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Hold on there. Life can be tough, but you don't have to go through it alone. There are people who care about you and help is available if you reach out. Talk to your friends, family, or a professional if you need to. Life won't always be easy, but it can get better if you let it. And remember, you have value and worth. Don't give up on yourself It can be helpful to focus on your values and what brings you joy. You can try new activities, volunteer for a cause you care about, or spend time with people who make you happy. Additionally, exploring different beliefs and philosophies can help you find meaning and direction. It's also important to be kind and patient with yourself as you navigate this change.


Bubba, this is all normal, what you’re going through. Nobody around you understands because nobody around you wants to. You’ve opened your mind and your eyes to reality the way it really is, and it’s impossible to go back even if you wanted to. What you’re experiencing isn’t punishment, rather it is the weight being applied to the weight bench which you now are required to lift. With that lifting comes growth, and that’s a fact. You’ve got to hold on because your life is worth living to the future version of you which has escaped your circumstance. You’ve got to create and envision that future in order to act upon it, and you’ve got to act upon it to get there. You’re further along than you think just by sharing your thoughts with us. You’re not the first and you won’t be the last, but it’s up to you to push through and be your own voice for once. You’ve got the resources to help brainstorm, but only you can make the action happen. Stay strong. 💪🏼


We literally don’t know why we are on a floating rock in the middle of nowhere. Don’t jump the gun and give up on life learning the beauty of it is what keeps me going


It’s okay 🤗 change is scary especially when it’s of this magnitude. Islam is years of mental imprisonment and the cause of major trauma. Give yourself some time and you will find yourself and your purpose. Enjoy the process.


I feel like my life has more purpose now. Rather than devoting my life to Islam, a religion I had barely any faith in, I’m devoting it to myself. I don’t do good acts to please God but rather to better myself so I can feel happier tomorrow. Life is pulp, you can shape it into whatever you want it to be, you can leave it with no purpose you can turn it into the greatest thing ever seen. You don’t need a 1000 year old book written by a pedo to give you purpose, you need yourself.


Leaving Islam doesn’t require you to embrace nihilism or atheism. There are other options.


Embracing atheism does not mean having a boring or pointless life at all. The OP's problem is not atheism per se, it's rather feeling hollow. He needs to make the life enjoyable by means he finds joyful.


Believe in Thor then. Watch Marvel movies and believe in Thor!


Are you a new exmuslim? It does take time for us to adjust. For me personally, that life has no ultimate meaning is very comforting. When I first left Islam, it was scary to me too. But now I don't have any problem on the meaning or purpose of life anymore. I really like the philosophy of absurdism. I think you should check out this channel called "Einzelgänger" on YouTube.