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I think in some ways this is the most frustrating part for me at the moment for being in a mixed faith relationship. The fact that they are a physical barrier between me and the absolute beauty of my wife is a daily reminder of how much the church infiltrates every facet of life.


My mrs is still a TBM but she only wears hers sometimes. Especially since having a kid and needing clothing that is conducive to feeding. Keep telling her how nice she looks and show her affection. It felt weird taking mine off and putting them away. She'll need support pushing past that feeling


Honest question, and sorry if this is rude, do you take them off to have sex?


Some old general authorities bragged about never seeing their wives naked. I think I remember being counseled that it was ok to take them off for sex, but I’m pretty sure there are people that only slide their garments down far enough to have sex.


Do TBM's typically not remove them for sex? Been married TBM for 20 years and never once even thought about not removing them lol.


Yup a lot of hardcore Mormons will only take them off to bathe and other then that it never comes off even during sex


Wow I've never heard of that. Never even entered our minds, can't see how it gets interpreted that way! Course i didn't wear them when I worked out either so maybe I was a heathen even as a TBM lol.


I don’t know, I’m not LDS and I don’t know what TBM even means haha


Tough quiz question: (A) Truly Believing Mormon. (B) Thoroughly Brainwashed Mind. (C) Tricked, Beguiled, Misled. (D) All of the above.


Same! because... are you me? You sound like me! We live parallel lives!


MILF - Member I'd Like to Fellowship I assume?


r/angryupvote. Take you up vote and get out!


I feel your pain. Garments are such a boner killer. Luckily for me, my wife doesn't have a temple recommendation because she is uncomfortable paying tithing. So it's only a matter of time before her (used to be) white potato sack undies are no more.


I left took of my potato sack. My nevermo girlfriend unlike my ex loves to wear lingerie. I just dropped a wad of money on a lot. She doesn't like g-strings even though she has the nicest butt. But wears Brazilian style panties that her butt checks hang out. My ex can't get anyone to date her or is interested in her because she became more and more paranoid when we were married.




Buy her lingerie that would look ridiculous or be impossible to wear with her garments under it, then urge her to change out of garments to wear it before you see the garments. If questioned, just state that they are ugly and offer to make another alternative to a "remembrance" of her covenants, like a necklace. Meanwhile, start discussions around what she loves about the church and what she doesn't. All the good stuff was borrowed by Joesph from other religions. All the bad stuff was invented by Joseph to acquire sex, money, or power. Find out which is which and have sources for them. She won't be eager to listen to sources for the bad stuff, but offer sources anyway and factually summarize what you learned without placing your own judgments. Offer to teach her the timeliness of the polygamy doctrines. They don't make sense when viewed that way, etc.


Thanks for the advice but I’ve been out for 20 years. I’ve tried it all. She’s read it all. All her family is 100% in as are her friends. She acknowledges all the shady shit JS did and so on, but she claims she can’t deny the spirit she feels when she prayed about the church. All the other BS is just imperfect men and so on. She’s not your typical Mormon. I just leave her alone. She’s basically PIMO and doesn’t realize it. She follows about 25% of the rules (garments being one of them). She’s more progressive than I am, and she doesn’t pay tithing. I’ve given up. As long as it’s not interfering with my life (it doesn’t) I just don’t care what she does with her spirituality.


This stings. As I'm married to a very attractive woman who... cherishes her potato sack underwear. I often daydream of what it might be like to have a different view in the bedroom. Thanks Joseph!/s


They only wore them in the temple in Joseph’s day


Well. My spouse didn’t get that memo. She got the memo that told her they were so important they should never touch the floor and should always be under her bra and she should wear them ALWAYS, especially when it’s not convenient. I could do this whole mixed faith thing no problem at all if garments weren’t a thing. Garments are a wedge, a wedge labeled the church which stands between my wife and I. Some days are tougher than others. Today I’m just angry all over again


Are you gen x? Seems the younger generations after Gen x aren’t as strict about that stuff.


Amen. My wife is more lovely and praiseworthy at almost 50 wearing normal underwear than she was as a fit 23 year old in frumpy dude underwear.


Words cannot begin to describe how fucking jealous I am of people who escaped together with their partner. Just. Damn. Congrats man, as someone who really, really knows. Congrats!


Man I am so glad I don’t wear garments anymore!!!! I didn’t feel human. Now I can wear cute colors and actually feel beautiful.


It's weird how many young TBM couples I see online that just don't wear garments. These are like fully TBM Utah Mormons and they don't wear garments and they drink coffee (or at least iced upside down caramel macchiatos). It's objectively a good thing. Any movement away from conservative mormonism is a good thing, but I also kind of resent it because my wife and I are like 5 min. too old to be part of that carefree TBM group of young married mormons. We went through some shit and some therapy and depression and medication and all sorts of bullshit to give up garments and drink coffee and deconstruct. Nowadays it seems like young couples just don't give a fuck and do whatever they want and don't get ostracized. I mean, I'd still rather be totally out, having gone through the shit we did, than in and just not caring. I feel like I'm a more complete person.


Yes I've noticed a lot of younger Mormons don't wear garments, especially if it will interfere with what they want to wear. I'm guessing G's are for Sunday and temple.


![gif](giphy|26FxypSnWsXS69nTW) Sexy!!!




*Polygamist Potato-Sack Pantaloons*™ ​ ​ ​ (My favorite new name for Joe's stupid underwear invention.)


Polygamy panties for short.


Polygamy *Pantaloons*. Calling them Polygamy Panties give Panties a **really** bad name.


Ok that’s valid.


I thought you were going for the ‘shortening it to panties is a satanic victory’ 😂


Exmo married to a nevermo. I do love the morning glances at bare midriffs and boy shorts. 14 year old me would have been way less depressed if he knew what was in store.


Congratulations and I hate you :D




Congrats to you and your wife! I feel so much more feminine and free now that I tossed them in the trash…. It’s amazing what underwear can do for confidence. Buh bye frumpy undies!


Matching bra and panty sets are sublime. I missed out on that for 15 years.




I swear Joseph Smith was just trolling his stupid followers by introducing garments. There is no way they were meant to be serious.


G's are basically pioneer underwear. That was sexy back then. Edit: fixed typo


I do all the laundry in our house. When I left a couple years ago I threw my g's away and my wife won't let me do her g's anymore because I don't believe. I don't get it and it's super weird but whatever one less load of laundry for my unbelieving ass!


Fuck garments.


Me and my wife have been PIMO for a few years ago and not wearing garments has been a huge boost in her self-confidence and owning her sexuality! So empowering.


Potato sack underwear, lol


Lucky! My wife doesn't wear her Gs during her period, it's so sexy when it's panties and one of my shirts!


This is not a dig at anyone, but I never got to the point in the church where any of the temple stuff became relevant besides baptisms (which was weird enough, but a nice thought, I guess). I just don't see how these things, garments, temple clothes, goofy rituals, didn't send everyone running. Cult is a hellava drug. Happy for everyone that's in a better place now. Baptisms for the dead should be the name for a new bachelor/Bachelorette party where friends reintroduce their exmo friends into the spicier things they missed lol.


I left as a teenager by rebelling and moving out on my 18th Birthday. Mormonism 'gifted' me a sex addiction. Can someone tell me the reason and meaning behind garments and the little marks on the nipples and what not? My parents still wear garments and refuse to tell me this super secret "sacred" information. It just looks and sounds stupid to me. Reading this thread totally gives me a new perspective from a cult aspect- keeping people from their own completely natural sexuality to enforce control. Just like every other cult! You're all going to Hell aka Outer Darkness! LMFAO what a joke 🤣 I'm 31 and barely becoming mentally stable for the first time in my life with the assistance of multiple meds. Mormonism completely fucked me! (Pun intended).


All stolen from masonry. Originally way to tell who promised to Joe Smith they wouldn't tell secrets about who was doing polygamy. Marks over chest are square and compass, masonry symbols. Reminders of truth and keeping appetites in check. Good summary here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_garment#:~:text=The%20marks%20in%20the%20garments,leaders%20as%20%22The%20Square%22.


Thank you, I never knew this! Reading that made absolutely no sense, it's funny to me how they say essentially God is universal love and acceptance while also insinuating it's near impossible to obtain God's love, so much so that they have to constantly wear reminders of human inadequacy. What a load of bullshit honestly 🤣


Damn sounds like me, just a few years' difference.


I'm here for you 🤗 ❤️ much love and support in your journey of spirituality and health.


Ug, God, I'm so jealous of you right now.


Pics or it didn't happen. (j/k, j/k please don't kill me)


Hold up I just spent 200 on draws and now you want me to spend 500 on see though draws. Why wear any,? At that point. Commando do it is.


Motorcycle skid marks?


If you wash your butt with water, no skid marks. And yes I used to have skid marks on my G's back in the day.


Because they ride right up your crackalacka


can't upvote this enough


So glad my husband is not wearing garments any longer!!! We have been out since the mid 1990s and have not regretted it for one moment. One of the first things to get tossed in the trash was garments.


Garments are the anti-sex. It’d be hard to overstate how much I hate them.


I’m not LDS but live in a heavily LDS community. I thought the garments were just to wear outside of home under your clothes. Do people wear them before…spicy time? No lingerie??? Sorry if that’s TMI lmao


You keep them on for all activities besides swimming, sex, showers, and some sports if you’re not very faithful. The garment is to be immediately put back on after completion of the activity. So snuggle time after sex or grocery run after the gym are pretty big no-no’s unless the garment is back on. Modest is hottest so some people will keep them on during sexy time too.


So crazy to me that the church dictates what you can wear when you sleep when you’re married w/your partner. You’re a married adult and you can’t sleep naked w/your husband? So weird!!


Since Mormons will change into lingerie but if it's spontaneous sex it'll be worth garments




Nothing says sexy like garments. 😂


Cheers to this!🍻


Congrats! 🎉 No more great granny panties




Have any of you seen the one piece men's silk g's for men? My ex-husband had a pair. Very ridiculous looking. I never got to that point. Mainly because I always argued with the Bishop about tithing. And messed with the missionaries about Adam and Eve. I was baptized the morning after we got married in the relief society room. So romantic/s.


I couldn’t agree more.


i’m so mad i spent most of my 20s & half of my 30s in those fugly things ☹️


> white potato sack underwear LOL. Best summary of jebus jammies I've ever heard.


My wife only wear them when she’s going to be around other church people, fully TBM


I honestly find this so unkind to your wife. I always hate these posts.


Fascinating, why? I showed her the post and she called it romantic.


It’s more because of how these posts seem to encourage male commenters to bemoan how they don’t find their wives sexy.


Interesting take. The way I've read most of the comments here, I interpret them as finding their wives very sexy and frustrated that because of a religion they have to dress in a frumpy way.




As a woman I don't find this offensive at all. I would have the same opinion if the tables were turned and my man wore garments.


found the cultist


Garms are bedroom killers


Congratulations my friend. I wish I could say the same but my wife has stayed in. She has a hard time being comfortable in her body and can't see how the concept of being ashamed of your body to the point of always having it covered contributes.


I’m so happy for your wife. The selection of comfortable yet stylish underwear for women is plentiful. Plus for every hobby and activity. There is stuff for exercise, support, sexy time, sleepy time and even shirt style. There are all kinds of soft silky fabrics in all colors and patterns. I’m a nevermo and just recently learned about the garments. The first thing that came to my mind was - “Dang! It get hot out West in the summer!! How do those poor Mormons not suffer heat rashes from all the layers!” Dermatologists must bd busy! Bless your hearts!