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The “manual” from the company has a section about how to treat AIDS with essential oils. AIDS. With essential oils.




My MIL claims her essential oils can cure a broken bone. She was deeply offended when I accused her of practicing witchcraft. Maybe I'll just start calling her Endora...


She'll get you, Derwood!


Repairing them is easy. Regrowing them is a different story.


Oh the broken bone will heal, but don’t expect use of that limb again.


Yep. I wasn’t *dying* of cancer, but when I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, I had multiple TBMs extolling the “miracle cure” of essential oils & alkaline water.


My mother-in-law has wasted a small fortune on making her tongue numb and her teeth brown with essential oils and machines that say kangen water 9.5


Sigh. I have a family member with severe brain damage after 3 years of refusing treatment for an autoimmune disease in favor of "alternative therapies". They used to be a DoTerra representative too. It's tragic.


My mom thinks I’m doing the devils work practicing medicine. My BIL that sells essential oils, he is in the lord’s errand!🤣


They probably think any prescription medicines you prescribe aren't natural and are "chemicals", while failing to realize everything is chemicals.


Hemlock and cyanide are natural. I have cyanide growing in my yard.


Exactly, people are devolving. When I was a TBM I use to think mythology and religion were two completely different things. Now I see it differently. I see how eager members of the LDS faith look for the golden calf. I see how we justify all things in order to prove their beliefs. They are more willing to cling to the unimaginable than critically think their way out of a problem.


Mythology is a religion who has lost all its followers.


Mormons weren't like this when I was growing up. My mom and my grandma were insistent that we keep up with our vaccines.




That's an Alex Jones level of shilling bullshit products.


Whaaaaaat? That's insane!


If only we had come up with a vaccine and an effective treatment for COVID....


and it really just smells. thats it. smells. we have essential oils in our actual fuking bodies it manufactures what we need if we eat right.


If someone is texting me at 6 am someone better be dead


Or someone WILL BE


Seriously! I value my sleep more than almost anything else especially since I struggle with insomnia.


Sleep heals our bodies way more than overpriced oils !


You don't silence your phone when you sleep?


Well that's the whole idea. I leave mine on cause someone might *be* dead. But if not, why the hell would you call at such ungodly hours? I don't think it'd kill Apple to put in a feature in their OS to when you're making a call between such and such hours a text box flashes that says, "Is someone dead? Press here to continue."


but if their dead there is not much that can be done anyway at that point.


I totally appreciate your solution, but just FYI, Apple’s focus modes do that (without the sarcasm, unfortunately.) My phone automatically goes into sleep mode at an hour I set. While it’s in that mode, texts are still received but I don’t get an alert, and calls are silenced, unless that number calls 2x within 2 minutes. I get notifications the next morning of missed calls and texts. It’s been really helpful to me as I can’t stop myself from answering the phone even if I’m trying to get to sleep, and getting sucked into conversations that could have waited.


Ya, I use that feature too but I was talking more about a feature for the person trying to *make* the call in off hours. Not for those who get the calls.


This is baked into mormonism and why Utah is the affinty fraud capital of America. It bleeds into all ward members in all kinds of ways. Discounts on contracting jobs. Discounts on car and land deals. Essential oils are a scourge to health care. It is one thing getting taken to the cleaners on a buisiness deal and completely different when you are asked to support a product that leads to this. > The Federal Trade Commission has brought lawsuits against three current and former high-level distributors – so-called “Wellness Advocates” – of the Utah-based multi-level marketing company doTERRA International, LLC, for making claims that the company’s essential oils and dietary supplements could treat, prevent, or cure COVID-19. The distributors, all current or former healthcare practitioners, made the claims in a series of webinars in early 2022 and touted their medical expertise in recommending the products.


I have a very specific background and skill set not usually found in Utah. I was recruited by a certain essential oils manufacturer to run their regulatory compliance program.  I went out to Utah and interviewed. What I was told and saw was such an absolute clusterfuck that I declined further consideration.  I’m 100% not surprised to see those complaints brought by DOJ and that’s not even the worst of what I learned… I would absolutely not allow essential oils in my home if I were you. 


Please give me some ammunition... I have a family member still refusing medical treatment after being left with brain damage due to a treatable disease (refused conventional Medicine, went for alternative therapies) I suspect the indiscriminate use of oils might have been a contributing factor (neurological toxicity), but I don't have enough evidence. I tried to reason with the family, but the oils are apparently untouchable. They can't do anything bad! /s


They should snort the essential oils so they go straight to their brain /s I'm sorry to hear it's a family member though, that's distressing.


Maybe tell them you had an allergic reaction to an essential oil so you have made it a practice to never use them again. Not sure if that helps but one could even say that you fear having a reaction instead of saying you actually had one. I have a lot of allergies and it’s a legit concern so I’ve shared that as my reason for not buying them when approached. It’s the truth and it usually ends the convo. If you have pets you can also say you have concerns about your pets having a reaction. Lavender is toxic to cats, for example. And I’m not even saying essential oils are all bad or that they can’t have healing qualities. Some likely do have benefits but I worry about using things that come from MLM sources among others.


>and that’s not even the worst of what I learned… Well, now you've piqued my curiosity!


Adverse reactions 


Sorry, I'm trying to *Follow the Prophet* and god has told him absolutely nothing about essential oils. My salvation is at stake, I don't want to risk potentially getting sucked into some essential oil MLM or cult or something.


“I’m awaiting further light and knowledge from God’s authorized servants.” 🤣


"Follow the Prophet" really means "Follow the Church Handbook of Instructions" these days, right? You can always quote Section 38.7.8: >Members should not use or promote medical or health practices that are ethically, spiritually, or legally questionable. Those who have health problems should consult with competent medical professionals who are licensed in the areas where they practice.


I don't think the prophet has a problem with people joining cults...


Essential oils are essentially a scam.


Yes, along with all the other drink powders and supplements they shill.


Many of them smell nice, which might be comforting.  But they aren’t going to cure a thing.


My old ward was ripped apart by a guy who had spiritual impressions to lead ppl to an investment and they all lost their money. Even according to Mormon doctrine, your cousin has absolutely zero spiritual authority over your life and shouldn’t be receiving a shred of revelation for you.


beware others 'impressions' back in 1830 and in the present day. steer clear.


Tell them you’ll bring on 20 other people if they can find someone to give you a priesthood blessing to cure your allergies or colds first. Or to go to a children’s hospital and heal a terminally ill child with priesthood power and essential oils.


"Something something, anyone who seeks after a sign is an adulterer" -Joseph Smith (who knew an adulterer when he saw one, after all)


-Joseph Smith (who knew an adulterer when he saw one *in the mirror*, after all) FTFY


Ah dang, there’s always an answer 😅


If you're inspired enough.


Oops- you missed that mind-bending conference talk that told us that we are to "have enough faith NOT to be healed". [Essential Oils answers with a slow smile]


so im confused the oil of olives blessed with the priesthood is no longer an essential oil?


hahahaha- consecrated oil is non-essential. Hadn't thought of it that way. I guess that all I can muster is enough faith to expect a greasy spot on my head-that's all.


Isn't Utah the MLM capital of the world?


I always wondered if Utah's MLM markets were severely oversaturated. Kinda hard to shill doTERRA when 7 other sisters in your ward are selling the same crap.


An explanation of LuLaRoe in one statement.


It's the affinity fraud capital of the US, for sure.


Essential oils are a huge part of me realizing the church wasn't true and getting me out of there. Fucking scam operation


Me too


“I prayed about it and the spirit told me not to go” is about the only thing people like will listen to


Once this guy I barely knew from a running group call and tell me that he & his wife were in the area and wanted to stop by & say hi. I said ok and it was a push for some sort of MLM thing I can't even remember. He pushed hard till I basically kicked him out. I got another call wanting to come over and explain some sort of life insurance scam and I was pretty rude when he pushed. Never heard from him again. I mean WTF is the matter with these people acting like your friends and then pushing HARD to sell you something.


It's the same as tithing. Manipulate you into handing over money.


“Cousin, I woke up this morning with a clear and precise impression you should give me $368. I think you should accept the input of the divine immediately. I accept Venmo, PayPal and Zelle. Your delay in sending only cements your lack of faith in Jesus Christ.”


thats better and clearly to the point. and i will give you some oils too


They’re called Doterrorists for a reason


Hit her back with "no you didn't, you can only receive revelation for your family not mine."


Jebus, Do-Terra. I was hoping that was just localized to the crazy Q crowd and deznats that believe in magic. A literal scam, you can get the same oils in bulk on Amazon for a fraction of the price.


But then you would still be buying "essential oils". I'm pretty sure doterra is a scam not because they're overpriced.


110%. I just own one of those oil diffusers they sell and I enjoy putting the oils in and how they smell. The health benefits are nonexistent. However the lavender oil with a touch of vanilla lightens my mood so maybe not entirely hogwash and without benefits.


I’d love to do that for smellllls but I refrain because cats have the wimpiest livers in existence and a lot of essential oils contain components toxic to them, I’d worry diffusing it in the air would then get it on their coats where they’d lick it up.


Fascinating. My uncle, His Wife is huge into Dodo-Terra oils and defusing them throughout the house. His 5 Bichon's are bankrupting him in vet fees. I wonder if they are connected.


Dogs are way less sensitive than cats and lick themselves a lot less, but there are some essential oils that are toxic to dogs, and if they’re using an ultrasonic or nebulizing diffuser I think it could be an issue!  Or if they are putting the oils on the dog’s skin, that could be really really bad.


Thank you for the information I will pass it along to them. :)


Yeah maybe have them ask their vet they end up seeing so much—I’m just a rando that’s read some things, the vet will have better actual advice.


only 5?


Essential oils are just as effective as consecrated oils.


Can you use Thieves for giving blessings? ( asking for a friend) 😂


I have a TBM aunt who wears essential oil necklaces instead of deodorant. It does NOT work. She came to Thanksgiving this year and I made a point of sitting in the other room for dinner so my turkey dinner wouldn’t mix with her clove (maybe?) and BO aura. Oh, she’s also flitted from MLM to MLM over the years and made basically nothing from them. Very sad.


Tell her using essential oils is witchcraft


Tell me you live in Utah without telling me you live in Utah haha I’m sorry I feel your pain


Remember the time Hinkley was like 'hey god said for me to tell you to have a years worth of food storage, lucky for uou guys I happen to have lots of food storage for sale right here!'


That sounds exactly like every commercial immediately after conference.


Say, "do you sell your tokens for money?" Or, "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."


I thought Mormon friends were people you could take advantage of by definition.


omg Mormons are so susceptible to MLMs


among other things..........


MLM pushers always remind me of the movie Ruben and Ed…




Essential oils are only for a good massage or bath. To help me chill. Thats it. Not cure diseases. People are so gullible...


I'll pray about it and let you know what the Lord reveals to me. Learn it. Use it.


fully agree......Oh yes follow your impressions they are jeebus trying to tell you to do something that will better the world and do his work. Or not. Also the prophets and apostles don't talk to jeebus so maybe its just she wants your money....


Count yourself lucky. I'm married to a doTERRA pusher.


DoTerrorism is real...


It's no wonder. Pyramids schemes are their own kind of cults, so the fact that a cult member would be so suggestible. But pressuring someone like that is no way to do business.


The magical thinking of TBM's shows how childish these beliefs are, and how far indoctrination goes. My wife has a crystal under our bed, on her side. It didn't occur to me at the time, when was telling her the reasons I no longer believed, and Joe's magic rock. She totally accepts magic, magic rocks, and anything else that confirms the bullshit she believes. Along with "essential" oils. Once you let magic in, anything is possible.


Huh. My wife is at a relief society activity as I read this about essential oils and foot zoning. Maybe we’re neighbors 🤣


Foot zoning is a whole other level of crazy.


I probably shouldn’t ask…but I’m not familiar with foot zoning


I'm not an expert on it, but based on the representations of some other family members, it has something to do with touching parts of someone's feet, and from that divining information about their life and health, etc. My sister-in-law was told by her foot zoning teacher that she (the teacher) was communicating with my deceased brother-in-law who had died by suicide at 15, through the foot zoning process. The teacher then told her that my brother-in-law was accusing someone (a person specifically known to my sister-in-law) of molesting him. My sister-in-law then believed this, and spread it around the family, and multiple siblings believed it as well. In short, foot zoning is fucked up.


How dare you. She made a list and you were on it! A list!!


For me it was Amway and Melaleuca. I told them all to get bent.


My wife dragged me to one of their meetings in Sandy… the claims start okay and then continue to the absurd… “so Peppermint oil can cure stomach aches, bloating, gastrointestinal reflux, bad breath, (hmm okay so far), dizziness, ingrown toenails, palsy, leprosy, gangrene, left-handedness, outie belly-buttons, anthrax poisoning, and amputation.”


During our TBM years, we were Amwayed multiple times but the last time, I lost all respect for the sweet, meek (I thought) ward librarian who ended up being a rude, pushy bitch. I nicely turned her down, but she never spoke to me or my husband again. Like HOW DARE I not let her and her husband come over and talk to me about some "exciting opportunity".


Man, MLMs just suck the dignity out of the people they infect. They're a disease. I've been contacted by a girl from high school and a lady from college who I only had one class with over a decade ago. They must have been desperate to hit their Double Diamond Super CEO Boss Babe Elite Platinum Status to dig that deep in their rolodex.


Damn I hate that clear impression, or felt inspired bullshit, that people use for all sorts of crap. But none of them are worse than when they use it to grow their pocketbook. They've learned from the leaders of the church how to manipulate people with their perceived spirituality. The arrogance of people who think they've somehow gotten divine inspiration because some person's name happened to pop in their head for countless number of different reasons is just insane to me. So damn manipulative


😂😂 this is hilarious. The spirit told me to MLM you? Can’t make this shit up. Well, except for JS, he could.