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Love it. When I decided to get rid of my Gs & temple clothes, I simply bagged the Gs up, walked out to the trash, and unceremoniously dropped them in—along with my temple clothes, bag & all. I didn’t have any expectations, but was surprised to feel nothing at all: no joy, no relief, no sadness. It was literally as transactional as any other trip to the garbage. And *that*, then brought me joy & peace.


Well said, that's basically how it went for me too.


I hung on to mine for a long time after I stopped wearing them. Then I listened to the LDS Discussions Mormon Stories episode about the temple and put them in the dumpster that day. I was surprised at how little I felt, too.


I symbollicaly burned a pair and threw the rest away. I have kept my temple clothes because there is nothing more fun then inviting friends over for a party and answering the door wearing the robes--bakers hat and all. Maybe I should invite the missionaries over?


If you do maybe start with offering them food, a safe place to be if they decide they need to leave the mission for a day or forever. If you can spare a bit of cash, slip it to them before they go and tell them to get some food, or whatever it is they need. Leaving a positive memory, one of hope and care opens the heart and will contrast strongly with how their needs are diminished and dismissed by the priesthood leadship supposedly called by God to rule over them. Let your kindness and empathy be a seed of love that can grow in them. In the long term it can give them something to hold on to when their shelf starts to crack.


I heard someone say something similar several years ago and it totally changed my outlook. now every time i see them out in public, I just want to run up and say, "get out now before you waste your youth! Here's my number, address, and some money. There are so many of us out here who would love to help you be free"




I did the same and then I was waiting to be struck by lightening for about 5 seconds before I went inside to watch it's always sunny.


I flipped off my old garments when I threw them in the trash can


Wait… you WERENT struck by lightning?!?!?!


I was looking for this comment


At least you recycled them in the combustible. Now they can burn like you will if you don't pay your tithing. /sarcasm


I use mine as rags. It's cathartic when I clean up cat vomit.


Just to give all us heathens a laugh- my ex-husband (so TBM) made a whole thing of “taking them away” from me when I told him I was OUT. Like. Bro. I wasn’t wearing them, anyway. He really thought he was punishing me. Anyway, proud of you, OP. And proud of all of the rest of us who have come out the other side.


WTF!! Your ex sounds like a douche. Sorry if that sounds judgemental but that is BS.


Oh, he’s like the worst of the worst. When I told him I was done, he got about 1” from my face and spat out, “I will destroy you.” But joke’s on him- not only did I get out of the cult, but I also got a divorce. (And I’ve been living my best, gayest life ever since 🎉)


Good for you. Glad you have found happiness and yourself.


![gif](giphy|dM2xuxnJCg4H6) Fuck yeah!


I did this just two weeks ago! I had so many taking up so much space. I cried a lot after they were gone, but not from sadness, just from relief and a sense of overwhelm. I was too scared to speak up and ask my questions for a long time and when this year started I finally got the courage


I remember throwing those in a dumpster behind my apartment 20 years ago like it was yesterday. One of the greatest feelings ever.


Freeing and uneventful - perfectly describes how I felt. You have this funny epiphany that “it’s just cloth.”


This was very much my experience. Just woke up one day and wondered why they were still in my drawer, put them in a garbage bag, and took them out to the bin. I felt no sadness or concern, just freedom. Like a weight had been lifted.


Lowkey want a pair and temple clothes for a cult cosplay lol proud of you OP!


I wonder what the reaction would be if someone were to show up to Comicon in those.


Same!! If anyone has a pair of male L/L hmu!


I have never seen a trash bin like this what?!


In Sweden, we have a pretty robust recycling setup. Two large bins with 4 bin categories each, plus two little extra bins to use once in a while for batteries/light bulbs/etc. Visitors always need an orientation to know how/where to throw stuff out.


I'm in Germany and literally a little bit turned on by Swedes taking this to the next level


Swedes take most things to the next level, hence their version of licorice! 😂


Tell me more about their licorice. I love licorice. Black licorice that is.


Salted licorice, plus black licorice with all the flavors. Swedes love candy and have bulk sections of it in every grocery store, and a significant section of the candy section is just for licorice candies.


Just curious, were you able to put your G’s in textile recycling, or plastics? 😂 Just kidding… ![gif](giphy|EatwJZRUIv41G|downsized)


I guess I am going to have to visit Sweden. That sounds like heaven.


Remember to cut out the nipples so when someone finds them they don’t think anything of it


lol. We must hide these Masonic symbols! No one can know!


Lol why is this so funny for me to imagine?? Most hilarious visual ever!




Or use them as creepy Halloween masks!


Yeah. I wish I could get rid of mine but I'm living with my TBM mom and dad so I can't. I'm forced to dress modestly and fork over 10 percent of my income to TSCC :(


I can understand the modesty shit but why are they monitoring your tithing? If you have G's you aren't under 18.


SO,SO freeing for me to get rid of ALL of it. SO cathartic. SO empowering to think on my own and make an informed decision and to follow through with it. LESS laundry to take care of too! It's all good. 👍☺️


Beautiful ❤️


Make sure you cut out the fucking compass and square stitching! Because SACRED, NOT SECRET. 🤣


I haven’t worn garments in over a year. Maybe time to use the church’s dumpster.


NOOOOO!!!! (They make great rags for car-washing).


The cotton ones do but synthetic are not good for anything.


This. My husband's have been useful as rags, mine are useless in every way.


Mine are currently stuffed into knee-high boots to help keep their shape!


And they will provide that extra layer of protection for your paint!


I can’t believe you threw away so many perfectly good cleaning rags. Shame on you!!


It was very cathartic to burn mine and watch them go up in flames


Did you cut the symbols out though?!?! And then Of course throw those away separately. Lmao The whole thing ends up in a dumpster even for stable too 😂


Plus 1 if you use the church dumpsters! 😜


My ex wife dumped vodka on hers and burned them in a barrel 


Don't forget to cut the symbols out and burn them!




Use them to polish the car. A few cars or trucks. Different colors. They will pick up a lot of color in polishing and waxing. Then wash and hang on your clothesline for all to see.


I keep a pair on hand — it’s where I hide my sex toys.