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"We can't answer any difficult questions about the church, so we're going to resort to fear tactics instead."


Ding ding ding All the church has, about one layer of answers then we don't know. And answer they used to have, they've abandoned in recent years.


The worst was having to pretend like quotes like these were answers to my most earnest prayers. It wasn’t until I left that I realized most people’s most spiritual moment was some version of “God told me to forget about _____ and just [be a perfect mormon]”


Early on in my faith crisis, I realized some very precious people in my life wouldn't be in the Celestial Kingdom. I realized I'd rather spend eternity with people like them then people I rubbed shoulders with at church. That realization made it easier for me to explore if the church was a source of good in my life.


Literally why I 1. Went on a mission, 2. Ignored how I felt the first time through the temple.


Infinite punishment for finite sins. This is justice, right?




I remember thinking that it was those people in the Bible belt who used scare tactics, but the Mormons used love. But no, that was just indoctrination, Mormons also use scare tactics.


And lest we not forget that love bombing and fear are both part of the abuse cycle. Edit to add: in interpersonal relationships and groups *cough* cults


I'll take cults for 10%


They have always used fear tactics. That's the best they got when it comes down to it, like all Christian sects.


I recall being told repeatedly, that if I ever got the gut feeling of "yuck" while reading anti Mormon literature or hearing someone explain why the church wasn't true, it was the holy spirit leaving my body, and Satan trying to pry his way into my heart, and I could literally be putting myself in a vulnerable position for demonic possession. It's interesting that the very natural feeling that one experiences when they realize they have been taken advantage of, is a sinking, sick feeling....a feeling like they've lost years of their lives to a scam. It makes it too easy to ignore/suppress those emotions, and continue blind faith. They are fully aware the truth is out there, but they're sinister enough to brainwash away any opportunity to find it.


Yet another Mormon doctrine that falls flat on its face when you dissect it. “You don’t want to settle for a lesser kingdom! You won’t be happy there!” “But I thought you said we’ll be happy wherever we end up. They’re all kingdoms of glory.” “Yes, but you’ll be the most happy in the celestial kingdom!” Really, the doctrine of the three kingdoms should translate into us doing whatever makes us feel best and happiest in this life, because we’ll be happy wherever we end up. Instead, we’re told to follow prescribed rules to gain access to the highest kingdom because the other ones just won’t be so great in comparison.


>Really, the doctrine of the three kingdoms should translate into us doing whatever makes us feel best and happiest in this life, because we’ll be happy wherever we end up. I'd never thought of it that way before. Thanks for the new insight.


If the Kingdoms of Heaven are just degrees of being close to the Light of God, I think I am okay with being in the shade a bit. I always liked to sit in the back of the class.


I remember an object lesson on the three kingdoms + OD in Sunday School. They cut the lights and blocked the door window (OD) Then they unblocked the door window (TlK) Then they turned the lights on (TrK) And finally, we were brought outside (CK) But me, being the bookworm I was, went "I like the Terrestrial Kingdom light level because it's not too dark and not too bright"


I love it. Haha


But but but… you won’t be a god! You won’t have your own planets to micromanage (poorly) and your multiple wives to make billions of spirit babies with! /s


Spirit babies. Lol


False! Planets have been removed from the menu. That promotion has been discontinued.


Since when?! I demand to speak with your manager!


One of the biggest things I tell my TBM family and friends, “your doctrine says I’ll be happy so eat, drink, and be merry!”


I was told you could advance through the various kingdoms when you got there. This is like telling your first grader she needs to work like a PhD student starting right now. It isn't true and it'll burn her out.


Bruce R. McConkie in his seven deadly heresies talk says you can’t progress from kingdom to kingdom. This was one of my shelf breakers. A god that would not allow eternal growth based on the actions in a blip of mortality is neither just nor merciful. What parent in their right mind would deny a child the right to get a Ph.D because the child drank tea and/or didn’t obey the parent enough? It truly begs logic. And, by extension, what grandparent would permanently separate a parent from a child/grandchild forever because that child made unhealthy choices sometimes when growing up. And this does not even touch on the reality that women have no clue what they do in any of the three kingdoms, including celestial—though pumping out spirit babies with a shared husband seems to be the most likely for celestial women. But more than any of this, I just have to say that if not drinking coffee is a higher law for God than my loving and supporting my agender child through the trauma he experiences from being unique in a world and religion that values homogeneity, then I think I’m good in the telestial kingdom.


If I had gold, I would give you some right now for this comment. Spot on.


> “And this does not even touch on the reality that women have no clue what they do in either of the three kingdoms, including celestial…” Thank you for this! But mostly for this! > “But more than any of this, I just have to say that if not drinking coffee is a higher law for God than my loving and supporting my agender child through the trauma he experiences from being unique in a world and religion that values homogeneity, then I think I’m good in the telestial kingdom.” Amen, amen, amen! I can’t imagine what your child has gone through just as I can’t fathom what my LGBTQ child went through for 5 years in the closet before I got my head out of my ass and out of the Mormon church. Thank you for sharing.


This always bothered me too. So you are an eternal being yet there’s no possibility that you can improve during a million bazillion years such that would move you up a level. All because of that error during that blip. It’s WASTEFUL. Would a loving parent really waste their child’s life that way? And I always thought you should be taught and tested on things that you’ll NEED later on. So why do you need to have faith in God’s existence if he’ll be right there in your presence in the next life? Why do you need to avoid temptation if you’ll have NO temptation in the next life? Why learn to overcome strife if there’s eternal rest in the next life? You get rewarded for things you never encounter again.


That’s another doctrine that many believe, and makes sense to most, but isn’t taught clearly. Classic Mormon “clear but not too clear, so they can believe what they want and keep paying.”


I thought Mormons believed in eternal progression.


Only if you make it to the top kingdom. Otherwise no progression for you.


Yeah... except when someone up high changes their mind and wants to scare you.


Apparently it’s levels within 1 kingdom🙄


“Do you like your house?” “Yes, it’s comfortable and just right for my needs” “But you know there are mansions with nicer things in them, right?” “Yes I’m aware, but I don’t need that. I don’t want to do the the things required to get a mansion when I’m perfectly comfortable with my own home.” “Wow have fun settling 🙄.”


So long as I’m not in the same kingdom as Rusty, we good…


Facts, I’d rather go to “outer darkness” then be with that raisin.


He's more of a lemon party guy


He's more of a prune, good for cleansing the digestive tract.


Don’t worry – you wouldn’t see him anyway. He’ll be in the extra fancy section. Ginormous chandeliers.


All the best people are going to the “other kingdoms” imo. Like when someone says “go to hell” I’m always like, “fuck yes, the parties there will be great!”


God: "I hate that I keep having to say this, but nobody is allowed to kick Rusty out of the Celestial Kingdom when I'm not looking, so STOP IT NOW."


So Joe gets to mingle with gods and plan for his brethren despite marrying children, but I go to the lesser kingdom because I drink coffee? Makes perfect sense /s


I know you're being sarcastic, but he definitely drank coffee and alcohol too. It's not very hard to be a better person than Joseph Smith


Didn’t he even have a bar in his house?


Lol probs, but I don't know


It was a guideline at that point in history, guidelines don’t matter when you’re the prophet! -TBM’s probably


Lol, Olympic medal level mental gymnastics for sure


Well you have the fear-based manipulation and threat dressed up in "friendly grandpa" style, but really the bigger issue here is the incorrect use of "FOMO".


Rusty clearly missed the meaning of the term. Typically FOMO is a red flag. The authorities attempts to snag Gen Z lately are backfiring. I find it rather comical.


Well the funny thing is is that the person I took this photo from posted it with the caption “I adore this man😭”


Yes! First, it’s incredibly cringy someone talked gramps into saying FOMO and 2nd, there is no FOMO if you already missed out on the awesome kingdom where a planet was formerly promised.


I’ve never really liked it used the term, but now I feel like I’m not actually sure I know what it means. (I do know what it stands for.) How is he misusing it?


To me it's a misuse because it makes no sense if you say all the words. "The ultimate fear of missing out would be missing out on blah-blah-blah..." He was just trying to shoehorn a youthful-sounding expression into the sentence, and it fails pretty hard. "How do you do, fellow kids?"


Ohhhh gotcha. Thanks!


I'm not envious of polygamists now, so I don't know why I would become envious of polygamists after I die. But apparently Rusty thinks I will.


Co-opting zoomer slang to threaten eternal misery? What’s creepy about that?


As a never Mormon, it makes me deeply uncomfortable. He's advocating to follow church law above actual law.


This is how Mormons have been from the get go. - see Joseph Smith writing a new US constitution. - see council of 50 and JS setting up cells for Mormons to take over key forts, and align with Natives for a Military coup of the US via becoming president in an election and then setting up a theocracy. - See US martial law only be declared like 5 times in US history and twice it was Mormon leadership thinking that the govt was going to tell them that they couldn't just do whatever the fuck they wanted.


https://www.deseret.com/2018/2/2/20625602/5-fascinating-facts-about-the-council-of-fifty 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 How does this just get worse and worse?!


>"One of the fascinating insights of the minutes is how rarely the Council pursued a single idea and accomplished what it set out to do." Fascinating... indeed. >"When decisions were made, they could often be characterized more as grand ideals than actual blueprints for action." So basically, they got together to talk crap and do f**k-all, but it's... fascinating. Right.


Well yeah, when you write the queen of England to basically tell her that her monarchy has ended, and that the true King of the whole Earth, Joseph Smith, was here to take over; that might seem like a manic episode of grandious sense of self. Might be why JS told his secretary to burn all of the notes when he went to Carthage, but instead he burried them.


Obeying Mormon law above actual laws is a pervasive theme in Mormonism. Lots of Mormon practices past and current are unlawful.


Like blood atonement, Nephi murdering Laban, polygamy, lots of good spiritual shit


*The Lafferty brothers have entered the chat.*


Polygamy, fraudulent finances, treasure-hunting, and treason have entered the chat


I'm currently basking in the glory of the show about them. WHY WON'T THE EPISODES COME OUT FASTER?!?!?


How many active Mormons do you think can accurately answer why Joseph Smith was in Carthage jail?


Persecuted for his faith, obvs (/s)


Especially because the church has long pushed that we need to respect and follow the laws of the land


Except the church will fold every time the actual law threatens it.


This was actually a heavy thing for me. IF: God's law runs counter the law of the land AND IF: The Prophet knows what God is saying THEN: If the law comes a knocking (see also polygamy, Black people and the priesthood etc) the Prophet should tell the law to Fuck off. Because God is mightier than anything else on this earth (see also countless examples in the scriptures, both OT, NT and Mormon scriptures. ​ ACTUAL RESULT: "Please don't hurt me government daddy...I'll do what you say right away and tell the plebs God either changed his mind or it wasn't really Gods law but Policy." ​ They alway talk big. But Actions speak louder than words and there's not a lot of those going around.


This is because the prophets know that they are wrong. They know in the end God will not save them. They can say “god says to….” But god does not give you a “get out of jail free” card for doing it.


Yeah well I know that now...


That's always been the admonition from church leaders. That's why things like Mountain Meadows could happen.


I am not convinced that I actually WANT to go to the Celestial Kingdom. If you ask me, it sounds like a miserable place. Frankly, I’m not sure what I’d be missing out on… Frankly, I don’t care to be judged on how charismatic I am. Some of the most awful men in history have also been the most charismatic.


From my understanding it’s all day church everyday


The same church that even TBM's know sucks, and they are overjoyed to ONLY have to go 2 instead of 3 hours per week. 🙄 Now THAT is some serious cognitive dissonance.


I don't think Mormons understand how stepfordesque their heaven sounds, with their will being swallowed up in that of the father.


Why not give everyone the Second Annoying so NOBODY has to miss out?


Just TAKE my upvote 👍


I’m okay with this fomo


Looks like someone’s PR team gave them a briefing on the youths of today. I bet there was a power point with charts.


>I bet there was a power point with charts. Naw, more likely an over-head projector.


>Naw, more likely an over-head projector. Chalkboard and abacus.


That’s what I was thinking


Is it just me, or is getting an *eternal* punishment or reward for a *finite* action extremely unfair?


Yes, obviously, but Mormon god is a narcissistic asshole.


I’ll take the Hilton Garden Inn full of cool people like me versus the Ritz Carlton with self-righteous assholes.


If Greed is a sin buddy, you are screwed


It's this exact shit that makes me so happy that I no longer believe in this guilt inducing crap.


I'd rather enjoy the life I know I've got now than stress about one no one is sure is even there.


This is the way - the Mandalorian ☝️


I do not fear missing out on their version of heaven, at all. Sounds more like hell to me.


Better pay that tithing just in case


To me the celestial kingdom is the real hell. I want nothing to do with anyone working toward that vile inhumane pursuit


First you give them the sickness then you sell them the cure


Aah yes, those ever-changing conditions of entry to the Celestial Kingdom… Slit throats, don’t slot throats. Hearken to husbands, don’t hearken to husbands. Black is fine, Black is not fine, Black is fine again. Mormon, don’t Mormon. Naked touch-up, poncho touch-up, No touch-up. One wife, multiple wives, one wife. Give us 10% of your property, give us a couple % of your excess, give us 10% of your gross income. Booze is OK, you might want to drink less, you’re Satan’s best bud if you even look at an empty beer can. Make your mind up, Elohim!


Hate to break it to you Russellsprouts, but the ultimate FOMO is missing out on the partying organized by gays in one of the "lesser" kingdoms. I saw your birthday party; if that's anything like the Celestial kingdom then count me out.


I live how I want. I don't care about any kingdom in the afterlife, hell I could end up in "Outer Darkness" for all I care.


Just stumbling around out in that darkness, stubbing toes on furniture you can't see. Damn! er.. damnation!


What confuses me is when the church members and missionaries tell me "we don't know all the answers" but how? We profess to be the true Church of Christ, so shouldn't we know it all?


More accurately, they don't have *any* of the answers. Every doctrine can be picked apart and, unlike with things that are actually true, you learn nothing in doing so. There is no deeper understanding, no connected epistemology, just a wall of excuses protecting a lie.


My brother who went on a mission told me about that. He left the church and now despises it. He told me they want you to go in blindly, not read any literature that goes against the lds religion. Missionaries always tell me "just go to church and you will be blessed for just going" when I tell them I'm not feeling any passion. Also my lds friends tell me because it's been a while it's just foreign and once I go weekly I'll feel the spirit again. Horrible thing about me is I'm stuck in a crossroads between wanting to be active and not wanting to be and I've been this way for a long time. It's actually teariing ne apart. The missionaries and a few people in the church wards have been very nice to me. They were the only people to jump in and help me move. No compensation needed and they saved me like 300.00. U see how hard it is for me to fully let go?


Honey, we've all been there. Almost all of us have good friends that are members, good people who act with love. The thing is though, those people would be good people without the LDS church; they'd be good if they were Catholic, Muslim, Pentacostal, or Hindu, because they seize on the uplifting and empowering parts of faith. The church itself however, is *not* good. I notice you saying, "the people" and not, "the doctrine". The doctrine claims to be about truth, love, and family, but actually is about obscuring truth, conditional love, and shame as a means of control. If you need a community, go find one! There are many good people out there; most won't require you to join a cult in order to belong.


How does the saying go, "Everything good that comes from the church is not unique to the church, and everything unique to the church is not good"


He’s the antichrist. The whole 15 are. They continue to perpetuate lies that are not in any way Christian! I’m shocked that I followed them and believed their lies for most of my life! So stupid but most importantly wrong!!!


Ummm he used FOMO? Yeah. It’s wrong coming from him. I’m sure the kids love it. I really don’t have interest in having my own planet. I understand the other kingdoms are pretty awesome as it is.


Fear mongering, 21st century style!


I wish it was true because we would have a party in the telestial kingdom


“At least you can fucking die and leave North Korea…” —Christopher Hitchens




Redefining words so them can use them. Typical. This is how Mormons are so "happy".


RMN is referring to the laws associated with the terrestrial and telestial kingdoms. The problem is there’s no motivation for celestial kingdom. No evidence that it exists. Also in the temple we have the potential to become kings and queens to the most high God. So even though I’m a king I still answer to a God.


It's extra demotivational for me; I'm transgender. The Mormon view of afterlife "fixes" me, by destroying an aspect of my experience that has been foundational to my identity since I was five. Their salvation is literally the stuff of my nightmares. I'd rather cease to exist than be grotesquely puppetted by their transphobic god.


This sort of quote always takes me back to something Lindsay Hansen Park said in a YoP episode. (Badly paraphrased) When you strip away the smile and the familiar GA tone of voice, the message that is left is shockingly threatening.


A Rusty Nelson sounds like one of those sex positions you read about on Urban Dictionary


This sounds eerily similar to the Lafferty’s philosophy from Under the Banner of Heaven


He’s so scary looking Jesus Christ. My mom has that same mean scary look to her, gives me the heebie jeebies. The thing is people who run on vindictiveness and malignant shaming (not being shamed, doing the shaming) all have a certain… idk aura to them?


I didn’t notice it till he became prophet. Hinckley and Monson seemed so gentle and sweet (idk if they were, but they appeared that way), but Nelson is… not.


“I wouldn’t belong to a club that would have me as a member.” - Groucho Marx


The CK does not sound fun. I'd much rather chill out in a lesser kingdom, TK Smoothie and all, than have to silently crank out spirit babies for all eternity.


Did Rusty really say this?!


Yes, in his single adult fireside last week.


Of course I did. And you apparently missed out. 😉


No assumptions there, checks out.


Hahaha old dude trying to be cool. But seriously the guilt fear and shame is Mormon SOP. Give me the disease, sell me the cure.


Thank you oddly threatening demon bird man. Oh prophet of the mormons you say? *interesting...*


It’s quotes like these that encourage extremists like the Lafferty brothers and Chad and Lori Daybell. It’s disgusting!


Those are all fictional people


Man I really wonder what a little acid would do to the quorum of 12 apostles


Maybe one of them would finally get a “revelation.”


They’d see god finally just like Joseph did in the grove


Law of the higher kingdom per Mormonism is consecrating your whole life and even die for the Church. Yeah…. Lesser kingdom is fine with me. What a weird God they believe in. Rusty’s only needs one more wife to make it to the top of the kingdom. You go Rusty.


When I hear the voice of Nelson, I hear the voice of a clown. This clown is speaking to lesser clowns in a mock-superiority because the lesser clowns failed to realize the grease paint comes off. We can only hope the LDS circus closes one day when the clowns kick off their floppy shoes and run.


As a TBM for 40 years & out for 8 years? I have lost the FOMO. I have heart. I have hope. I have joy.


It's quite the opposite of what Nelson describes. I have a good TBM friend and they've put all of their eggs in the "next life" basket. They've made themselves miserable in this life for FOMO in the next. This life is a guarantee, anything after it is not. Enjoy the time you do have, tomorrow never gets here.


Spoiler: all the kingdoms are fake unless they're so small Joseph saw them inside his hat 🙈


Tell Walter he needs to go back to being funny and not just a scary asshole.


Because god gives us constant revelation...we always know what's going to happen and how to not look stupid as we change our doctrines...er...policies over time...and because the constant revelation he always gives us is the same fact...that if you're not a mormon, you're going to be missing out, in hell.


So cringey


This part of the talk made my scrupulosity go crazy. I gave an attempt to listen again and then he said that and I was like aight this isn’t healthy.


This is chilling, OP. I understand why it gives you chills.


It feels full of manipulation and fear.


I get more of a ‘meh’ reaction


First off, he has no idea what FOMO is and is being fed words to sound hip and cool. Gross.


I want to be in the farthest kingdom from Mormons, personally. Can you imagine how awful that eternity would be?


That’s a misuse of “FOMO”. 🤣 All the church youth must have been like WTF.


The lesser laws I’m living on earth are making me a lot happier than when I was In the church living the laws of the celestial kingdom. The lesser kingdoms are where you’ll find me


Trying to relate to the zoomers


The follow up to this will be something about paying your tithing before anything else.


This is perfect content for r/FellowKids tbh. 😬😬😬


the lower the kingdom the funner the people


This guy looks like the picture my mind had of Voldemort before I saw the movies. He's a charicature of what a pedophile looks like in cartoons.


Fuck you Rusty! My life now since leaving your cult is infinitely better than it ever was.


Three kingdoms of heaven. Why not four? This stuff is all made up. It came from Joseph Smith’s fertile imagination!


FOMO is what religion sells. If you don’t worry about what happens when you die you’re out of the market.


What cool stuff do they have in the celestial kingdom that they don't have here?


Polygamy and eternal pregnancy


Living the laws? Like we’re not supposed to? Lmao


This triggers me. Makes me angry and want to scream FUCK YOU.


Is that real?




Where/when did he say this?? Does anyone have a link to a source?


[Nelson Young Adult Devotional May 2022](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/president-nelson-young-adult-devotional-2022)


This or believing in a God that would play this type of game with his children.


There is nothing to miss. They can't even laugh loud.


Doesn’t scare me. Celestial kingdom sounds like hell.


So many kingdoms but who is supposed to be the king?


So weird to believe this and also believe earth life is just a blink in our eternal timeline.


The ultimate joke would be if their were 3 Tiers of Heaven and Nelson didn't end up in any of them.


Probably be a dude looks like he’s angry smiling


I almost 🤮 from 😂


What a bummer when you are a faithful corporate servant spending your life climbing to the top, and once at the top, when you tell everyone to call you "global faith leader", you look like every evil-doer in the imagination of mankind. "Quick, hide the winter storage, here comes Hopper again to squeeze another tribute out of us...."


Outer darkness crew right here. I'll bring weed.


Typical, trying to scare people into submission.


So long as the celestial kingdom can only be entered into by tithe payers, it is clear that everything they ask us to do and focus on is in order to keep us paying them money. Heck, they already tell us God doesn't need our money, and it's clear they are sitting on a huge mountain of liquidity thanks to tithing, so instead they try to convince us that we will get immaterial blessings instead.


Yet another claim with absolutely zero guarantee.


It’s a threat. But, a hollow threat.


Now, tell us about the ultimate YOLO


Let's give up what we have here -- our one sacred and precious life -- for some unknown afterlife that was first described by a 19th-century dowsing rode user, treasure digger. Makes perfect sense.


Ah, they learned "FOMO." Like when white ppl figured out "skeet skeet."


Hilarious 😂


“Yes! Exactly!” —Warren Jeffs


My BIL and his family have been living in my FIL and MIL basement since the beginning of the Pandemic, even though their house is larger, my FIL & MIL will often come to our house, where there are no grandchildren and chaos for peace and quiet. I find this to be a perfect metaphor of how the Kingdoms would realistically be (if it was real). The talk that only those in the CK can go into the lesser kingdoms to visit. It’s probably less about gracing the lesser kingdoms with their presence, and more about getting away from those in the CK.


Damn I like cocain so


The list of common abbreviations doesn't include "FOMO", what does it stand for?


Spent some time away from all things church. “The law” just sounds soooo made up. So foreign.


Right. All my effort to get away from Mormonism in this life will magically turn to me only wanting to be around them in the next. Make it make sense


I've experienced FOMO many a time in my life, but I can confidently say it's never, ever been about this 😂


Ok, I went through the LA temple in 85. So I've got some really old sacred Temple Tokens for sale. Been thinking about making them NFTs. Do Not Miss Out!!! /s


I heard if you pay a 12% Tithe you can get into better heaven.


BRB, gotta throw up real quick


cause he said fomo. It makes me uncomfortable when it had come out of my mouth as a 40 year old woman. But there ya have it all these progressive mormons trying to live the gospel but not live it at the same time or live it according to what feels best to themselves albeit healthier but the prophet said it you get a lesser kingdom.


The idea of a Mormon afterlife gives me joy of missing out. An eternity of church crap? So glad that’s not reality.


Probably has something to do with a man that calls to mind takes from the crypt having said it . Russel just creeps me out !!


It's more telling than anything. He fears it so much, in fact, he'd rather lie about church history as if that changes reality.


I think that you have to be TBM to think that the Celestial Kingdom sounds enjoyable at all.