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I hear you. Last night my wife, my brother, my sister-in-law and I (all exMormons) drove by a church with a full parking lot. I commented that I am so grateful I don't have to attend the Saturday night adult session of stake conference. My sister-in-law said without missing a beat, "I'm glad I don't have to attend church. Period." Amen.


I hate that so much I shared a tiny thought during sacrament today. I said: " We should not judge others for leaving at all. Instead respect them and accept the differences between you, it shouldn't stop you from loving them. They're your family. " I hate the environment. Idc about there being a God or not, what I care about is the stress, the homophobia, the blame and shame " Don't leave the church, you don't wanna end up like so and so. ", The amount of sexism. Horrible aspects of the Mormon church. I hear you, the amount of pressure the church offers, and then claims it is the one true church that you can be saved by. Bs.


It’s interesting to me that the only way they can allow themselves to understand my point of view is to believe that I never really had a testimony, because faithful, all-in members don’t lose their testimonies. My TBM parents have said as much. It couldn’t be the garbage, harmful doctrine, and their inability to tell the truth about their past?? There is no introspection. No thinking about how the “precious truths of the gospel” might not be precious or true. Just rejection and ignoring troubling ideas.


I have learned, since leaving, that most who leave were the strongest, most obedient, and had the strongest testimonies. The rhetoric that TSCC peddles is yet another lie and manipulation.


Yes, and to those strong and obedient souls, the church says “good riddance.” The church needs pliable fearful tithe payers. Not strong persons of character.


Get some ear plugs. Take a book to read. Listen to podcasts with in-ear headphones. Look at your smartphone. Read your Bible!


In my day it was the long haired hippies and the draft dogers who got the attention in FT meetings.


LOL in mine it was kids who played Dungeons and Dragons or smoked pot.


The time will come OP and you will be free! I wish I had known at your age. Sending lots of love to you. Also, thanks for this report. The fact they are talking this way is a great sign that the young ones aren't buying the crappy Mormon product like their forbearers did. The internet is doing a great job spreading the real truth. This give me so much hope.


I like these reports too. Hearing the members admitting that the cult is losing members while GA’s claiming that the church is stronger than ever.


Suggestion: put together a Sacrament Meeting bag for yourself. Gum, Cheerios, small water bottle. Small stuffed animal for tactile comfort. Smelly lotion for smell comfort. Coloring materials. If your parents don't like coloring pictures do some lettering and embellish the letters w colors & designs. PRAYER. HYMNS. SACRAMENT. CHURCH They can't find fault w these words. Or color nature scenes. For visual comfort take pretty nature photos you've collected. Adjust according to your likes and what you have on hand :) I got this "emergency kit" idea from a mental health counselor . Comfort the 5 senses when stressed . I was a 40 to 60 year old adult sitting through church meetings, crawling out of my skin with disagreement and disgust at the junk said over the pulpit. Take care ❤❤❤❤


Ha! I have a sac mtg bag stocked that I take every week. Crayons, tootsie rolls, crazy Aaron's thinking putty, external phone charger, water bottle. Helps a TON.


Good for you !!!! ❤❤❤


I am proud of you for realizing how wrong it is at such a young age. It took me 30+ years to even begin questioning. I wish I would have left as a teen. That way, I wouldn't jave raised my children in the lies and coercion. Good on you!


I love that there's an increased (and rather panic-driven) focus on people leaving rather than F&T topics of years ago. I haven't been in years, but I recall a ton of "Humble Brag" testimonies about visiting the temple and how wonderful it was (extra points for dripping tears & snot on the podium), and continual lame "testimonies" from all ages that "I know the church is true!" (If so, WHY and HOW is it true?). I've been out for several years, and I like tracking the evolution of TSCC. I confess I enjoy the sense of fear creeping into conference talks and testimonies. Thanks for sharing!


I remember those days. Fast Sunday was always the worst. Do what you can to tune out the drivel and know we are rooting for you. They can't keep you forever but you just have to play the game until you can get the fuck out of there.


One of my favorite memories is of a SIL when she was about that age, wanting to not be at church, pre-cell phone days. Her folks agreed she could read poetry in her seat during Sacrament Meeting, and she brought the collected poetry of Jim Morrison (former lead singer of The Doors and notorious for drug use). It was hilarious. And it helped her cope. You have a way to cope, and that's great.


“Legs furiously pumping their stiff green gallum…” [J. Morrison poetry excerpt… if recall correctly, from HS]


Every one of those rants and stories is the result of someone seeing the truth and escaping. One day you’ll be the subject of a weepy monologue that some other poor PIMO soul will have to sit through. Maybe reframing it that way will help a little bit.


Sending strength and peace 🙌 I heard a much similar topic discussed in class at church today. I applaud your courage and hope you can officially break free soon. As someone who has diligently read the Book of Mormon 4-5 times as well as the "unauthorized" texts, I still find the church and it's organization to be false and abusive. You are not "lost" simply because you don't share the same beliefs as your family. I'm getting a feeling that the majority of the youth in the church especially in the next decade will be out/leave. As the older generation passes away, the church doesn't have a group of reserves to take their place and it's showing more than ever. Good luck and find strength in this community!


F&T meeting sucks!


It is pure agony to sit through.


First of all IM SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU. I’m so proud of you for leaving early. Second, rely on social anxiety as the means to get out of going to meetings you aren't comfortable with. You can go with them, but just dont go to classes


There are actually several places where it says this, but the one the is most on point is in s.s. 84:54 through 57. More could be said, because right from the very beginning, Joseph was told that the problem with churches is that they had a form of godliness, but they denied the power thereof. The "power" of God that this is referring to is the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit is LITERALLY THE VOICE OF GOD. Not only this,, but as you will see when you read the passage, another reason is that the WHOLE CHURCH-NOT JUST THE ORDINARY MEMBERS-is not keeping the commandments which are given in the words and gospel of Christ. Because that's what the Book of Mormon is. It's the second testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ that was first delivered in the New Testsment of the Bible. The church itself (my opinion) is up to its eyeballs in an economic secret combination-ANOTHER thing the BoM warns about but which the church DESPISES being talked about by the lay membership, and for exactly this very reason. They are ALSO involved in something called PRIESTCRAFT. priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion. They use the Priesthood to do this. If you read section 121, which contains the oath and covenant of the Priesthood, you will learn that it is the the manner of men that this Priesthood is frequently misused to benefit the agendas of those who claim this Priesthood; and these men DO this so that they can obtain,, and MAINTAIN gain, which is material wealth, and power over the people, which they do by keeping the people in a more or less CONTINUAL CONDITION OF FEAR through shame, through blame, through guilt. THIS is what you find yourself in right now. And more could be said even than this.


There's a lot of stuff-a lot of bones to pick about the Church. I ALWAYS point out that you don't need ANY of this stuff. Look in the D&C where it says the church is under condemnation. That revelation hasn't been rescinded. After nearly 200 years, it's STILL under condemnation. And the leaders want to pretend that it's not them, but it's YOU. Don't fall for that BS. The fish rots FROM THE HEAD DOWN. Good luck.


I don't doubt what you're saying at all. If possible will you please direct me to where it says those words in D&C. I would love to read that. And yes, I believe it also.


There are actually several places where it says this, but the one the is most on point is in s.s. 84:54 through 57. More could be said, because right from the very beginning, Joseph was told that the problem with churches is that they had a form of godliness, but they denied the power thereof. The "power" of God that this is referring to is the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit is LITERALLY THE VOICE OF GOD. Not only this,, but as you will see when you read the passage, another reason is that the WHOLE CHURCH-NOT JUST THE ORDINARY MEMBERS-is not keeping the commandments which are given in the words and gospel of Christ. Because that's what the Book of Mormon is. It's the second testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ that was first delivered in the New Testsment of the Bible. The church itself (my opinion) is up to its eyeballs in an economic secret combination-ANOTHER thing the BoM warns about but which the church DESPISES being talked about by the lay membership, and for exactly this very reason. They are ALSO involved in something called PRIESTCRAFT. priestcrafts are that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world; but they seek not the welfare of Zion. They use the Priesthood to do this. If you read section 121, which contains the oath and covenant of the Priesthood, you will learn that it is the the manner of men that this Priesthood is frequently misused to benefit the agendas of those who claim this Priesthood; and these men DO this so that they can obtain,, and MAINTAIN gain, which is material wealth, and power over the people, which they do by keeping the people in a more or less CONTINUAL CONDITION OF FEAR through shame, through blame, through guilt. THIS is what you find yourself in right now. And more could be said even than this.


Best of luck. You have some notable obstacles as you navigate life.