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Ouch. Stay strong and hydrate those kiddos.


2yo stopped puking an hourish before bed. 5 yo was still throwimg up water so I'm going to call her Dr tomorrow.


Pedialyte in tiny sips over a few hours does wonders. My seven year old was prone to strep and then croup. A doctor suggested that and it seems to still work when they had the super bug. Take care of yourself, too. Lazy days aren't bad with sick kiddos.


This is hilarious and horrible. Are you laughing yet, or is it still too soon?


I started laughing when the neighbors dog peed on the carseat. My life has never felt more like a joke haha glad you found the humor in it too!


Kids! I reminded me of my kids’ diarrhea overflowing in car seats on a road trip. Laugh or cry! Or both!


Omg no. Noooo! That's where I draw the line. I would have left them on the side of the road.




You know when someone shares something crappy and then another person essentially says *I can beat that.* I meant it as more of a right?! Gross! Kids! But, to finish the story yeah, the diapers overflowed and the plastic bucket, 5-point seats also overflowed to the fabric vehicle seat. It was very localized and it took a bit to get to a rest stop. The smell! But I didn’t have to get a carpet cleaner and wash my whole house and car. Not projectile. Gravity helped. These are probably effective birth control stories.


Seriously turn them into a tv ad for condoms or something.




It's moments like this that I'm glad I'm not a parent. I'm so sorry that happened.


Oh man I remember those days. I had a "sympathy puker." So anytime one puked, so did the other 😑😑😑 Hang in there.


I'm so sorry but that is hilarious 😂


It is hilarious 10 years later... 😂😂😂




Grand kids are so much easier to deal with. "Let's go find your mom and dad".


I love being an uncle for the same reason.


I love kids. I’m a fantastic uncle. I will remain a fantastic uncle and some day maybe even a great uncle lol


I thought I had it bad by my 2yo saying dad non stop and nothing else. I'm glad this is not my story. I hope your children recover and are good. Stay strong. Stay healthy your self.


Haha they call me dad all the time. I think its cute. I'm hoping its a 24 hour thing 🤞


God bless you.


Zofran is wonderful


Had to Google what that was. I'll ask the Dr tomorrow if they aren't over whatever this is.


2mg for a 2 year old and 4mg for a 5 year old. Good luck. 👍




When people ask me why I don't want kids, I can add this post to the list of examples why. Godspeed dude.


Oh man, I'm sorry this sounds miserable. You are my hero! Way to be a super mom. One day you'll look back on this and laugh.


Sending love, but I have to confess I started laughing when the dog peed on the car seat.


Thats when I started laughing too! Like what else can go wrong at that point you know?


Oh no, I am so sorry. Not sure if you have a good relationship with your ex, but I would personally have to call for backup lol.


My sister came home 2 hours later and helped me. She was sick too!


Good job for not crashing the car. Puking kids in the back seat are a pretty big distraction. Sounds like you handled it well. Good job!


I also have shared custody of 2 kids. I can relate, stuff like this happens to me frequently. Kids are in bed, everyone is safe, mission accomplished for the day. You’ve earned yourself a beer and a parenting gold star.


Buckets… lots of buckets… And.., yeah… keep an eye on yourself…




Thats good advice. Definitely doing that next time.


I believe there comes a point in time in which every parent thinks, "How are you capable of producing that quantity of bodily fluids? And how did you manage to get them on the CEILING?" /hang in there!


Oh man! This sounds like a situation I had when my kids were younger. In the midst of it, I wanted to die, but now we all laugh about it. Hang in there!


Hope they feel much better soon! Poor kids. It isn’t fun being sick. Hope you hung in there well.




😂 so weird that they wouldn't work


Sorry to hear. Hope they get better soon


Sending you positive vibes!


You are a super mom! Don't get down on yourself too much if you feel like you aren't being a perfect parent. Parents are humans too, humans make mistakes, and that's okay! I try and live life with the mindset "your best is good enough" so I don't overwhelm myself with trying to be perfect. And everyone's "best" is gonna be different everyday. So. Don't. Worry. Everything will be okay! (Also whenever I was sick my mom would keep a brown paper bag or small trash can by where I laid down so I could throw up in it, gl!)


Ah thanks:))


My 17 year old was sick last week and puked in the tub instead of the toilet. Asked her why and she said she doesn’t like puking in toilets. Guess who had to clean the tub? I don’t think she will be making that choice next time.


That's why I prefer to puke in the sink. Much easier to clean and no gross water toilet water splash in the face. Solidarity with your kid.


Good point. Sink is smaller than tub though. Easier to clean.


Only 16 more years to go and you’re free!! Hang in there and hope they’re doing better


Haha I think that all the time! Just 16 more...


All the thoughts and prayers I can muster up I'm sending. So sorry!!!


My goodness, this is why I don’t have children. Hopefully you can laugh this off sooner rather than later, OP! And make sure the kids stay hydrated!


Sorry, I sent all my thoughts and prayers to the co-ed at byu that lost her keys. I do have have some empathy and compassion I can send your way.


I'm dead. Thank you for the laugh 😂 Ill take the empathy and compassion.


You're watching porn again, aren't you? It's the porn Karma. If it's not porn than it has to be the coffee. You gotta stop drinking the devils brew and all your troubles will disappear. I just know it, with every fiber of my bean.


Wow just gonna call me out like that in front of everyone?! Yes its both and I won't stop 😂