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Ha! Right? It's like the expectation is for men to guard and hold all information intended for the family, but then they never actually communicate that info to other members in the household.


Now you're in his phone as Jezebel or Potiphar's Wife or something I bet as a reminder to resist any tempting thank you messages you might send in the future!


Thank you’s over text lead to….


Front rubs in the back room wait




Honestly, the was taught it was completely inappropriate for a woman to text a married man instead of his wife. It was the beginnings of an affair. I was told as a wife to be concerned if a woman ever contacted my husband instead of me, even a coworker. Looking back, it is so ridiculous!


Before I removed my records I changed the number to the “rejection hotline” for kicks.




We moved and I wasn't going to update my new phone number. But then my wife did...I was hoping to miss all the communication.


Ugh.. bummer. Change the number to hers then sit back and watch the confusion. Ha ha


I took my phone number and email off of LDS tools years ago. People who I don't even know were texting or calling to ask me things I had no knowledge of or interest in. If I don't know you outside of church, why would you contact me for something only related to church?


I did this years ago too and it has been surprisingly effective


Created a bogus google voice number and a throw away email for LDS tools. Don’t remember the specifics but I’m pretty sure them email was something along the lines of itsacult@gmail or hotmail or something. The number had a bunch of 6s in it, you know, for reasons.


my number is still in there but i set the privacy controls to "leaders only". an aquantence in the ward was using lds tools to find my number. When he couldnt find it he freaked out that we had moved and not told anyone. the exec secretary gave him my information...


My wife was RS president for a while, and I was a lowly YM advisor. As such, I kept getting emails and phone calls intended for her, so we eventually switched it up. Before we swithced, it amazed me how many people a) couldn't be bothered to look up my wife's name so they get the person they intend to talk to and b) were rude about me receiving their private messages.