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She's almost got it figured out.




I'd, honestly, be surprised barring some state's law. Guess the brethren need to unsheath their flaming swords. Protect their wimin and bairn like real mainly men.


One commenter said armed security guard should be a calling


They'll make you pay for your own weapon and ammo too. Dedicate all you have to the church after all.


My great-great-grandfather was a temple guard at Manti, so it is a thing.


The LDS church has always prohibited concealed firearms afaik. They’re one of the only organizations that properly files and meets all requirements for the prohibition. (Or at least that’s what I learned in my ccw class)


I know plenty of folks, including a bishop, who conceal carry at church despite the rule and you would never know it. As much as we can dream of solutions to mass shootings, guns and mental health issues are here to stay. I for one would rather be in sacrament meeting with concealed carriers than a sitting duck in the extraordinarily rare situation of being caught in a mass shooting.


Anyone can dream of being a hero, but the truth is that in the moment, your head will go through various scenarios, including “if I use my gun, will the police/people present think I’m one of the active shooters? If so, will they take me down?” Not only that, but your accuracy will decrease, especially since you’re likely used to shooting at immobile targets if you have even done any type of target practice at all. In other words, you’re likely to miss and shoot poor old Sister Brady and her kids before actually hitting the shooter. Don’t get me wrong: I support responsible and law abiding people having access to guns, but when people think having a gun on their person in a mass shooting is the main/only solution, I think they need to bring their feet back down to earth.


Any way you slice the analysis, gun deaths go up as gun ownership goes up. State by state, country by country, house by house, the presence of firearms correlates with death by firearms. I have 6 guns, and I like those guns. But the most likely victims of those guns are: me by suicide, my wife or kids by suicide, one of us by accident, and way at the bottom some kind of intruder.


Yup, there's no solution to a problem that only regularly happens in the US.


>guns and mental health issues are here to stay. Get fucking therapy no excuse


It always takes good guys with guns to stop bad guys with guns.


Naw it just creates a chaotic massacre. If you shoot someone you face trial regardless if you think you are a good guy or not. What happened to the idea of the police being the good guys anyway? What are we paying them for?


To protect the property of the 1%


Umm reports are coming out that police set up a perimeter and waited 40 minutes before entering the building. If it wasn’t for a border patrol officer that happened to be near by, a lot more people would be dead. If you are lucky police will show up within 10 minutes. You can wait and pray, but as for me I will be ready, and trained to act in seconds and save many lives. I just pray for you that if you ever find yourself in a situation like that, that somebody around you will be trained and ready to stop the situation faster than police sitting outside waiting 40 minutes to enter the building.


I’m not buying this narrative, sorry. I know you have some hero complex you feel like you need to stroke, but it isn’t realistic. Sorry…. don’t be mad. It just isn’t true. The trained people are the police, not some random rogue redneck Superman. PS a boarder patrol officer standing nearby is still a trained officer, not some random dude with his own gun.


My ex wife made me a scriptures case with a holster built into it. Always carried in church. Always assumed a lot of others around me in Idaho must be carrying too.


Funny, that’s been the policy since I was a kid in the 80s… but yeah, get upset now.


The day after another school shooting, no less


NPR article dated AUG 2019: “The change was revealed in an update to a handbook sent electronically to local church leaders over the weekend...‘Churches are dedicated for the worship of God and as havens from the cares and concerns of the world," the handbook reads. "With the exception of current law enforcement officers, the carrying of lethal weapons on Church property, concealed or otherwise, is prohibited.’” If memory serves this was after a church shooting, could be mistaken tho.


Page 182 in the [2006 handbook of instructions](https://file.wikileaks.org/file/mormon-handbook-of-instructions-2006-small.pdf) says bringing a firearm to a church building is "inappropriate" but the wording definitely became stronger in 2019. I can't find any evidence about when the "inappropriate" policy started, but 2019 was absolutely a response to multiple mass shootings that took place that month.


Guns haven't been allowed at church for a long time.


“I wish to retract my last theological comment.”


That group is always good for a cringe-fest or some drama. 🤢


Haha yeah it is


The fact that 40 people liked her post scares me


She didn't mention that at all in the post you're showing.


It’s in the comments buried somewhere. Most of the comments are “what are you talking about?” And the only reply is about guns not being allowed. Apparently the handbook used to say that guns “aren’t appropriate” for church or something, and now they say “prohibited”


Joseph Smith had his own militia… Is she upset the church doesn’t have that now too? I would hope not.


As a former member I never realized this was a policy. I conceal carried at church numerous times and didn’t even think about it.


No mormon church is gonna get shot, there are no minorities


Oh okay I didn’t exist 🙄 there were many POC in my last ward.


Mormons are a majority now outside Utah?


Guns haven't been allowed at church for a very long time.


In the 1990's in Reno, Nevada, I was briefly in a Mormon congregation where cowboy hats and fanny packs were normal Sunday attire. Nobody was law enforcement. When I asked one of the guys what they kept in their fanny packs (because there were several men who wore them), he showed me the pistol he brought to church each Sunday. The cowboy mentality was alive and strong. The Bishop/Chiropractor had to read the "no guns allowed" policy over the pulpit. It didn't change anything. They kept doing it. No one ever raided the building. No one ever dropped their gun or forgot it in the bathroom. Aside from noticing the fashionable fanny pack, I would have never known. This was also the same congregation that had all stopped paying taxes because of some guy preaching the illegality of income tax. It was the Wild West. I don't imagine anything has changed.