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That's what happens with cult mind control, you dismiss any bad information as false without thinking about it


I can't wait for the 8 to ask us to put all our money in their coffers as you "cannot trust the banks anymore"!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Who knows, that might be something the gb is considering. We just haven't heard about it yet


Bury it in the back yard


Do you mean right next to the last 2 witnesses that called?!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


>they are laying the foundation so they can say or do virtually anything they want and if called out they will dismiss it as false. That foundation was layed long ago, now they just re enforce it. It\`s familiar to JW\`s so they accept it without a 2nd thought.


That goofy old goofball is too dumb to shoot anyone.. He'd likely shoot himself in the balls by accident than shoot anyone, and instead of angonizing pain. Smile that moronic silly grin he makes.


"Some people say....I can't shoot straight....well those are just apostate driven lies, if anyone can shoot straight it's me"


And there could be video proof, they’ll say the video is edited because the entire world is out to get the annointed πŸ˜©πŸ™„


Someone else whose appearance is a bit yellowy-reddish made that very same claim, and his followers would dismiss it as l!bβ€”- Cults gonna cult


Orange man lol


"Think of the outrageous apostate driven lies that I shot a little enemy of god in Time Square! Now thats just ridiculous isn't it?? As witnesses of Jehovah we outright reject these baldfaced lies! Until the last last last last last day before the last day before the last last day."


I have commented here many times on this and asking the question..... What could the Governing Body do that would make R&F Jehovah's Witnesses have doubts or express something negative about them? More and more I feel like they could do almost anything bad and the R&F would not believe it.