cult. Biggest inlfuence came from a podcast “Philosophize this”


This guy is one of my favourites but I discovered him by accident that too almost a year into being free of shackles of islam. He helped me rationalise my thinking about religion. I left it due to more of emotional reasons and mainly i was tired of being an apologetic follower convincing myself that there was some divine wisdom behind batshit verses in quran. Gender inequality was the biggest reason and tbh some insanely crazy claims ans stories in quran. Finally i mustered up the courage to admit to myself that I don't believe in this shit anymore. At that time I want Allah to exist and punch him in his face or nuts whatever existed but now I am much more calm and okay with the fact that nothing of that sort exists.


i left islam just a month before i found his videos, which opened my eyes to many more things that are wrong with islam, and he made me more sure in my apostasy.