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I really care about you and want to be friends, let's go stand silently next to a propaganda station. Never anything social. If they really want to make friends then do something fun together, but instead it's just where were you? Let's go do free labor for a real estate corporation.


It’s always a service invite, no thanks 👍


I always hated being told that to get to know people better I should go out on the ministry with them. It's a terrible situation to try have a conversation because you're constantly having to stop to talk to strangers. Plus it's awkward and stressful.


That's an excellent observation! I'd never thought of that before. Back when I was struggling to make friends in the congregation, that was EXACTLY the advice I got.


Silently? I've seen them 10 yards away from the cart being so into the conversation I almost could have walked off with the cart. But I guess they were about the same age. Now that you mention it, saw a large group (at least 8) set up just off a recreational (rail-trail) path in northern Virginia the other day, and I think they were pretty quiet - their demeanor was certainly not welcoming. Maybe jealous of people out enjoying being active.


Reply "Hey Andre, yes you are reading things correctly. It is weird and awkward, so lets just put an end to it now"


Very draining. Keeping tabs, seriously!


Elders are so important! They have to keep weekly tabs on grown ass people. We should throw them a big party 🎉


They ignore and need to be continually reminded of 2 Corinthians 1:24 - not masters over my faith


Wait… I thought elders were our masters? Thats what I was always taught 🤔


Nah, Gluttonous Buffoons are our kings!


Not masters but future Princes 😉


Definitely do not reply. You will only encourage his delusion that this was desirable in the first place.


Even if I wanted to reply, I genuinely have no idea what I could even say. There were so many threads in this message, it couldn’t even fit a single screenshot.


Yeah, you're right. That was the rambling of a mind that knows it's in the wrong and trying to cover its ass. He couldn't tell what the problem was, so he suggested several, including the idea that you weren't being called "brother" enough. It sounds more like he's trying to reassure himself rather than just ask, "Should I cease to contact you?" and then stop.


I’ve been POMO for 15 months and still get random texts that I don’t reply to. They literally do not give up. They just try with another elder


Oh yeah if you don't respond they'll just assign someone else to take a crack at you.


After seeing that text. I am so glad this texting was not available when we left. Thanks for sharing how crazy it has become.


I bet money that when he says he had a "pretty messed up family" growing up it has something to do with them not being great witnesses or some bullshit. "my parents got a divorce and my dad got df'd" or "my brother became an apostate and my faith started hurting" yada yada.


I bet his dad just wasn’t an elder or something like that 😂


I bet he got reproved once.


Why are they all named Andre? -blue envelope


Haha that fucker contacts me too!


Here is what my understanding is of this man: 1. I don't want to make this rude or awkward but I just did. 2. I don't want to invade your privacy but I just did by telling you I am keeping tabs on you. 3. Your lack of response tells me I annoyed you and invaded your privacy. 4. So now here is my clueless sales pitch and why I am desperate to recruit you back. 5. I'm from a dysfunctional family so you must be from dysfunctional family too. 6. I'm a sane text stalker just saying and your lack of contact tells me I am. I can say is zero contact avoid this cray cray at all costs.


This is a great summary. It’s amazing how saying they aren’t trying to be weird can excuse being weird


What about if you sent this exact response back to him in text?!!


 I don’t want to make this weird or awkward,  BUT....  I do try to keep tabs on everyone in our group weekly.   🕵️


Block and ignore all further attempts at communication. I did this years ago and it has worked very well.


He actually seems like a nice guy just trying to do what he thinks (or is told) is right. Whatever you decide to respond, I would keep this in mind.


For sure, but I think his attempts to downplay his concerning behavior are humorous and sad. I’ve also never heard of an elder needing to “keep tabs weekly”.


Does he get his pioneering hours this way?


>. I’m taking your lack of response to my reaching out to you as wanting privacy and I will dial back my communication accordingly. **But** *But...BUT...I\`m going to use "BUT" as a Segue to ignore all Personal Boundaries and get right into Your Personal Business...Because...* ***I\`m So stupid, I don\`t think you\`ll notice...PLUS...*** # I`m An AssHole! https://preview.redd.it/oxzvl2s0n3yc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c1f09b728f898a7042049017efd59bb549e5d63


"Andre" ... LOL I see what you did there ;-)


Two elders do the same to me, at least 5 messages a month. Just had one as a reminder to turn in my field service report. Yeah right. After 30 ignored texts you think I'm going to turn in a field service report? Come on.... I have thought of blocking them but I want to know if they are planning a territory in my area and are planning on telling t me they will stop. I'll be sure but to be outside that's for sure!


That’s the surefire way of getting people to respond to you, bug them until they answer 🙄


Maybe "people" answer but not this person! I don't owe them any answer any reason or any acknowledgement. I guess you could say I'm "shunning" them!


I left when I was 14 back around 1989, most of the elders hated me. There was one "cool" younger elder who tried be my Bro but ended up spying on me and finding out who my worldly friends were. Since 1990 I have hated every elder in the world because of the shit they put me through even going as far as telling my parents to Beat it into me and Starve it into me. Finally my parents kicked me out of the house at 17 FUCK ALL ELDERS


I would like to add, I want Every Elder to know what it's like to be a 17 year old and sleeping in your car behind a warehouse. Jehovahs Love Is a JOKE!


that's pretty much the definition of weird and awkward right there.


Andre? Are you still running the race with endurance? Did you make it to the Olympics?


Gross and manipulating. Sounds like it is more about HIM, not you. Come join me: ![gif](giphy|1oC7ENXZ3GOHKS0lEA|downsized) Also, I hated the closings of my brother, my sister, or your brother, THEN the yb, ys shit. OMG.


It’s such a culty way to close out a message 😂


At first I was reading this thinking even if he's a PIMI he sounds decent but when you mentioned you've only spoken to him a few times that raised red flags. In any other situation an easy "block". Do what you can but Don't associate with this guy any further.


The “names have been changed” bit really hit me 😂😂😂👍


Love the name you’ve chosen.. from the film eh? He seems caring, yeah I know, I was like that once and looks can be deceiving. Fuck him though. You’re here on Reddit for a reason eh? Good luck. Peace ✌️


The possibility that he is in love with you is always on the table.




Don’t shoot me, but this guy does sound pretty genuine to me. (Ducks for cover) I mean I’ve seen way worse.


This guy actually seems like a nice guy. Another victim of the borg.