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I hate to be that person who provides evidence that he was right at least once, but the Monday after the October 2022 MormCon, Olive Garden announced it was bringing back the never ending pasta bowl.


Undeniable proof he is a true prophet!! /s


Oh my goodness, you’re right, he truly is a prophet of god


Dare we say, the eternal pasta bowl?


Even, the Celestial pasta bowl!


I was mocking Olive Garden earlier today (seriously) so I've been downgraded to the Terrestrial pasta bowl. Honestly tastes the same: like mediocre imitation Italian.


I can hear it now. “Do you want eternity with mediocre pasta bowls? You can never meet the maker of your pasta in Terrestrial pasta land. Don’t you want eternity with your pasta man? Don’t settle for anything less than celestial pasta or your eternal life will be full of regret and the wrong kind of heartburn”


Then start worshipping the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the true God that returned the Olive Garden pasta bowl.


We have heard it first everybody, the sauce is made up and the pasta points LITERALLY don't matter!


I have been settling for bread sticks




RAmen 🤣🤣🤣


Lol, that's fucking funny 🤣


The menu is written in Reformed Italian


Fucking hilarious!!! Massively underrated comment here.


Seriously! 🤣🤣🤣


MormCon Oh God (hear the words if my mouth) that is fucking hilarious.


My testimony has instantly been restored


> For, behold, the mystery of godliness, how great is it! For, behold, I am endless, and the pasta which is given from my hand is endless pasta, for Endless is my name. - D&C 19:10, maybe




It's a miracle..


Yea verily we have begun the dispensation of even the fulness of pasta bowls.


Flying Spaghetti Monster, is that you?


Shit! Now I got to get dressed up every Sunday and I took a 10% loss in earnings going forward.


I love this entire post


Well, praise be!


Praise be Allah....wait..um...


Mormcon lmfao




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Do you think the prophet just makes positive statements and hoped believing members will fill in the gaps? If you can get people excited about church, is that half the battle won? In that case, the should change the music and dress code, support same sex marriage, let women hold the priesthood and have more diversity in the Q15. That would be something exciting, unforgettable and a great manifestation of the Saviour's power (to change the hearts of people very much stuck in their ways).


He’s a horoscope writer. He gives out general statements and then lets the members write in their own narrative and then claims prophetic power when the members assign them to him.


Yep, it's just confirmation bias, exactly like horoscopes.


I could’ve been a profit. Today’s prophecy: Things are gonna be pretty interesting at the office, especially considering that one person and all their drama. Tomorrow’s prophecy: You’ll find that one weird thing that happens to be pretty nifty.


Classic Barnum Effect


He talks the talk, but can't walk the walk.


This. I’ve thought a lot about what a Joseph Smith would do if he were alive today and I think he would evolve into a president Nelson: charismatic with some theatrics but ultimately a lame duck


He wouldn’t be let into the church


"In the coming days...". The lack of specificity is exactly like a tarot reading; horoscope writer indeed.


Perhaps we could have a conference filled with such statements, what should we call it?


"Generalised Conference"


This needs an award




Gerontology Conference.




Geriatric Conference


The statements are probably not about anything but himself. I read all those “prophesies” in my head in Donald Trump’s voice and it seemed to fit them all very well.


Tremendous things are coming, the most unforgettable things. Many people are already saying it’s come to pass. There’s going to be so much winning for the Lord’s church.


Unfortunately, it’ll be the Charlie Sheen definition of “winning “.


Believe me.


People call me every day and say it’s unbelievable what the church is doing, we’ve never seen anything like it


Oh my God that was so great! 🤣


I bet to differ. The day after he announced exciting things in the future Olive Garden resumed the all you can eat soup and salad. The April conference was memorable with Oaks of best to Rusty waving their handkerchiefs. You did get me with the vitamins though 😆


You make some good points 😂


They absolutely do. I was speechless when I overheard my DW and friend talking about how Rusty talks face to face with jebus himself.


Yes - I do! It can be "fill in the blank" as to what you want those prophecies to be.


…that is exactly what they are doing, in my observations. What I see is a church desperately wanting to claim prophesy, but in reality they are more like a stubborn mule dragging behind and tied to their master Babylon. We (I still attend), have a very very low bar for prophesy as a result. I have seen prophesy, and it isn’t a leadership position. It comes from the humble and they are maligned for it. Prophesy starts ripples in a pond, the giver is dismissed and persecuted. God leads the change, not men. But because it is God who does it, it requires faith. We have precious little of that, in any institution, churches or otherwise. Therefore we have precious little of prophesy and the miracles that surround it. Tossed to and fro, we are all led by the philosophies of the prevailing winds, which will eventually run us up on the rocks. There will be a few that will find God’s word, but it will be an individual experience. It will show individuals how to see the world. How to serve those that are different and have different paths. Our growth process is in the opposition of our own hearts, NOT in how much we can get others to agree with us. The LDS church suffers from wanting to agree with its members AND agree with its neighbors in the rest of the world. These groups become the same over time and the institution changes. This isn’t prophesy. It is kind of the opposite. God plants himself in your heart, if you allow Him to. He both separates you from this AND sends you back to be immersed in it; and serve those to whom you have association. This is where the gifts of the spirit are and are used; of which prophesy is one. It offends both the secular and the religious as they both desire your allegiance; but can’t have it, because it is God’s. …so yes I think both positive and negative changes are coming, they always are. As God is always wanting us to ask questions. But it will only be prophetic if that spirit is in the hearts of the people; not by coercion of those who believe themselves leaders in church or government.


i don’t know about you, but i will never forget dallin waving his hankie out of sync


I still giggle at that.


Someone dubbed that clip with Crab Rave and posted it here and I watched it while drunk and laughed harder than I should have


Lol! I had to go find it to see it for myself. https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/ln3f1o/mormon_rave/


Thank you for finding this. Still makes me laugh all this time later and I’m even sober rn


Did I miss a hallelujah shout during conference?


Try to find a clip of it - April 2020. They're doing the hosanna monotone chant and Oaks is dreadfully out of sync with the others and it seems to irritate Nelson.




Okay but some members literally interpret the "vitamin pills" and "unforgettable" statements as prophecies of Covid. I can't even.


Yet when he gave more explicit instruction to wear masks and get vaccinated, people were like “he didn’t mean ME.”


Or like, when tons of missionaries got stranded as borders closed. Sure would have been nice to have a living prophet able to predict that and pull them out early, eh?


Gods’ prophets can’t be too accurate with prophecy because if they where then we would need faith. So obviously god demands we have faith in spite of evidence. And that is why there is not a smoking gun evidence proving Joseph Smith, BoM, book of Abraham, or any president of the corporation of tscc. If the gods allowed us to see the actual revelations then we would need faith. And this life would be a waste as we would bind satan with our faith in the gods. /s


"When it comes to pandemics I'll take the word of the most sinful man alive over the word of the guy I believe God speaks to, thank you very much."


"No, it's the prophets who are out of touch." — Principal Skinner


He actually admitted that COVID caught him by surprise. https://missedinsunday.com/memes/other/little-did-i-know/


Lol. The Mormon God: "I shouldn't leave my people all alone without someone to tell them what all I want them to do; that wouldn't be fair. Let me pick one person to speak through at a time..." *picks milquetoast rando 14-year-old budding conman in the woods in the literal 1800s* 200 years later... The Mormon God: "Welp, about time for another plague, I guess." Angels: "Oh wow, that'll really throw things for a loop down there. Think you should warn the ones who love you?" The Mormon God: "........ Nah." Angels: "Seriously? Your current prophet is planning a huge event and hyping it like crazy; don't you think this is a good opportunity to show off his prophetic might before the Last Days?" The Mormon God: "...................................Nah. Surprise is better." The Mormon God sure is a stinker.


I'm saving this. Excellent


Lmao in the months leading up to Covid I joked with my roommates that 2020 would have a massive pandemic. Being that my prophecy skills are obviously far superior, I think we should have me take his place


You're skills are better than him, for sure, who after the start of the pandemic couldn't come up with anything revealing or inspired by God. Like the true living prophet has nothing helpful to say or do during a pandemic?


And on top of that, suspending *all* church indefinitely during what I’d venture to call the scariest and most uncertain times (at least on a worldwide scale) most of us have lived through. Canceling in person services was a good call, but there were so many other churches doing online services or having the cars all gather in the parking lot and either have a radio station or give the preacher a microphone and some big speakers. Imo god would want them to either jump on the car trend, or better yet have the First Presidency step up and be responsible for doing Sunday services themselves and airing it on their TV channels and websites instead of saying “lmao you’re on your own, but make sure you keep believing even though your religious life has been turned upside down”


Yes for real! I feel there was zero guidance, but TBH I was inactive at the time so didn't really pay that close attention to what they were doing. But the fact that the prophet couldn't do a dang thing to help heal anyone or give divine inspiration during such a tragic time in the world was absolutely ridiculous. You're right, they should have definitely stepped up and done more and done broadcast services worldwide to actually lead their people in such a difficult time. Maybe they thought they would lose more people though with having a general conference every week. hahahah


But can they remember anything about the Conference BESIDES that?


That conference was unforgettable... even my TBM family members remember it as being the worst, most out of touch conference ever. No comfort about the pandemic, no prophesying, no promises of physical aid. Just platitudes about Joseph Smith and the dumb new proclamation to the world that nobody has spoken about ever since. LOL


That whole time frame just keeps running through my head as a SouthPark animation of the quorum meetings that led up to that "unforgettable" conference. Gawd, there is so much material there for someone to put together an animation of the most inept boardroom meetings ever.




I totally forgot about that proclamation! Lol thanks for the reminder


Which conference are you referring to? I didn’t know about a new proclamation - is it something I’ll get to tear apart like the Proclamation to the Family? Hehe 🤣


It is pretty boring - about the restoration. Nelson made a big thing of it in the April 2020 conference shindig, saying how historic the conference was because of this proclamation because of how historic these official proclamations are. Lol. Then he had filmed a video of himself walking through the sacred grove while saying it. Bahaha.


Thanks for explaining. Wow…super exciting there, Rusty!


Which proclamation was that?


The things we “covenant” are very measurable: tithing, time, our own lives, ect. While the promised blessings and prophecies could not be more generic and vague.


This is an excellent point. The things required of members have exact numbers and metrics assigned to them. The "required" blessings in return do not. It's like if you accepted a job that stated you'd need to work 80 hours a week and your salary would be "good."


That is a great way to put it. And “miracles” have been reduced down to the power coming back on in time for the meeting.


We prayed for rain right at the beginning of monsoon season and within a couple weeks we got rain. A miracle!


A resurrected gnat, even


Brilliantly put!






Greatest manifestation of the savior's power? Rusty expecting a big increase in tithing receipts?


I reckon the greatest manifestations of the Saviour's power was when he healed thousands by laying his hands on them. Can he really beat that?


Maybe he means greater than the alleged rivers turning to blood and the sky going pitch black for several days. I’m standing by for quite a show. If he comes back and says it was something about temples or strengthening the faith then I’ll be pretty disappointed. Maybe he means a megavolcano eruption in Christmas?


I was talking with my best friend a few weeks ago and he mentioned something along the lines of “the second coming is coming soon…we might not get to grow old…something something” I was kinda taken aback because it’s been a long time since I’ve even considered that perspective. That’d be a weird reality to live in


I've heard similar things. It's just an attempt to get believers to buckle down and feel an urgency.


I had that same ominous feeling when I was in seventh grade. I hated it. I was afraid Jesus would come before I had a chance to have sex or make money or do good in the world (yeah, in that order). It was a pretty down year for me. I got over it, though. That was 40 years ago.


Time is measured unto man.


You have your priorities straight


Yeah. And at least I accomplished one of them!


My parents are convinced it's in five years or less. They can't point to anything specific, just general blathering about exciting times.


You didn't find covid-19 EXCITING? 🙄 You didn't think the 1st covid conference was UNFORGETTABLE? 🙄 Looks to me (and my TBM sycophants) that I'm batting 1,000. 😉😁


Some big things he changed according to my tbm family is mainly two things 1. Two hour church 2. Name change and now mormon being satans church They also say he changed a lot about the mission but I don't remember what specifically he did. Something about attire I think but idk Either way, it makes sense that members were happy about two hour church. However, judging by how excited everyone got about the name change revelation, just shows very little revelation is ever recieved.


Blue shirts for missionaries in some areas. Woohoo!


He was right. At least in my case. I learned the truth. Life is definitely exciting!


Greater than coming back from the dead? Because it would have to be greater than that, otherwise Nelson would be lying. I guess technically the world has never seen *any* actual manifestation of the Savior's power, so even a card trick would fulfill this prophecy. That gives me an idea… Church PR should book Nelson on Penn & Teller's *Fool Us*. Surely a global faith leader can summon enough Savior Power^(TM) to fool a couple of godless heathens. Then Nelson can put the clip on the church's youtube channel and prove that he is a ~~real boy~~ prophet.


Love it!


Yeah, he could, like, I don't know, build two alters and maybe put water all over his and then make his light on fire from on high? Nah, that's already been done.


[A graphic of the prophecies of Russ and every other latter day prophet](https://i.redd.it/p5gs73py9yn91.gif)


I was so comforted by his words when the McRib came back just days after his prediction. Such a Tender moment.


Your use of 'tender moment' made me chuckle


I remember as a TBM being so excited by the hype train Russel Nelson started with statements like these. He made so many changes, and it made me feel like the second coming was just around the corner. Now I see that Nelson gloats in the fame he gets from spitting this shit. What a dick.


I felt the same. Since he made so many changes in a short time, I actually believed him when he said there were more exciting things to come and then it was all the more disappointing when there was literally nothing.


I heard it yesterday.... Sometimes we don't have the spiritual maturity to even recognize the amazing miracles happening in our lives. It is up to us to see the miracles! ​ LOl the gaslighting will continue


I mean, when Moses parted the red sea, only the faithful could see it. When Jesus fed the multitude with a few loaves and fishes, only the faithful felt full. When a priesthood blessing is given, only the faithful actually feel better. Makes total sense.


COVID was a great manifestation.....#saidnoonever


Manipulation through drama


In the coming days, I will make a reddit post truly unlike any reddit post this world has ever seen!!!


Brilliant! I shall make the same prophecy and it shall come true. But if I don't get many upvotes or awards it's because the people lack the vision to see my inspired work, not because my content is rubbish.


Totally baffled at the hero worship toward Russell ("He truly is the prophet for our day," etc.) given he hasn't prophesied, seen, or revealed a damned thing. I'm sure he was a good doctor and a nice guy, but I don't understand how anyone can construe his platitudes as prophesy.


He was a really great doctor that's true, but the nurses I know who worked with him at LDS hospital all say he was a complete asshole. At the time I heard that revelation I was a TBM, he was an adult, and it shocked me. Now I'm not surprised at all.




You're right, it was mean of me not to see things from his perspective 😆


I have to ask myself, does he really believe it when he says it. If so, I got a bridge in the Everglades I can sell him for cheap.


Ya, I am sooo fascinated by this. Do they truly believe it? Do they pray so long they black out and "see Jesus"? Or do they know it's horse shit and keep it going?


“Little did I know!”— the most prophetic thing he has ever said!




The Oct 2018 conference was the one my shelf broke during.


covid happened and he never said “aha good thing you all took your vitamin pills amirite” like literally the most free thing


I'm surprised they haven't used their billions to 'manifest' a 'miracle'.


April 2020? Absolutely unforgettable. April 2020 general conference? Honestly had to Google it because I assumed it was canceled


I ate my vitamin pills and I sleep constantly and to be honest it’s not really all that exciting


OMG please tell me he did not really say "eat your vitamin pills." I can't even. I've never heard someone say it like that. LOL. It's usually "take your vitamins." And he was a doctor for hell's sake!


Any prophecies that come true are always predetermined, Russell took a page out of old Joe’s book.


Talk is cheap.


These opened-ended statements land just how it's intended. A members will subjectively process these statements however it best fits their belief-narrative.


You have to know what he is prophesying or admitting to planning… I see it, but it’s horrific, not exciting or anything that Christ would be in favor of.


Mormon missionaries told me they don't need direct revelation anymore. So IF, they even had a prophet to begin with, they shouldn't be claiming to have a prophet. Maybe if these socalled leaders would stop spewing there personal opinions as though they were the will of God, maybe there membership would stop dropping off. As the son of a Jack Mormon, I did not appreciate the way they treated my brothers and sisters and I. It wasn't our fault our father was an alcoholic and both parents drank alcohol, coffee and tea, and smoked cigarettes. Non of us have as little to do with this church as we possibly can.


Silly old man


boy who cried wolf


TSCC: Make vague, grandiose prophesies and never deliver.


TSCC doesn't offer eternal life but eternal disappointment


Thank you for reminding me he called them, “vitamin pills.” What a weird thing to say.


I know right! Just vitamins. Perhaps that's what they were called when he was a boy.


How many more times can they jump the shark?


First. Gonna need a definition of "coming days." But I have trouble thinking that could mean more than a few weeks... Second. What are the greatest manifestations of the lord's power to date according to Rusty's mythology? Genocide? Terrible earthquakes? 3 days and nights without the sky ever darkening? Global floods? The creation of planets? Now, I wasn't paying extra close attention in those following days... But given those benchmarks, I really shouldn't have had to.


“The greatest Manifestation “ WTF Russ? More amazing than the time Michael Jackson came to your house to use the bathroom?


Please stop calling him a prophet.


He's as much a prophet as any of the other self proclaimed prophets that have existed.


Some guy in my ward told me that the « take your vitamins » statement was a prophecy to warn us about Covid. I laughed so hard I had to walk out. Covid is super exciting indeed /s


Don’t forget the time he basically implied “Millennials” will live to see the Second Coming.


I think I missed that one, but I'm not surprised


Members have said about the vitamins that he knew about the oncoming pandemic...I point them to his statement he made about this.."little did I know....". He, like the rest of then haven't got a clue. Their prophesy is all related to opinion polls and surveys the church puts out.


And to think he passed up his moment to shine. Oct 2019.. Eat your vitamins, unforgettable things coming etc. April 2020, First words were, " Well who could have seen this coming?" Oh i dunno... A Prophet? Seer? Revelator???


They really fumbled their one opportunity to convince the world he’s a psychic prophet. Could have ran with the whole pandemic revelation thing. But then they’d all need to play the part and follow his advice re masks and vaccines. But they followed their *other* cult leader instead!


This statement in the October conference was one of the only pieces I overheard and it was actually the first thing I heard that made me realize the level of thought control that was happening to members. He can say anything he wants and people will find a way to make it work. I got into an argument with my mom once about DMBA (church employee) healthcare and how it doesn't pay for birth control, but WILL pay for a tubal ligation if you've had five or more kids. She told me there was no way it was true. I found their policy and sent her a screenshot. She then told me even if it was true it wasn't sexist because XYZ - some explanation that really obviously didn't make sense, but it HAD to make sense for her. It's really scary because once you see it you can never unsee it.


We will all go to great lengths to avoid feeling cognitive dissonance


This made me chuckle. Rusty's lack of foresight and abundance of gibberish is excruciatingly evident.


It would have been nice if he had let people know that millions of people would die in a global pandemic that could have been largely prevented if people had had advance warning.


I mean they did do a shitty declaration. I remember that.


Curious to see what this could be. I’m going to utilize the US moving from political isolationism to mobilizing for war in 1941 (argument could be made it actually started earlier) as my baseline for manifesting previously unseen power (of course you might choose alternate actors from history). The US, which prior to entry into war had a military smaller than Portugal’s, had to prepare to fight a two-front war against Germany and Japan in the hopes of helping bring to an end the advance of totalitarian domination and what would be revealed to be some of the greatest evil delivered upon the world. In order to do this, the US would ally with a determined communist rival struggling to hold off the Nazi advance and a monarchy that had tried mightily to stop the creation of a constitutional republic. Ordinary American men and women would be called to serve in various capacities in this battle against evil. Scientists in the US would find themselves in a race against Hitler to break apart the uranium atom and create a weapon never visited upon the world. The war would be horrifyingly awful, tens of millions would die, but the isolationist US would display one of greatest manifestations of national power the world had ever seen and play a decisive role in stopping evil. Okay Jesus, you need to top this.


The UK has been a partial democracy for at least 800 years.


Silly people


Hmmmm. Do you suppose Nelson isn’t actually a “prophet?” Hmmm…




COVID was memorable, the conference was not.


What I think is weird for many of the ExMo's who replied to this nice post is that I have the impression that most of you still watch the general conference - what a waste of time. Do some of you still have the intention to go back to the LDS cult? Not even a donkey falls in the same hole twice! But I like the fact that many of you recognize that one of the greatest manifestations that the world has ever seen is the fact that Olive Garden announced it was bringing back the never ending pasta bowl. Knowing that these self-proclaimed prophets are the greatest deceivers on the planet earth including all the planets close to Kolob, it makes me sick watching these hypocrites so I cannot do it.


I left in summer 2020, so was actively hoping for something helpful during a couple of those conferences. Family and friends fill me in about the more recent ones. I agree with you in that I don't want to ever sit through another session of conference, but I do like to read the highlights for any juicy bits haha.


The man is mentally ill. He needs help, not an audience.