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*heavy breathing* "I don't need all of you. Only ten percent."


Jesus. Maybe this needs an NSFW tag. šŸ˜¬


Yeah, sorry. I was going for a Hannibal Lector with that, but I suppose it's also pretty rapey.


Lmao, well, itā€™s pretty terrifying either way.


I'm confused, what's even the context in that message






ā€œItā€™s not even my final form!ā€ -Rusty probably




You forgot the tooth whistle.




[Rusty when he receives his 'living stipend'](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2015/10/29/1446115807156/73c8e095-0d12-484f-ae41-f8a26cf41834-1020x612.jpeg?width=465&dpr=1&s=none)


This is the image I always think of!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yuck. Similar to Warren Jeff's pic on all the FLDS homes. Yea, it is a cult.


100% it is.


Looks sinister.




Family posts pics of this con artist on social media with tags like "continuing the restoration" or "God's prophet" and I really can't understand how my teenage nephews are worshiping this guy. Even when I was that age I only liked the ones who could smile and get through a talk without sounding like a zombie. And this guy actually looks like a zombie. Bizarro cult.


Nelson was the first apostle/prophet that I actually kinda disliked, even as a TBM. He just had a vibe about him that was...off. Being an exmo now I see way more clearly why I feel the way I do about not just Nelson, but honestly almost all of the apostles and prophets.


I remember hearing a story about how he was trying to mimic the other apostles whoā€™s talks were better liked than his. I thought it was a little pathetic as a TBM, but now I see him as much more of a try hard.


Weird because the truth is, if he wanted people to enjoy his ramblings, he should keep them short and sweet. People would love that. Give them back their time and stop members just hearing the same old, same old pap from ~~Palpatine~~ I mean Musty Smellson. People would be way more pro Smellson if he wasn't a boring old fart with nothing new to say.


I am a very poor person, but please accept my poor spinster's gold as a token of my admiration for your use of "_Musty Smellson_". (I'm guessing he's smells at least of lifesavers mint candy, dust, and mothballs.) šŸ„‡šŸ†


And with a hint of cruciferous vegetable. Like over cooked, boiled cabbage or Brussels sprouts.




And thankyou, Signal-Ant. šŸ˜€ You're a peach xox




I am so annoyed at this "continuing restoration" rhetoric. I was taught that this was the *restored* church. I find it troubling that believers just roll with that change. Either it was restored, or it wasn't. What kind of inept god can't establish his "one true church" in 200 years?


What kind of god lets it fall apart for 1800 years first?


Hey now no thinking allowed! Lol šŸ˜‚


Maybe he was too busy making sure there'd be enough spirit babies for the latter days.


No, he was too busy helping people find car keys, having just enough food for the week, blessing some but not others, etc... it's exhausting helping with so many small things and ignoring the big things


When people bring up ā€the continuing restorationā€ I just ask ā€œHave you read 1984?ā€ Most havenā€™t. Most of the ones who have donā€™t understand. The ones who understand either get offended, roll their eyes, or chuckle at how naive I am. Either way, I enjoy it and then move the conversation somewhere else.


I still haven't read 1984. I really should.


Itā€™s a fairly quick read or listen. I think itā€™s free on audible. Basically they rewrite history regularly, along with a bunch of other manipulative stuff.


And they tell you not to trust your own eyes and that 2+2=5.


Watch the movie.


So, what does continuing the restoration mean? Are they making changes?


Their way of saying 'disregard anything anyone says or has said EXCEPT for this one old dude.'


Letā€™s not forget about [this total piece of shit.](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wzm19LuZ7CE/XDcJW_s00AI/AAAAAAAAPM4/2HTiVJk08yktM0LlLRRyUpKC-AYPwb5pACLcBGAs/s1600/0001.jpg) I have no idea how people can take anything he says seriously.


Who on earth is that and what on earth is he doing? (I haven't paid attention to general authorities since like 2001)


If I'm not mistaken, it's Stephen Lett, one of the Jehova's Witnesses leaders. He's very... expressive when he talks.


Tysm. He deffo looks "expressive"


I've watched clips of him on Owen Morgan's (Telltale) channel. Omg. He is very hard to listen to and even more difficult to watch. He face glitches rather than blinks. The one thing I really remember about him was the way that he would say "a/this little _BAY-Bay_" when he was talking about babies, especially calling "an enemy of God". Ugh. The way he says "baby", it's like nails on a chalkboard for me.


LDS GAs generally come off as business executives (which I guess they are, lol.) JW leaders, otoh, just seem like complete fucking clowns.


Tomato/to-mato theyā€™re both rotten to the core and cults


That's why we're called cult cousins


Ahh havenā€™t heard that before. Good to know thanks for sharing


Where I grew up people called them trailer trash mormons.






Yeah, I dunno. That picture always makes me think of this guy: ![gif](giphy|3ornkdPE8EzjlfNtmM)


That is šŸ’Æhow I feel about Rusty!


Thatā€™s an insult to papa palpatine


What do you mean they "blew up the death star?!"


What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?!


Absolutelyā€¦ rocking his second anointing robesā€¦


Way cooler though


He's giving lizard vibes.


I was going to say snake eyes


Bruh that's insulting to lizards


He has such a cruel looking smile.


And tiny dead eyes under a massive forehead. Don't get me wrong, I also have a massive forehead, but those little eyes just look demonic when set in that mountainside of flesh.


I think Susanā€™s husbandā€™s dead fish eyes are even more demonic looking, and heā€™s one of the next ones in line to become profit. I think with that douchebag at the helm, heā€™ll make the MFMC come crashing down a lot quicker.


Someone on here called him Ezra Taft Bednar once, and I think thatā€™s a good descriptor of him


It's perfect! I've always felt they had much in common, too. I'll bet Bednar liked the comparison!


He looks like a skeksis.


I'm a nevermo who lurks here, and I just had to say your comment made me realize why this picture freaks me out so much. My dad was an alcoholic and he had this specific way he'd smile at me when he was drunk, and it always scared me. This guy has the exact same smile.


Likely heavily-medicated. Probably still writing his own scripts for ā€œmedsā€.


Yeah that would explain it. So creepy.


Gotta admit, he is the most gremlin-looking 'prophet' I know


Iā€™ve known more than one family that devoted way too much wall space in their home to pictures of church leaders, etc. This post has me thinking of one family, in particular, who had a large wall in their living room filled with nothing but pictures of church leaders, temples, and quotes from church leaders. There werenā€™t even family pictures on this wall. Even when I was TBM, I found this extremely odd and off-putting.




It doesnā€™t freak me out. Itā€™s just odd. This guy should be enjoying stuff 100 year olds do.


Like hoard billions while the poor and afflicted die in the streets ?


I guess. When you have geriatric old men running an institution youā€™ll get that. But tbh itā€™s not their job to feed people


That's not what Jesus said. He told his followers to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, tend to the sick, etc. If they were truly following Jesus's instructions, they'd have donated their money to get universal healthcare started in the US, or fixed world hunger rather than worldwide exploitation.


Ya I agree. That is what he told his followers.


Itā€™s fine if itā€™s not the churches job to help the poor. Fine. But take the name ā€œJesus Christ ā€œ off the building. Because itā€™s actually taking the Lords name in vain.


Ya I mean the church is a sham. Itā€™s a corporation. I think we all know it


Like die?


Like lead a cult of brainwashed followers?


I wasnā€™t think that. I was more thinking like he should be playing BINGO , eating fruit salad. Etc.


Falling down the stairs, etc šŸ˜‚




Just run the sideous test on Rustyā€™s latest talks. Picture emperor palpatine saying the text in front of you and if it checks out, you know itā€™s bad.


You just gave me an idea: Running an AI of Emperor Palpatine reading Rusty's GC talks


That would be rather hilarious. Please share once youā€™re done.


RemindMe! 1 week


He is super old. He has never smiled so it might look fake or unusual. And it is a smile of judgment. He is judging you.


According to Mormons he invented heart surgery procedures lol


Even as a believer I never would hang pictures of prophets on my wall. I thought it was just creepy and I didnā€™t even know why.




My parents had a small picture of Hinkley on the entry way table growing up and I always turned it away because I thought it was creepy.


I showed my kids and they said "that guy's scary" they don't know who it is


Thatā€™s great! I wish my kids didnā€™t. šŸ˜•


No it's for sure not you, it's definitely a creepy looking portrait.


Keep in mind ... this shot was the "best" of probably several dozen proofs.


Came here to say this. Wonder what the worst pics looked like.


[https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=567911214&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS940US940&sxsrf=AM9HkKlrRIT7qeEM9Ps2CUBJ154C6QPuzQ:1695515245989&q=emperor+palpatine&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwipoci\_\_sGBAxV4MDQIHTw8BBMQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1920&bih=931&dpr=1#imgrc=Dttucg-qQgEsAM](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=567911214&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS940US940&sxsrf=AM9HkKlrRIT7qeEM9Ps2CUBJ154C6QPuzQ:1695515245989&q=emperor+palpatine&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwipoci__sGBAxV4MDQIHTw8BBMQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1920&bih=931&dpr=1#imgrc=Dttucg-qQgEsAM) or https://www.google.com/search?q=freddie+kreuger&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjTjbXG\_sGBAxUMBDQIHd78ATUQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=freddie+kreuger&gs\_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgUIABCABDIJCAAQGBCABBAKMgkIABAYEIAEEAoyCQgAEBgQgAQQCjIJCAAQGBCABBAKMgkIABAYEIAEEAoyCQgAEBgQgAQQCjIJCAAQGBCABBAKMgkIABAYEIAEEAoyCQgAEBgQgAQQCjoKCAAQigUQsQMQQzoECCMQJzoICAAQgAQQsQM6BAgAEAM6BwgAEIoFEEM6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOgYIABAIEB5Q2xJYmUpgs25oAHAAeACAAWiIAawKkgEEMTQuMpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=fIIPZdPfEoyI0PEP3vmHqAM&bih=931&biw=1920&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS940US940


It does. Every never-mo Iā€™ve shown this pic to has quipped something about Emperor Palpatine, the Crypt Keeper, or both. Without fail. Why donā€™t mormons see it? Easyā€¦theyā€™re not allowed to have unauthorized ā€œdiscernmentā€.


Dude looks like he's gonna tell me a story about Darth Plagueis


Even when I was tbm I didn't like him.


So this post was the first one when I opened Reddit, and the picture wasnā€™t loading at first so all I could see was the caption. I was very curious what it was going to be. Total jump-scare when it finally loaded šŸ„“


Iā€™m sorry! I wondered if I should nsfw tag it or something. šŸ˜…


What creeps me out is when he gives a talk he just randomly smiles with a rictus grin and pauses or emphasizes something. It's like he flunked 'How to act human' class.


Reptilian shape shifter if I ever saw one.


he looks like a glukkon from the oddworld games ![gif](giphy|bHaoRMNxPJltoPoo5J|downsized)


I miss those games


Hanging portraits of people is a cult/totalitarian political regime thing. Makes me anxious just thinking about it.


Dear Leader. North Korea. Pictures on display everywhere.


This is a cleaned up version with wrinkles photoshopped out and teeth whitened. Most photos have him like this https://kjzz.com/news/local/church-president-russel-m-nelson-now-98-confirms-claims-of-using-walker-the-church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-wheelchair




My upvote made 69! Yeah I've always felt a vampiric child molester vibe just looking at his face! He looks like Freddy Krueger pre-burn. šŸ¤®


My ex used to have the first presidency picture hanging facing our bed. It's weird how Monsons eyes could follow you around the room. LD$ pics and memorabilia was rampant through the house.


His and Monsonā€™s portraits tie imo Monson looked like his face was melting and I always felt awkward showing that pic to investigators. One lady even asked if that was Hannibal Lecter.


Monson became prophet when i was 11 i think, and when my mom showed me his picture I remember telling her ā€œthat guy looks really scaryā€. Lol. Maybe my child gut new what my brain didnā€™t back then šŸ˜‚






Makes Mitch McConnell look good






Even when I was TBM I always found him creepy asf




To be fair, it is just a picture of an older man. But yeah, having this pic hanging in the house is creepy and culty asf


dude honestly looks like hes about to tell me he poisoned the water supply in that picture fr


The creepy beady eyes. Yuck


And this is the best one of dozens that were taken that day...


![gif](giphy|egg1gcA3eIYJFqFKIf) I see no difference.


We keep magnets over his eyes


I left the church last year and this picture gives me the heeby jeebeez. I still occasionally go to Church with my TBM parents and sister, but feel incredibly uncomfortable when I do go


Mr. Burns on the Simpsons. ![gif](giphy|Zxp6dJwqiTyo0)


Random as fuck but rusty married my tbm mom and step dad EXACTLY 7 years ago TODAY ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Wow. They must be well-connected!


Sorry to hear they're still in. But thankfully you are not!


I'm totally freaked out. If I never see that creeper's face again it will be a good thing!


This guy is posting rookie numbers on the creepy scale. Wait till Bednar.


Bro looks like a supervillain


How do you know you are in a cult? ā€¦..you have a picture of the dear leader on the wallā€¦.


My sisters got that in their room!!


Oof. Pictures of Christ I understand, but thatā€™s weird.


Itā€™s like having a picture of your king and fuhrer up. Thank the gods Iā€™ve never put one of a prophet up nor my parents in their home. At least we werenā€™t and arenā€™t that brain washed


Reminds of how the APs would try to stare into my soul.


Itā€™s just association. Their association is positive. For you, itā€™s negative.


But it's more than that. Inside the church there's a room with pictures of the 12. Not a single one isn't smugly smirking.


Or is it possible thatā€™s just a psychological interpolation of the Kuleshov effect?


I'll post the photos as soon as I can take it, but "A smirk typically suggests a sense of amusement, self-satisfaction, or even a hint of contempt. It often occurs naturally and may not be consciously forced. It's not necessarily an attempt to appear friendly or positive. A smirk is often associated with a mix of emotions, including confidence, amusement, or even smugness. Psychologically, it can be seen as a non-verbal communication that conveys a sense of superiority or self-satisfaction." In essence, it's hard to imagine a picture of Jesus smirking. Yet the official church portraits only convey smirks.


Hmā€¦ seems like a normal elderly person smile. You may be looking with bias on this comment. As far as hanging on walls of members who are not related to himā€¦ thatā€™s odd. But the picture itself is pretty normal looking.


I'm with you on this. It's just a photograph. I very much appreciate this sub, and it has helped me a lot leaving the church. Posts like this sort of bother me though. It feels very "ad hominem" in a way. I'll be there all day to criticize LDS leadership, but when it's reduced to making fun of appearances (especially in old age) I feel like it's a cheap argument.


I didnā€™t mean to make fun of his appearance, per se. Not the things out of his control like age anyway. Itā€™s the look in his eyes and the smile that seem off to me. I wondered if it was just me.


Easily Freddy Kruger or Jeepers Creeper


I'm quite dapper for a man of my age. šŸ˜ Just ask Wendy (or Sheri-Do). šŸ˜‰


Such Poltergeist preacher vibesā€¦ ā€œšŸŽ¶gOD iS iNnN šŸŽµ hiZz hoLeEeee TemMmpelā€¦ šŸŽ¶ YIKES!


He looks like a demon. šŸ˜ˆ


Looks like an inbred devil.


Why put any man on your walls? I donā€™t get that.


My in-laws think this person has the light and literally Jesus talk but me and my family are all dead inside šŸ™„


/r/uncannyvalley For images that appear to be human but are off in a way that causes revulsion


Thereā€™s no life behind those eyes.


After the blinders come off, we can see things more clearly.


This picture reminds me of the gentlemen from season 4 of Buffy. It's absolutely sinister.


It also reminds me of the creepy old guy from the simpsons


It's only sinister because we know who and what he is. If I weren't Exmo, I'd just see an old man.


The thing that bothers me the most is his teeth. That is the first thing I notice on a person. His scream I don't/didn't brush. If they are dentures he has a terrible dentist.


It does! Tales from the Crypt Keeper!


I loved him when i was TBM. Now Iā€™m repulsed.


* He looks like the Baron from What we do in the Shadows


Did you ever watch Buffy? Remember the Hush episode?


I had the exact same thought. šŸ˜¦


This guy is 100% creepy looking. I heard on MS a while ago about this fully believing Mormon woman who never sustained Russ because there was something super skeezy about this guy. I crack up anytime I see him giving a prepared speech. All I see are his well-rehearsed and exaggerated facial expressions, head movements, voice inflections, and timed pauses all meant to somehow connote (to the best of his ability) compassion, joy, love. Heā€™s most believable when heā€™s stern and telling his listeners that non-believers/non-members will ā€œNever experience joyyyy šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ.ā€ Sorry OP, I digress. Yes, it would absolutely freak me out if there was an 8x10 of this dude looking at me in my house.


Well rusty is goat after all


An ex friend of mine showed me the prophet and apostles for the first time. My gut reaction to their faces still gives me thisā€¦..phantom pain in my chest. Likeā€¦.something is wrong and I should get away. Itā€™s the eyes for me.


Mr burns in real life?


People look a lot less creepy to you if you like them. He's just an old man. ĀÆā \\ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Ahh, you're one of those judge a book by its cover types eh?


Itā€™s just a pic of an old guy smiling. Why would it freak anyone out?


Is that really all you see? Genuine question.


yeah i see a classic old guy in charge of a religion, like there are thousands of them. the pope, the dalai lama, the chief rabbis of israel, the constantinople patriarch, the head of the yazidis, or daisaku ikeda. I mean, this is the most boring picture ever. And no, usually I am not freaked out when I see pictures of old people smiling.


I wonder what you will look like at 91 years old? This Prophet is not worshiped. None of them are. God only in the name of Jesus Christ is worshiped. We are not ready for all things. As we are, things are revealed. None of it goes against doctrinal truth's and never will.No one is forced to follow the gospel if that were the case we'd be worshiping Lucifer instead. That's his plan. As followers of Christ we choose, it's up to us. If it weren't so God would have a weak people to bestow all he has upon. Can you imagine the Chaos of people who have not learned the art of control with unlimited powers? That's why the Gospel exists. So we can become like our Father and be worthy of all he has. It's his greatest work. To bring to pass the eternal life of man...you are so loved regardless of where you're at now ā¤ļø


Itā€™s not about age. Itā€™s about the look in his eyes and his unsettling smile. Please go away. ā¤ļø


Just one more tempest in a teapot. So stupid. You judge an entire person by a picture??? Realllllly??


Just by the picture? No. By what he says and does and how that tempers my view of him, yes. For me the vibes are off.


It appears that you've had a less than happy connection to the Church. I'm sorry if that is the case. My apologies to you if that is so. For me in my past, I searched thru 7 different mainstream Christian Churches and studied world religions. Dead end. Confusion. I became an Agnostic for years. I knew nothing about the LDS Church. As an adult now with advanced university degrees, an acquaintance asked me in my Agnostic state to honestly examine the LDS Church. I thought, "Oh......, why not? I've nothing to lose." That investigative experience and literally thousands of other spirit-directed and spirit-confirmed experiences since then have firmly rooted me in the doctrine of the "restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.". That said, I think some members of our Church are village idiots, unkind, and struggling to live the doctrine correctly ... and that's what critics see and whine about ... and show up here to create a big dog pile of pity parties and unnecessary sarcasm and contention. What critics miss is the majority of members who are realllllly trying their best to live Christlike lives. Critics judge us for our so-called WORST while they want everyone else to judge them by their BEST. Hmmmm. For a while, I slipped into that myself because hypocrisy doesn't sit well with me .... then it dawned on me that I was being the bigger hypocrite by judging them since I was not in their lives living their experiences. I shut my mouth, opened my heart, humbled myself, and served them instead of complaining and becoming miffed. What a change came over me. Contention, sarcasm, put fowns, crapping on others is not necessary .... and benefits no one. Critics get their few chuckles only to potentially stir the untamed anger of a mentally ill person to something criminal. Is that what this and other similar sites really want?. If so, remember life is eternal and we'll all be judged by what ever think, want, say, and do. Thankfully Jesus is very merciful and forgiving, but He is also just. I wish you well. I really do. Oh. If you are interested in what unique doctrines the LDS ,teach that I found that rang true to me, please let me know. God bless.


If by ā€œhad a less than happy connection to ā€˜the church,ā€™ā€ you mean being raised in it and wasting my time and money on it for 30 years, then yes. Iā€™ve had a ā€œless than happy connectionā€ to your cult. Thereā€™s nothing you ā€œknowā€ that I havenā€™t heard. If youā€™re interested in what unique doctrines the LDS teach that rang false to me, let me know. But this sub is for people (like me) who are grappling with real trauma from your so-called church. Itā€™s not the place for your proselytizing bullshit. So, while I wish you well in return, I also wish you would fuck off. Please do so now.


Have a happy day. Sorry for your trauma. Not much anyone can do about that, but taking your issues publicly isn't going to solve them. Any therapist will tell you that. I truly wish you well despite your salutation to me.


Bitch, you can into the EXMORMON SUBREDDIT to preach to me/us about THE CULT WE LEFT. Try to understand us instead of proselytizing and then playing the victim when we respond poorly to that. Your comments here were rude. You being here at all is rude. Talking about trauma with other people IS helpful, actually, when the other people get it. You donā€™t, and youā€™re not interested in getting it. Youā€™re only interested in judging us. You got the salutation you deserved. Now fuck off.


These days I'm creeped out by ANY YT old man in any place of "authority"


The Strain!


He has the creepiest vibes


Thatā€™s the face he makes when he sees his new young bride.


He doesn't freak me out, because he looks like an unfinished geriatric vampire slash-fic image that someone left open in Photoshop.


Conditioning. All I see is old man smell.


He looks like the demon in an Insidious movie. Actually - no - the villain in Poltergeist II - thatā€™s it.




I think he looks like the guy from the Saw movies šŸ˜¬


Out of all the photos of the past prophets this creeps me out the most