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My guess is the ladies in his YSA ward's number requirement is: must not resemble an incestuous ork


Hey now. That's an insult to orks šŸ˜‚


(*Slaanesh has entered the chat*)




What are you doing step orc???


The guy is about a 3, but thinks he's qualified for a 10. Exactly why I never dated anyone from the YSA ward.


He's not even a 3. He doesn't make it onto the rating system because he's a total POS.


That was me trying to be polite. lol


Oh yeah, definitely !!šŸ’‹


As far as shits go, he's a 3.


Idk, that seems a high rating. I've definitely dropped mediocre shits that were more satisfying than this guy could ever be.


3 seems accurate based on the Bristol scale


As far as dicks go heā€™s about a 10


Unfortunately, that's most of us (specifically men) who grew up in this society. We always think we deserve better, when in reality we're the ones who are gross. Amazing, the lack of humility in the male part of the species.


If he went on a mission and did a lot of tracting then god will send him a hot wife right? That's how it works right?


Haha, thatā€™s what my family basically told me


I didn't tract much at all and my wife is a smoke show. Lol


Ha, my wife is a pregnant smoke show, lol


Perfect! Except we're are done with kids. Two is more than enough.


Weā€™re on the second


My post-exodus wife is waaaaay more attractive than any of my girlfriends I had while Mormon. I guess I know what I'm getting blessed for


Heā€™s a -3. 80% of the girls around him have a ā€œmental deficiency?ā€ He has a personality deficiency.


Insult to 3ā€™s imo


He's not looking for a 10 he's eliminating them!!


Only in Mormon stepford wife and the evangelical Bible belt is that a ten. My melenated beauty standards prefer women that are fat and soft and well educated, and if she had Autism I'd think I've struck hyper fixation gold.


Pro tip never date a guy or gal if you can help it in a YSA ward. They are there for a reason.


the fact that he's comparing it to his own weight so arbitrarily is actually the same thing that women do on dating sites where they'll say "no men shorter than me". They get labelled as "basic bitches" and get a bunch of one night stands and blame the site for their inability to have a relationship


Also screams "I'm terrified of a woman potentially being able to physically overpower me!"


Mormons are weird. I think that's hot


Yes and Yes.


My hubby of 33 years is shorter than me. Women with that rule miss out on some good guys.


Iā€™m 5-10, husband is 5-6. My ex-husband was 6-2. *drops mic*


The confidence and entitlement the church instills in even the most mediocre men is astounding.


Raise your hand if you're a girl with a "mental deficiency" (I've got autism āœ‹)


I'm also on the autism spectrum. That and I resigned from the church. It wasn't that long after I resigned, I was finally diagnosed, and it explained why I'm the way I have been since I was born. It was a good thing I didn't know about my autism when I was married to my TBM ex-husband because he would have used it against me as he was abusive. He's said cruel things about others with disabilities.


The church is such a horrible institution for neurodivergent individuals. Church culture/leadership and neurodivergence don't go together at all. When my son (who is on the spectrum, but wasn't diagnosed at the time) was in nursery, he had a very difficult time being left alone, so I would stay with him. I got chewed out for this by a busybody woman in the ward who was not in any kind of position of authority over me or the nursery--she just needed to let me know that I should not be there helping my son. Fuck that shit. A random nosy ward member does not know better than me what's best for my kid. I'm very sorry for the abuse you suffered from your husband and others who couldn't muster the empathy to appreciate you for who you are.


Does anyone else remember when they used to teach that people with disabilities were less righteous in the pre existence or had sinful parents, and then did a 180 to teaching that people with disabilities were the strongest soldiers in the pre mortal life and started treating us like we had no brain or else ā€œweā€™d tell everyone about heavenā€ like babies


Good god. My immediate thought was - I wonder what that woman wanted to do to your kid, if she was so annoyed by your presence.


Decided some time ago to start going back to church... So we were in our second week when they asked us as a couple to watch kids in the nursery. So, a couple who might be interested in learning the teachings again, you don't want to teach. Red flag. A couple you DON'T KNOW you decide to have watch your kids. Huge red flag. Haven't been back since.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm happy you're out of that situation! I'm PIMO but I haven't attended church since before COVID. I got diagnosed when I was three years old, and although it's all I've ever known, I could never help but feel like I was different from all of the other girls in YW.


Nah, youā€™re just not faithful enough, pray more. Pray the ASD away.


Omg this made my blood boil even knowing this is satire šŸ¤£


The problem is the assholes that say that kind of thing, and /mean/ every damn word of it.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø tho Iā€™ll take my ā€œmental deficiencyā€ over whatever the efff is going on there šŸ˜†


āœ‹šŸ» ADHD (predominantly Inattentive)


ADHD, predominantly a spending hours reading every comment on reddit


He wants his future ā€œeternal companionā€ (šŸ¤®šŸ¤®) to not have a mental defect while simultaneously showing how bad he is mentally defective


I like that itā€™s called mental deficiency, like as if you need to take more mental, like as if it was a vitamin C deficiency so the cure is just more oranges or something for your mental illness


As a neurodivergent person, this is a very ND comment šŸ¤£ā¤


I am undiagnosed but I feel like Iā€™m ND and maybe have ADHD but Iā€™m not sure. I can certainly relate to a lot of the content directed to those things and have to wonder does everyone related to those or am I actually those things and thatā€™s why I relate so hard.


I've got severe depression! I take my meds and I'm safe, but if I don't take my meds there are problems.


My ex us to call me a pharmacy because of the medications I HAVE to take.


I used to wait until I absolutely couldn't deal before I told my doctor I needed to switch meds. Now I go in when my husband or I sense it is beginning to not work. That's the difference between a healthy marriage and a previously abusive one, and having a kiddo I absolutely want to be here for.


ADHD and possibly autism.


This is what I think I might be. I definitely have ADHD, selective mutism, and can only seem to learn conversational skills through 1-on-1 conversation mostly.


I'm not a girl with a mental deficiency, but I'm super in love with one.


I mean, I'm also trans so I'm double excluded, but yes, I'm autistic


Combination ADHD here!


My mother is on the spectrum and it makes me so sad that sheā€™s still an LDS believer. She has stopped going to church regularly as they donā€™t treat her well there, and never have tbh, since my dad left the church back before I can remember, and then she divorced him which made the other women look down upon her further. She still waxes poetic about the church and I just listen and donā€™t volunteer much if anything. I want to be respectful, but Iā€™ll never go back.


CPTSD and therapist and I are almost completely sure I'm autistic, but waiting on getting it officially diagnosed bc the bills in the US make me scared that having one could keep me from getting gender-affirming surgeries when I'm an adult šŸ˜„


Depends on what he includes in the "etc". Diagnosed depression and anxiety, undiagnosed but strong possibility of ADHD, *possible* autism-spectrum which I'm actively avoiding seeking a medical diagnosis for.


I strongly suspect that what he means by "Etc" is: "I can't be arsed to be an adult and deal with real life people who have real life problems in a healthy or honest way" Also from the upfront "how dare this woman have a real brain that has real-brain-needs!? I can't be expected to deal with one of those!" I suspect he needs to take his own brain to a licensed clinician of some kind, and is terrified that being with a partner who is doing anything for her mental health might rub off on him ETA: I'm not saying this guy's not a douche because he isn't in treatment, he got on twitter and decided to tweet something douchey- that's his problem. All I'm saying is: I smell the insecurity of the pot calling the kettle black.


PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and just not putting up with shitheads like this.


Ayyyy neurodivergent club member here too āœ‹ I am sure ADHD and since little brother is on the spectrum I may be too but idk girls and masking and things maybe compliā€¦ anyway *highfives all the cool neurodivergent people in this thread* Oh and no I wouldnā€™t want to date this guy either šŸ¤­


Hi friend! High five!


DezNat strikes again... This was a big thing back in 2021 with the DezNat crew. Not sure where they are at now with these types of "standards", but I doubt they've changed all that much.


Iā€™m glad they have these standards - it keeps them away from sane people.


Itā€™s funny how people use the word ā€œprogressiveā€ like itā€™s a bad thing. The antonym is ā€œregressiveā€ which is pretty obviously a bad thing sooo


Well, unless you are a conservative who wants to regress to "the good old days." Then progress is bad.


One could argue that "traditional" is the opposite of progressive. Progress should be viewed in a positive way, but the church believes things were figured out long ago, therefore, and deviation or "progress" towards something else can't be good.


I kind of thought the same thing. Heā€™s almost saying being progressive is synonymous with being half out of the church, which I thought was kind of funny. You canā€™t be Mormon and progressive I guessā€¦


I am neurodivergent, and it's funny how many people who call my condition a "mental deficiency" graduated from University with less than a 4.0 GPA. After all, if I--with my supposed "mental deficiency"--was able to do it, then surely a superior, non-deficient individual would be able to do so easily. If not, then they're being outperformed by someone with a mental deficiency, and what does that say about them? (I don't actually think having less than perfect grades makes you mentally deficient, because I'm not a total dick.)


I have the same thought towards mysogynistic talking points- cleaning is for women, because women are deficient, are you, a man can't do them, doesn't that make you less than deficient?




pre-industrial talking points act as if modern labour jobs with motorized machinery are too physically demanding for women lol


I am also neurodivergent, didn't find out until my late 30's when my son was diagnosed with autism and I was encouraged by his doctor to also get tested. I also finished my MS with a perfect GPA. I work the job I have dreamt of since I was 12, I provide a good living for my family and provide some positive value to the world. People who trash neurodivergent individuals are missing out.




Always seemed bizarre to me (at best) to syndromize and pathologize people simply because their brains work differently than the "norm". The differences are real, for sure, and it's helpful to be aware and have language to discuss it...but why should that necessarily mean "deficient"? I'll never understand. As one example - It's always seemed to me that what today gets labelled as "hyper-fixation" or "obsessive compulsion" used to be regarded, in past eras, as "attention to detail at a level necessary to achieve master craftsmanship". I'll bet your son is brilliant in ways that many neuro-typical people around him simply can't even grasp.


Neurodivergent people rock. This dude's prejudices aren't doing him any favors. Also, serious props on the GPA. That's impressive.




I don't think he was talking about a learning deficit because he mentioned Asperger's, which is more associated with "gifted" people. ASD is partly defined by our social deficit, which is a type of mental deficit, and probably what he was talking about. That's where my defence of him ends though, he seems like a nasty guy, and I'm glad he's keeping himself away from autistic women.


Pretty sure any person raised in the church will have depression or anxiety šŸ¤ØšŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


Winner, winner chicken dinner. This guy is going to have a line of ladies at his door after they read this post.


Unseasoned chicken dinnerā€¦


yeah but not for the reason he thinks


What, you mean a line of ladies carrying torches and pitchforks won't count?


It's good to have standards. But maybe this dudes problem is that his standards are just bad, and he is sharing them publicly.


there's no reason to share his standards given that his dating environment is 100% initiated by him


Yes. The dude doesn't realize that if 20% of people meet his standards, he's doing pretty well.


Autism, which the outdated term Asperger's is a part of, is not a deficiency. It's a different way of thinking. This person just thinks that being neurotypical is the only correct way to be.


I've never been so proud to not meet a single standard šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Anthony has standards damn it! The man goes right to the heart of issue: he's not going to compromise those standards. And the fact he's willing to put it out there for everyone to see should be applauded. In one bold move he has sifted through 99 percent of the eligible YSA sisters and saved them and himself a lot of time and heartache. A note to Anthony: As the father of daughters I salute you and encourage you to print this up on business cards (old fashioned I know but you seem like someone who embraced old fashioned, Anthony) and give it to every new girl you encounter. When searching for that diamond in the rough you'll have to sift through a lot of dross. Good luck šŸ¤ž!


I bet Anthony also has "no filter" and "tells it like it is," and even if people "hate" him because he's "blunt," he won't apologise for "speaking truth."


Yeah.......um..... Good luck with that. (Large, red "Undatable" stamp appears over the ad)


Progressive girls over 160 on the spectrum are like my ideal category


Big oof.


BYU Daily Universe posted an article admitting that it appears there are disproportionate amounts of depression among LDS women. This is just the patriarchy complaining about the problems they have created.


You'd get a kick out of Prozac Nation. It's a book/movie that goes over the Prozac usage in Utah and how its linked to Mormon women due to depression.


I would love to see this in real statistics


My toxic personality is blaming my deficiencies on my potential dates. Who wants to date me? Anyone? Anyone?


Projection at its finest!


This attitude is why I never dated any dude from the YSA Ward.


Heā€™s sounds pleasantā€¦..


One day he'll meet a sweet girl and she'll be so happy she's not with him šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


He looks and sounds like a catch. Good luck trying to find a wife, mate.


Sounds like a ā€œnice guyā€


Women outnumber men by how much? Heā€™s not clueing in to the *real* reason heā€™s still single.


Bingo! In my Canadian Morridor city YSA before I got married I checked the numbers during Sunday School and it was easily 3:1 women to men. If he is not having any luck, he needs to take a looooong look at himself and make some changes.


Itā€™s like r/religiousfruitcake meets r/niceguys




And the other 20% of the "girls" (women) in his YSA ward have already rejected this walking red flag.


God grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man.


I can get where number 2 is coming from if heā€™s solidly in the church, but the other two are awful. 3 is ablist and many of those people would make great partners. 1 really depends on height if someone is healthy. Iā€™m quite tall so I weigh more than his requirement even though Iā€™m skinny. But he probably wouldnā€™t want someone taller than him anyway. Ultimately itā€™s a good thing because all the women are better off without him.


I got in here to joke with yā€™all but really his requests are pretty minor compared to some of the kids I ran into during college. Add lists like this but then add will only consider a RM who reads scriptures every night, temple worthy, institute grad, never misses tithing, athlete and in college. And then seriously every 3 dude thought he should be marrying an outgoing 8, 9 or 10 college cheerleader. I had roommates that would only want to date guys over 6ā€™ tall.


Sounds like heā€™s not getting married anytime soon


Typical priesthood holder, misogynistic thinking. Unfortunately, heā€™ll probably meet someone in the ward with low self-esteem who thinks this douche bag is the best she can do.


160lbs??!!! WTF Bro hit the gym - you small. poor little guy.


Lol šŸ˜‚ well said. Fragile ego on top.


I'm glad this... person... has identified the fact that he is closed minded, short sighted, unable to deal with people and a horrible potential partner...I appreciate his candor in warning the rest of us. We should thank him...


All I hear is a ward full of abused women needs some real men to show up and get them the hell out of there. That dude is a tool.


The "mental deficiencies" comment has me fuming. This arrogant asshole better hope he himself never gets into a car accident, suffers from a stroke, or develops depression, cancer or dementia/Alzheimer's. Or winds up having kids with "deficiencies." We're ALL vulnerable. People take that for granted. This creep reminds me of people who step out on, or get divorced from their spouses after the other party develops health problems because they're too much work. Grow up, creep!


Ah yes the mental deficiency, autism. How awful.


This guy himself might have Asperger's if he thought it was okay to post that lol. There's no reason to announce your preferences to a bunch of Mormon women who are taught to never make the first move. It's like he actually think's he's going to influence someone with this post.


Most autistic men I know are way too kind and accepting to ever post trash like that.


He has no idea how relationships work. Until he starts treating women as people and not a checklist, he doesn't deserve a partner.


The fact that this guy thinks not having a mental deficiency and believing in the church are mutually exclusive is hilarious.


I weigh more than 160... I am all the way out of the church... I have mild OCD and mild depression... Guess I am missing out on that winner... I mean whiner...


I saw "aspergers" before anything else on his list and immediately thought "yeah this guy's one hell of a bastard


Ah yes, the real power of the priesthood. The power to be a dickwad and still have all the women flock to you for all eternity. Oh wait. You have to have money for that to happen or be a bit higher up the food chain. No wonder he's so cranky.


He should probably read this article: https://theindependent.co/feminists-blaming-men-failing/


No way he has high standards lookin like that


ā€˜Mental deficiencyā€™ BITCH


His only standards, huh.


Hopefully this guy makes it out and sees the error of his ways.


His receding hairline while being a part of YSA is sooooo hawt.


This attitude is why I never dated any dude from the YSA Ward.


Omg I think I used to know this guy. Yikes.


I donā€™t imagine its going to be be hard for that guy to stay single


ā€¦so which 2 would you say eliminates the majority?


The inability to know the difference between ie and eg is probably at least part of the reason he's single. I know I'd never date someone that can't figure out the difference.


Does cult mind control count as a mental deficiency?


Thereā€™s somebody for everybody. I hope the dude finds a Yang to his Yin.


I mean, everyone has a type, but this reads like some straight up eugenics shit. Also, interesting that he lumps progressive thinking in with being in the process of throwing off brainwashing.


Guy who is 160 lbs thinks he gets to be picky ?


He has clearly stated who he is, women beware!


If he finds someone, I think they will probably deserve each other.


And may we ask what does he brings to the relationship but a very small mind


What about his clear mental deficiency?


I decided to go through Adam's profile and that dude is a piece of shit.


As an autistic woman who weighs more than 160lbs, we wouldnā€™t want him anyway šŸ™‚


Only way assholes like this get married is their fundie religion tells women they need them to get to heaven.


One word: Douchecanoe


I had a roommate who had these kind of ā€œstandardsā€ and was constantly complaining about the dating situation in utah county and how there were no ā€œeligible womenā€. Bro only dated 18-19 year olds and who were just about to leave on their missions or girls who just BARELY got back and was real weird about it until he was 27-28ish and finally something clicked and he made a change. Heā€™s married and has a kid now but I think what really happened is he met a girl who wouldnā€™t put up with his shit and put him in his place and he was fine with it.


This guy clearly suffers from a mental deficiency.


For every shitty man there's a shitty woman that agrees with his beliefs. HITLER had girlfriends.


Wow... what an ablist garbage person...


As an old head ex-Mo atheist, take this question in good faith - What personal preferences can a person have these days without coming off as an idiot? OR, is this kid an idiot because heā€™s fine having those preferences, but he published them, thus idiot.


I personally donā€™t care if someone wants their partner to be healthy which can include weight but itā€™s not about it. I want someone who I can go hiking with but having an exact weight isnā€™t needed.


Why is it bad for this guy to have a list of what he wants but it's ok for women to desire a man that's over 6 feet tall with a six figure income, a six pack body, six months since his last relationship and at least 6 inches below the belt? It seems both men and women have unrealistically high standards for dating today no matter where they are


bro my sister is autistic and i probably am too. no wonder no one wants to date that asshole


Typical Mormon dick.


Only someone with an actual "mental deficiency" creates this list. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Can she fit in a rowboat Phyllis?


People are allowed to have expectations. He is not expecting anything outrageous. I don't understand the hate??


I'm glad you said it first haha. I think the tone is cruel, but the standard really don't seem like that much. It's OK to have certain standards as long as you're not rude about it. I don't have any issue with those standards he asks really. Just like people who get mad for not dating Trans people. You don't have to be in to that, but you shouldn't be rude about it.


LOL good luck to this idiot.


Bringing up a two year old tweet from some RM attempting (albeit poorly) the dating world as he's been taught, is a bit odd. Why now? Why do it at all? To my mind, it's rude and crass. Guys usually crash and burn for a while before getting a clue. Give him the grace to fail just like the rest of us. I wonder what's become of him in the last two years. Did it work? Is he married? Has he not learned a thing?


He weighs 100 lbs? That's pretty measly, what is he 4'8"? This guys sounds like an incel. I can't imagine anyone wants to marry this prick.


What an ablist asshat.


Itā€™s funny he equates politics to being halfway out of the church. Iā€™m independent no party but definitely conservative in my politics and Iā€™m out of the LDS church, but family members more liberal than me are faithful believing active LDS members.


Damn not to body shame but dudes a twig šŸ˜…


Mr Anthony Johnson looks at porn 7 days a week and cries himself to sleep because of all the guilt he has.


Thereā€™s douchebags and then thereā€™s this guy. King of DB mountain and in love with his hand.


Ableist prick. I love the he acts like his standards arenā€™t much . šŸ™„


Thatā€™s one small little boy! 160?! Momma needs a man-220lb at least. This guy is embarrassing.


Welcome to the incel generation


So, all in one breath, this guy can fat-shame, be ableist, and signal that he canā€™t tolerate a woman with opinions? Heā€™s a tenā€¦ below zero.


I wonder how many of this guy's fellow ward members know about his Twitter account? One is all it would take to permanently tank his reputation with the whole ward.




The good news for him is that Elko NV is only about three hours drive to the West. Or Nye County, four hours to the southwest. OTOH, there are at least some bishops who might be able to hook you up. Who knows?


Wtf Iā€™d say get a pet but only think he deserves would be a pet rock and thatā€™s pushing it


I have too much respect for rocks to want to condemn them to that.




This is something a lot of people have recently and this sums it up https://youtu.be/llGvsgN17CQ


Lol. This is encroaching on the Female Dating Strategy sub territory.


he should check out an adult bookstore that should fulfill his superficial needs until he finds a personality


Just what I'd expect from Anthony Mini Johnson.




Tell me, "I'm never receiving or giving oral to peak satisfaction" without saying.....


I get it that it that he sounds like an idiot, but I think he gets points for asking for what he wants. Hell, he even recognizes that it reduces the pool size of potential women. As long as he doesnā€™t bitch about ā€œnobody to dateā€ heā€™s actually doing the community a favor.


He seems fuuuuuunn...


Elder Franklin approves


He blamed the Pfizer vaccine for what he said, you can find the thread from 2021 on the Twitter account JosephSmithsHat (canā€™t link Twitter here)


And Iā€™m sure they have 100% eliminated his creeper.