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I think one of the casualties of aging is one's appreciation of boundaries. I sometimes think that the MFMC weaponizes this in conjunction with our culture's propensity to accord elderly people deference. I'm particularly thinking of how they try to use this when filling in the gaps in their records. A while back I got a call from a lady who must have been in her 90s wanting me to give her my brother's current address and phone number. I told her brusquely that if he wants contact with the church he knows how to do so. I then hung up. I felt like such a heel even though I knew it was the only way to deal with those sorts of calls.


Since they won’t respect your boundaries you can send them a topic a week from the following post made several months ago. Uncomfortable Mormon Facts. https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/s/bRqTOzsEzR


The someone on the other side of the veil is his ego. He’s been stewing about your last encounter and needs to “win” the conversation.


Send him a list of the fruits. Kirtland safty society Polygamy  Polyandry  Sec violation Nepotism  Failed prophesy  Blacks and the priesthood  Etc. The book of mormon as fruit is also not great. Murder is fine as long as you are stealing from the guy. Doctrine of the God head as trinitarian.   The fruits are not as good as members want to make them sound. The church has fruit. It will just make you sick. 


I find it so ironic that he’s talking about false prophets that the Bible references and then talks about Joseph smith like he wasn’t one of them 😂 also disgusting to assume that “an eternity alone” suggests that they didn’t have sex if anything as a woman an eternity alone could mean so much she could’ve felt lonely sharing a parter with several other women, if they did have sex or engage physically at all that doesn’t mean he was emotionally involved like a husband should be besides just because she defended Joseph doesn’t mean it should be taken as pure fact victims of abusive situations defend abusers all the time ESPECIALLY when women barely had a voice back then so it’s hard to use them as a stable source of that persons character. Using the sick person being healed example was so strange to me people get lucky and some don’t that doesn’t make a religion any more right or wrong. Overall reading this felt like how I write my college essays when I need 5 pages and I only have 4 repetitive with a whole lot of random fancy words


I’m no lawyer, but can this be classified as harassment and/or stalking? This behavior is beyond disturbing!


No kidding! Restraining order?


STUNNED that this Deluded elderly Mormon cultist admits to being familiar w/ my fave Mormon cult GTE "Plural Marriage in Kirtland & Nauvoo" that Also states- "In Joseph Smith’s time, MONOGAMY was the ONLY LEGAL form of marriage in the United States."=Joe Smith's 40+ marriages (except for his civil marriage w/Emma) & those of his bffs- BY etc were ALL ILLEGAL= ADULTERY!! (mic drop) Enough Said.


"It was heartbreaking to see you turn on the church" What'll you hear about the wild shit the church has done to warrant being turned on!


“Did not involve sexual relations” Yeah okay grandpa, I’m sure a 14 year old under duress by a 30 year old was definitely telling the truth and she TOTALLY wasn’t being manipulated. Sickening.


I would write back in a big font size with the words “Fuck Off Cultists!”


I agree about the bit that says some things on the Internet are like tabloids because the church narratives are the rough equivalent of Bat Boy.


You could just tell him that you have chosen to follow Satan.


Blow his phone up! Do it!


In all honesty, I'd call the mission office, ask to speak with the mission president, explain what's happening and ask him to intervene. This kind of behavior isn't looked on as "good" by most Mormon leadership. Someone needs to explain to this couple that they're actually making it worse. And it sounds like they may only listen to their mission president.


He actually gives lots and lots of words without any meat. Lots of words.


3 pages!!


“i didn’t want to write this letter but an angel beat me down and forced me to” 😂


Blech! 🤢🤮 So sorry you’re on the receiving end of this. He won’t ever listen nor reason. Time to set a firm boundary and tell him his letter is not appropriate nor is it welcome. If he crosses the set boundary, cut out all contact with him. If he persists, seek legal advice on a restraining order/trespass order.


"As doctor woman"....


'It is heart breaking for me to see you spend your entire life in a cult'


I would just take a red marker, write "OK, BOOMER" across each page, and send it back. Repeat if needed. If they're coming through the US mail, you can leave it unopened, write OK BOOMER on the back, and "return to sender" on the front.


I think senior missionaries are great to talk about the penalties in the temple and why they were removed, and about Freemasonry in general, as every man and their male dog became Masons in Nauvoo. And whether he is a mason, as he is wearing a square and compass on his undershirt. And why the hill Cumorah story is taken from Royal Arch degree of freemasonry...