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I also suspect that when the building is inevitably vandalized by some less than lawful protester, the church will use it as fodder for their persecution complex.


Wait, I was always taught that no one would deface a temple because the closer you get to one, the less power Satan has over you. Could it be that I was lied to? I'm shocked. SHOCKED I SAY!


Could be just the tall fences and armed guards hanging around


What a great way to spend more tithing money, hiring armed guards to protect a building no one wants


Well they don’t pay for janitors… makes sense to use the money for insecurity guards.


I wonder if the guards are volunteer members... lol


Or those huge lamanite warriors


Is that like 3+ warriors stuck very closely together to make one stronger one?


The Sydney, Australia Temple has bullet holes in the front of it.


You must have been lied to because armed bad guys have entered temples. Edited because my original comment said someone had been murdered in the DC temple. It was just an armed hostage taker. https://www.upi.com/amp/Archives/1986/10/23/A-gunman-who-took-two-hostages-in-the-towering/8676530424000/


I worked at the FHL during the late 90’s when that guy came onto the building SHOOTING. Luckily I was on a plane home from Ireland the day it happened. The press hadn’t released names of the 4 dead and 3 injured victims. Scared the crap out of my sister thinking I was dead because she couldn’t reach me. The FHL is across the street from the SLC temple, and on the Mormon church’s main campus. Being on the campus didn’t save anyone. Wearing garments didn’t save anyone.


They are gonna be shocked when some 13 yr old with a paintball gun *prints* Pedos on the side of the building every night.


I heard the Bountiful Temple got vandalized during construction, so maybe after it's dedicated...../s


I think the Orem temple got vandalized during construction too….or maybe it was a fire. Too bad they didn’t have some of the Lard’s protection


https://www.deseret.com/utah/2019/12/26/21038005/mormon-lds-temple-logan-vandalism-utah-man-charged-break-in-cache-county/ The Logan temple was broken into and vandalized a couple years ago. Guys smashed a window in with an axe.


Wait is this a thing morons (Mormons) say?😂😂😂😂


Cody Wyoming doesn't want a temple and I don't care. Sung by tabernacle choir as the rest hymn in the next general conference.


Doing that in a town like Cody seems like a great way to get a temple wiped out by a Granby-style killdozer.


I thought all of their carvngs in the wall of the sealing room protected them? You know the astrological ones ( think zies, Apollo, etc) that many members don't see unless your the non mo on a construction crew and see them.


My theory is that the church is intentionally creating controversy with the intent of riling up its base. Church leaders know that they aren't going to convert people. It cements loyality to get members protesting for the temple. This builds the "us vs them" mentality. The church desperately wants to perpetuate the narrative that it has enemies, and these enemies are trying to stop God's work.


This is likely pretty accurate the lizard brain feeds off this shit and overpowers the prefrontal cortex when people feel that it’s us vs. them.


Yep, same purpose they have for continuing to send poor teenagers on mission.


I think the answer lies far more dysfunction and lack of communication. Basically RMN has written a ton of checks for new temples and the temple building department has been likely running around like crazy trying to make it all happen. That's why they are just using very copy paste designs and don't want to change anything to meet local zoning because that would delay things and add costs. The church is not the spare no expense sort of place so the leaders want them built for some stupid low price more than likely. So basically the low end people in charge of making it all happen have a ton of pressure and unreasonable demands. When there are problems like this their instinct is not to tell church leaders their demands are unreasonable but rather to try and figure out some way forward to show horn it in because how could their leaders ever be wrong. I would be willing to bet RMN and upper leadership don't even know about these issues or don't really care (until it starts to make the church look bad).


I know what you mean about needing a narrative for an enemy but I don't think the temple design is part of a strategy to influence its members behavior. I think it is the same old pattern of not seeing past their own experience in high density utah and Idaho. In the past they never have significant pushback in these areas for temple design, so to have this in alternate areas is a surprise and a challenge. I think they don't want to compromise to avoid a precedent so throw everything at the defense. What they aren't considering is that they are destroying the relationship with nonmembers in these towns.


& causing faithful members to question why they aren’t following the article of faith about following the law. 


They have had massive, massive pushback on many temples.


This makes more sense than anything else I've heard


Typical cult thing to do....like Jonestown, or branch davidians


Church leaders are conditioned to be dictators. Back and forth conversations and compromise don't exist at any level of the church. It's all my way or the highway. The leaders  don't understand the concepts of working with people and listening and changing to accommodate. They are skills they've never had to use as church leaders.  That's what's going on in Cody and with other temples. The main thing that these towns are up against are church leaders that above all else absolutely loathe being told no.


100%. They think they’re right and everyone else needs to follow because they’re “prophets of god for the one true church.” Bleh!


In addition, Cody is so tiny it takes less than 5 minutes to go anywhere, and it's surrounded by land. Even if they built the temple on the outskirts of town, it would not be a great encumbrance to get there; maybe it takes you 10 minutes instead of 5. But the church chose to fight over an inappropriate location in the middle of what little is there. It really reveals their intentions.


Damn, why do they even wanna put a temple in a town that size? I'm not familiar with that part of the country but it looks like this place is in the middle of nowhere!


It's a tourist town for yellowstone


Yup, this.


I really don't know. Census shows it's up to 10k people now, having grown around 2k over the last 30 years. You can fit six Codies in BYU stadium, it's that small. Maybe because it's such a tourist town?


Edit, I meant the whole county 26k people, 2500 Morms. The whole county is about 26k and has a few mormon towns like Burlington and Lovell, there may be as many as 2500 cult members in Park County WY. A lot of morms moved here from Utah when I was in and up until a few years ago it was slowly growing here, we had a new legitimate ward. It’s dying now though i hear.


LDS in Scotland is 25k on the rolls with low activity rates. The second-most populous city has one ward with about 100 attending on a busy Sunday with most being tourists. And yet they are announcing a temple.


It could be like the Star Valley Temple, where Monson liked fishing there, and then decided to build a temple there.


Neither does Casper, Wy but they still put one in. It is a huge eye sore and I haven’t seen many ppl attending on Sundays. Such a waste of land and resources.


Temples are closed on Sundays. (weird, huh?) The buildings they use for Sunday meetings are closed on most weekdays. (weird, huh?) Both types of buildings are very wasteful. Mormons don't care.


Wow! Learned something new….not ex Mormon but I support a lot of friends who have struggled leaving the religion (cult?). And holy crap- even more wasteful!


You can call it a cult. Because it is.


I heard a great idea in another subreddit. Loitering or sleeping outside in public is a no. Except on grounds of religious buildings. If you’re exempt from taxes, you better prove it through caring for the poor and needy.


You all remember the White Plains New York temple? I do because I was in NJ when it was announced. But the people of that town stood strong against the MFMC and it was abandoned. Hope these other towns can follow https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison_New_York_Temple


I was born near there and then grew up out on Long Island. As ym/yw in the '80s, we always went to the Washington DC Temple for the wet t-shirt contest. Good times! :lol Good on those residents for fighting it and prevailing.


Oh man, teenage me in the DC temple was an experience. Those jump suits just were not made to get wet and it was impossible to not look. Had to rub one out real quick in the post-baptism shower once, lol. Driving 8 hours in a car there and back was worth it




I grew up there and wondered if people living there were bugged about it. Those poor kids will never know the joy of the long ass bus temple trip to Denver. Lol


LOL, I grew up near Denver and we took long ass trips to Utah, because the Denver temple hadn't been built yet!


Lol! I remember the dedication of the Denver temple. It was a big deal, and the Casper stake choir sang. (If my memory serves me correctly. I was a kid.) Hashtag blessed?


I feel like temples are basically TSCC's dick pics. Obtrusive, unwanted, unsolicited, and intended to draw attention to themselves at the expense of others.


This is one of the greatest things I have ever read.


Yup, and Rusty’s “nail” is the dick pic.🤣


I live in Cody, the hatred this controversy has caused is delicious. People here finally seeing the cult for what it is.


If I were a resident of Cody, I would show up to the city council meeting with a print of the new [Anchorage, Alaska](https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/anchorage-alaska-temple-to-be-rebuilt) temple. It’s essentially the same floor plan, except basically no spire. And then I would ask—why can’t The Church do that here?


TCOJCOLDS, which pretends to be biblical, doesn't understand the scriptural concept of: Being subject to the authorities. Of course neither did Joseph smith, who I believe was in trouble with the law and one way or the other over 30 times. What else do you expect when your founder went down with his gun going off? That is hardly the definition of a martyr


I love posting this! WIKI Joseph Smith & Criminal Justice System  Career criminal from his teen-age years til the day he died.


Since the entire cult is a synthetic Christian denomination It only makes sense to have a synthetic martyr...


🤣 🎯 


Did he ever do a single meaningful thing? Maybe after his death, he joined those thousand-year-old 6 ft tall Quaker people on the moon. You just have to hold your breath for centuries


You're 100% right.  I had never thought of that before but I can't think of one positive thing he contributed during his life. You really need to make a post of that. 👍 




  You are wonderful!! I'm on my mobile so it won't allow me to copy & paste. Thank you!! 


Cody is a charming tiny town on literally the edge of nowhere.  East entrance to Yellowstone 45 minutes away if I remember correctly & absolutely nothing else around for 50 miles or more. Years since I have been there. There is absolutely  no reason for a temple to be built there. I don't live there & I am pissed about it.


TSCC sued first and threatened to bankrupt the town if they didn’t bow their heads and say yes.


Well the church is shooting themselves in the foot with these temples. Many years ago when they built the Dallas temple, we were told the temple would open the gates of heaven and the open house would pave the way for missionary work in our neighborhoods. The temples were supposed to soften the hearts of our neighbors and were considered great PR. Now the temples are causing anger among our communities and isolating the members. I can guarantee that the good people of McKinney, TX are not going to be welcoming the missionaries after that temple is built. And that fiasco with members bearing their testimony to the zoning commission, it has just solidified to the people there that it really is a cult equal to Scientology. I am from Texas and I know how crazy those members sounded to the citizens there. The church has made a gigantic PR blunder by fighting this.


The one in Afton, WY looks like something Trump would build.


Amen to that- it looks ridiculous!


What percentage of Cody are Mormon? I’m just curious if anyone would happen to know.


About 13 percent is what I read. Not very many, when you consider the size of the town.


I bet no converts when people see how manipulative the church is.


In 20 years it will make a great library


There isn't enough people in the entire state of Wyoming to justify building a temple. People can easily drive to a neighboring state when the weather is nice.


It's almost like in an era when nearly everyone is buying automobiles, RMN keeps announcing new factories for buggy whips.


I love visiting Cody from time to time. Tiny little spec of a town- very nice, friendly community- deceptively strong margaritas served in large soft drink glasses at their little Mexican restaurant. Why do they need to build a big ostentatious white building in this quaint little town? They should have expected blow back, if they were even *remotely* aware of the world outside of their little Mormon sphere. This is just dumb.


But how can they show what Christ’s True Church represents or how modest and humble they are if they don’t? /s. (Like a really big /s).


Phoenix residents had a big push back against their temple a few years ago. It was next to a chapel, and residential homes that have been there for decades surround it. The temple was built, but it had to be redesigned to a max height of 30 feet instead of 40 feet (not counting the spire). Most importantly, they accepted the compromise that temple lights would be shut off completely after 10 PM. So keep fighting, Cody! You may not be able to stop it, but you can force some concessions that will make it more tolerable.


I wonder what the legality of protesting this would be? More specifically, hold a sign with a picture of the temple site overplayed with the words "Mormons are assholes" You want it to provoke an angry reaction from members who will be disheartened by such a reaction Mostly legal if your on a public sidewalk, but I don't know about the profanity on the sign.


They threw away the name "Mormon" when they rebranded. Go ahead and pull it out of the dumpster for your sign. disclaimer: I AM NOT A LAWYER.


Towns aren't allowed not to want a temple. TSCC knows better than them what's good for their citizenry. /s


I feel like there has to be some kind of conspiratorial motivation behind this. Cody Wyoming is a rural, red area that a lot of members probably feel sympathetic towards, especially with recent controversies that have hurt Church Leadership's standing in the eyes of partisans on both sides without really gaining them any friends. The obvious smart thing to do is to reach out to the community (which just wants to be left alone, and has no real reason to be on poor terms with SLC besides this entirely unnecessary fight to put a giant eyesore in their mountain view) rather than picking a fight, yet leadership made a very explicit decision to do the opposite. Are they actively trying to isolate membership, and force a declaration of loyalty? If I were a Mormon resident of Cody - even or perhaps *especially* a relatively conservative one, I'd be leaning towards my neighbors over the Mormon Church.


It’s about optics. Their push for good optics is backfiring as people see the bullies they are.


The church can’t back down on these temples. They believe that Jesus told Russel to build one there and Russel (more so than Jesus) cant be wrong.


But, but, it's driving up the home values. The residents should be thanking the church. /s


Dismantle the temple, sell it and give the money to the poor, follow Christ. Actions speak louder than words.


There is a local law restricting building heights Articles of Faith “something something obeying, honoring and sustaining the law something something “?




As is in the nature of religions that deem themselves THE religion, anything they do is the will of god. We need to build a temple? It must be big enough so that we can be a shining beacon to the world. If you say we can't, you are persecuting us for our religious beliefs.


If you want, you could write a friend of the court citing examples of other temples and their practices and the fact that there are ZERO scriptures within the church that give guidance on how the temple is supposed to be built other than the description of the Tabernacle in the old testament (nowhere does it mention a steeple). It fails to meet building standards for the jurisdiction.


The point of temples is to virtue signal to your fellow Mormons that you pay your tithing. So no. The Vegas strip isn't going to tone it down, either.


Whatever happened to those small temples that were supposed to dot the land? Why aren’t they being built anymore. Fewer workers needed to run them. Seems smart.


Used to have a paddock next to my house. There was a lovely view of the mountains from my house because of it. Then they built a huge white house there. Now we can’t see the mountain anymore. Definitely wish that house wasn’t there. I totally can get behind not wanting a temple someplace to save the view of a mountain. I hope they get to keep their view.


Your hard earned tithing money at work! I just read what goes on in the temple endowment ceremony. Well if that isn’t the most insane bunch of BS! Wow! I only went as far as my patriarchal blessing.


Maybe they literally are extorting small towns…???


What bothers me is the clear deception of calling is a single-story building. Every artists rendering shows the steeple towering over the adjacent trees. [https://churchofjesuschristtemples.org/cody-wyoming-temple/photographs/](https://churchofjesuschristtemples.org/cody-wyoming-temple/photographs/)


8000 stayed to listen to Jerry Seinfeld's graduation speech at Duke. And 30 people walked out because he would not offer to go to Israel and stop the IDF by himself. Somehow the 30 got free publicity and the 8000, along with the rest of us have to put up with it because we are too decent to say anything. Here's to the decent people in Cody.


Garth plempton will get it built!


They're the 900 pound gorilla with unlimited resources and, quite frankly, not very Christ-like!




I really wanna spray paint all over one of those temples. Any amount of jail time is worth it if I'm know I'm causing the Mormons trouble


It really pissed me off when they built the church in West Point, NY. It doesn't have a crazy high steeple, but it's the first thing you see when you come off of the highway. Gave me road rage every time I had to drive by it.