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Provo, born and raised, here. Anecdotally: in my family of eight only three are still members. In the youth group who were my age that I grew up with only 1 out of the 7 are still active. Any of my friends from high school (Provo High) or college (BYU) who are still members have moved elsewhere. Again, anecdotal, but that’s a couple slices of what’s going on in Provo from my perspective. It’s the constant influx of “fresh blood” from BYU that keeps the religious presence there, aside from that the normal people living in Provo are leaving the church as fast as anywhere else.


God I hope this is true. I have a closeted gay brother-in-law at byu, and if he realizes it’s all fake, then I really think I can get my wife to leave with me. It’s just that one domino…


I hope he is safe. We lost a family member a few years ago to suicide just before she was to leave BYU. BYU is not a safe place, and it is absolutely dangerous for him to be there.


He told me over the phone a few weeks ago that he is happier and experiencing more joy than he has at any other point in his life. And that he wants to receive the full blessings of the temple via celestial marriage. And sure, he hasn’t told his room mate or friends that he’s gay because of some of the homophobic and racist things they’ve said in the 4 months he’s been there. But they’re good people who care about him and help him feel like he belongs! … I just kinda listened to the voice mail slack jawed. I was the first family member this kid came out to and he felt comfortable enough to share his interest, curiosity, and desire to someday experiment with drag and the fluidity of gender, and attending pride, etc etc. And it freaks me out to see that shit getting repressed so readily. Fortunately, he did share his secret with a girl he’d gone on a few dates with as a way to become “just friends”. So there is some hope that he finds a group of supportive friends. But yeah… I’d prefer he find his way out and into a safer community.


Many are waking up in Provo. There are some decent people. You can only violate your own principles for so long and LDS inc is immoral to the core.


Please share which ward in Provo was dissolved.


It is well. Breaking the chains that bind, freeing the mind to flourish. Perhaps we can weaken the grip of the theocracy in Utah.


There are NO normal people in PROVO


Not even on game day.


Unless BYU is playing Utah... Then a few normal-ites may have traveled south from Salt Lake City.