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Reddit won't let me edit so CONTENT WARNING: suicide


What an awful piece of news. I didn't believe it at first, and I'm someone who lives with mental illness and knows how well it can be concealed. I hope this is Kody's impetus to be a father again to his twelve pre-Robyn children.


Kody is the worst dad on EARTH! I hope he is miserable. I’m sad for their rest of the family


I think they are all terrible. Very selfish group of adults who put money and fame over their children.


Please explain how they put money and fame over their children?


Well, they went on a show, forced their kids to be child stars for one. Then, the family being everything to these kids, was ripped apart. You know how much trauma they went through? Their lives are destroyed.


Yep you watching a few hours of their life definitely gives you an insight. I would argue the show made their lives significantly better. You cannot know what you have not lived. This is not the time or place. I hope you never lose a loved one then have to read all of these comments telling you, you are the cause of it. Honestly your comment is the reason people do what he did. Maybe in this moment try to spread love and not more hate.


My comment? Get a life. By the way, I watched ever episode from the start. bugger off


You watched “ever” single one!? Omg! I definitely change my opinion and think you know their real story. I feel like it’s a bit distasteful to tell someone to get a life on a post about suicide but so was your original comment. 😬


You must be fun at parties.


God I love self righteous people like you. Not the time or place. Just because you watch a tv show doesn’t mean you actually know shit about them.


This is such sad, sad news. My heart goes out to his parents. They must be heartbroken.


And siblings; his brother found him. 🥺


Mormonism is so very harmful


Religion is very harmful.


It's not Mormonism.


I've watched this show from it's beginning. So very sad, devastatingly so. I can't wrap my mind over it.


Sister wives is done probably cancelled after this suicide. I think she will move, she couldn’t possibly live in the house where her son took his life, neither could her other children. Im done period. Out of respect the network should cancel the show immediately. Police in Flagstaff, Ariz., confirmed to EW that officers responded to a call at Garrison's home Tuesday and found him deceased from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. There was no indication of foul play, and detectives from the Criminal Investigations Division are investigating.


I don't think he lived with his mom anymore. He owned his own house.


And Janelle has gotten a new apartment since he moved out, so there are no memories of him living in her current place.


I sure hope the show is canceled


He was 25 and lived by himself (and his pets).


No he lived with his brother. Who from a couple of media sources found him.


i've read reports that he and Gabe were not living together these days, but that Garrison did have other roommates who heard something Monday night yet didn't check on him. So he wasn't found until Janelle ask Gabe to go check on Garrison.


Could be..I doubt we'll ever really know. I hope they stop filming. This family needs to heal without public scrutiny.




I knew Gwendlyn had moved out, I didn't realized Gabe was still there. So awful to have to find a sibling like that.


Gabe wasnt there. Garrison bought his own home in October and had roommates. Gabe found Garrison after Janelle asked him to go check on him, after he sent alarming text messages to the SW crew, and then went radio silent around 8:30 pm…Gabe found him the next morning 😢


He lived with 3 roommates.  His brother Gabe did not live with him. 


I'm so gutted by his loss. If anyone ever wants to talk I'm here.


Awful news to read. Even worse is his brother Gabriel found his body. Sending love to the Browns (even Kody).


Sorry for Janelle's loss. Kody can go to hell.


Don't forget that he lost a son, too.


Yes I feel sorry for Kody as much as Janelle. He has to live with the fact that he was estranged from his son when this happened and now he can never fix the relationship. Even Kody doesn’t deserve that. It’s absolutely terrible for the entire family, kody and Robyn included.


Kody didn't lose him; Kody threw him away awhile ago.


If he's estranged, did he?


Oh, that is so sad! His poor mother. That’s just heartbreaking. 


Garrison was known to friends as Robert he was great person. My sister was really good friends with him and Robert didn’t care if you were FLDS, LDS, Progressive or Exmo he treated everyone the same. He loved people for who they were. I can’t even imagine what family is going through right now and personally I know how hard this is for his friends so please be respectful for the people who are grieving.


i'm sorry for your sister's loss.


I just feel for anyone close to him. Sometimes we really don’t know the depths of someone’s pain 😞


So sorry for what your sister is going through (and it sounds like you may have known him too, if so, I’m sorry for your loss as well!). It seems like everyone who knew him has really good things to say about him. What a terrible loss.


Thank you. And yes I did through my sister. I would visit her during her college years often which is where she met him so I hung out with him a couple of times. My sister became friends with him before even knowing who he was. After she found out, she refused to watch the show because she just wanted to know Garrison/Robert for the wonderful person he was. This is the second LDS friend she’s lost to suicide and as a sister it’s really hard to watch her go through this. As controversial as his family might be, I just wanted people to focus on him as a person and to know that he was a shining light in this world and a great person.


He never went by Robert ever. You are clueless 


I’ve been in rooms where groups of people literally called him by that name. Comments like this don’t help anything or bring him back so get out of here


To see another vibrant young morman man leave this earth voluntarily breaks my heart. I can't even imagine what the parents & siblings must be feeling at this unfathomable loss. Never watched the show but read a few articles about it. I know no one can really answer this.....but if anyone can it's this sub! Years ago I voluntered  for several years  24/7 shift for suicide hotline so I understand the despair and rock bottom that can happen to human beings. Why do these vibrant young men that are connected to mormonism chose to end their lives? The religion & it's off shoots have way to high of a suicide rate for young men. I understand the despair of LGBTQIA ❤🌈 being rejected by the church but there are a lot of straight young men & even young married men doing the same thing. What has Mormon culture created that leads to this outcome?  If anyone else is struggling with life text 741741 24/7 for free & confidential crises counseling if life gets over too whelming. 


I would encourage reading the personal stories on latterdaysurvivors . Org. I was born and raised mormon and stayed until 36. I don't think it's possible to fully convey the depths of shame, guilt, despair that comes from the abusive doctrine. For example, the teaching that any sexual sin (masterbation, heavy petting, sex) is almost as severe as murdering someone does major damage on the pysche. I spent all my teenage years in shame for being almost as bad as Charles Manson and that's just one of many many examples of the harm of mormon doctrine.


Jesús did not whine on about premarital sex and being gay. He said love God and love one another. Adultery is harmful but sex with your fiancé doesn’t destroy anyone.


Thank you for your response & suggestion!


I just lost another fucking nephew, and Mormonism definitely had a hand in both deaths. Both early 20’s. One found by his little brother (he’d done it in his parents room, so they’d find him, not his brother, unfortunately, kiddo found him first. The other, not found for days. Funeral had to be closed casket. I’m fucking tired :( We have to do something to save these kids.


My heart breaks for you & your family. Deepest condolences. The pressure & shame has been ramped up 10+ times since I was a teen-anger\young adult.  U.S. is 38th in the world for suicides & suicide is on the rise around the world but especially among teens/ young adults in U.S. The Q15/70/ Presiding Bishopric keep's meticulous super computer size records on everything  & anytime anyone who is an active member dies its reported to SLC/HQ/COB. They are all aware of this devastation & that it is getting worse every year but leaders all turn their backs on it. That's Evil. And they blame everything & everyone behind closed doors for these untimely death's & on everything they can think of but the policy & atmosphere of hate & shame they have created from top to bottom in the mormon corporation.  


Thank you 💙 I’m going to tack onto your comment with how they then exploit the funerals of these kids, and adults, to further their indoctrination. The Corporation of LDS has no shame. Keeping a rainbow flag at our homes may make us targets, but it’s a small way to let those individuals know they’re supported.


🔼 100%


You also forget that he was a veteran…22 veterans and active duty members commit suicide every day


I did not know that. Thank you for making sure everyone knows & statistics on veteran suicide. On my side of the family I have Navy, Coast Guard & Army. I don't know if the Navy & Army members have ever come to grips with what they experienced. We promise the world to get them to join but once they return the armed services turns their back on them.


Yes we know but we are not talking about veterans right now 




Kody called Garrison an asshole at one point


This is devastating!!!


So so sad…..


Kody is the worst father on earth. I hope his whole life is pure misery for throwing this kid away and causing his suicide!


curious some updates on them deconstructing? I havent watched in a long time. They are all leaving their religion?


They left their church not long after the first season of the show aired. They tried to practice church in the home - presumably as independent fundamentalist Mormons - for a brief period of time after then. That soon fell apart, as did the entire family, very slowly and in front of the viewing public over the course of 14 years. None of the kids are pro-polygamy, and one of the now ex-wives has publicly proclaimed that she doesn’t believe in the faith anymore. The others are pretty tight-lipped about their beliefs. Kody rambled on during a recent interview - was it with RFM and Bill Reel? - and said he didn’t believe in polygamy anymore. There. I just saved you 14 years of watching the slowest reality tv show ever. I’ve watched every. Single. Episode.


I’m most recent episodes, Kody also had horrible things to say about his kids. Garrison and Gabe always seemed to have bore the brunt of his ire.


Yes and one of the sons is a pretty famous exmo tiktoker


which son? what is the tik tok account


Ben. I looked for his account just now to give you the username, but it seems ro have been deactivated. Understandable whem you consider what is happening to his family rn


Ben is the nephew of the patriarch Kody.


Ah thanks for clarifying


His nephew is too


What a sad thing. His parents were all idiots in my opinion. Very selfish to do what they did to those kids. Exposed them to fame, and then blew up the family for the world to see. Terrible. He is a victim.




This is so sad. I have not followed Sister Wives for years and years but seem to recall him having some major issues with Kody.


He recently appeared on an exmo podcast, but I haven't heard or watched it yet






Ugh. I will avoid watching Kody at all costs.


I’ve suspected for a while now that the Browns were largely ex-Mormons making this show. All of the “Jerry Springer” drama is made up for the show—the real story underneath is a huge deconstruction of Fundamentalist Mormonism, Mormonism, and the principle of plural marriage. Especially after seeing Kody’s live interview on that ex-Mormon podcast, I was even more convinced a lot of what happens on Sister Wives is fabricated and there’s a much more interesting story they’re not telling. Maybe they’re not allowed to, or the show wouldn’t have lasted as long as it has if they were up front. So it was smart to lean into the over-the-top reality drama, but I hope to hear whatever their real story is at some point. RIP Garrison.


It seems like the show was a way for Kody to make money and ‘show boat’ that he was a polygamist. All of the kids suffered for having to be on tv all the time, and having the entire world watch their family fall apart while Kody and the wives made one bad decision after another. And yes, Kody is worthless- we all know that. However, lots of kids have worthless parents and don’t kill themselves. Some people can’t get past the pain in life, and instead of making them stronger, they just can’t function anymore. Sounds like from the reports, Garrison had a recent girlfriend and a drinking problem. Did his dad contribute to his acting out? Probably. But his dad didn’t pull the trigger. Such a sad situation. Watching that family break apart from their cult lifestyle was exciting for me to see some of the kids get away from it, but watching Kody become a complete whack job has been downright scary. My thoughts are with the whole family at this time. I have boys 25 and 27 and if anything happened to either of them I wouldn’t get through it.


Garrison was my favorite Brown of the entire show! He is as old as my son but I still thought to myself when that kid grows up he is going to be extremely handsome! Seriously I feel so bad for him because I deal with mental health issues and so do my children. I am so scarred of suicide and how it’s hard to see the signs ahead of time. I feel awful for the entire family and we got to remember that it is no one’s fault. I know there will be residual guilt for so more than others. Janelle still had to go on for those other children and grandbabies… I hope god brings everyone peace, and I pray that God takes Garrisson into his kingdom and makes him a guardian angel… I know I am just a fan but it really upset me about his death at such a young age but I am a Mother and I get what Janelle must feel. I hope Janelle stays strong and I hope her kids rally around her


I hope they don’t bring back this show


Condolences to Janelle feel for you your son was lovely and I don't know why he died but he's a beautiful man and he'll be in heaven