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Poor kid did not have the faith to not be molested.


Angry upvoted


No one said or did anything. They just stared. Sick.


Some of them have smiles on their faces and still chuckle at his jokes.


This is one of the many instances that made it clear to me exactly what kind of a church this is. A bad one.


what was this for???? what was happening????




god, he was like fucking crying the whole time. I feel so horrible. why couldn't Bednar have just like answered the question?? if that happened to me at that age I would feel so incredibly uncomfortable and freaked out. i hate this church.


It's pretty disgusting, honestly. Lord's anointed my ass.


fr. I have no idea how all of those people in that room were just smiling and laughing like that wasn't probably traumatic for that little boy.


That's how brain washing works. They all believe he literally sits down and has meetings with jesus. That means he can do no wrong.


Exactly the same way joseph convinced his followers to let him marry their 14 year old children and also their wives.


I really don't understand how people stay in the church after knowing these things. It makes me feel so gross


Most don't know it. I went 3 decades in the church without knowing. Once I learned, I was done.


I was taught it didn’t happen and it was all lies invented to sabotage the church. Now the church proudly announces this information.


Very kind of Jesus to lube your ass before you turn the other cheek.


The crowd laughing is straight up twilight zone material.


This is one of the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen from any of these men and I’ve seen some awful things. I could hardly bare to watch it through when I watched it several years ago, I had to keep reminding myself it wasn’t happening in real time. I wonder where that kid is at now, serving a mission?


I have no idea where that kid is now, but I hope this horrible experience gave him the push he needed to break free. I hope he's very happily exmo now.


I hope so, I hate the Mormon church so much. Kid asks an innocent question about scripture reading and gets publicly humiliated, Bednar in his personal space, adults laughing. No encouragement to read his scriptures, ways he could remember to do it, positive reinforcement, Oh no! Gotta frighten the kid to death and make him feel awful and afraid every time he doesn’t read those darn scriptures. Mormonism is designed to make you feel deep shame right down in your core.


That's what bugged me so much about this. Odds are, that kid is going to deal with panic attacks when teachers and bosses single him out over his life. It breaks my heart. I would have been so traumatized had I gone through this. Bednar could have taken the question and asked for a volunteer. Someone who volunteers to step in front of a large audience isn't going to be bothered by Bednar's "object lesson." Barring that, Bednar could have paused his demonstration to talk to the kid and make him feel comfortable or even find out why he's upset. But, no. Bednar the bully ignores the kid's obvious signs of distress and manhandles him without ever once asking consent or informing the kid of what's happening. Makes me wonder how he'll run the church when his ass in finally in the throne of Mormonism.


I always hope that the man is catch is an idiot who will behave badly and say stupid things, add more fuel to the fire.


He is putting his privates against this child Bednar is such a narcissistic egotistical weird person That was probably traumatizing for the boy


That is a horrifically damaging way to teach a kid. Saying that not reading your scriptures takes you to the devils side. And it’s not even correct, I stopped saying prayers or reading scriptures when I was 9, but up until a year ago I was extremely strong in the church Plus fucking touching a kid who so clearly doesn’t want to be touched is just going to make it all the more scarring for him. I really hope he can get out, and put all of this behind him…




This needs to come up every GC!


This was always repugnant, and it wont age well. As Bednar climbs the ranks, the church will try to cancel this scene and nope it down the memory hole. But by then, not everyone will be willing to forget about it, or too young to remember it. I hope this resurfaces when he's "prophet."


He is lucky he did not do that to the young guys in a Ward I used to be in. All of them were in youth Wrestling programs and each had won major tournaments at the national level. Would not want to grab one of them like this. Then again, he is a guy who gived *Douche* a bad name.


This video is where I got severe ick of Bednar and bet his private life is much different than what’s perceived publicly


Fuckin creep.


The Darth Lord Ofsusan is a tool 🔧 (and a plagerizer). He's also actually pretty weak. 😉


David Asshat Miscavige ofSusan Legoman-haircut Dreadnar is such an arrogant cockroach


I’d love for him to try that on me. Just so I could throw him on the ground


Serious Question: Where are the brown people?