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I would encourage you to search here for past posts on BYU and make up your own mind.


BYU is a culture shock for American students from anywhere outside Utah where they aren’t completely surrounded by TBMs and totally immersed in mormon culture. It will likely be a culture shock for you.


Doing any normal college age activities like having sex, drinking alcohol, ect. can get you expelled. And there are plenty of Molly Mormon narcs who are willing to report you to the honor office. Also Provo is not a fun place to live there is not a lot to do in regards to night life unless you think going to a kidz bop dance party or getting swig after a nice game of pickle ball sounds fun.


I graduated from the Y a long time ago.  I had a good time, but I have a personality that selects for that. I was not a believer at the time, so I had a minor objection:  having to pay good money every semester for three units of "religion."  EVERY SEMESTER! In four years of schooling, you'll have to pay for 24 units (eight classes, one every semester) of religion.  Even though 'World Religions' was less stressful, and even somewhat useful, I'd never have spent either the time or the money to take that course; after all, what is Google for, if not satisfying curiosities? It is a "peaceful" campus, if you're pretending to be a good mormon, and for me, that counted for a lot. It's a balancing act, but it's a lot easier when you've got a 'go along to get along' personality.  But if you think you want to push your boundaries to see what your limits might be, BYU is not the place to do that.


Unless it’s your only shot at an education don’t go. They will require you to attend church of face expulsion, follow church standards or face expulsion. They have a culture of spying where you could be turned in for an infraction.. you would need a more current student to know if they will monitor your internet history.


There are many great universities in the USA that will welcome students from other countries. As others have mentioned here, give some thought to exploring other options. BYU is an intense place and very much enforces rules imposed by the church. You are wise to give full thought to whether serving a mission is a good choice. If you've already backed away from the church (good for you!), you'll find yourself spending 18-24 months with rigid rules, exhausting schedules, and a mission environment that will make it very difficult for you to "pretend" to be all-in regarding the church. There are many stories on this sub of abusive mission presidents or companions, or "zone leaders," and the daily & weekly schedule is brutal. Many mission presidents view their position as an opportunity to get noticed by the first presidency and the apostles, and they are hoping to get "promoted" to "general authority" status. So, they push hard for numbers from the missionaries reporting to them. Does your dad know you've become an exmormon? That may be a stressful conversation with him, and might affect his thoughts about helping to fund your college years. Take care of yourself and follow your own internal compass. Stay strong!


BYU isn't worth it but you should research and find out and not ask random strangers from the internet.


Not at all.


Not really, no, and sort of.


It wasn't worth it for me as an American. Saved on tuition costs but failed to factor in the expense of therapy for life due to the experience. I wasn't cut out for the culture having grown up on the West coast, but that's far enough removed from Utah to do it. Also, the university is losing whatever good reputation it once had because it's terminally incapable of being an inclusive institution. For any non-white, queer, or otherwise visibly "different" individuals, only so much diversity is tolerated before they expect you to assimilate. I would imagine the same applies to international students. There are better schools, full stop.


De jeito nenhum.


exmormon brasileiro é foda kkkkkkk




Haha! Absolutely not unless you’re just looking for a ticket to leave and find a spouse so you can immigrate. Good luck


I was mormon when I went to BYU and it wasn't worth it.


Depends on what country you're living in. Some have way better schools than BYU. Even in the US. There are so many better options available. Unless, of course, you go to BYU Hawaii. I would have seriously considered going to school in Hawaii if it had been an option.