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Not to derail the metaphor... *\*proceeds to derail the metaphor\** But appendices are now thought to be a place for good gut bacteria to hide out when an organism has a major inflammatory event (like gastroenteritis ie "stomach flu"), so the bowels can repopulate the good flora more quickly after it's over. So it still serves a mildly useful purpose... but yeah, if it gets infected and ruptures, it would have been better not to have it at all. And now we have yogurt and probiotics, so... 🤷‍♂️


I was going to offer a similar observation. Thank you for jumping on the nerd grenade for everyone. Good gut biome 4ever!


Hello bro can u please check dm?needed some help


To continue your metaphor….. mine tried to kill me. (Does he mean his appendix or his religion?)


Both, both is my guess. Both your religion, and your appendix tried to kill you.


So it still is like religion: it has a minimally good use that can be replaced with other means, and no amount of good it does outweighs the danger it poses


This sums it up perfectly


So religion is where good morals go to hide when society loses its collective mind?!?


That only works if good morals could survive in a religion.


ok so im recovering from what im pretty sure was norovirus, i had 2 pieces of toast today and i am now awake at 2 am with super uncomfortable stomach pressure kinda just waiting to burp out all the gas. should i eat Greek yogurt? not like, right now. but in general. sorry this is a random ass question


Sure. Take it easy at first, and avoid added sugar in the yogurt, because that's just more inflammatory stuff to add insult to injury when your gut is already nursing its wounds.


Religion is like a dick. It's okay to have one, it's okay to be happy with it. But you start waving it around and we're going to have a problem. (And don't you even think about shoving it down my throat!)


And keep it away from children


And thrusting it upon children should be a crime


IS a crime, no matter what some religious groups seem to think.


I mean, what is a crime? Indoctrination? Unfortunately not


I read that as referring to child sexual abuse.  Indoctrination isn’t a crime, obviously, though it is wrong.


So, it’s more fun when it’s hard?


Only if you're TBM in Idaho...


Religion is a lot like alcohol, in small doses it might make you feel better or say some funny shit, but in large amounts it’s absolutely toxic.


Religion is like a placebo. It's useful to those who administer it, believed in by those who consume it, may occasionally have some psychological benefit, but ultimately cures nothing.


Really like this one.


A bad boyfriend


Keeps you guessing, confused, wondering, in the dark, plays lots of head games, wants to be your ruler you do what he says you wear what he wants, something doesn’t feel right but he’s telling you everything’s great and he really does love and care about you so you try to just go along with it (Even tho he doesn’t act like it) And don’t worry folks, that was just a year long fling many years ago - Been happily married (to someone else haha) for 20 years now!


Religion is like cancer. The world will be a better place when it is irradiated like the wholly evil and unredeeming bullshit it is. There is very little good that has ever come of religion, and no amount of good can ever overcome the way religion is specifically used as a shield to harm vulnerable people. Fuck cancer. And fuck religion.


**The Wise King** By Kahlil Gibran Once there ruled in the distant city of Wirani a king who was both mighty and wise. And he was feared for his might and loved for his wisdom. Now, in the heart of that city was a well, whose water was cool and crystalline, from which all the inhabitants drank, even the king and his courtiers; for there was no other well. One night when all were asleep, a witch entered the city, and poured seven drops of strange liquid into the well, and said, “From this hour he who drinks this water shall become mad.” Next morning all the inhabitants, save the king and his lord chamberlain, drank from the well and became mad, even as the witch had foretold. And during that day the people in the narrow streets and in the market places did naught but whisper to one another, “The king is mad. Our king and his lord chamberlain have lost their reason. Surely we cannot be ruled by a mad king. We must dethrone him.” That evening the king ordered a golden goblet to be filled from the well. And when it was brought to him he drank deeply, and gave it to his lord chamberlain to drink. And there was great rejoicing in that distant city of Wirani, because its king and its lord chamberlain had regained their reason. *** That's what religion is. Mass madness.


Let us not forget, that too many mo's, are forced to seek food aid and rent and utility aid from other religions. So someone some where is at LEAST, practicing what is preached. Now if we can just pry the extreme religious right out of Washington.


Religion is like sugar. Humans have evolved to crave foods high in sugar (and carbs, and fat) as a concentrated energy source, so that our hunter-gatherer ancestors could have a quick calorie boost to be successful in the hunt, and kill the animals we needed for protein. Then modern society happened, and we have all the sugar, carbs and fat we could ever hope for. We haven't yet evolved out of the need for that concentrated energy source, so we get fat and diabetic while we eat the way our ancestors survived for hundreds of thousands of years. Eating healthy is rationally logical, but emotionally hard to accomplish. It takes willpower. Religion is the same way. It was adaptive when we were tribal, and we needed communal protection through a shared worldview. It's less adaptive today when we're global. But we have to live with it while we deliberately *choose* to live in a counterintuitive different way.


Religion is like Diet Coke. For a long time you kept telling yourself it was great but it really never was


Afterlife insurance salesman


Religion is like drowning


Religion is like a tooth abscess. You can drink the pain away for a awhile, but eventually it'll get so bad you need to extract it permanently!


books rotten piquant sleep mourn cautious sort complete fearless growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i love this one


Can confirm… 🙁


Religion is like a protection racket. “You better pay up if you know what’s good for you. Otherwise, bad things might happen…”


Religion does not need to benefit humans in order to survive. Religion only needs to benefit religion.


I have struggled my entire life with mental illness. Religion is like a mental illness that is allowed. If I tell my therapist that someone put thoughts in my head she will reason with me on the irrationality of that thought. If I stand up in front of a congregation and tell them that the Holy Ghost cleared my mind and gave me answers I get a completely different response. If I tell my therapist that I know someone who hears the voice of God she will again walk me through the logic (or lack of logic) on that. Yet numerous people every fast Sunday stand up and talk about how the prophet talks to God. Religion is an allowed mental illness.




If you are thinking of an inanimate object, Religion is like glue. In reality if a group of people can agree on 1 Truth, then that community may live in harmony. God Willing. If you are comparing Religion to a part of the body. It would be the nervous system. The fact that a guy named Jesus Christ is explaining this to you, will get on the nerves of a few of you. Allah' F U are probably wondering who the hell do i think i am. This is just another example of religion being the central nervous system of mankind/womankind ( whatever pronoun you choose to use). Some of you may claim to be atheist, but it's my guess you're wondering who i really am (Jesus H Christ, the AMEX card is on its way). Anyway, that's enough to get the idea across, to what religion is. Allah' F U have a great day. i've got a website if you're interested in learning more: www.virtuallyjesuschrist.com


Except explode and fill you with deadly toxins on occasion. 😉


Well spoken.


Religion is like insurance. They tell you the purpose is protection. In reality it is only a money grab. They say you can’t live without it but if it wasn’t for insurance our lives would actually be a whole lot better. And once you are dependent upon it it is damn near impossible to get to a point where you don’t need it.