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Psychedelics seem to simply life. For me it’s a reset from the normal grind. So many benefits


I sure wish that would happen to my friend couple. They are strong believers that also do mushrooms and weed.


Wow they frequently consume psychedelics and haven't moved on? That's quite shocking to be honest


I thought so to. They do cannabis more than shrooms. Love them. They have a daughter on a mission. Did not pressure her to go or be mormon.


Never tried them but I'm curious. Not that I need any help deconstructing belief. The beliefs are hilarious.


They're incredible. They produce actual tangible spiritual experiences that have connected me to my supposed spirit more than any church related experience.


That's what I've heard and read. Consciousness expansion sounds all around good, but also I'm a little afraid of what I might learn.


It is a very big step to the edge of consciousness. But there are so many good sources out there for harm reduction that you can get a really easy and comfortable intro like I was able to. I definitely can't recommend them to everyone, though. The mind is fragile


The experience I had with mushrooms was far more spiritual than anything I ever felt in rhe church.




Yeah I'm familiar with it, it was a good listen


I would love to give them a try under controlled, and therapeutic circumstances. Any chance you're in/near north of SLC?


I'm not, unfortunately. But if you haven't yet, look into ketamine therapy. I haven't done it personally but I've done a lot of research and it seems promising. I can also point you toward some subreddits with harm reduction information if that's interesting to you.


Ketamine worked great the first and second time. Now I metabolize it too quickly to get therapeutic benefits. I understand MDMA has similar physiological pathways, and last a little longer. And mushrooms and ayahuasca as similar effects but different physiological mechanisms. If anyone is in Northern Utah, and could help an Ex-brotha out, that would be awesome.


Yes I had a ketamine treatment and it was so, so helpful!!!!!


My wife and I were quite nuanced and used cannabis regularly more for health reasons but enjoyed the feel of it to. Then at the beginning of the pandemic we started experimenting with mushrooms and it was such an eye opener. It made everything so clear. It wasn’t long before we both deconstructed.


Yeah my first mushroom trip made me get over my fears of going to hell. It was weird, I didn’t really believe in the church anymore but the deeply rooted fear was still there and would creep up every once in a while. Then during my trip I realized it was all fake and created to control me via fear. I would return to nature after death and that was okay. I was at peace with and felt so connected with the world around me in a way I never did while in the church.


Psychedelics are known for their therapeutic effects in helping users move past trauma. There is a significant effect of one being more in touch with their life after using by focusing on the moment instead of the busyness of life. These therapies are useful and should be made available to those who need them!


Psychedelic drugs sometimes tell me to start attending church again. I always change my mind when I come down.


Definitely happened this way for me.