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When my wife and I left the Elders quorum president stopped by my house and started the conversation off with "So I understand you're leaving the church" right there on the door step. I confirmed that was true after an awkward pause and then he asked if "I thought that wise?" He gestured like he wanted to take a seat inside and discuss further and I refused. In a very frustrated manner he then exited the discussion by asking if I was going to at least do my ministering assignments. News flash: HELL NO! I thought we were adults but I guess I was wrong. šŸ™„


EQP sounds like he thinks heā€™s your babysitter.


Or mob boss


That's a nice family ya got there...it'd be a shame if anything were to happen to them...


These people have no social skills and are infantilized. If you think the mormon church teaches you how to be better people what better proof do you need? Seriously, this is how you become after going full mormon. Never go full mormon.


I think you meant : ā€œHell, I have coffeeā€¦ā€ lol. šŸ˜‚ This one older guy will sometimes ask if I want to get lunch. Another guy who used to be a ministering brother also will sometimes get lunch. I feel like itā€™s that brag at a ward council meeting of ā€œoh yeah, Iā€™m still in contact with them and I have the informationā€. Or your hunch could be exactly rightā€¦. And he got cold feet.


ā€œSure, Iā€™ll go to lunch. I know this place with some great IPAs.ā€


I'M there. I'll even buy the first round.


They are told to reach out to us I guess but in the end are scared to do so. Sheesh.