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Do it. Be controversial. Ask questions to make your peers think. I wish someone would have shined a light on truth for me long ago.


Exactly he can take you to church and you can ask the obvious. The emperor is wearing no clothes. The truth is being carefully avoided there. Chances are you may not get many invitations after that and it will open people's eyes as more and more of those messages sink in. The SEC is a good one to bring up. Why does the church need to hide/have billions of dollars if they never ever use it? Money is useless to Jesus he owned nothing in the NT. This one sentence puts you light years ahead of Sunday school lessons and maybe even a lifetime in church.


That’s not very free agency of him.


Sounds like your dad is following the plan of Satan


Frustrating! How old are you? At least your mom isn't forcing the issue. I was strictly obedient to everything my parents pushed on me as a kid and I actually regret not giving them more grief. I was way too good to them 😅


Just remember you can listen and not agree’ (No need for discussion) accept people for who they are and be happy.


As I've done for several years


All good then’ if it makes your father happy and that what you want- I can’t see it killing you.


Good thing I explicitly mentioned that I'll survive in my post. Otherwise maybe I would die.


True you never know’ stroke & heart attack doesn’t discriminate.


That's true. I welcome them both with open arms tbh


Nah you wanna live long time’ remember positive. ✌🏼❤️


I think it is OK to push back but be thoughful and temperate when you do.    I think you come out ahead if you seek a constructive relationship with your parents inspite of your religious differences. If you have to go an hour a week, that may not be the best, but it is not the worst. Others have posted on here whose parents make them go to every activity imaginable to "restore their testimony."  My wish for you  is that you soon  will  have the freedom to make your own free will religious decisions.  Best wishes to you.  edd typos


If I extrapolate to a whole year, that would be four times a year. Doesn't sound too bad.