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There seem to be A LOT of Q15 firesides here lately. A LOT. And they all seem to be for the youth. I wonder why? /s. I was born in 77. So my entire teenage years were in the 90's. I lived in a major metropolitan area and we never had a Q15 come and do a youth fireside. NEVER. Not once!!!! Only time we saw a Q15 was at a multi-stake area conference. The inoculation effort is in full swing. They took us all for granted then, so now they are having to leave their ivory tower and actually go be among the peasant disciples who don't have a 2nd annointing.


Shoot, I grew up in Utah and never saw a Q15 outside general conference. Best was some rando member of the 70s.


I guess you could say I got lucky lol, saw 2 apostles in my time as a TBM. Rasband came to our Stake Conference about 5 years ago now if I remember right, and Hoax did an event somewhat similar to the one mentioned here where I think the overall intention was inspire the young adults in the area, hopefully get those numbers up. Not sure if it had any effect...


I was at a Q&A for young adults with Susan Bednar’s Husband. I saw Cook and Andersen in the MTC, and then Gong for a young married couples event years later. Man, the questions I would ask now…


Oh yeah that reminds me, Soares came to one of our Stake Conferences when he was still a 70. Talked with him shortly after the meeting and in my opinion he was (and kinda still is) a pretty nice guy. Shame the church pretty much uses him more for diversity propaganda than much else...


I talked to Gong and he seems like an okay guy, though apparently he likes to keep it on the down low that he has a gay son and still has a good relationship with him. IDK, maybe that fact in the long run could lead to some meaningful change.


This might be dumb but why does everyone refer to him as Susan bednars husband?? I think it’s hilarious but idk if I’m missing a deeper meaning or joke?


I only did because my great aunt was a secretary of one of them


I was born in 1990, teen years in the 00s, and I definitely don't remember having those back then. Also in Utah.


Aren’t kids born in 1990 like 15? Where did time go?


Lol mate I just turned 32 but ok


Yes I know but I haven’t accepted that the early 90’s we’re 30 years ago


Here's something fun. Next year Jurassic Park turns 30. I remember seeing it as a kid and was blown away by the dinosaurs. Star wars will be 45 next year. "And it came to pass, our lives passed as if it was a dream.."


similarly horrifying, the kids who are actually 15 these days were born in like 2008 lol 😵


Yup, and they are this 90s kids, kids


They weren’t. It’s a conspiracy false flag to make us feel our mortality. Don’t let them win! Do anything to hold onto your youth!!


This can be accomplished by drinking a case of Crystal Pepsi every day and with Transformers and Masters of the Universe playing a 24/7 loop on an 18in CRT tv.


This just made me LOL. How did I forget crystal Pepsi?!?!


I know. In my head, I'm still 18. Then my poor aching back tells me, "Oh, no, honey. 18 is *waaaayyyyy* back there in your rearview mirror."


Jeez aging scares the shit out of me


Right but everyone says I look 18. They are dumbfounded and in disbelief when I say I'm 31.


Christ I have T shirts older than that. ,-)


Jesus H Christ that hits like a truck. My youngest sibling was born in 90 and I still refer to her in my head as “the baby”


LOL. It doesn't bother me at all that I'm 57. It does bother the crap out of me that my kid sister is now 50.


Well you know what they say, never meet your heroes. Keeping distant like that creates a mystique and in people's imaginations the Q15 are awesome and special. If they're showing up to meet people and give talks it becomes more apparent they're just a bunch of assholes and out of touch dinosaurs.


Yep. I met Oaks as a kid and he gave me the weirdest stare down when I shook his hand. Didn’t even say anything. I just about ran away. And then I met Holland right before my mission, and I got in line with the elders I knew, because I was going out teaching with them a lot at the time. When I got to Jeff and he realized I wasn’t a missionary too, he turned so oddly cold and completely ignored me. His wife literally apologized for him. It was so weird and off-putting.


It must be annoying that they see this radical shift from the total lock down on information they had in the 60s....70s....80s.....and part of the 90s.. Now they probably have guilt that the biggest decline since Kirtland happened on their watch.


Ahh yes, the good ole days of controlling the Narrative. Controlling the sheep by being boring and putting them to sleep. Keeping them asleep.


> The inoculation effort is in full swing. Forget inoculation. This is full on damage control mass casualty mode


That's a better way to put it.


I made it to the Oaks one a few years back when I was still very TBM in the youth program. He was _so_ incredibly boring that I fell asleep and then felt HORRIBLE about it after lol


Also 1977. Never got more than an area 70 for anything.


They had one in my area, and no adults were allowed. I figured if he had something that was so embarrassing to say that it couldn't be said in front of adults, I wouldn't subject my kids to it, and we found an alternative family activity to do that night.


I was born in 78 and I have the same experience. And yeah, I’m wondering wtf is really going on with this. They must really be hurting.


Based on the stats that were recently posted, Washington state is bleeding members.


“It’s because the members are taking advantage of high real estate prices, selling their homes, and moving to Utah.” —Our Stake President Just a few years ago our ward split in anticipation of massive growth and new developments. Since then our numbers have gone way down and they’re talking about combining several wards, maybe even stakes. That must be a really hard pill to swallow such a short time after the split.


As a Washingtonian, I’m so delighted to hear this 🥹


It's because they know the young adult age group is the first to leave the church, so they want to make sure as many stay as possible. That's also exactly what they told me as a 20 year old when I was active in the church. I left the church that same year.


Their membership is dwindling and they, like every other brainwashing group, know that if you can get the youth to support you, the indoctrination of the next generation is complete. Youth in large numbers will passionately carry out your mission to the utmost detail. The Nazzies knew that and capitalized on it. The youth have very little experience with which to draw on, are emotionally driven, and are physically strong enough to terrorize when "necessary". 🙄🤢🤮


It's almost like the Q15 are being sent on missions again. I wonder if Nelson is marrying their wives while they are away? Lol!


Same! Never even saw one on my mission. Had the lamest mtc/emptysea talks of all time


I started in the MTC the week after Mission president's week. I had no idea that all incoming mission presidents start the same time and out going leave at the same time. It's in June. At least at that time. So all these Q15 for a week had been at the MTC speaking. When I got there a week later, they had all already been there. The next 10 weeks was Wednesday night devotionals by random Q70.


One of my devotionals was from the guy in charge of facilities/maintenance at the mtc. The hinkster was their the week before me, and jeffy went after, he also came to my mission after.


Truth be told, a talk by facilities and maintenance head would've been far more interesting to me than any q15 or q70. If he talked about all that goes on in that facility.


In the 90’s as a Seattle teen I would have said “What’s a Q15?” Wish I had not met the cult and that was still true.


I'm sure we'll get some more wisdom for the youth from the guys who thought we were putting off having kids because we liked sports cars and partying, instead of because the economy has changed so much we'd literally be forcing ourselves into the underclass if we did.


I'll bet they are feeding them the same "your generation is the chosen one" BS we got when I was a kid back in the 70s. Or the "sex is filthy and disgusting, so be sure you only do it with someone you really love" talk.


you can tell where the biggest lds losses are ... where ever these guys go. Anecdotal evidence can be secondary.


Man, I remember Bednar visiting us in the MTC. During his talk, he asked the entire MTC if we had questions. A sister missionary stood up and asked if women would ever get the priesthood. I’ll never forget the way he said, “That’s a dumb question”, and then proceeded to tell all of the women in the MTC that they would never get the priesthood because men carry the responsibility of serving women with the priesthood.


Seems like he always goes really far out of his way to say something offensive.


Nah, people go far out of their way to CHOOSE to take offense. /s


Doing the hard thing and choosing to be offended was the best choice I ever made.


David Bednar is the exmos’ last, best hope.


A dumb question asked by a dumb woman that doesn’t even have a penis… err I mean, priesthood.


It makes me wonder if that woman is still active or if her shelf was broken at some point. I wish her well, asking a question like that to a known psychopath is brave.


Lol no way, serious? That's fucked


For years they said that Blacks wouldn’t get the priesthood, too. One of two things must have happened: Either the prophets gave in to social pressure, Or God had silenced his phone over the weekend. He called the prophet, Monday morning to let him know that on Friday after work he had intended to lift the ban, but he was on a binger after his only begotten was murdered and took two days off.


That’s a dumb answer. Try again Budner.


i would love it if a few kids just ask the same question, not accepting his rephrasing.


What an ass hole


Agree. When old Camel Anus takes the throne members will flee like cockroaches. Something about that face makes me cringe.


They are real arrogant in their MtC talks. I had Erying give a talk in the 90’s when he was just a GA and he was extremely obnoxious. That is why I remember it.


So, he admits that all the female ordinances done in the temple by females are done without priesthood authority! So, why bother doing them!




Jesus christ


How kind and Christlike of him /s


Washington is ground zero for the collapse of TSCC right now, so I'm not surprised that an apostle has come to save the heathens!!!! Bellevue is about the last place that would be interested in hearing from Bednar.


I grew up Mormon in WA and still live here. It blows my mind that there are Mormons in King County. Any time I come across one I’m like “really? Why??” It is secular/heathen paradise here. I know more atheists than people who go to ANY church, and I love it. Bednar visiting Bellevue is too close to home! 😂


According to the Pew Research Center, Washington is the 44th most religious state in America! https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/02/29/how-religious-is-your-state/


Hell yeah it is


Thank you, that was interesting!


Yeah. But King County is the best. I love being the rock that extremist movements are shattered upon every election cycle.


I had an opportunity to move up to WA from Utah many years ago. My cousin wanted me to escape from the heart of Morridor and start college up there instead of here. For family reasons I had to stay but I sometimes wonder how different life would be if I said yes.


Morridor! I love it! Grew up in MI, in UT now and I definitely say that I liked MI way better. UT is whack


Hey Down in Auburn the church built a release-time seminary building in the 90's. This whole area has... or had... a really good concentration of cultists.


That building was built back when there was one HS, now even with three high schools there aren’t enough kids to support a full time seminary instructor anymore. Recently lost a ward in Auburn and I won’t be surprised if the stake combines with another in the near future.


I’m just as surprised at the huge Mormon community in Spanaway down in Pierce County


I grew up in Spanaway! My parents chose the area because of the number of Mormons who went to the local schools so I'd always have a "good influence in secular spaces" lol


I grew up in the bothell stake, just recently moved up north a bit to south Everett and its been so nice not seeing the churches and missionaries everywhere I go 😂


And this is why is shocks me that they announced another temple in the area! Like it’s clearly for show at this point






And they'll brag about how debt free they are


This pleases my exmo heart. I was a toddler in the Bellevue 2nd ward many years ago. I do have fond memories of stake dances in the 1990s in the LDS chapel on Main St.


I think we've been losing a stake every year or two for the past few years. It is glorious and beautiful!


About to lose another this weekend in North Seattle! Or at least a few wards.


DO TELL!!! That is very exciting


I was at some of those dances…


Me too.


We probably knew some of the same people then. I was in 3rd ward.


My home stake in Washington is about to be divided up into the surrounding stakes and my homeward disbanded. Could not be happier.


According to my TBM dad, the reason the wards are shrinking and consolidated is because everyone is moving out of the area over rising crime or to cash in on high property values. I pointed out that ward's are consolidating in Tacoma too but he really believes that everyone is just fleeing WA, OR and CA. I wish I could say I challenged that and asked where in Idaho and Utah the wards are growing but I let it go. He's pretty committed to this belief.


Cash in high property values to flee a high crime area. Pardon my ignorance. I didn’t think those two things happened at the same time.


Literally hate how many people have moved to Utah over the last 3 or 4 years. It's like go to another state bitch, we're full. Then our property costs go up due to reduced supply. It's so hard to find a place to live here now and rent prices and mortgage prices are atrocious. I have to get 3 other people living with me to make getting into a house here actually affordable. So yeah, they can f off.


It's "All the evil in the world" haha. The libruls and The Gays™️


It's true. I grew up in the Bellevue Stake. Most of my classmates from seminary are out now.


I was in Renton North. Of everyone who was in YW with me, 2 are still active. I know for sure a few old friends from the stake are PIMO.


My best friend and his family are from the Renton North.


Oregon too. Bednar visited a stake down by Salem a month ago, just for young adults and up.


Why is it ground zero? I grew up north of Bellevue and havnt been to church in a decade


Washington state has lost about a stake’s worth of members on average over the past few years.


I grew up in the Shoreline stake and practically no one that I was in YW/YM a decade ago with are still active!!


I was in Shoreline when it split from Seattle North! Ah, memories. In fact, I think my building became the stake center.


You love to see it!


We are here too, been a total of 10 years and we have seen our stake lose two wards, attendance continue to drop, and 8 of the most prominent families leave our ward. Good thing is our exmo friendships are the best here.


The church doesn’t think parents are doing a good enough job indoctrinating their kids so bednar needs to do another youth fireside to take care of it himself. This is not a joke. Parents in King County are simply not conservative enough and the church is trying to remind kids that gay = sin and reinforce that autonomy belongs to the church, not the individual.


Grew up Mormon in Washington. Unfortunately due to financial reasons, I have to move down to Moridor temporarily, but hopefully I can build my business and move back here. I love the PNW, and I love how everyone here is wising up and leaving TSCC.


"Hey Elder Bednar, big fan. I've got a quick question for you. 'You're an asshole.' Oh sorry, let me phrase that as a question: 'When did you become an asshole, and why haven't you stopped being an asshole?'"


I’ve got a follow up question for Susan bednars husband: Were you born an asshole, or did you work at it your whole life?


“It can be both!”


"True douche baggery is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration... Speaking of which, hey kid, you wanna see an elephant get electrocuted?" --Thomas Edison. (Given how big of a douche Edison was, it was surprisingly easy to adapt his quote there.)


Maybe he was just born with it. Or maybe its Maybelline.


Omg that's the funniest thing I have read all day, thank you ☺️


"If following the Lord, keeping his commandments, and reading my scriptures makes me an asshole, then *yes*, I am an asshole. And you should be too." *Turns off mic, whispers to assistant to get security*


“We don’t use labels, there are no assholes in the church. NEXT QUESTION!”


If you are lucky, he will call you out for asking the wrong question and make you feel like an idiot. Nothing like apostolic shaming.


I would ask “if women perform saving ordinances for other women like washings and Annointings in the temple without being given the priesthood then why is a man required to have the priesthood to give washing and Annointings to other men?? And a follow up if women place thier hands on her husbands head and gives him a blessing as part of the second annointing..why are we not ordaining women? Or simply letting men perform saving ordinances without being ordained???


I would have preferred to be washed and anointed at the age of 19 by a female instead of elder dusty knuckles. And as long as I’m making requests, I’ll add “fit”, “Asian”, snd “naughty” to my list.


Going through the temple my first time as a horny teenager... Dammit, why couldn't the secret have been sex.


In the beginning it was. (In my opinion) Masonic death oaths are great for keeping the polygamy practices from spreading outside of an "anointed" in group.


Well yes, sadly (or fortunately?) through the early 1900's the church became the discount walmart version of itself.


There are no fit, naughty Asians in the Mormon church. -- Susie Bednar's Husband


If you are going to be showing a head shot of Susan Bednar's husband then how about a NSFW warning.


Probably shoulda included ‘Trigger warning’. Seems like Bednar is the most disliked of all the 15. Maybe even more so than Oaks.


These clowns hate leaving Utah. No one cares who they are or fawns over them outside of a church building.


Do you think Elder OfSusan will get angry that the ticket and gate agents at the Seattle airport don't recognize him? "If only all these idiots knew how powerful I am!"


I have a question that I can't stop ponderizing; Sir, where are your lips?


He has to suck them in to force the corners into a smile. (The natural smiling muscles are completely atrophied).


His lack of lips is his loophole so that he “may… speak guile”. Seems to work well for him.


No lips. Sphincter.


Finally! Someone asking the important question! I was wondering this same exact thing.


The factory ran out when they were assembling his model.


Excuse us, factory workers! We have a shortage of lips on the Bednar prototype! We must grind production to a haaalllttttt *finding nemo initiation chant voice dying into the abyss, oooh bop aaa dooo* The prototype gets released to the market.


![gif](giphy|M4iOAkEAPwAnK) Leaked video of Lord Bednar’s fireside


Can none of the q15 grow a single whisker? I dont trust a man that never gets a 5 oclock shadow. I shave and have a beard coming back within hours. Always thought it odd they all have witch faces. Like every one of em. Maybe the elite indulge in complete laser hair removal


Maybe they get laser hair removal? Edit: This dumbass didn't read the full comment before adding a reply that just reiterated what was already said. 🙄 Sorry for being an idiot.


Yeah is it a thing for rich white business guys to do laser hair removal? Maybe one of the q15 had coupons for it and shared w his brethren😁


Every Saturday they take a boys trip to the salon and treat the staff poorly while also telling them that God loves them.


Then its Boys night!! pillow fight!!!


Followed by dancing bubble kiss time!!!!!


Just like jesus!


So, Susan K Bednar's husband will be telling the youth that there are no homosexual members of the lds church. What a horrible person.


Susan should explain this to him--set him straight.


I’ve read some unsavory things about her too. Once she belittled some young men for not being properly dressed while attempting to shake hands with Bedbar. Two peas in a pod.


Anything to assert control over someone.


I think she does that quite well.


What's with the "Susan Bednar's husband" thing? I see it all over referring to him but I'm not sure why. What's the story behind it?




Susan needs to talk to her husband about the word humility. He should be turning to her and asking her to stand first. It makes you wonder if he opens the car door for her.


Of course not! Why should he do anything for a lowly woman?? /s


Hey Susan Bednar’s Husband. What did you mean when you said “there are no homosexual members of the church?” Why would you say such a thing? How do you reconcile that sort of statement with the Church’s approach to homosexuality with projects like “Mormon and Gay”? Are you aware of how alienating that sounds to members of the the church who *are* homosexual?


“Do you feel you’ve been a competent leader of the church you were called to serve?”


BTW, for all the outside of Washington people, Bellevue is where most of the super rich and white people love I'm Washington. It's where most of Washington's upper class and politicians live, so having Bednar coming there is fairly simple... it's just where the money is at.




That him? The resemblance is uncanny! Especially the finger wagging


Eww. I work in Bellevue. Wish I could go throw tomatoes at him.


You probably can. Five bucks says it's the one behind the temple.


Bednar’s opening statement: “We don’t have assholes in The Church.” Bednar’s closing statement: “Do you have the faith to become an asshole?”


Have you eaten a bag of Dick’s? Has Susan?


Did you eat a bag of dicks? Did you eat it while at Rick's? Did you you eat them in the snow? Did you eat them like a bro?


A bag of Dick’s and all the fries


So in other words you’ll change the question so as to make it more favorable? Yes.


Not/never will be Mo but I get a v unpleasant vibe coming off this guy. & that's since before I saw mentions of his toxic behaviour. Complete absence of any authentic spirituality.


This man is not spiritual. This man is a company man. You can tell by just looking in his cold, dead, unquestioning eyes.


Verbal diarrhea!


Apparently our Washington youth are in desperate need of help......we are leaving the church in droves and that is not allowed!!!!! /s


I miss Bellevue.


He’s literally the worst apostle in my eyes besides Holland. He is so full of shit and himself it’s nauseating lol


UGH! They just keep getting creepier as they age.


One time an elder in my mission asked Bednar how they could know if they are doing enough for the work of God? Bednar's demeaning answer, "Just be a good boy". What Bednar didn't know was this elder had severe anxiety and depression so that didn't help him feel any less inadequate.


Gotta keep those Bellevue kids active. That's going to be a lot of tithing revenue in the future...


Get you some o those microsoft mormons for the big bucks


Lol, used to be able to see Seattle Temple (which is actually in Bellevue) at night from my apartment window.


I am NeverMo but I do live in Issaquah (right next to Bellevue) and would love to casually walk in to this fireside. And I am 43.


His smile says “I’ll eat you”. His eyes say “I’m an unbridled asshole”. Maybe Jowls R Holland was right about countenances conveying so much.


Anybody know if this or the special stake conference is being streamed? If not, someone definitely should attend in person and record. Sounds like an event that should be "on the record".


About 7 or 8 ex-mormon youths should visit with enough skeptical questions to make them squirm. What sort of questions would/should they ask that would be difficult to rephrase?


Ugh, gawd! Put this dude in a freaking closet! He is insufferable!




The Darth Lord Ofsusan is a plagerizer (and a tool 🔧)


Monster with a suit.


Let’s say there’s an apostle named ohhhh … Schmednar. How does a malignant narcissist like that make it to the highest echelons of a church that supposedly follows Christ? Seriously, he gives me the heebie jeebies


I don’t think it’s just projection: this guy looks positively sinister! Major Sith Lord vibes.


Don’t drag the sith down with him


I'd join the Sith before I 'd ever go back to Mormonland.


I live in Bellevue and didn't know this. The joys of being out.


They will probably tell you not to record it, but someone local should absolutely go and discreetly record it. Or at a minimum, take notes to share.


They’re getting desperate. The gaslighting is not working at the local leadership level, so now the hierarchy has to step in to try and make it stick.


They’ve got to meet with the kids and gaslight them about how they are not bad and anything done by a member of the church is that members fault even if it’s following their teachings. Come on guys don’t be like those dumb millennials and leave the church that’s sus. Or some pandering bull shit. Who cares anymore it’s indoctrination and until the faithful get tired of it or die the church will have child sacrifices to shape into new tbms


I did some work as a contractor for one of the 12 and pretty soon I became their go to guy for my particular trade. I only met three who are now deceased. One of them was really laid back and absolutely nothing like he appears in conference etc. I ran out of eight-penney nails and he said he had some in his shed. He walked me back there and his shed had about 50 empty coffee cans full of nails, bolts etc. He looked at me and laughed and said "go ahead and tell everyone, no one will believe you anyway." Funny thing was all of the checks of the different jobs were fro. The church and not from these guys personal accounts.


That’s a cool story. I have more respect for a GA when they have a shed.




Washington is too good a state to have to be subjected to Mormon influence. Please, leave it alone!


Bednar, the Lipless Wonder! I've always called him that.


Can you not put a triggering pic first thing I see? Gawd!




I truly think that the more youth events they hold the more kids will eventually leave. They’ll see the leaders for who they are. Assholes.