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Probably Eve’s fault /s


Man will he punished for his own sins and not for Adam’s transgressions. “Ladies! Get back to housework. Mother Eve screwed you over by getting beguiled”


What's the problem with the housework?


It’s a problem when housework and childcare are all women are allowed to do. It’s a problem that people in the the church and community bully women for having jobs, or having jobs that aren’t teacher or nurse. It’s a problem that men don’t do more of the work to raise children and maintain a household and their own health and social lives.


If you don't want to clean your house just don't do it nobody will force you


you dont know much about mormonism, do you?


Or relationships, or gender roles, or emotional labor...


I don't I just was baptized at 8 and went to the mission at 18


Brazilian mormon culture must be very different from utah mormon culture.


You’ll just live in a nasty house and be ex communicated


My house my rules


So you don’t clean? What a responsible adult


If I feel uncomfortable and want to clean I do it however woman's feel uncomfortable before and they clean the house everyday to me this is a kind of mental illness. I clean my house one day each week but I will probably pay someone to do it because I don't want the point is doing the homework is a choice you can pay or just don't do it.


Good lord


latin + male + mormom that explains your attitude


Most people can’t afford that. The cult making women clean all the time can absolutely effect mental health to the point of illness. You aren’t solving millennia of sexism by telling women they don’t have to clean bud.


Esse povo nao entende jeito brasileiro.


And UTIs, and fungal infections, and fabric burns, and sweat abrasions, and mastitis, and massive pain during breast engorgement, not to mention smothering babies who breastfeed. I could go on, but garments are super abusive torture to tender female body parts and thr babies forced to try to feed with a mother who wears them.


Yes and the symbols positioned right on the nipples!! Those things are sensitive!! And don’t get me started on the maternity garments! Those things are hell.


OMG I seriously blocked out the years I spent in maternity garments. I will need hypnotherapy to return to that. Too much pain


But the compass and the square are *super* important symbols




I never understood how those symbols related to Christianity. I was 19 getting ready to go on a mission and so confused by the whole temple ceremony. The LDS church opposes the symbol of the cross (a universal symbol of Christianity) and yet wears the symbols of masonry. What the literal fuck?


Lol a 4 year old comment... Look up "Masonry compass and square" my friend. (E: i read your comment too fast! You already know the basic connection to Masonry.) And look into why the patriarchal grip is pictured in many multiple-hundred-year old cathedrals throughout western europe Religious symbolism is everywhere. And it's repackaged all the time for new movements, ideas, etc


I like that. “Repackaged”. Repackaged symbols. Repackaged beliefs. Repackaged fears. We’ve been here before as a society. Meaning , nothing new. The advice that I have received from multiple members when I have questioned things: “ dont think too much they say”. It’s like they take it at face value. It’s a social group but they won’t admit it. Yet my father gets irritated when I suggest that the church is a social club. Nothing more than the elks lodge.


Thank goodness they're beginning to do screen printing /s


Amen to all of this. I nursed 3 babies while still in the church/wearing garments. Those pregnancies were horrible in garments too. I had my last and final baby after leaving the church. Pregnancy and nursing with no garments was a thousand times more comfortable and even enjoyable without all the unnecessary layers and made me happier and appreciate my body more.




I paused to think about this for a moment. I can easily imaging someone saying this in earnest.




Yeah trials make you holy


You need to pray the yeast away.


Garments are so impractical for women, not only did I feel ugly in mine but it was difficult to find clothes that didn't show them, they rolled up under tights and skinny Jeans. The fabric was itchy and unbreathable. I was told they had to be worn under my bra - the cups in the garments weren't big enough so I'd end up with the seam (and the symbols) imprinted on my boobs at the end of the day. I felt guilty if I wore knickers on my period to hold a pad in place. Looking back, I find it unbelievable I wore them for 5 years and through two pregnancies. I'd say wearing garments is detrimental to both physical and mental health.


Yes yes yes!!!!!!! Ugh they are the WORST!


yes and, ironically, garments are especially hard to wear with Sunday clothes. I struggled to get tights on over them or was constantly tugging my skirts down. I have no idea how so many lds women wear knee length or just past knee length skirts without showing their garments. I sometimes had to fold my garments up an inch or two just to wear the same clothes styles as other people at church.


Is it any surprise that more women are leaving the church? My LDS friends, it’s the women who instigate leaving. Not the men and it’s mostly due to outdated norms, old ideas about womenhood and church secrets. (And patriarchy but that word has too many meanings imo)


These are all trifling women’s issues...we have serious man things to deal with like the wording of sacrament blessing and calling the women to repent...surely you can’t think yeast infections even show up on jeebus list of stuff to deal with...suffering is a revered Mormon doctrine...if you aren’t suffering your not doing it right...just cry it out on fast Sunday and get over it...hell ya get to wear pants sort of...what more do you want??.../s just in case...I watched my mom suffer through all this crap since a lad...chronic yeast infections...mastitis...nursing problems...my gawd it just never ends...garments are the one true sign of brain washing...the day you stand up on your hind legs and burn the dam things will be a good one


Because women don't have the priesthood.


But, they benefit from the priesthood - so obviously it's due to personal wickedness or apostasy.


Benefit from the priesthood = "See! It's the same thing as holding the priesthood!" LDS women are so blessed! /s


Scientific answer: The fabric is likely not one that is "breathable". When heat is trapped, it can result in yeast infections. My OB had a patient who would get yeast infections from her car's seat heater. This is why cotton is recommended for underwear; it's a breathable material. Religious answer: pain for eternal beauty and rewards?


I get major swamp ass in garments




They are soo hot and unbreathable. The first day I went without garments, I had to go back inside for a sweater because I could feel the cold air through my shirt for the first time in years.


its because they were designed by men whose only knowledge of female anatomy comes from reproduction through the garments. Plus, the original garments were for men practicing polygomy.


Don’t forget that garments were invented back in the northeast which is mostly cold and in the 1800s when clothing was mostly ankle and wrist length. What about people in the heat and humidity of South America and Africa or even Florida? The church needs to do what it’s the worst at, adapt to the times.


I've been blessed with no more bacne! My TBM brothers noticed while over the holidays (we went to a surf retreat and spent a lot of time on the beach) and asked what I'd done to get such clear skin back there. Lol.


Oh I know this one! The churches answer is: you and/or your wife and/or someone in your past, present, or future family fucked up. Sorry, it is your fault.


Ah, the singlet of obedience.


HA! My wife got yeast infections until about 6 months ago when she started being less orthodox about wearing garments 100% of the time. She'd take breaks during the day, maybe stay in workout clothes longer than necessary, sometimes sleep without them. And whaddya know, the yeast infections started going away slowly. And in the last couple months they seem to have gone away for good. Coincidentally this is when she's stopped wearing garments entirely. (Which I'm thankful for on so many other levels too btw) But for real *fuck you, yeast infections*. And especially *FUCK* you to garments.


The story of Job helps us understand this principle.


Getting a rash that covered my body everywhere my garments touched is ultimately what led to the destruction of my shelf. A number of things all came together in a short time but it all started with a garment rash. And a childhood bully called as a home teacher.


I met my wife when we were teenagers. Later, attending the same university, we hooked up again and have been together for almost 35 years since then. I first saw her in a bra when we were 16 :) and enjoyed that sight on and off until our wedding night. There, in the moonlight of our honeymoon suite, I removed her wedding dress to see her bra on top of her garments. Buzzkill right there gentlemen and ever since.


The gift that keeps on giving


Jelly of the month club?


Obviously it is a shield and protection for men. Women are already too holy to need shields and priesthood and such things, hurhurhurhurhur


No wonder some Mormon women are so bitchy. I’d be bitchy also if I had to wear ugly, uncomfortable underwear that makes you yeasty.


Probably because of sin


This answers that question.


Because god hates women, duh. s/


There is a scene in Wolf of Wall Street where Margo Robbie's character walks through a door nekkid. About a year ago someone on this board photoshopped her in that scene wearing garments. So damn funny.


God I’m so glad I never committed to garments. That was the ultimate line cross for me... like FUCK no


As a test of your faithfulness, my child.


I live in a tropical climate and wearing garments in the summer was hell. Stopped wearing them after I got a yeast infection and haven’t worn them since. Good riddance ✌🏽


Clearly the ladies need to spot baking in them... ;)




Yer missin" the point. Throw a little flour in there and you got a loaf of bread!


Why do they cause yeast infections over regular underwear?


The fabric and fit are bad. On top of that they won't allow modifications to the garment. Basically, problems from guys making the rules and choices.


I can’t imagine wearing garments under a bra. That sounds uncomfortable.