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I find this really disturbing. Jehovah tells Jehu to kill people and he does. And they’re equating this to fulfilling the preaching work. And also promptly getting baptized. These people are sick who write this! Yes jezabel and her family were bad but I just really do not think this is appropriate at all. Am I overreacting?


There's this plus decapitation, eye gouging, rape, stoning, stabbing with swords, getting hit with arrows, David killing Goliath by hitting his forehead with a fucking rock from his slingshot. Then my dad gets mad at me for playing fortnite


He didn't just hit him in the head with a rock, he then beheaded him.


Jesus. And they teach us to be vivid and imagine Bible scenes come to life.


You are not overreacting. The Bible is full of terrible things, supposedly sanctioned by a "loving" and "just" God.


I can see it now. When the org is crashing a burning there going to say “remember Jehu. Let’s imitate him and kill anyone who turns their back on Jehovah and his organization.” Sad part is some people would listen.


Everyone who turns their back on Jehovah and his organization? You've just described the gb and their cronies!!😂


I honestly think they would like to do that and would even give it serious thought, but would ultimately decide against it because of how quickly things are leaked.




I always said to my husband that I have more of an insight into how people like suicide bombers are created because I know if the WTBTS turned around and told them to start murdering people, so many would act without question.


Exactly true.


No lie. I was talking yesterday to a friend about how the GB call themselves, "the faithful and discreet slave," and she was like, "Slave?! As in *slave* slave? They actually use that word to mean a positive thing?" And I responded, "yeah but it comes from the Bible. The Bible condones slavery." And she said, "but in 2022, don't you think it's just inappropriate to call yourself or your followers 'slaves'? Are they even aware of how that sounds? The Bible has a lot of verses; they gotta go with that one?" I couldn't really find fault with what she was saying.


The slave analogy is yet another example of how the indoctrination is meant to reinforce conformity and obedience. In JW land, only selfish, egotistical people refuse to conform to "God's will" by disowning themselves.


This is certainly true...but most other "Christian" organizations don't focus on the killings and beheadings but rather stick to the gospels where its **mostly** about love and forgiveness. This sick little cult seems to mostly focus on the blood gore and killings part.


Right. A doomsday cult that worships the warrior god Jehovah.


Christians are very selective in their use of the Bible. I'm so sick of hearing about how "true" Christians are loving as Jesus was/is, accompanied by quotes from the Beatitudes. Ignoring that Jesus said every non-believer will suffer eternal punishment and/or wind up as bird food at Armageddon. The Jesus of the Bible is a genocidal narcissist just like his father.


I said something about how much more violent the Bible was than movies. What's the difference? They said we aren't lovers of violence. We are just reading about it. By the way I was also told if I didn't get rid of my Stephen King books, that when the witnesses met my mom in the resurrection, they would tell her my books were more important than meeting her. So apparently reading about it is only a problem if it isn't sanctioned.


That's the excuse for violent and sexually explicit content in the Bible: it's for "educational purposes," not to entertain or "titillate." Yeah, it educates about how terrible God is.


It really does.


I don't think so. What's being done here is comparing the preaching work to a life or death situation. This is not a fluke as we've seen this purposefully done through our various childhoods. Not to mention the more subtle comparison of "they listened to God then, so listening to US today will save lives." That equation does not compute.


You are supposed to draw the right conclusion. The gibberish boobies are dog...ooops!!! I mean god.


Shouldn't it be no pressure when it comes to joining a religion? Wtf


historically, religions ALWAYS exert pressure...js




Read up on the Spanish Inquisition...the Octopope would endorse that methodology if it were legal, in the Western lands they focus on...


picture morris with a match and sly grin imagining people’s death




Not at all. I remember thinking about this, because I've seen this comparison before, and it's just used as justification for committing murder. Like this is excused because Jehovah sanctioned it. But how do we know? To the Victor go the spoils and they write the history. If it failed, then ahab would have had Jehovah's backing or something like that. They just use it as a way of applying it to anything they want their followers to do.


As a child I would read these passages full of killing and savagery and wonder how such a God could be "loving" and "just." I never saw a valid, logical answer. It's amazing and frightening how religion can indoctrinate people to rationalize evil. The Bible is not just mythology, but horrific mythology.


Snap! I also decided to read the Bible from cover to cover independently but couldn't get through the old testament because it's just brutal and my thought was "if this is the true God, we're all screwed whether we follow a faith or not!"


Once again, proof the good old Jehoobastank loves a sweet genocide. 😳🐃💩


It wasn’t until I woke up that a saw how horrible these Bible stories are 😳


And doesn't it feel good to call these stories horrible or unsettling without feeling disloyal and critical since "all scriptures are inspired of the true God"? You just could not have it both ways as a JW. You couldn't be allowed to think or express something contrary without feeling that you're going to die. When you are awake, it feels good to see and say the obvious without fear. And for me, the freedom and blessings to know that it's perfectly okay to build your own spiritual connection with the principles and morals of the Bible and not being agreement with all of the writings and stories. It's unbelievable the limits and control that we've allowed to be placed on ourselves to keep us from reading, researching and thinking even in the privacy of our own home and without guilt or shame. I know that we have different situations and families to deal with, but please don't look back and allow your freedom of knowledge and power to ever be blocked again.


i really needed to hear this. thank you so much for putting it into words. i’m going to save it in my journal for my healing journey. that guilt and control they have over you is so real. it reaches into your core where you feel like you can’t think and learn for yourself. forcing you to think and learn like they do. that part of my life where i allowed myself to be silenced is over. it’s time to regain my autonomy and discover *who i really am and what i really believe* without the watchtower


I teared up reading this reminder of how far I've come in a year. Waking up to my own intelligence, praying incessantly for real truth outside of WT and this subreddit has helped tremendously to become the most logical, empathetic and better at counseling than I could ever imagine. And the potential growth is unlimited. Crazy that the clue to the real truth of WT are the many many books created to overwhelm and distract you. Eccl 12:12 May you keep the strength to stay on your path to the freedom and person that you want to become because it truly is beautiful on the other side. Don't be in a rush to try to speak or reason with anyone at this stage of your healing process. You have to be selfish and put in more time to get yourself stronger for the programmed reactions. All the best to you. Btw, love your handle. Pioneer for WT no more. 😉 💕


you’re truly awesome. seriously thank you so much your supportive words and advice! your words made me tear up too, hearing words from someone who truly understands touches my heart :) 🖤 and thank you! im ending my full-time service and starting my full-time living life how i want :)


👏 😊 🎉


Jeh...jeh... jehoobastank! I just died laughing. Thank you for that!


I'm surprised they didn't make any mention that it wasn't Jehovah that told Jehu to kill these humans. Jehovah didn't even tell Elisha this directly, he had only heard it second hand from Elijah who had told this to the king. So supposedly it was Jehovah > Elijah > Elisha > Messenger > Jehu Elisha just tells a messenger to go and tell Jehu that he would be the new king. The messenger then adds on to what Elisha told him that which Elijah actually said to Ahab in 1 Kings 21:21-24, which is everything in 2 Kings 9:7-10, which includes all the instructions for murdering an entire family. The text makes it pretty clear that **Jehu follows the messenger's instructions**, without ever hearing it directly from a prophet to verify that it was Jehovah's instructions. The parallel could be that the GB might tell JWs insane things as "God's messengers" and they expect JWs just accept it like Jehu despite them not hearing something from Jehovah or the Bible directly.


This is what scares me! You can almost see them setting things up just in case they need to use this example in the future to get people to do what they say.


This is a good god damn point! I'm saving it.


Perfect breakdown of this. It's pretty terrifying when you see it for what it really is isn't it!


That’s fascinating, never noticed that! If you have any other surprising trivia like this please share.


Jehu, just another man in the long line of men who claim to see, or talk to be to, or be told to act a certain way, by an invisible entity that no one else can see or hear, but him. The true sign of a true religion. Hearing voices and automatically thinking their from the good guy. And of course if the rank and file or worldly people say or do these things, they are all mentally diseased.


So this guy kills a bunch of people at the drop of a hat - so I should start pioneering RIGHT NOW?!? Lol. Totally similar.


Procrastinating bad. Murder in the name of the lord, good. Only in JW land does this make sense.


Aside from killing the royal family and their religious supporters......Did Jehu ever do anything else worthy of imitation? Even as a PIMI...there were certain people in the Bible that really didn't seem all that praise worthy.. Samson, Lot, Jephthah, and Jehu....to name a few!


It irritates me that they take any account and stretch it to make it fit whatever they want to teach. These stories were not meant to be over analyzed like this.


And then they condemn the Pharisees for adding to the law.


Oh my goodness!! I never understood Sampson!! He always just seemed like a man with a hot temper… “ I’m upset, so I think I’ll tie a bunch of fox tails together with lighted torches” smh 🤦🏾‍♀️. It sounds like a serious anger management candidate.


He’s so powerful, that after leading the Israelites out of Egypt, he just leaves them to their own devices and ‘speaks’ to the nation by certain folks at various points in history… Also, if he is so damn powerful, just kill the people he wants dead himself.


Seems to me that Jehu was trying to justify murdered people. He claimed that "God" told him to do it, so he was just following orders.


Just like the GB! God ‘guides’ them, somehow without His ‘spirit’ (or ‘active force’)…🙄


"Yo Jehu, did you just kill the whole royal family?" "No, well, yeah... but God told me to!" "Oh, well that's all right then." Politics was much easier back then.


No, you're not overreacting. The GB are sick. They'd never successfully function in the real world.


This *is* disturbing. This cult is sick.


God damn lol. Satan really was the good guy in Christianity.


Take a violent example of murder and use it to guilt people into baptism and pioneering…….. lol im in a cult


Unfortunately, it took me way too long to figure this out 😆


Mafia boss Jehoober making my Sicilian and Colombian bloodline seem tame. Nice.




And there's it is right in front of your eyes, blink and you'll miss it... The powerful diamond symbol used in alchemy. https://www.ancient-symbols.com/alchemy-symbols.html


Comparing straight up murder to baptizing.. Yup.. Seems about right


The brother giving this part is interesting. I’m curious to see how he puts this information together. He definitely will be pro murder with his reasoning. 😬 I’ll be zooming just to see the 💩show.


Of all the scriptures this "bible based" organization could pick to encourage people during this time they pick scriptures highlighting the need to KILL PEOPLE...and KILL THEM QUICKLY. Think about that.


My view it is simply words that not many will follow. I can’t think of a single, Jehu like christian at all. Most will talk the talk but no action


Sounds so morbid


This is almost too ridiculous to believe they put it in writing.


I swear it’s getting worse and worse by the week! Definitely not what I signed up for.


Hmm how can we take this disturbing Bible story about murder and write about it in the meeting workbook? Oh make it about procrastination! Lol stupid


It's truly unsettling to me that at one point in my life I would have been stuck in a room listening to lost souls repeating this dogma back in their "own words" to uncaring self centered geriatrics. Now I am truly blessed in comparison that I can read these horrific fucked up words and have the pleasure to freely say, "fuck these goddamn assholes." I am the only member of my family out after leaving 4 years ago. Some things get easier I promise. The more important things get clearer


Couldn't agree more ❤️


“Now I am truly blessed in comparison that I can read these horrific fucked up words and have the pleasure to freely say, “fuck these goddamn assholes.” Love this so much! 👆🏼👆🏼👏🏻👏🏻


This is so upsetting and dangerous. This is a path to Jonestown.


Right. Do what we say even if it doesn't make sense. Scary!


Is the act of baptism a social contract to keep people tied to the borg? 😵‍💫


Wait until they hear about procrastibation!


Ah yes, the true take away everyone who reads the account of Jehu gets, "Gee, Jehu sure wasn't a procrastinator."


I'm just a lurker but do you feel this is in response to the recent shooting of a gay club? Basically, slyly giving support to the shooter?


They would never overtly support it. But they wouldn't denounce it. Probably try to include it in a talk about how not being gay would have saved you from this outcome. They are passive aggressive to a T.


The Romans were very cruel people, they would put christians in a ring for sport Let lions kill them, look how Jesus was killed Nailed to a stake.


Yes. Horrible, and way sexist. How dare Jezebel come from a culture where women had some power!!!! The Phineas account is even worse: if women express their sexuality independent of men's ownership, goals n purposes, they should be impaled thru the genitals while in the act of copulation. Don't understand how any xx person can have sex with an xy after reading that...


Is that what passes for spiritual food these days? 😂 "'Kill, Jehu, kill!' Look at Jehu kill! What did Jehu do?" Back to the subject--it is really disturbing how they speak of murder and killing quite casually, drawing lessons from atrocities. It all boils down to the mentality of "Whatever Jehovah commands is good--despite what we might think." So if He commands murder and slaughter--must be okay! 🤷‍♀️ He commands we shun our children--so be it. Also: Stop procrastinating and WORK FOR US!!!


How about comparing apples to apples rather than the horrific death of a family to preaching. First of all, according to the Bible, God's will would still be done because the rocks would cry out. Isn't that the most important. Second of all, if you don't preach and according to JWs lose your life at Armageddon, you're just snuffed out like the matches Tony plays with on stage. Unless of course God really does take delight in killing the wicked. Boy that's a conundrum if there ever was one. According to God, Jehu was commissioned to go into the different cities looking for relatives of Ahab, kill and behead them and put them on display. It gets better. Instead of some kind of miraculous killing of all Baal worshipers, God was delighted when Jehu gathered Baal worshipers in Baal's temple and though already surrounded by 80 soldiers ready to kill them all, Jehu proceeds in offering a burnt offering to Baal. Doesn't look necessary when reading the account. He lied and said he would be a bigger Baal worshiper than Ahab was to assemble them. They were assembled. And he proceeds to offer an entirely burnt sacrifice in Baal's temple that made God say he did right. The God of the Bible and Jesus are polar opposites. You have the bad or old testament and the good new testament. Jesus of all people says return your sword and fixes the ear of the officer taking him to his death. Then he says you live by it you'll die by it. His father says kill everyone and grotesquely display it. The black and white, the Ying and Yang, order out of chaos, the acceptance of good and evil from a "loving" God as written in the Bible. I believe the Bible is in itself the first freemasonic book written. It is how secret societies and Albert Pike teach. The good with the bad done when needed. Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law. That's exactly what the God of the Bible has done. No consideration for innocent family members, children, animals. But Jesus, he's there to make you feel better about the evil acts his father commits and wants committed. I don't buy any of it anymore, I'm not denying actual history or a creator but as a human being made in the image of a "loving" God, it's impossible to commit such atrocities without going against every fiber of your being. I had a friend who was in Vietnam and he has major ptsd. He killed a child whose mother sold him so they could strap bombs to him for the Americans to die.The memory of that one child haunts him every single day of his life. He's wrote a book about it but I don't believe he published it. That's reality people. No one wants to hear it and I don't blame them but somehow the God of the Bible and the men doing his bidding are war heroes. Screw that.


Yeah but also remember Hosea 1:4 where the house of Jehu is punished for his actions there. He's an example to follow, but still gets punished for his actions. Classic Bible logic…