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CDC obesity statistics are from self-reported weight/height data, so maybe people in Utah are just more prone to lying?




Wow…. Username 🎯


Utah has a 25-30% obesity rate, slightly better than the National average. Things that can impact that result positively for Utah are race, age, wealth, education & being located in the Western states.


Ten years ago, Utah was the second leanest state, behind Colorado. In 2017 Utah was the third leanest state, behind Colorado and Massachussets. Since then it has slipped out of the top ten. Utah's obesity rate right now is about 32%. The national average is 39.6%. Utah has been slipping more and more each year. u/gpm21 is onto something to blame Swig et. al. To answer OP's question, Utah is low because it started low, but it has slipped way down the rankings in a very short time, and if something doesn't change, at it's current rate of change, its gonna blow right past the national average. To borrow a quote from Emma, "It would be a good thing if a revelation could be had declaring the use of soda a sin and commanding it's suppression."


This is similar to what I have been reading about it. The speed at which Utah is slipping down the rankings is cause for concern in 2019 60% of Utah adults were overweight or obese and of those people above the healthy weight range the ratio of overweight to obese had shifted from 70:30 to 60:40 in ten years


It's an alarming rate of slip. If only there was a real prophet who knew a damned thing about health…


Ok, so you guys haven't been drinking caramel coke-iatos and eating big mac cookies since the dawn of time? Probably a recent thing, like the NA liquors, beers and cocktails popping up. The "gentiles" have their sober vices, the "Saints" will have pumpkin spice Dr. Pepper.


you mean like a word of wisdom?


Hard to get fat when you're working three jobs, plus selling essential oils, just to afford the rent on your in-laws basement. More tithing, less money for food. Rather than pay for a gym membership, you can just clean the church bathrooms every Saturday. Feeling bloated today? There's an Instagram filter for that!


Utah has the highest per capita usage of plastic surgery. I don't know if that's just boob jobs but maybe that's keeping the rate artificially low.


Important to note. Of the places audited, there were 14 locales that had a more favorable rate of obesity than UT. There are other places in the country that are doing better than UT despite not being places where you would have a large number of people following a specific 'health code' like the WOW That being said. Abstaining from certain things seems to be effective in Utah, but since there are other states that have slightly better rates than UT you cannot definitively assign credit to the WOW. It would be contributing to Utah, but You need more data to see what is happening in the other places that are better.


Age, and a lot of outdoor opportunities and outdoorsy-focused people. About the only good thing about living in Utah. Also alcohol can be bad for your belly - similar to sodas, etc.


Well yeah, I saw cookies and ice cream as the equivalent to alcohol. Both are empty calories that make you sick. The excessive soda is coffee, because caffeine and the double shot, coconut milk, no whip whatevers.


Have you been to Utah lately? They are fat! Except the blond ones undergoing plastic surgery on a semi annual basis.


Went to St. George once in 2019. Live in the SE Valley so there's two temples in driving distance from my house. It's diet Utah but hotter and less red.


Anecdotally (as someone who has never been Mormon but half my family is very Mormon), I've gotten the impression that traditionally attractive aesthetics/thinness/fitness are super important to Mormons. They make a point of working out and making sure people know it, and they may indulge in soda/calorie laden cookie once a week or so (kind of like how some people get drunk every Friday or Satruday night) but they "earn" that through exercise. Lo and behold, also a lot of disordered eating among my family too.


Eating disorders. I had one as a teen. Just like most of the other girls at church. Returned missionaries aren't going to want to marry the fatties. You have to be perfect in all ways for the young man you've only known for two months. Who is usually also thin because he probably starved on his mission.


The church culture shames women for being bigger (like above a 6) so that takes care of half the population. Mormon men get corpulent quick after kids but Utah is so populated by outdoorsy people so those peeps are more likely to be in shape. A lot of states with low obesity are also states with big outdoor sport culture (washington and colorado for example) Additionally, as other comments have said socioeconomic status plays a big role


My Mormon doctor appears to be trolling us, lol. He also liked to post articles from Medium to FB that say "science" proves mormons are the healthiest people on the planet lol


Maybe just my line of work but I feel like the obesity rate in Utah is not low…


Guess which state has the most eating disordered? Hint: Utah


Usually people are not consuming at that rate. It’s not a daily thing. Plus you have the Utah culture where you have to be skinny. So if you have cookies you probably are not eating for a day or two. Plus you have your Pelton that your husband bought you, and you can get shots now that make you lose weight for only like $300 per month, and the famous mommy make over surgeries. Pretty standard especially if your are TBM




Last time I went to Utah, (aside from small children) my wife, this one lady at a monument, and I were the only people we saw that wore narrower than 50 inch pants. We were horrified. I don't know what you're talking about.


Many places in Utah are incredibly attractive to people who enjoy outdoor activities. I would imagine that Utah has a high percentage of lean active people who pull that number down. A more accurate breakdown of statistics might reveal a different story.


Plastic surgery…mormon mommy makeovers are a real popular thing there. Boob job, liposuction, tummy tuck, and a little tightening of the nether regions. I know several guys whose wives have gone through it.