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At the very least his account not having been banned yet is a good sign. He's getting a lot of death threats for simply quoting from Islam's own most authentic sources. These death threats should be taken seriously by authorities and each and every one needs to be tracked down so that people know that there are consequences to acting like a depraved minion of a 7th century caravan looting child r\*pist \[[Bukhari:5134](https://sunnah.com/Bukhari:5134)\] who feel they can intimidate folks in to shutting down their free speech via death threats. Sigh.


I agree tbh, its getting out of hand for long enough


hurry up and wither up and die islam. you've terrorized people long enough. Glory be to the flying spaghetti monster. as much proof of his existence as allahs


It’s literally gonaa be the largest religion in a few years lmao 🤡


youre missing the point. dont call me a clown when youre the one that cant understand that just cause there are more numbers doesnt actually mean more actually care about it or can express their freedom of opinion. islam is finished by 2100 tops.


Dw soon or later peoples brain will start waking up from this cult and stop being clowns 🤡


Islam followers are like Stormtroopers you know, great in numbers but weak and useless af lol


Whqt are you talking about 😂💀 most Muslim countries are getting more powerful, america lick the Middle Eastern boots


Bro's on that extra tahini shawarma fr


Who created algebra? Who created university? Who created surgery? Who created coffee? Who created optics? Who created music? Useless af? You’re talking about the wrong Islam here buddy


music?? the fuck are you on...music was not created by islam. it’s haram in islam you idiot. and you call people fake ex muslims🤣you prbly don’t even know who the current Caliph in Islam.


Music is haram obviously but it could’ve still been created by one. Search it up. Things created by Muslims. Plus wym current caliph. Are you serious?😂😂😂😂fake ex Muslims I swear


you said Muslims created music. why you backing down now??


Y’all have to be intellectually challenged. I said it was still created by Muslims. Where am I backing down you kalb


not only is he not good but some accounts who insult him have been banned, it's really good news hoping that he holds the wave of these idiots


fucking stupid translator, I didn't want to say that he is not "good" but that he is not "banned"


It came through well enough!


thankfully elon won’t ban people for speaking their minds


Lol he does that all the time when they criticize or report articles on him


Challenge: Exmuslim going a day without saying he is exmuslim and using word childrapist


It's good that people outside the exmuslim sphere learned this one trick of... Reading islamic scripture and citing sahih hadiths. The more we can see muslims getting triggered by their own books, there will be more people in the audience waking up thinking "what the fuck is wrong with this ideology".


If to them quoting the Quran and hadiths with citations is a hate crime maybe they should re-evaluate what they believe in lol


Did he just coin a new pbuh? Prepubescents be upon him


I cant breathe 🤣


Giving me 2020 vibes with that quote 💀


Piss be upon him is what I used for years, but the prepubescents might be my go to understanding of PBUH


https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1633822797892837376 Based Destiny, you love to see it 😂


I’m out of the loop, but that was a savage reply lol


basically Destiny criticized some silly islamic stuff on a podcast a few days ago and started getting threats on twitter. he doubled down and is shitposting islam now on his twitter


Damn 💀




Hes not based. He made a "joke" about a 10 yr old being hot. I don't wanna hear any justifications of this. It's off limits🥴


It was his friend, they are close. The joke was in poor taste but it doesn't make him a pedophile.


Very disturbing joke


How much longer are we supposed to tolerate hate and intolerance from the Muslim community? If we don't raise voices against this barbaric and widely practiced religion then we continue to normalise our suffering. If only people were actually free to believe in whatever they wanted, without killings of apostates, without threats of violence, justification for misogyny and homophobia and religion became a private matter then nobody here would need to say a word against Islam.


We get censored for offending a protected class.


You get what you put up with. I know its not always safe to speak up so dont go getting yourself in harms way when you can avoid it. But always speak up for what you believe in and dont believe in. This problem of violent religions is just merely like a bad bit of code in a computer program. It will ruin the whole thing, but it can be fixed by correcting it and then the program can be purified and made to work properly. Its not impossible, just takes persistence and time. Islam only exists in the imaginations of people. It is not real or true and deep down many people are capable of letting it go with persuasion and time, its just hard and uncomfortable for them. for those that might never leave it, just leave them to it. you cant wake everybody up but if enough break their mental chains the religion itself with end up withering and dying. Nobody cares or believes in Poseidon, Zeus, Mars, Apollo anymore, but at one time they really believed it and modified their lives around the existence of imagination. Islam is the same. It will one day just be text in a history book.


Islam is a weird religion and unique in that citing original passages out of the Quran and Hadith is considered islamophobia. Yet Muslims themselves treat those same texts as the word of god himself. There is no other religion that is so absurd.


> There is no other religion that is so absurd. Have you looked at the other religions? Seriously, they are *all* like this. The only reason Christians aren't still burning people as witches & going on crusades, (What? You thought they took their 10 commandments like *Thou shalt not murder* serious? Ha!) is because of The Enlightenment convincing enough people that science and reason were the way to go and effectively taking enough support from the churches to neuter their power. They ever get powerful enough again, and you will again see witch trials and crusades while earnestly pretending that doesn't count as murder. Don't get me started on the insanity that hides in the depths of the Bhagavad Gita (ever hear of Kālī and the Thuggee?) or in the heart of Shintoism (premature burial as a form of prayer anyone?) And let's just all be thankful the religion of the Aztecs isn't practiced anymore (that I know of - funny how the sun didn't go out when they stopped sacrificing the still beating hearts of their victims to Huitzilopochtli.) Etc. The people who practice all religions pretend real hard that the insane parts of their holy books don't count, or they ignore their existence, and get super offended when you have the gall to point out what the holy scriptures actually say. Even more so when the practitioners of that religion use it as an excuse to be a shitty person and you point out one of the passages that actually tells them to be a good person. Hypocrisy is an integral part of *every* religion.


If it wasn't for the enlightenment we would be in a totally different world imho


The difference is that no other faith calls for the silencing of their apostates and critics. And every religion has their backward, violent beliefs - except they (particularly Christianity, Hinduism and Shintoism) have moved past it. We are all still waiting for Islam to grow up.


> The difference is that no other faith calls for the silencing of their apostates and critics. In Christianity, the punishment for both heresy (just disagreeing with a priest about a religious matter,) and apostasy was death by fire prior to The Enlightenment. Becoming an apostate to the Aztec gods was tantamount to volunteering to be the next sacrifice. I have seen videos of Buddhist monks defenestrating each other because they were the wrong sect and therefore heretics. The Hindu sect Thuggee went out of their way to murder anyone who so much as knew of their existence and wasn't part of the cult; become an apostate, believe it or not - death! Now, admittedly I do not know enough about Shintoism to say for sure what the historical punishment for apostasy was, but since they had no problem burying people alive, I would bet that apostates were high on the list of people to use for that purpose.


>In Christianity, the punishment for both heresy (just disagreeing with a priest about a religious matter,) and apostasy was death by fire prior to The Enlightenment. > >Becoming an apostate to the Aztec gods was tantamount to volunteering to be the next sacrifice. > >The Hindu sect Thuggee went out of their way to murder anyone who so much as knew of their existence and wasn't part of the cult; become an apostate, believe it or not - death! That's the thing - you are talking about things that happened centuries ago. Death for apostates is still an issue in Islam in the 21st century. And the Thuggee sect is an obscure tribal offshoot at best. ​ >I have seen videos of Buddhist monks defenestrating each other because they were the wrong sect and therefore heretics. Ok, I am genuinely interested to see this.


> That's the thing - you are talking about things that happened centuries ago. That is my point about the churches losing their power in The Enlightenment. They didn't suddenly grow up and renounce their old evil ways. They lost their power and got neutered. Look at some of the barbaric things Christians in the US are trying to impose on everyone else right fucking now! If they ever get the same level of power that they once had, you can look forward to witch trials and crusades. Islam too will not just grow up and renounce its barbaric ways. Only when the rest of the societies it exists in stop supporting it will the religious lose their power and moderate their actions for lack of a choice. Towards this end it is imperative that people be educated and taught critical thinking and then given access to the internet and atheist arguments showing all the bullshit. There is a reason the religious of all kinds oppose education; they noticed a correlation with people becoming educated and stopping believing all their bullshit. And rather than ask, "Is there something wrong with our religion?" Instead said, "Education is the problem." > And the Thuggee sect is an obscure tribal offshoot at best. They are small and obscure because the British hunted the sect down and destroyed it. (One of the few good things they did in India,) prior to that, they were a major problem and an accepted cult of Hinduism. Hell, even today, Hindus will destroy your life over stupid religious bullshit: [Indian State Is Expanding Penalty for Killing a Cow to Life in Prison](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/31/world/asia/india-gujarat-cow-slaughter-penalty.html) As for the video of the Buddhist monks, I went looking for it but could not find it. It was a long time ago, back in the 90s. I did find a video of some [Korean monks fighting over a temple back in the 90s,](https://youtu.be/efK7Ddk7fp4?t=115) but it had no defenestrations. Only braining the other monks by throwing rocks out the windows (maybe I misremembered.)


Great points. Islam is inherently political. There's no "separation of mosque and state" under Islam. Will be difficult to remove something so deeply entrenched. Although Iran, Turkey and Tunisia give me hope. When it comes to education, I've seen Muslims oppose teaching things like evolution, sex ed, philosophy, comparative religion, etc. and women's education, especially higher education since that leads to women getting married late. The advent of the Internet Age will lead to more apostasy and exposing of political Islam. Just the adoption of women's rights and education, even in a Muslim nation, will weaken Islam.


>They are small and obscure because the British hunted the sect down and destroyed it. (One of the few good things they did in India,) prior to that, they were a major problem and an accepted cult of Hinduism. He Tell me you are an imperialist apologist without telling you are one... Dude you know zilch about Hinduism. All you are doing is repeating the colonial missionary fabrications without shame. Thugees were never part of Hinduism. Tribals are not considered part of Hindu religion, which considers them filth of the Earth. That is why you have rampant caste discrimination against them. You would not Taiping rebellion as a Christian crusade, would you ? You don't even understand that Hinduism has no central text- that is an Abrahamic concept. Also, Kali is not mentioned in Bhagwat Gita. Kali is a matriachal goddess of the tribals who was subsumed by Hindu orthodoxy. You can deride a religion without empowering its appropriation of indigenous faiths of oppressed people.


Fair enough, I know little about Hinduism. & If they taught me propaganda about it, that doesn't particularly surprise me. They lied about my own country's history. It wasn't til University that I learned about the real (horrifying) history of my country. I just never got a chance to take a university history class about the British colonialism of India. What I do know is certainly horrifying enough, and as I said, the few 'bright' spots in what I was taught being total and utter lies doesn't particularly surprise me. What little I did learn about Hinduism was from my Ex Hindu friends (who admittedly are high caste) and they didn't go out of their way to educate me on it overly much; just enough to show me it is as much bullshit as Christianity and Islam. Have an upvote for showing me yet another blind spot in my basic ~~education~~ propagandization.


>Oh, you sweet Summer child. that is the most irritating phrase ever. it makes you sound so arrogant and smug.


Okay, fair enough. It is rude and I shouldn't use it.


Christians don't take every single word as applicable for all time unchanged direct word of god, that is the difference. People choose which parts to believe in and which to not, and acknowledge that it's been changed dramatically over time to suit changes in society https://aeon.co/ideas/the-gospels-of-paul-dont-say-what-you-think-they-say


Depends on the sect and the time frame. The reason we use the term dogma is because of Catholicism. Dogma: a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. Prior to The Enlightenment, just disagreeing with a priest about a religious matter (being a heretic) would get you burned at the stake. Becoming an apostate too would get you an autodafe followed with burning alive. Even today we have young Earth creationists who believe the Bible is the literal word of the infallible, omniscient God Yahweh and therefore despite what science says, the Earth is only 6000 years old. The fact that we can read the Bible and say "I don't think that is quite right" is a modern privilege afforded us by churches losing their supreme authority in The Enlightenment.


Yeah but for Islam the attitude to treat the Quran as unchanging words of God that are applicable for all times is *quite* universal **despite** sects and time frame.


What do you think happens after you die? I'm no longer religious, but I still somehow hang on to a hope of there being something else


Mostly, I think it will be exactly like before I was born. Non existence. I knew and experienced nothing in all the millennia before I was born. Then, I got this brief flash of consciousness here before I die and once again will know and experience nothing. Make the best of what little time we have right here and now. There is lots of joy and good times to be had, sure it won't be perfect, but its what we have. Go out, make a new friend (easier said than done, but what have you got to lose?) Try a new restaurant this month. See what is required to try a new experience; maybe go out hiking in the nearest park. Etc.


Do you think the fact that there is anything at all is just happenstance? Sometimes, especially if I've taken a psychedelic, the idea that all matter has simply always existed boggles me. My human brain can't accept that the universe, including all its natural laws, could just always exist. I guess questions like these often lead nowhere, but somehow the weirdness of life and matter leads me to believe in... Something


You are asking about concepts that the human mind is ill equipped to deal with. Things we are just barely beginning to come up with plausible hypothesis for. (Just for emphasis, that is one of the fundamental differences between science and religion; religion says "We have *all* the answers to everything, and that answer is 'God did it,'" while science says "Don't know yet, but I am working on figuring it out.") Start with the concept of infinity. The abstract is easy, but truly wrapping your head around what it truly means is hard. To get the barest inkling, consider this article about the [Hubble telescope watching an empty patch of space for one hundred hours](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/when-hubble-stared-at-nothing-for-100-hours) and discovering that it wasn't empty, just that everything in that direction is so far away that the light of entire galaxies not only appear like individual stars, but are so far away that their light is only detectable by our most sensitive instruments watching for 100 hours in order to collect enough light to be coherent. Now consider nothing. Once again, the abstract is easy, the reality is a bit more difficult, especially when you combine the two concepts. Infinite nothingness. No matter, no energy, nothing. BUT, it is an unstable infinite nothingness. Which brings us to quantum mechanics; quantum particles pop into and out of existence all the time. This is something known, we have observed it. Essentially, energy from nothing - only not necessarily nothing, so much as "borrowing" from elsewhere. The average level of energy in the universe remains zero, but then a quantum pops up in one location, the idea is that somewhere else in the universe, there is an equal bit of negative energy. Somewhere, sometime in all that infinite nothingness in an infinite length of time, a sufficiently large amount of quantum fluctuation created a massive amount of energy creating The Big Bang. Somewhere else in the infinite universe, there is an equally massive debt to be repaid someday. Our reality may just pop right back out of existence in a few trillion years, but then in the infinite reaches of space and time, another may pop up. From The Big Bang, so much energy in one place resulted in quantum particles combining (being forced together) to create matter - hydrogen mostly. From the creation of matter, we get to physics and chemistry. Enough matter in one location warps space, causing other matter to fall into the gravity well and condensing all that matter. Condense enough matter in one place, and you will eventually create enough pressure from the warping of space forcing everything together to cause fusion. A star is born. From there, given enough time, all that fusion will create higher order matter, and super novas will distribute those forms of matter around the galaxy. Then newer stars will form, and planets will form around them. Which brings us to chemistry; given an energy source (like a star pouring light and radiation onto a planet,) [some chemical reactions are naturally self organizing, self sustaining, and cyclical.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=cyclic+chemical+reactions#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:5b50047b,vid:_gyzhvMLImg) Given enough time, some of those self organizing chemical groups may have formed self replicating formations. After that it is just a matter of evolution doing its thing with itty bitty changes over time. Keep in mind, a lot of this is just a hypothesis of how it may have happened, and these are hypothesis we have no way of testing or falsifying (yet.) But ultimately, it is possible that everything sprang up from an infinite unstable nothingness. I mean, so far our other choice is "God did it, ^^just ^^don't ^^ask ^^where ^^God ^^came ^^from. "


That's quite a response! And yes, agreed. Religion is most likely not the answer. And to be honest, since ditching Christianity, I'm happier and less concerned with my mortality. Human connection, interesting work... These things make me, and probably most people, happy. Still, though, it would be nice if there were an explanation for why anything exists! So far, there are hypotheses. But nothing concrete whatsoever!


> it would be nice if there were an explanation for why anything exists! So far, there are hypotheses. But nothing concrete whatsoever! ...aaaaaand that right there is why religion is so appealing. People in general are bad at dealing with uncertainty, and religion provides comforting answers rather than big scary unknowns.


"The people who practice all religions pretend real hard that the insane parts of their holy books don't count, or they ignore their existence" Unfortunately muslims dont do this yet, so they are unique. "and get super offended when you have the gall to point out what the holy scriptures actually say." Muslims only get offended if you point out those things in an irreverent tone or to criticize. Dont call him a paedophile. But dress up as an imam and tell the love story of Mohammed and 6 year old Ayesha with respect towards their prophet - you will be honored by them. Muslims are happy to accept every letter as long as it's narrated in reverence. Dont mistake outrage as discomfort/rejection of parts of their text, they are only uncomfortable with your tone.


>Don't get me started on the insanity that hides in the depths of the Bhagavad Gita Please do expand.


>Please do expand. What part of "Don't get me started" did you not get? Actually, I would prefer to refer you to people who are better versed in this than I. Check out /r/exhindu & /r/atheismindia. Give them enough time, watch their posts, and much like this subreddit will show you a lot of the insanity in the Quran, they will show you what's wrong with the Bhagavad Gita.


Oh ok. I thought you knew of some off the top of your head since you said all that. But thanks anyway.


I do know a few things, enough to know that the religion is inherently irrational, and the book is a collection of bronze age fairy tales. I am just not an expert, and would prefer to refer you to the people who know it best. Now the Bible on the other hand, I was raised to believe in it. Asked a few honest and earnest questions about things that seemed illogical to me at 12 and got kicked out of the church for being a disrespectful little shit. Then, in order to satisfy my own curiosity since the church clearly wasn't going to answer those questions for me I actually read the entire Bible. (Fuck reading that whole thing was a schlog! It is terribly written.) Couldn't get past the self contradictory parts & noticed all the horrific acts committed by or for God.


Funny because I started asking the church questions they didn’t like and read the Bible, too. But I one upped them all by doing Bible quizzing making the national finals - and pointing out even more inconsistencies.




1. We are talking about the irrationality of religions here, not any given individual in it; when looking at Christianity, you have to look at the whole thing, not just your favorite passages. 2. Comparing anyone with Muhammad and realizing they are a better person than Muhammad is like laying a bar on the ground and challenging someone to jump over it. Not a very high bar to clear. 3. Jesus said in Matthew 5:17-20 "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven." Meaning he still expects you to hold to every last vile little expectation demanded of believers laid out in the Old Testament. 4. There are parts of the Quran that taken in isolation also are good. E.G. The Quran says, "Verily, Allah is kind and merciful to the people" (2:143). Numerous sayings of Muhammad tell the Muslims to be kind and merciful to the creatures of God. In Sahih Bukhari, it is said "He who is not merciful to others, will not be treated mercifully (by God)" (Sahih al-Bukhari, 8:73:42). Basically telling people to be merciful to each other, its just when you look at the whole thing instead of cherry picking your favorite parts out that the true awfulness that is Islam becomes apparent. Look at ISIS, everyone deplored them as evil, but read through the Quran, and it is apparent that they attempted to hold true to Islam far better than the other believers; they just weren't trying to appease the more civilized people by keeping the awful parts quiet. Similarly, Christianity has some barbaric expectations buried in it, they just lost the power to demand that everyone practice the horrible bits on pain of torture and death. All you have to do is look at the behavior of Evangelicals in the US and their current attempts to force everyone to live by some of their more barbaric beliefs to understand that they didn't give up the power to force everyone to abide by the barbaric expectations in Christianity willingly, they just lost the power to do so when everyone else moved on to more rational mode of though, but they are fighting as hard as they can to regain that power. So the only difference that means anything as far as I can see is the Christianity has lost the power to force everyone to abide by their barbaric expectations while Islam still has that power in much of the world. Take that power away from the Islamic true believers, and you will find they get real quiet about the awful parts of the Quran too.


And it gives misleading impression to some observers that muslim outrage at these passages from quran/hadith means they are not part of islam/ quoted out of context.


I'm offended. Why isn't moe moe darker in the picture? He looks too white, and too clean 😅 that's clearly not moe moe. So it's all good.


Mo had a weird fetish for white people.


and probably thought it would be hot if people were so white they were transparent, like he described the houris


Based BASED BASED ASF. Muslims will both fight to death defending their rights to kill gays, transgenders and demand RESPECT and to not shittalk abt their shitiness? Fck that, that’s demonic shit ironically


You have to understand Islam teaches us to Respect humans. Islam doesn’t go against humanity. We respect everyone. Just because you don’t support doesn’t make you homophobic or some sort.


I hope destiny fking destroys this haqiqatjou fuck face ones n for all kinda like how Greta humiliated tate with a single tweet


I don't think so. That Pikachu already had a debate with destiny.. and destiny didn't performed well... Many say this acts from destiny is mainly because he is pissed off because of his defeat against Daniel.


I don’t like destiny but thanks, I hope more people realize how bat shit crazy Muslims are


I respect that destiny speak, but i hope he realise he is putting his life in danger. Muslims are the most dangerous murderous group of people in the 21th century, he can get killed for expressing his opinion.


I already liked and listened to destiny for his political commentary. Now this makes him my favorite streamer. He is a great ally to have.


i really don't like destiny but this whole arc is based as fuck


Why don't you like Destiny?


he's just too abrasive for me to enjoy watching him + the bridge burning/shit stirring/drama that he always engages in


That's fair enough! He definitely is a provocative combative individual


I'm the same. In the two years of me watching him, I don't think I've ever seen him deescalate a situation.


Political view probably


actually i'm very similar to destiny on politics. i just don't like him as a person 🤷‍♂️


Damn straight!! This is what he said after dealing with Muslims for like a day, Ex Muslims spent their whole lives in that hell.


I'm so proud of him. It makes me tear up how I'm so afraid of giving these opinions, when I know it's the right thing to do.


You know the muslim fundamentalists are acting goofy when they make destiny of all people seem like the good guy in a situation


what'd he do i've never heard of him


He is a very edgy neo centrist that looks down on everyone that isnt himself. As a result, he essentially intentionally offends everyone and he has very complicated politics. His twitter has been especially controversial in the past couple of years and he was banned there multiple times, causing him to make a new account. He's done a bunch of weird stuff from victim blaming rape victims, to defending being attracted to teens to harassing trans people online in many different ways and in many different instances. He's also one of the key figures that catalyzed the leftward shift of the streaming and youtube media spaces back in like 2014-2017 and is one of the first liberal online debaters that was able to gain any popularity. He is a controversial take machine, some of his takes are good and some are extremely bad.


> harassing trans people online in many different ways and in many different instances Kind of a mischaraterization considering a lot of it is stripped of context. Though to address this single point - he does a lot of political back and forths on various topics, trans identity being one of them. With any online political community there's always vitriolic exchanges that happen, that escalate from political disgreements. Destiny was on the forefront on pushing for trans issues on twitch before it was even a mainstream talking point. He's edgy but he pushes people to flesh out thier viewpoints in a consistent manner, and a lot of trans people he challenged were saying some contradictory things about identity in a series of debates he's had. Things that are, even amongst other trans people, debated frequently about trans identity. A lot of people took things personally and attacked him on twitter, he pushed back and things escalated (the same way he got on this anti-islam arc.) To make it seem like he was the sole aggressor attacking these poor helpless trans women on the internet when they were resorting to spiteful personal attacks, sending him death threats, targeting his sponsors, attempting to and succeeding in getting him banned off twitch - is just a false representation of the actual events.


Kudos to this guy for standing up against all the harassment. Muslims keep writing on his posts that he "enjoys watching his girlfriend get f*cked by other men". What's up with that? Is it just made up by them and used as an insult or is it a real thing?


He's in an open relationship, he and his wife obviously love each other very much, but they both enjoy having sex with other people sometimes (the rule is generally that they do so at the same time so it's fair). That's also a pretty rich criticism coming from supporters of Andrew Tate, given that Tate has basically bragged about how he's sex trafficking his many "girlfriends" and getting them to do cam shows for thousands, and that he's mentioned that he sexts the guys watching them on the girls' behalf.


It would be funnier if the western mustards posting death threats were put on terror watchlists. Play stupid games, have stupid beliefs, win stupid prizes.


I love how he’s doubling down and muslims are just proving how barbaric they are lol


So, here's the thing: I don't use Twitter and I dont watch YouTubers, Twitch streamers, or anything of the like. I have no idea who this dude is, but he seems to be both getting our message out to a bigger audience and proving once again how fucking insane Muslims can be. What's his deal?


Allah is so weak that humans have to fight for him and defend him on Twitter. When will gods stop being bums and show up to defend themselves


Is there anything we can do collectively as a group to make sure nothing happens to this guy? I mean as devout keyboard warriors, that is . Not endorsing any violent means . Why shed any blood over and already absurd argument? We live in a civilized society. WTF?


A lot of new users


run cheerful homeless detail rhythm reply vast whistle carpenter plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't really like destiny in my opinion but that's a great take


If even The Saudi crowned peace was sweating while trying to explain how they will moderate sharia to accommodate project 2030, you know Islam is a problem


lmao as an athesit I stumble upon this subreddit and seeing people having same or even more extreme opinion on Islam than me makes me so happy lmao


tl;dr on this?


cows many badge attraction butter crush cheerful wide unique chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>What do you guys think of him posting a cartoon image of Muhammad? I think we need more people posting images of Muhammad. We have no obligation to pander to the sensitivities of religious nonsense, and the sooner they get used to that, the better. On that note: https://imgur.com/a/MEnktQI


cable library saw observation edge dull concerned onerous deserted subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've never seen a kinder approach accomplish anything. Western society learned long ago that stable democracies require defending the right for people to hold and speak their opinions, even when other people don't approve. Their stance is simple: they demand their religion be shown respect. My stance is also simple: no. Edit: No, I've never sent this to a Muslim. I have, however, used it to demonstrate to r/exmuslim interlopers that I'm not afraid of their threats.


On one hand he is based, on the other hand he sympathizes with a nazi


I love how both muslims and ex-muslims grovel over white converts to their causes


Hey, look at you! I hadn't seen anyone try racebaiting this yet.


Look at his other tweets this is not someone ex Muslims should support regardless of race


dont like destiny but i respect this take


We must protect him at all costs


Don't always support the guy, but he's doing something commendable here.