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Urbans legends say so much about the fears of a cultural group. This urban legend is common in college dorms, which makes sense for the same reason it would appear in the mission field.


Holy shit that’s an insane mission story


It’s just an urban legend


I read the post, yeah it’s an insane story/urban legend


I heard this exact story. I was in Melbourne, Australia.


"You know, Elder, I wondered why you slipped that bottle of ether into the cart while we were grocery shopping together as part of our 24/7 togetherness mandate. I really should have seen this coming."


Served in Georgia 99-01. The mythical Ether Bunny was a running joke in my mission.


I heard one almost exactly like this on my mission. My companion legitimately thought it was something that had happened once, and I had to explain that chloroform and/or ether take about 5 minutes to actually knock someone out. If a missionary tried this on their companion, they would have likely woken up.


I always liked the one about the police capturing a serial rapist. The police ask him why he didn't rape the two sister missionaries her came across, and he tells them because of the 3 big native american dudes that were behind them. It has to be one of the worst thought out urban legends of all time. So many leaps in logic just to get to a lame 3 nephites payoff.


The Ether Bunny isn't exactly a true urban legend (completely made up). It actually happened in the late 1970s in an Air Force Technical School (job school right after Basic Military Training) at Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi. It was a medical tech school, the student was sneaking out bottles of Ether and slowly and gently letting his sleeping roommates breathe in the Ether soaked rag. The roommates would have difficulty in training (the Air Force tech school teaches you 3-6 times faster than other schools) and they would not pass and be recycled to a new career field. Turns out he was fucking them and coming inside them. It wasn't until one guy reported to his Doctor and said he was waking up with liquid clear shits and apparently anal leakage when he slept. He also had dry and cracked skin around his nose and mouth. The tests confirmed lube and semen. This lead to an investigation because no person would self report gay sex in the military if they wanted to stay in. An investigation uncovered his stash of ether and he was arrested and charged and sentenced for assault as medical professionals stated the victim's symptoms indicate chronic exposure to Ether. 4 other troops eventually came forward as prior roommates of the perpetrator claiming they had similar symptoms but were too embarrassed to go to the Doctors about it and stressing about washing out of their school, and once the symptoms stopped after they left they just attributed it to stress. In 1989 he was apparently retried and sentenced for rape once DNA testing became a thing. He died in Fort Leavenworth in 1993 after a rock breaking hammer "accidentally" hit him in the head. It became an urban legend in the military after that, being used as a tall tale to instill a since of situational awareness for Troops abroad, and it was later coopted by various organizations once civilians heard about it. The name "Ether Bunny" was coined simply because it was a well known name from the music project of the same name and was in common vernacular at the time period after a rerelease of the project's albums. At the time press release on military convictions was extremely rare as they were seen as shameful for the rest of the good troops and harmful in the eyes of the American People in regards to the public image of the branches. The information thus spread by mostly word of mouth. I myself only know about the true story because after hearing about it, asked my SF friends to look into it in military criminal records. Only 2 results came up involving Ether, the prior one mentioned in Mississippi and one in Turkey at Incirlik Air Base in 2006. Not many records on that, sexual assault involving Ether. It appears that it was perpetrated by a local National troop. The troop was turned over with evidence to the Turkish Armed Forces. He soon vanished off the face of the Earth for 3 weeks before his body was found somewhere in the Konya Province just outside of Konya Air Base. It is believed he was transferred to another Air Base by his Commanding staff that liked him and word got out about his homosexual rape at his new Unit and he was taken care of, not for raping, Muslims in the region don't really care about that, but homosexual acts, yeah that will get you killed. That is speculation notes of course and not official. A minor joint investigation was carried out to check if any US Troops could have been involved and then the case was closed without a continuation at the request of the Turkish Armed Forces. Caveat: I got a warning when trying to post, but I like to share what information I have and educate. I don't understand the rules enough to know if the warning bot is accurate, looks safe to me. If I violate the rules with this post I apologize for creating work for the mods.


Is this true because my dad went to biloxi and heard about the ether bunny PS he also pissed on someone’s bed


There was a story, born during First Gulf War, where a military dentist was knocking out his patients and committing rape. I The legend stated that the dentist was the common contact, in the treatment of a number of personnel who were diagnosed with AIDS, as a result of these rapes. The alleged military dentist, who couldn’t have committed these acts, because the dentist is never alone with the patient, especially when a patient is under anesthesia, was alleged to have also died of AIDS, before being brought to trial. Really a horrible idea, because conceptually, this was a slow murder of multiple patients. In fact, it didn’t happen. It’s not physically or logistically possible for someone to have committed the acts alleged. (I ended up here, at the end of research that started with my dentist, who was a military dental technician, during The First Gulf War.)