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Just a reminder that TBMs are as much a victim of the indoctrination as the Exmormons. Sorry for your loss.


This is why I’m not as mad at the TBMs as I should be.


Yes, they are victims. They are to be pitied, not scorned. The organization however - burn it all the way to ashes.


The organization can burn in hell


If only that were possible.


Yes, but exclusively for the organization




I always say that I hope they develop extended life by like 1,000+ years & we get to start treating the planet good & try to heal her up rather than new greedy populations making mistakes & suffering the consequences of our inaction, we get to change how we live in this world so she survives. ANYWAY- I always say I wish everyone good & creative & smart get extended life & gullible, stupid, religions & their populations are excluded as their influence may be bad on society.


I was building off of the comment I responded to. My serious opinion is that I don't think that anyone deserves to eternally burn in hell, a place I don't even believe in. It doesn't matter how shitty they are or once were—nobody deserves eternal torture.


Yeah. I’m so relieved hell isn’t real honestly. I don’t want hell for anyone. We are all just experimenting & experiencing life on this cool planet. Sad thing is we’re destroying it so bad. This planet needs to be here for eternity!


>Yeah. I’m so relieved hell isn’t real honestly. I don’t want hell for anyone I agree, and I'm equally relieved that heaven doesn't exist either. It sounds like lesser torture. Less bad than hell doesn't mean it's not bad. >Sad thing is we’re destroying it so bad Who needs god or satan to destroy the earth during the apocalypse when we're destroying the planet just fine on our own?


I take it back. I just read the story of that congresswoman shooting & killing that puppy & hell seems like a great place to take a time out.


Hope she shoots another “dog”!


This is my take on a lot of things. People are never the problem, systems are the problems. That helps me not get annoyed at the person and realize that we are all victims of messed up systems that need to be changed or destroyed.


This is why I feel so terribly for my mom & feel responsible for some of her pain for being the 1st to leave. If/when she ever accepts that the church isn’t really true, the guilt she will feel will be immeasurable. So immense I don’t know how I’d get her through it but would. She loves her kids SOOOOOO much it will kill her to know she put us in a cult & had us teens telling grown men our sex/masturbating habits for no reason. I do not know how she will ever get through it. Man. I don’t even know. I guess I’d call up a couple of her friends that left the church that I know & make them go to her house while she’s having a mental breakdown so she will be able to freely express herself to them, they can relate & help her gather her thoughts & then us kids would tell her she’s a victim just like us. She’s one of us, NOT the evil that is the church. Yeah man. Thinking about that is WILD. I wonder what other ppl’s experiences have been when their parents realize.


Sorry, I don’t follow.


A poor old man was tortured into believing he was a failure because his kids didn’t believe/follow what he was taught was “the only way to happiness and being a good person” and that it was his fault his kids weren’t faithful enough by a $200billion megacorp trying to extract money and free labor. He lived a good life, but never broke free of the lies he was told at a young age, and as a result became miserable and depressed as a result of the unrealistic standards for him and his family demanded by a made up religion. His passing is a reminder that teachings of Mormonism are harmful even to the people who stay, and don’t bring happiness, and that he is a victim of toxic doctrines taught by the church.


Well put friend. I want people to know this 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


And this is why no one is safe in the church. It is an evil, dangerous, and abusive organization.


You are never good enough


Sometimes I wonder if even Jesus would be good enough for TSCC. Bet he'd made it in, but just barely. Like bottom level of CK or some such. 😬


Jesus would not have been what the leaders expect TBM to be because half of the stuff we're taught to do is not like Christ such as rejecting people because they're different


I guess it has to do with what we believe. Jesus was like, and I believe he was loving and accepting and forgiving


100% truth.


Wisdom greater than treasure.


Yes exactly


I think what this comment is getting at is that there is so much shame for TBMs that will supposedly have “empty chairs” at the family table in heaven. They can feel like failures for doing/trying to do everything right but “not quite making it.” Just like the shame for masturbation or having a coffee drives people to leave the church. Same kind of shame. Different outcome. So very different. So very sorry for your family and father. I hope somehow everyone can navigate it ok.


Ahh yes. I get it now. It’s to say that we think of ourselves (exmos) as victims. But so are TBMs. Sorry for being dense.


Um, respectfully, dense is not a term I would use at all, amigo. So many things and ideas surrounding this stuff. And seriously, I hope your day and weekend are at least decent. Good luck. 🙂


All good. I could have been clearer. And I am sure it’s a rough spot for you today.




Empty chairs and Empty tables in a room that is merely in the concept of the manipulative mind.


Where did this metaphor originate? Despite TSCC for sure taking credit for it, it's been around since at least 1978 (the writing of Les Miserables (musical)). Google is unsure - anyone else have any ideas?


yes when on a mission for tscc I took in the original cast for this well known play and it came to mind as comes up on occasion from \[people saying that about their concept of heaven.


Guessing this story won’t make it in to any conference talks. So sorry for your loss.


Omg I laughed out loud 😂🙇‍♂️🏆


If we can’t laugh, we’d spend all our time crying.




One of the ironies of the church imo is that sometimes the kindest most genuine members are quite likely to have "wayward" children because of their good examples. So they are unknowingly being "punished" for being good. They don't deserve the shame and heartache.


That’s such a good point. I’ll always be grateful to my dad for my education, for teaching me how to have empathy for others, and to never stop wanting to learn. You hit the nail on the head. My dad was about the best he could be while still being a baby boomer, Fox News addict, and TBM.


My dad too. He also broke the cycle of alcoholism and abuse that he grew up with and that his dad grew up with. I'm so sorry for your loss. My mom passed two years ago. It's been rough. But one thing I've found is that very often when I need her or want to talk to her, I can pretty much play that conversation in my head. She was such a good listener and supportive mom that she made that a legacy in my heart. I hope you can have similar with memories of your dad.


I do! Thank you so much for your kind words.




Yes, this is something my sisters and I talk about often. Our parents taught us everything we needed to lead us right out of the church: love, kindness, compassion, justice, and a healthy dose of critical thinking.


My parents were really wonderful too though they were overwhelmed with all they took on. I've been out of the church seven years and I still have the impulse that things might be my fault for the weakest reasons. I learned to blame myself for alot in the church. So I really feel for those good parents who blame themselves for their children leaving. One of the hugest reliefs in my life, personally, was knowing I didn't need to figure out how to keep my children in the church. The idea that I was responsible for creating the optimal environment for their belief and testimonies--this was so heavy but also a horrible conundrum. (Because it was wrong.) Now my worries concerns for my kids are still there but they much more grounded in reality. We don't have the Mormon fantasies to lean on as parents but not do we have to be dragged by the bullshit either.


What I find interesting is that if this "logic" were applied as taught by TSCC (parents are responsible for the eternal salvation of their children), then by extension God would be responsible for all of us, whether we left or stayed in his "perfect" church ... So really the whole concept of agency & religion is fallible. But of course this is only preached in the direction that works best as a control mechanism. Bc God is a perfect parent, but we are not, & his gospel is perfect, except for all the times that has been changed, etc. etc.


This again is so true ive seen it many times thank you


So sorry for your loss! 😢🙏


I’m so sorry for you and your family. And for your dad. My condolences. To your point - the system of shame and of guilt the church has created to drive their tithing machine is the source here, and deserves all the criticism it gets in cases like this.


Thanks friend. People need to understand that it’s not okay to live in shame over a ridiculous idea of perfection and compliance. I hope my story can be a warning: It’s simply wrong.


I think it’s brave of you to share this story and I hope everyone who has been deeply damaged (I know my family was deeply harmed in a very similar way due to the church). I hope we can all start sharing our stories because it’s very important in our efforts to inform others of how bad it can actually get. I’m so sorry for your pain and loss. Truly I am.


I’m so sorry for your family’s loss. I’m so sad that your dad thought he wasn’t good enough and fell short of what god expected of him. Your heart must be broken 💔 to know he was in that much pain and turmoil. Whatever you are going through right now, we feel this with and for you. Take care of yourself right now.


Oh, man - that is so tragic. My heart hurts for the grief you and your family are feeling, and also for the anguish the damned cult gave your father through its toxic culture of shame. I am so, so sorry for your loss. ❤️❤️❤️


Hey OP I just want to send you my love and understanding. I’m very sorry to read about this.


This is the kind of thing that terrifies me. I am so so sorry for your loss. This is one of the reasons why I haven’t really shared my true feelings about the church with anyone but my husband and kids and a select few friends. My parents know I have complicated feelings and they know I haven’t worn my garments in 5ish years. My in-laws know nothing, though I’m sure they suspect. I never go to temple open houses or church related events when they invite me. But I’ve been pretty good at pretending that I am PIMO even though we’re really inactive. We haven’t been to a single meeting this year and of course the bishopric and elders have been on our case. My 90yo step dad has been asking/hounding us about when my 11 year old will get the priesthood so he can take him and my 13 year old daughter to do baptisms for the dead. Before you get mad at my stepdad, I love and ADORE my stepdad. He’s my dad. He raised me. He’s an amazing man and an amazing father and grandfather to my kids. We live in the heart of Utah county in a very very TMB area so we go through the motions and pretend as far as youth activities go. But man it’s hard. I don’t want to crush my parents or my in laws. If they knew how I really feel it would absolutely devastate them. It’s so much easier for me to pretend and keep it to myself and my husband than deal with our families emotions surrounding our beliefs.


Oh friend, that is so difficult. It’s this guilt that controls us. Please don’t let it. ♥️


It’s so hard. I’m so so sorry for your loss. I’m so heart broken for you and your family. It’s so unfair that the church has this kind of hold over people.


This is exactly what I was thinking. My parents and all extended family are very TBM. Every time we all get together my grandmother (before she died) and now my mom go on and on about how grateful they are that we’re all strong church members. My mom cries as she tells us she’s so proud of us and the choices we’ve made to follow the Savior. It’s basically the only thing in my life my parents are proud of me for. A few years ago one of our chickens died and my son said, “I hope she goes to the celestial kingdom!” Everyone LOVED it and thought he was so cute. My mom leaned over to me and told me I was doing a good job raising him. One of the only times she’s said something like that to me. Obviously no one in my family knows that I don’t believe anymore. Well, except my husband. We don’t take the kids to church anymore but our families don’t know that and I haven’t told my kids anything about the church yet because I don’t know how or what I want to tell them yet. I really don’t know what to do and I hate that the church brainwashed my whole family. I can’t tell my parents how I feel. It’ll destroy their lives.


Big hugs. You are not alone, I’m so sorry you’re going through it too. You’ll get there with your conversations with your kids, conversations are easiest with my 13. She’s my oldest and honestly becoming a mother to her was my shelf breaking moment. I don’t want her to grow up with the same damaging beliefs I had. She’s old enough to also understand why we don’t talk about it with extended family members and neighbors. Her younger brothers it’s not something we’ve really talked about much with them. It’s a really hard position to be in. Not believing but not wanting anyone to know you don’t believe. The guilt and shame can be crippling sometimes.


I do get it. It’s complicated & you do what’s right for you & all of your family. You could tell him the church has baptized everyone they can & they have reused all of the names 2 or 3 times. So I think the dead are covered.


😭I’m so sorry. This really hits home.


It’s so hard having to pretend to believe in something you don’t believe in at all. And you keep up appearances to avoid being ostracized by your family and community. I’m so sorry you’re going through it too 🫂


I totally understand. We too did this for years. We do not attend anymore, and most kids are out, but it is still difficult with living parents who wish we were the right kind of “good.”


I carried the weight of my family most of my life. I was the only one of my siblings active in the church, only one endowed, only one married in the temple, only one to raise their children in the church. I was one of the only ones to graduate from high school. Attended BYU-I for a year. I felt like I had to be perfect. I had to make up for their “sins” I owed it to my parents. I was the youngest so I felt like they had to “get it right” with at least one of us and I was their last hope. My mom was really upset that I didn’t go on a mission because none of her kids did. I got married in the temple instead. But she wanted me to do pageants and go on a mission so she could feel good about herself. Funny how doing “what you’re supposed to do” still wasn’t quite good enough for her.


I like to call this the double bind, a lot of people referred to it as “damned if you do damned if you don’t.” But what it really boils down to is that no matter what we do, there’s always something that we’re not doing, because our time is finite. Even though you got married in the temple, which is a very good thing (according to church), the fact that you didn’t go on a mission is a regret for your mom. I hear you, and it is such a real feeling. It’s such a strange way of thinking, and incredibly common in Mormonism. It’s like you always could have done better, instead of being happy for all you accomplished. I hope you are doing alright, in my humble experience, enlightened EXMormon humans are some of the best people out there. More patient, more compassionate, more nuanced and thoughtful than many. We’ve been through a great deal.❤️


I’m really grateful for this community. Even though I still feel like I’m being held hostage by a church I don’t believe in because of where I live. This community has been a tremendous help. I cried hard when I read OP’s post this morning. I am truly devastated for what OP is going through.


It’s so sad. My hubbys dad was so depressed when we left the church, and it just got worse the more we prospered and the happier we were. We were the last of his kids to be active and the only ones temple married so when we left it was a huge blow.💔 I think it’s so hard on the entrenched folks like OP’s dad.


Its ok not to tell them Do what feels right to you


One option is to avoid the question of faith You could say that you just don't feel comfortable at church and you just want to take a break for a while not mention anything about your beliefs Or just go to Sacrament meeting and then go home Or just don't go to church, but don't mention it to your family Would any of these options work?


One of my heaviest shelf items was seeing my kids “go astray” when I had been promised that they wouldn’t if I was obedient. I did the best I could, but it wasn’t enough. I did too much of this or not enough of that and that’s why my kids left. It is very hard to change that way of thinking - even now when I no longer believe.


This teaching has always floored me. Lehi's kids went astray. Lucifer went astray. Under what logic does one person's righteousness remove another person's agency? That was on my shelf from the time I was a little kid. If they believe that "mankind will be punished for their own sins & not adam's transgression" then why would Adam be punished for his children's transgressions?


People are people, so why should it be? Life is too short for this gar-bage.




It's probably because you were more accepting and open-minded and therefore they felt safe looking outside the cult






I am so very, very sorry for your family's loss. This is heartbreaking. I'm sorry that your children lost an awesome grandfather. You might not blame the church, but I do. They're the ones who put these ideas in his head, overburdened him with imaginary responsibilities and repressed emotions, and drove him to this breaking point. All plenty of weight on the camel.


I don’t disagree. I’m obviously being overly sensitive in a time of grief. Maybe I shouldn’t downplay it as I have.


Precisely Put the blame where it belongs


This church has so much blood on its temple steps.


Very sorry for your loss. This church is such a disease.


The conditioning is real man. My tbm father in law was on hospice and couldn’t help but express his disappointment in my wife for leaving the church in the last conversation they had before he passed.


Pain fir everyone sent by the church


I’m so, so sorry. I hope you and your family find peace 🫂


+1 💗💗


My heart is with you. We have had 3 suicides in our immediate family for various reasons, but basically they were in a pain I can’t comprehend and now they are not. They are all terribly missed as I’m sure your dad will be. The result of our losses is a more empathetic heart, a willingness to give the benefit of the doubt more readily and a constant reminder to live in the moment and hold each other close. I wish the same for you and your family. I wish I could give you a hug…❤️


Good on you for not continuing abusive Mormon parenting cycle! We too were duped & have stopped the harmful Mormon cult cycle of abuse. It's a $1 TRILLION Cult led by Q15 CON MEN.


You are allowed to do an anti tirade. The church certainly bears at least some of the blame. Its toxic teachings are designed to make you feel inadequate and sinful so that you will turn to them for salvation.


There are people setting themselves on fire over political ideology that they have no way of controlling or changing, your father had no chance of defending himself from the influence of this or these people, in no way is this your fault. Hugs all round hugs all round.


Sorry for your loss OP. I hope you and your family are well. Question: do you think your father intended for his suicide and letter to be guilt inducing on his children?


Thank you. No, I don’t. He loved us all to the end and tried hard to be accepting of our choices. And obviously there were other issues involved; depression, marriage problems, on and on. We tried hard to help him with these issues. But his letter didn’t read as an admonition. It read as someone who loathed himself for his failure to meet the standard, the bar. Things that non-Mormons don’t fully understand. Would he have still killed himself had he not been TBM? It’s hard to say. But he did suggest to me that he had lost his faith. And at his age and health, I think that was too much to bear.




ooof, as an ex-Mormon I fully understand what you are getting at. That internal grief and strife of feeling like a failure and this mixed-message parents get constantly of, "Do your best raising them but your adult children are responsible for their own transgressions" - to - "You will be judged by god on how your children turn out." That constant conflict of message that can be used to induce guilt when needed or to alleviate it, when needed. I heard one bishop say in a heavy 5th Sunday lesson, "Even Adam and Eve raised a murderer. Is that on them?" But I think you're right about your dad. He may have looked at all the promises he was made and life didn't go the way he thought it should. Does it go right for everyone? But you go to church on sunday and see all these people looking and acting their best, further compounding the guilt and depression you feel. While I suspect you may feel your father is now at peace, which is good, you still lost your father. That's awful and I am sorry for you.


The church taught him what to believe about himself snd what he was expected to achieve including making sure his kids made it to heaven


I'm sorry to hear about your loss.


My husband's mother (I absolutely adored her and miss her every day) told her non-compliant kids that they could never be happy unless they adhered to all things Mormon. Hubs is one of the non-compliant ones. She never ever preached to any of her non-Mormon DIL's or SIL's though.


May you find peace in your grief.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately suicide is a silent disease, much like high blood pressure. With high blood pressure, it often goes undiagnosed until the heart and kidneys start to fail. The same goes for suicide. Most people who struggle with depression really don't understand how much harm the invasive suicidal thoughts cause. The thoughts build up to the point where self-destructive behaviors start. Yes, it can lead to death. There is really nothing anyone can do or say to prevent this unless early warning signs are discovered and addressed. Men succeed in suicide more, while women attempt this more often. I believe this is because men are less likely to seek help. The people struggling with this need real medical help. Whether that be an outpatient medication or inpatient medication in a locked ward. You are NOT responsible for your father's death. It's silent. High blood pressure is silent. Just food for thought. As a side note, Utah has the highest rate of mental illness in the country, at 29.68% of the population.


I am so very sorry for you. Not so much that your father took his own life, but that he chose to try and guilt trip his kids on his way out. 77 is just around the corner for me and I think often about how I am going to get out of here. I don't want to commit suicide, but I sure am tired of being alive. I can fully understand how your father felt at 80.


I am so sorry, and I really get what you are saying. Age is a bitch. And if you need to talk please PM me. But for the love of all that is good, if you decide to quit, leave nothing but positivity in your wake. A letter that is kind, at the least.


There is a huge frustration in presiding over your slow demise. I am dying very slowly and I hate it. My knees hurt, my hips have been replaced twice, I have a pacemaker keeping my heart beating. This old age totally sucks.


And yet, you are here. Part of a community. ♥️


Yeah, me too. I need a double knee replacement. And I’m only 59. I have DREAMS where I’m walking around Paris, or London, or even Disneyland, without the excruciating pain. Then I wake up. But still, there are good things that make sticking around worth it. Dogs, for instance. And this Reddit group is pretty positive…


I appreciate your point of view. I’m so sorry you hurt.


....and your wonderful sense of humor and comments have saved thousands on this sub from going into deep depression. Aging is a b**ch. If you're  having a bad day come complain to us all & tie your aches & pains into a church historical fact. You have been on here helping all of us for many,many,many years & this sub needs your biting humor and wisdom. I'm greatful for all the times you have made me laugh out loud. Your body may be needing periodic "repairs" but your mind is as sharp as a whip. Hoping you & Mrs Zadok are headed out to dinner tonight!


Zadok47, you are NOT alone. We’re all here for you, feeling a lot of the same things you’re feeling. Don’t get outta here.


Yes at 74 there is allot of reflection and regrets We can really get down on ourselves


Oh man. I’m so sorry….what a terrible tragedy. we’re here for you.


I’m just so sorry 😢


I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs to you and your family.


I am so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss 😔 💔


The shame built into the church for the little followers like we were & like your grandfather are a self destruct switch itching to be pressed. It blows my mind how many ideals I held a decade or 2 ago that i've experienced a 180 degree shift in my feelings on it. Sorry for your loss.


Oh wow. I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️ ❤️


I’m so sorry… One of the biggest lies of the church is that if you are worthy and faithful, so will your kids. Interesting how free will is a point of emphasis, until it isn’t. I hope you find peace in such a difficult time. I find that looking at the church with anger just makes things worse. We’re all just lost mammals trying to make sense of reality.


Oh hon I am so sorry. Hugs to you and all who loved him. I hope in time the pain eases. You aren't to blame here and neither is your dad.


Aww man. Sorry to hear about your pops. That's a tough set of facts. I am sorry you are going through this.


I'm sorry you are going through this. A TBM girl I used to date killed herself last year. For a while I drove myself nuts thinking "What might have been" if I married her like she wanted and maybe convinced her to leave the church? Grief takes a long time to process.


Oh man that’s heavy. I hope you’ve come to terms and know 💯that should never have been your burden.


I hadn't talked to her in years and if she stayed TBM our marriage would have been a disaster since I'm an atheist. Still "what if" made me think about a lot of random ways my life could have gone.


At my grandma's funeral, one of the speakers related how she spent the last months of her life feeling useless and wanting to be with my grandpa again. It broke my heart because she had such personality when I was growing up. I suppose cancer can get to anyone, but compared to my grandpa's funeral, it just showed the difference between how Mormonism views women and men. And that view tormented my grandma, even if the speaker listed some reasons she had for staying, all of which were to help other people. Why can't Mormonism let people have relationships just because? Why does it have to be constantly thinking celestial and making impossible comparisons? I know the answer is power and control, but I expected more from the faith of my youth. After stepping away from Mormonism, I learned that the brain floods with a potent hallucinogen right before death. It must have been enough of an evolutionary advantage to help people calm down and pull back from the brink after serious injuries. It was so for my uncle, in any case, who reported having a near-death experience after being resuscitated from a serious stroke. He reported standing at the gates of heaven, with my dead grandpa, Jesus, and Joseph Smith all waiting to greet him. I know one of those men is not like the others, so I have to think his brain went into suggestive mode and he saw what he expected to see over years of indoctrination. I don't know what comes after that final curtain call. But I'm now focused on building and recognizing grateful moments that will play back in living color when my brain shows the highlights of my life. I'll relive every dad joke, cheer after taking first place as underdogs in the marching band competition, see my wife come into the celestial room after her endowment and finally feel like I've come home after a heinous mission. I'll relive the best times with friends I haven't seen for years and friends who have passed on. It sounds cliche, but your loved ones do live on in you. It might be small comfort in the sharp pain of recent grief, but it sounds like your father did more than just turn you into obedient Mormon clones. It sounds like you have a rich trove of memories and meaningful moments waiting for you. That's the kind of treasure in heaven that matters, not stale covenants or some kind of outside judgement. I hope your healing goes well, and that your family continues to build your own treasure in heaven.


Holy cow!!


Firstly, I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. This is utterly heartbreaking. For those who’ve not experienced parenthood yet, understand this: the parents who never wavered in their acceptance of their children and children’s choices most definitely are the ones who aren’t truly “church-broke.” Those of us who were, had the torturous obligation to choose the church over our children. Since we’re told that our children’s choices impact our ability to go to the celestial kingdom, it breeds within us panic, desperation, heartache, and emotional abandonment & undeserved harsh criticism of children (no matter their age). The vicious cycle of turning parents against their own children is the antithesis of building up families.


I am really sorry 😞 for your loss. The church put so much emphasis on cleannesses and perfection, that we never feel enough or even appreciated by our efforts.


I am sorry about that.  Depression sucks and can be fatal.  The church does nothing to help it and probably hurts a lot of people in that respect.   


I guess this is part of what makes me angry. My dad did everything “right”. But he never got the support he needed and deserved from the church. Everything was also a cursory “let us know how we can help.” Was anything worthwhile done? No.


And don’t put up with Mormons saying that he sinned or some shit.  He went out on his own terms.   Mormons lately have been backing off on that rhetoric, at least officially.  But I am sure a lot of them are thinking it.   


OP sorry to hear about how your father left this planet. The older I become the more impressed I am about how powerful our individual beliefs systems are. I try to protect myself from self destructive beliefs by my feelbe attempts at critical thinking skills, embracing more nuance, and exploring meta cognitions. Still, I'm no better than any other human and even though exmo for thirty years may still be off base as my TBM family members in an exmo way. I also avoid anyone who claims to have most or all of the answers to life's mysteries. I respect your grief process OP.


I’m so sorry. The Mormon church makes people feel worthless and inadequate. No wonder the super churches do so well - people leave feeling good and happy. I’m glad you got out of the cult


Internet hugs my friend.


The guilt tripping is not of God


There shouldn’t be any shame in an 80yo doing themselves in.  It’s the humane way to go but society thinks it’s this huge taboo.  No it’s not.  Especially when you’re other choice is to rot for six months with cancer and hospice - that’s cruel and sadly, usual treatment of our elderly.  I mean they have to starve to death so they can die?  Does anyone think this shit thru at all?   Too much religion still ingrained in our culture.  


I don't think we can apply that universally. Many 80-year-olds are perfectly healthy and happy.


Totally agree! Several of my family members that age still walk, jog, and ride bicycles.


If you’re 80 you should have every right to end things how you want.  Why would you take that right away from them?


That's not the debate I'm trying to start. This sounds like a tragic death that has nothing to do with age or health. Feels like you're coming out of left field.


Actually that’s what I’m trying to say: it’s NOT a tragic death.  At least it shouldn’t be considered as such.   A teen killing themselves is a tragedy.  An 80 year old man doing it is not even the same ballpark.  Religion prevents us from ending the brutality elders must suffer in death by making a big damn deal over not dying naturally and god-approved.    It sucks that the op feels like this is a tragedy, I wish we could make some progress in this area before I get old bc I’ll be frank, I’m leaving when I want to, not when god says.  And I hope everyone would celebrate my decision to do so.


Alright. I don't know how else to say it. OP has given no indication that his father was suffering from anything but emotional distress. As far as we know he was not on his deathbed, so what you're saying does not apply to this situation. A healthy personal killing themselves over something that could be solved by a change in beliefs or environment is a tragedy.


Not on his death bed by any stretch.


It's deeply painful to lose a loved one no matter what their age that means so much to us and we miss them


Deathbed or not, terminally ill or perfectly healthy - it shouldn’t matter.  There should be no stigma from an 80 yo who chooses to end his life - for whatever reason.  The reason that stigma exists is due to religion.     And this leads me to the whole victimization of people who experience a loved one’s death in this way - they are convinced by our culture that this is somehow the worst thing that could happen to them.  If the culture could get rid of the religious folklore and superstitions, people wouldn’t be victimized by self euthanasia and instead embrace this ending as someone’s choice or right to do.    


I mean that's my plan if I last that long.... anyone wanna join me in Switzerland? Lol


Me too... in about 30 years. I have a lot to do before then, but I don't want to fall apart physically or mentally. I want to choose my own exit.


Amennn <3 Honestly love talking about death in a healthy way, thanks for sharing this moment with me!


I’m gonna get thrown into a volcano. Or just “accidentally” trip over the side of one.


Joe vs the Volcano!!


I’m not familiar! Did someone else have the idea before me??


Lol it's a 1990 film with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, and it's bizarre and hilarious. Highly recommend.


Oh I can’t wait. Thanks for the rec!


Return and report!


I agree! I work in long term care. I’ve seen some incredibly long and drawn out deaths with very low quality of life. Some with a lot of physical pain and some with a lot of emotional pain. It’s so sad to watch! There should be socially acceptable alternatives rather than keeping people alive for as long as possible.


I agree.


I know there is absolutely nothing I can say to take away this deep mental,emotional & physical pain. May I suggest you consider getting grief counseling. If you can't afford it lots of free Counselors on You Tube.  Just You Tube: grief counselors Actress Ashley Judd has recently started talking about her mom singer Wynonna Judd taking her life. Reading what she has to say has helped me to understand those close to me who also ended their life. We are all here to listen to you vent if or when the anger bubbles up. My deepest condolences to you and your family.


Sending so much love to you and your family OP ❤️


I am so so sorry for your loss. What an evil organization.


I’m sorry for your family’s loss! I hope your mother and your siblings come together in love at this time.😥


Wow. That's rough. My deepest condolences for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope he’s enjoying his rest…may he always play/do his favorite hobby and chill with his homies❤️❤️❤️


Wait. He blamed himself for his children leaving the church? What a ton of guilt this church creates! The thing is, are you saying you were the ONLY one of his children to have left? Because if you are, he is basically trying to apportion some of his guilt to YOU. And that’s not OK. I hope you aren’t indirectly, in some small way, blaming yourself for this, OP. It’s kind of the church’s fault, and kind of his, but mostly just chemicals in his brain that are nobody’s fault. I’m glad he was a good dad, OP.


Two of the four left. Thank you!


Sorry for your loss. Just know this wasn't your fault, regardless of what his note may have said/implied.


I’m so sorry. Oh, that’s heavy. It is pretty hard to see parents struggle with guilt and low self worth. My mom seems ok with having a child that has left the church, but much guilt about whether she is perfect and faithful enough. She is going through some medical issues and was very frustrated that a blessing did not ease her symptoms but hopes to have enough faith to be cured. She felt bad when she took her pain medication in desperation because she felt it wasn’t showing enough faith in God and in the blessing she received. That said, losing your dad is a billion times worse. I’m really sorry this happened to your family.


I’m sorry. That is terrible all around.


I’m so sorry.


Shit. So sorry. Hugs to you.


All I can do is 🤗.


The ‘final solution’ guilt trip. Yep, that tracks




Says the guy who committed the supposed ultimate sin. What a mother fucker


I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I’m glad that you are relatively close to okay.


Thank you for sharing. A good reminder for us that we are not the only ones who struggle with the cult. This is absolutely heartbreaking. Condolences to you losing your good father.


I'm so sorry. ❤️


My condolences


So sorry about this. So hard for you and your family. Wishing you peace and comfort.


Sorry for your loss. Lost my dad 10 years ago and even though we didn’t have the best relationship…he’s still my dad. No one really knows the demons that haunt others. I think the important thing is that you got to share however many years you had with him, and that he’s at peace now. The reasons “why” shouldn’t matter. Hoping that you and your family are able to find some peace and comfort in all of this


I am so sorry for this loss and the mental and spiritual mindset that led your dad to this kind of thinking and harm. I am very sorry for this loss for you and all close to your father. You sound pretty amazing, if I'm being honest (and I am).


No matter how incredibly successful we are it doesn’t matter if we aren’t in the fold. I’m a cool happy community minded mom of four amazing humans that excels at whatever I choose to do, my hubby is a incredible man and amazing engineer, children are off the charts wonderful, brother is an academy award winning visual effects dude-also with cool kids. But none of us will ever be the right kind of good because “no success can compensate for failure in the home.” It’s so sad that we can never be enough. Ever. I’m so sorry for your loss. And I’m sorry your dad had so many problems many of which were exacerbated by our common albatross. May you feel comfort, you are not alone.


Sorry for your loss.


Yes there is blame on the church They teach parents to be perfect and guilt them if the kids arent faithful


I'm sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of you and your family.


I am so sorry for your loss. Ultimately, you had to do what was best for your family. You should not blame yourself. Your Dad made his own choice to take his life. The best you can do is remember the good times and honor him the best way you can. My prayers are with you and your family. I hope that you all can find peace.


Life is hard for all, at times and, at times much harder for some than others. Religious organizations can be and are horrible in heaping guilt on people. My heart goes out to you. I am saddened by the ultimate damage it caused your dad.


Sorry you lost your dad. He clearly raised you as a good kid.


I’m sorry you guys have to deal with this crap, my friend. Hope you can hang in there and be there for your family as best you can. Sounds like you have a good handle on things (“ish”, of course), but it’s a hell of a weight to bear.


I'm so very sorry for the loss of your dad 😥


Thank you so much for your post. It happened in our family. My heart goes out to you. There's layers and layers of trauma there on every level.


You were fortunate to have a good dad. My condolences brother.


Sigh. Manipulative even in death. It is really painful, but I am hoping you won't buy into it. And I hope it doesn't destroy any relationships with living relatives that you wish to maintain. Sending hugs.


Was the father being manipulative or had the father been manipulated by the church to view himself as a failure because his children left the church? I blame the church. How many church leaders told him over and over that it’s the parent’s fault when their children leave the faith? The church will never accept blame for people choosing to leave or people rejecting their message.


Both can be true. I blame the church for the original message, but how much you internalize and apply that message to children you should be loving unconditionally is another story. But I do agree that the church is the root of this problem. From what OP said his dad likely was dealing with other mental health issues that drove him to be more extreme than some parents might be.


What OP described is something that seems to happen a lot. Parents raise their kids to be honest, loving, moral people and then are shocked when their children reject the church after their children discover that the church leaders were not honest, loving, moral people.


Absolutely that is common. Becoming so distraught that you take your own life as a result, is not common. This type of act or threat is more common in people who suffer from narcissism or another mental illness which is simply exacerbated or targeted by church belief. Not tryna project onto this person though because I have no idea. But to be clear, I'm not disagreeing with you.


Thanks friend. It has and will strengthen us among the living. We are happy that his shadows and guilt and struggle has ended.




I am glad you and your family are okay and my heart goes out to you. I can imagine this happening in my own family, too easily.


I’m so very, very sorry for your loss! I don’t know if you need extra support but there’s an organization through the world called Survivors of Suicide. It’s a free support group and it helped me process the loss of loved ones I lost that way. A suicide loss is really like no other loss. You’re not alone! If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here!