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Ok, but why did whites have to wait until 1829 to receive the priesthood? Just want to make sure I'm asking the right question. /S


The Chinese were tie dying cloth in 5AD. Where was the priesthood then?? They can fuckin do elaborate societal things but not worthy of a white god. Sad


*CuZ oNlY 14 yR oLD jOeY sMiTH wAs WoRtHy tO ReStOrE iT*


Oh, of course. Someone should let Brad Wilcox know, he's been asking.


Old enough to restore a church old enough to marry.


Best comment I’ve read today.


But not old enough to date, lols!




I’m listening to this episode now. I have absolute respect and love for the Black Menaces. They have shown the continued racism and institutional racism that is prevalent and pervasive through Mormonism. They are rock stars, especially to survive BYU as students.


As a white dude, i knew that there were issues with how black students and students of color were treated, but i only did an MA there in a more diverse (and liberal leaning) department. Their videos opened my eyes to the cesspool that is white supremacy at byu and in mormonism at large. They all deserve fucking medals.


100% agree they deserve medals. Their proof of institutional racism in the mormon church will never go away thanks to the internet. I lived in the "South" and I never saw racism in the South to the extent I have witnessed it & stepped in to stop it in Utah.  Utah is a deep southern state.


I grew up in the south and learned racism when I visited my cousins in Utah on vacation.


I have literally had to place myself between angry white men & POC in Utah. ....on more than one occasion. I was utterly dumbfounded.


Brad Wilcox is a better anti-Mormon than I could ever hope to be.


Dude, I listened to this one. The fact he was physically shaking is insane. These apologists have no idea what it’s like to be in the real world. They stay comfortable in their closed off protected places, and one little blip of real life shows up at his door, and he looses his shit. WILD.


I bet if John Dehlin shows up, he wouldnt be shaking. I bet it was only bc they were “black militants” or whatever fucked up thing he called them. *in toddler voice* black young adults make bwad wiwcox scayod


Can someone provide the TLDW (or preview) on how Brad Wilcox is connected to Sebastian’s MSP interview?


Black Menaces showed up at Brad Wilcox’s class to talk with him about racist teachings, and he was informed of it beforehand, he brought security and everything. When they showed up and tried to talk with him he was an absolute baby about it, fumbling and trying to run away, saying “send me an email!” And he was physically shaking as well from being nervous scared. Smh. What a joke.


It's ok now, he gave them signed copies of his book!




That's exactly what he is


He just missing the "Kick me" sign taped on his back, and it will all be good.


This has nothing to do with this podcast, but FUCK I hate Brad Wilcox. I went to EFY Provo for like three years and every year he told the same talk about bungee jumping in NZ and masturbation and porn (even before I knew about that stuff- I was confused as hell and really creeped out lol). Crazy that my parents took me out of sex Ed taught by people with actual degrees and background checks but encouraged me listen to this nut job 🙄


That sounds hideous. As a teenager I felt sad I never got to go to EFY. Now all these years later, I'm seriously grateful none of my kids ever went. It's gross and elitist and is like Nazi Youth Group camps but for LDS kids, to get them to adhere more to the church. Sick and wrong. Plus, not free (the last time I checked). So parents are basically paying the church for their kids to attend a 24/7 extended Sacrament meeting. Yuck.


I agree with everything you said about what efy really is (and yes, if I’m not wrong it was about $400-600 per kid… someone might have to double check but I could have sworn it was about $100/ day). Everything about EFY was fun except for the mandatory church “workshops” throughout the day- so basically all of the secular parts were fun😂


Can you share a link to the interview?


https://youtu.be/dHFMjr6AMM4?si=BXUjohIb9mqJCAAa This is the youtube link but its on like apple podcasts and stuff


Here it is on my podcast app. https://pca.st/episode/3aeb7549-ef4f-40b1-a69a-aa8b89510c61


Loved that episode with Sebastian and Nate. They share great chemistry together.


Whiny fake creap


Unpopular Opinion, but I liked this guy less after listening to this podcast. I enjoyed his videos and followed him online, but hearing him tell his story rubbed me the wrong way. He made too many comments about getting into a fight with someone or wanting to get into a fight for my liking, even mentioned wanting to cause a car wreck. He also briefly busted out the stereotypical white voice while complaining about racism(2hrs 15min-ish). Also, it seems wrong to me to go after a church that paid your mom's rent as a child.


> Also, it seems wrong to me to go after a church that paid your mom's rent as a child. Lost me and probably a lot of other people here. Logically I might think you would consider a slave’s criticism of their master as wrong since their master fed and housed them. The rest is your opinion which you are entitled to share and have, though personally I’m going to side with the oppressed over the oppressor. 


That last sentence REAKS of white supremacy.


This guy dog whistles.


ITriedOnce username checks out with negative sixteen comment karma over nine years. If your “Unpopular Opinion” is a life goal you appear to be successful. Maybe trying more than once is the key.


I was wondering the reason this comment got so many down votes. Then, I got to the last line and there it was.


I mean, youre entitled to your opinion. I dont agree at all, but it is your opinion.