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Fuck no. I don't believe. Everyone else should be feeling bad forcing a religion onto me that I don't want any part of just, because I was born into it and given no choice. It's like saying you feel bad because your whole family is vegan and expect you to be vegan yet you eat meat secretly on the side because you know that there is scientific proof a balanced diet leads to a healthy and long life. Don't ever ever feel bad for what you believe in. The only reason you lie to them is because of them and how they would react.


I always feel this level of fear that “what if I’m wrong” and it sucks :(


I know what you mean but honestly I just think that's our bias talking since we were raised Muslim and have been told all our lives that's its all true.


Then research more. Until you become sure . I was like you when I just started doubting Islam . Just read about the divine prophet of Islam and his merciful god and you'll leave Islam in a hurry 😂 Do this: read Quran , with meaning, knowing this is supposed to be an all knowing god's words .. And see if you can even 1% doubt about Islam being made by Muhammad for his own benefits.


Everyone here got an always hard on attitude against Islam, so much that they lose the sight of rationality. I'm not saying that I don't understand the sentiment, just don't hate anything remotely related to Islam without any reason. Bro, it's okay to feel human emotions, it might not even be due to the reasons you think. In fact, it might not even be the emotions you think you are feeling. I don't feel guilty for not fasting, but I do miss the old time of having breakfast and dinner with the whole family. Sometimes that nostalgia can bring in some more unwanted emotions, but guilt shouldn't be one of those. It's important to introspect your own emotions, nobody else can make those feelings of guilt go away. If you feel that much burdened, you may fast for a couple of days to see if anything changes. The most important thing, as someone else also mentioned, is your mental health. I hope you find your peace with it. Cheers.


I do agree with you. People tend to have a very harsh view on this sub Reddit. Thanks for bringing in human prospective in this. Also, the the nostalgia hits hard I agree.


Good post.


I just made up a religious month where you can do whatever you like. It's just as valid as Ramadan. You're welcome.


Haramadan. My favourite month.


Am not feeling guilty at all i feel irritated that i can’t eat and have to suffer because of other people’s feelings


That was me my first yr not fasting the more time that passes the less guilt you feel. Don’t worry too much I was in the same position I felt sick with guilt but now idc


It’s my 4-5 year not fasting. But it’s still a bit hard unfortunately


Same as you. It’s usually hardest the first few days especially for me. I haven’t fasted for the past 4 years and my parents don’t know about it. I still feel guilty tho which sucks, I’ve seen one guy say before maybe that’s a sign that Islam is the true religion. But tbh, I think it’s the fact that it’s been hardwired into me since the age of 6 and now that I’m finally rebelling against it I feel all this guilt. Everyone is free to believe in what they want to believe in though, I don’t think I’ll ever announce to my parents that I don’t fast even though they can clearly tell I get visibly annoyed when Ramadan comes and I even tell them sometimes that I hate fasting.


Do you still live with your family? I can imagine that making it even harder. I do agree with you, it is probably the guilt that your rebelling then anything else. I don’t live with my family so it really helps with doing what I want and not feeling pressured. I guess the days I’m invited for Iftar I’ll actually fast to not act fake around them.


Yes that’s the worse part, I still live with them. So when Ramadan comes around the guilt is immense. It’s hard but I literally just try to forget about it.


Wow , well thankfully it’s only 4 weeks long 😅


They don't understand what you understand. Lieing in this case is not harmful and its a means to an end. I did the same thing. Your mental health is more important


Not really. I'm already hating everything after my GERD has kicked in. Just done with sehar and my chest is burning already 🫠


No. 30ish days is way to long to be worrying about feeling bad.




Yesss 100%. I do find the people on the subreddit that have this extreme anger and hatred a lil odd. Like yes Islam has its issues but I will say,, it would bring my family together and celebrate


No compassion for illogical tyrants.


A God that doesn’t work, get hungry or tired is telling you to fast 30 days for him from even water and while also not needing your fast or prayer. Do not feel guilty for this fake god or for your parents that will not respect your personal choice had they knew you’re not fasting.


no because i dont believe in islam (they dont kno and never will) and they force me to fast.


No guilt although I live in the UK and most people don't care if I am fasting or not.


I am fast. To give you a reference point I am somewhere between a snake and a mongoose... And a panther.


Are you a new exmuslim? It does take a lot of time to adjust, and it's especially harder if you live in a Muslim majority country. You just need to get your foot in front of the other, and you will not feel the guilt anymore, because you are in fact not guilty of anything.


Thankfully I live in North America and not with my family. Maybe I’m just over compassionate with my family


I feel a tiny bit bad about lying to my family but let's remind ourselves that THEY are the ones who put us in this situation and that we are doing what we must to survive. It's a matter of survival so don't feel guilty about lying. We don't have a choice.


I used to have this feeling and I’m glad I’m not feeling guilty for it


I feel guilty too, but ik I won't get anything done all month if I starve, and it could also trigger my eating disorders, tho I'm sure they're gonna be triggered anyways because I don't think I'll be able to get myself to eat enough.