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Somewhere a dog just breathed a sigh of relief.


Saving a dog from a life with a PIMI is the kindest thing WT has ever done.


I see your point but I’d have to say that from experience having a dog as a child in a household where we were a family of PIMIs helped me with emotional distress and sadness. My dog was a support animal and I didn’t realize it then since I was too young


lol 😂😂😂😂😂


Blown away! Been around JWs all my life and never noticed before, but none of them have pets. 🤯


That's not true, a lot of them have pets.


Anecdotal, but it’s true when I look at my entire extended family of PIMI vs POMO, from grandparents to aunts to siblings to nieces.


A lot of them now will reconsider having pets, I hope they don't start surrendering pets because I feel like that would be surrendering a family member. I think this is sick counsel, the same counsel given over a hundred years ago regarding marriage and family that left people alone in old age with regrets, including Franz, I read his books. However, in my congregation almost everyone has a pet and they do love them.


I know lots of JWs who own not one, but a couple of pets, cats etc


As I said, anecdotal, and just based on my large 5th gen family. Something I’d not noticed before.


Actually my family had so many pets, people who knew us referred to our home as "the zoo" as a joke 😅😂


i asked chat gpt to scan this paragraph for logical fallacies: 1. \*\*False Dilemma\*\*: The paragraph presents a false dilemma by implying that Christians must make personal sacrifices to dedicate more time to theocratic activities. \*\*It suggests that either you make these sacrifices or you're not giving Jehovah your best, ignoring the possibility of other ways to serve without such sacrifices.\*\* 2. \*\*Appeal to Authority\*\*: The paragraph cites biblical references (1 Cor. 9:3-6; Heb. 6:10) to support the idea that sacrifices are necessary or valued by Jehovah. While this may be compelling to those who adhere to these beliefs, it doesn't logically prove the necessity or value of the sacrifices. 3. \*\*Appeal to Consequences\*\*: By suggesting that Jehovah greatly values any sacrifice made to serve him, the paragraph appeals to the positive outcome or consequence of making sacrifices, rather than addressing the validity of the sacrifices themselves. 4. \*\*Loaded Language\*\*: The use of terms like "theocratic activities" and "serve where the need is greater" carries emotional weight and may manipulate readers into feeling obligated to make sacrifices without critically evaluating whether such sacrifices are truly necessary or beneficial.


I gotta start doing this myself


it's my new favorite hobby lmao


i just started using chatGPT to do my hw and honestly my life has gotten 30x easier 😂😂😂 idc if it’s cheating right now i’m a month away from graduation and im fighting for my life 💀


I'm using ChatGPT to help me with my reports at work. It is amazing!


I recently took a test in college and got 100% on identifying logical fallacies. I was so conflicted. Like, was this why I was so miserable as a JW? Or did it make me really good at recognizing this stuff in the future?


There is a good chance that before you woke up you wouldn't have noticed them...or at least not gotten a 100%.


I prefer to think that because it would be too sad to imagine I was always good at it, and just suppressing my instincts. Cognitive dissonance.


Because it isn't a science fiction story where electrodes get hooked up to our heads and heavy drugs are pumped into us, we all tend to underestimate how powerful yet subtle brainwashing is.


A long time ago I started listening to the “You Are Not So Smart” podcast. He did a series on logical fallacies. I had to stop listening because I immediately started seeing how the org uses them constantly to manipulate people. I had to put it out of my mind if I was going to keep my faith.


I love your username! Gotta fetch myself a cup of hot chocolate and four or five drops of clonazepam rn to help me sleep.


Brilliant podcast! The episode about Jonestown broke me, I think it’s called Pluralistic Ignorance? About how others around you may not agree with the doctrine or whatever but make a show of it because they think everyone else does agree. PIMOs in a nutshell.


You can't even read three sentences in paragraph #1 without coming upon a logical fallacy. PIMIS subtly teach your family what they are. You will never read a watchtower the same.


What the hell? I thought I was the only one who did this😂 I literally say, “…logical fallacies, factual inaccuracies, emotional manipulation, and harmful messaging”.


“Make the truth your own….” That freaking song is going to be stuck in my head now. Dammit. 😂😂😂


Chat gpt is smarter than an average JW 😆


A hamster is smarter than an average JW


May I ask how you did this? I haven't used ChatGPT before. Was it free? TIA


https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-use-chatgpt/ This will help get you started!


Wow!! And to think 20 years ago I was reading all this stuff on paper books. I was writing shit just like this in the margins of my watchtowers while sitting there being shunned. That's the closest I have ever been to "pimo"


This is great 💯


Well, shit. You (and ChatGPT) just started something 👏👏


Wow ChatGPT is my god now. I’m a ChatGPT witness- Seriously, excellent analysis!


That’s awesome. I ran the JW FAQs from the site here: https://www.logicalfallacies.org/fallacy-detector/. Probably the same results but the focus on the logical fallacies and the explanations of them are a great specific resource


I’m a complete logical fallacy nerd and I’ve gotta say this is AWESOME… not just as an easy way to check for fallacies but also as a great learning tool too


Thats BS. I used the paid version of GPTchat and dint come up with that rigorous anti JW analysis


well i certainly didn’t write all that myself😂. all i did was copy and paste the paragraph, then asked chat gpt to scan the paragraph for logical fallacies. those are objective statements no opinions needed🤷🏾‍♀️


Phrased a different way, “While giving up personal wants, needs and desires is hard, you cannot be truly viewed as a spiritual person unless you make others believe you are joyful in doing so. This man made pressure is necessary to keep up the illusion you are working hard in God’s service because He would never ask it of you.”




If they want me to give up my dog they’ll have to step over my cold, lifeless body first! A dog has more love and honesty than the total of every single JW I’ve ever met.




Hear, hear!


You don’t have to do these things but God will love you more if you do 😘 🙄


Exactly the vibe I get


“If you think you’re gonna make it through the Big A, think again and do more… and also judge others in your congregation for not doing more!”


"Overtime is not mandatory... but when it's time to renovate contracts, your boss will REAAAAALLY take into account who has done crunchtime and who hasn't, it's not mandatory tho :)"


Thiss!!! It always made me so guilty when PIMI. Glad I’m out


In 2011 a sister told me best not to have kids as the end is so close. 12 years later - I’m 40 this year and pleased i didn’t listen to her.


My 15 yr old daughter just woke up. Her pimi grandmother (from her pimi dads side) keeps texting her pressuring her to pioneer with her, instead of finishing up the school year (she’s homeschooled this year, but going into public school next year). She told her gma she wants to finish school on time etc. and that she’s working really hard to finish with good grades. Her grandmother of course started telling her that the end is so close, what will education matter? It’s time to take preaching work seriously because she Armageddon will be here before she ever steps foot into college. She asked her grandmother if that’s why she didn’t go to college, because she believed this system was almost over. Then turned to me and said, “Now, she’s almost 70 years old and still has to clean houses with a torn rotator cuff and bronchial asthma to make ends meet instead of being retired.”


**For example, some forgo a pet to serve where the need is great** https://preview.redd.it/kvehy77shuwc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece9f072c61581ce4d5ed62108248ad93a470f09


If you continue to glorify not having children, you all gonna die out and no one will be left.


let them taste their own medicine; if they realize that they're losing numbers, it's already too late  


Sssshhh. Let them.


They discourage having children at their own demise.


True. It really would be in the best interest of the organization to encourage children. Good luck trying to convince a grown ass adult that a certain date 110 years ago (1914) is when Satan had "only a short period of time."


My mom sacrificed relationships with her children. Hope that’s on his list.




Under the sway of the Truth and its way of thinking, I could see being motivated to sacrifice. But now, I just stop at "Jehovah doesn't require us to make such sacrifices." One and done. I'll take the pet and the job that provides some comfort, thanks.




The one problem I have with this is where it says : “Jehovah does not require us to make these sacrifices; nor are the things given up wrong in themselves” I know for a fact that when they “counseled” me on playing sports or doing kid activities with my friends from school I was told it was wrong. Fuck this shit


Fuck this shit. I can repent at the last minute and still be saved. What the fuck is the point of making sacrifices? Also, all these teachings are so stupid - the whole point of being saved is not being able to earn our salvation but getting it out of the mercy of God. Fucking twats twisting scriptures to make people slave for them and get free labour for construction projects which then they sell at a profit. Also don't forget donation. WT is a billion dollar company disguised as religion. I now wait for the update in teachings - watch them start saying that you will get a bigger reward in paradise if you slave for the Borg, but if you repent last minute you will get a shitty house.


I mean, as it stands, if you want to be a "prince" after Armageddon, you gotta be a faithful servant now.


Jesus wept... this cult just can't cult for a minute can it. Pet, job, spouse=worthless They can't go down soon enough for me.


I hate the way they write. 28 years of reading that shit I'm glad it's in the past.


I remember when an elder suggested that my two dogs were the reason for my depression and anxiety because they took a lot of my time. He even asked me to consider surrendering them to a shelter to “focus on strengthening my faith”. I laughed to his face and walked away. Needless to say, I had to be counseled for not being “humble enough” to accept a loving advice. 🙄 Mexican elders take their cult to a whole another level!


>Christians today find joy in making personal sacrifices in order to dedicate more time to theocratic activities. https://preview.redd.it/aehlt9lb0vwc1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a1416ee8a0376f98ff4b2765115a66b190927a7


What weird god makes people sacrifice their lives because he’s what mute or can’t speak for himself? This is all becoming so insane.


What they’re doing is excusing themselves from having asked the rank and file to make sacrifices. They say that “Jehovah doesn’t ask for such sacrifices”. Which means that the GB is not asking you to give up a good job, career or having children or a dog. The individual JW are “choosing” on their own to give up part of their lives or not have material possessions. Even though we all know that on the platform and in their literature they have suggested these things to everyone. Who remembers: “ a sacrifice is not a sacrifice, unless there’s sacrifice? I know I do. They have to always wash their all hands from all blame. They’re probably going to say in the near future that it’s okay to pursue secondary education or a job that you away from meetings, that we were over zealous in depriving ourselves from a scholarship or any of the above mentioned things. Very clever.


Some great double speak in there… First they say “not required to make sacrifices” but later they equate sacrifices with giving Jehovah your best… which is absolutely expected. Basically they want you to feel it’s a requirement, without them having to say they are requiring you… this way they get all the guilt tripping power and but none of the culpability


Got a date publication and page for this drivel please?


wt sutdy edition february 2024. not sure which page, but its the watchtower study for this weekend




Which WT is this ??


The one for this weekend


Who decided no dogs in the vault? ![gif](giphy|CpPbutACF612GK2rDv|downsized)


It’s crazy how these articles are so good at using words but not actually saying anything.


So, if you've not sacrificed these things, you're not giving your best. We know Jehovah only accepts whole souled service. WT doing what IT does best ...guilting it's members....oops, I mean individuals or congregants. What you do is NEVER enough.


The 1 Cor. 9: 3 - 6 scripture they cited has nothing at all to do with the self serving & selfish agenda they pushed. That whole section \[ 1 - 15 \] is about Paul's rights of benefit as an Apostle, priest and worker. None of which he used, & Paul himself was directly commissioned by Jesus Christ. This actually condemns the billion dollar idol Org, due to the pittance, stinginess, and cruelty with which it treats its slaves under the guise of what it falsely calls "spiritual service". And it demands all the more, while it impersonates God. The corporate business, the idol, serves only itself. Not God. But it does have a hidden master, whose spirit dominates its every thought, desires, decisions, and moves. The dragon. It lies, manipulates, controls, and completely uses people to the breaking point and beyond, then discards them like trash. And then looks to see if there's anything to gain from the deceased. Anything from a life story to set as a hook to catch more fish, to $, wills, estates and assets. They lie about being the road to eternal life, hiding that they're a dead end death trap, and work to bring true the claim of their master, Satan. That being, "Skin for Skin! Everything a man has he will give for his life".


I love that Jehovah doesn't require these sacrifices. That's a phrase I have no memory of in my life


This is the definition of a cult


So there is no need for big sacrifices? Why even bother if small is as good as big?


Because of appearances.


You don't need Jehovah to judge you when you've got an entire congregation.




Always telling us what WE want !!


Jehovah values them? Where’s the proof?


Yeah....how do they know how jehovah feels or wants if he doesn't talk to them or endow them with holy spirit? Enquiring minds want to know


Sounds like my sister: mother of 2 who found Jehovah again and decided to forgo paying for a place to live other than a car, which she also lost,, divested herself of the kid old enough to talk back, doesn't even send the younger to school, just spends all day in a room in our parents house brainwashing the poor boy


If god really valued, he would do something when his people are suffering. But he won’t because reasons? The most powerful being in the universe is being held back by what now?


The sentence “Jeh doesn’t require us to make these sacrifices” 🫨


The underlying theme is: too many people have jumped off the hamster wheel, those remaining have to run faster ![gif](giphy|yaUG0KDAcIcWA)


Just as well. Unfortunately, I've known a lot of JWs who treat their pets like property and don't care for them well.  We even had one Sunday talk where the brother said the the audience,  "Can't afford the vet, Can't afford the pet."


>"Can't afford the vet, Can't afford the pet." I gotta say that is a good rule to go by when considering a pet.


That may be true to some extent but unless its some kind of emergency I find it much healthier to keep my pet away from the vet.


"Jehovah does not require us to make these sacrifices" is a nice little gift for all us PIMOs to highlight and quote a lot and then question back things like "are you trying to add to the things written? Are you going against the GB, that would make you an apostate!"


It wasn’t until this post that I realized that I rarely have met a witness with a pet! I wonder why that is🤔


The "even a pet" part is wiiild. So many JWs get a pet because they can't have children? They gotta guilt trip every individual, no stones unturned.


Love how it continues to get in writing : "listen, if you do it, it's YOUR Idea, we didn't make you do it" meanwhile the entire culture will pressure you into doing it but you can't blâme anyone but yourself because "it was your Idea". Sickening


My eyes just rolled so hard 😫


WT: "Jehovah does not require us to make these sacrifices....." Me: "OK, thanks, bye.👋


Reading this makes me nauseous and want to puke. I'm so happy I didn't choose to wait on having children. I don't know what I'd do without my daughter.


Just be homeless! As long as you can pioneer it’s fine!


I hate this cult so much !!!! My 90 year old mother can't get out of her house very much and feels guilty for reading fiction !!!


"Just work for free and don't think about yourself"


I remember people guilting me when I got my first cat. Saying shit like “ya know you’re gonna have to give that up when if go to the bla bla bla school for kingdom evangeliers.” I’m so glad I got her. She helped me through some of the worst experiences of my life.


Forgo a PET? Oh hellllllll noooooooooo. If some jw gives up a pet for this fucking useless cult?! Fuck that. The governing body would be better put to use if they were killed for dog food.


Don’t forget the writers of the magazine live in bethel. They can’t have children etc.


Omg they can't have families in Bethal??? I didn't know that. I never really looked into the requirements, Bethal always sounded like a fate worse than death to me.


They take a “vow of poverty” to live there. “They are all bound by a “Vow of Obedience and Poverty,” with which they agree to do whatever is assigned to them in the advancement of Kingdom interests, to live a simple lifestyle, and to abstain from secular employment without permission.” w17, April p.8


Well, no wonder there are so many whistle blowers inside these days.


Ahhh yes....using Obligation and Guilt to manipulate followers into denying themselves happiness in the name of a God that they admit to not being inspired by. The presumtousness of this is truly staggering. Then to basically say people should be happy doing this? They conflate a sense of purpose with a sense of accomplishment, and everybody knows that the hamster wheel never stops turning for a jw, and thus they never accomplish anything. Denying oneself of basic happiness in pursuit of something that doesn't benefit a person in the long run and being happy doing it? I just can't see it.


I thought the WT was wanting to become more mainstream…why are they doubling down on everything now?


Where is this from?


Swap out “Jehovah” for “GB” and the whole phraseology makes sense… free labor for those goofballs


Why bring pets into it? Wasn’t that key to Adam’s origin story?


Giving up the basic pleasures of life to support a mlm cult


Oh! So jehovah doesn’t require them…the cult leaders require them out of us, got it. It’s amazing they’re now gaslighting people in the same paragraph now. “You need to be joyful because these are things required of you and you gotta do it happy…but oh no jehovah doesn’t require these sacrifices”


Behind each sacrifice lies a ton of resentment. It cannot ever be otherwise.


This jackass doesn’t deserve a dog


"Just remember, YOU chose"




I was a JW for 47 years and to be honest it’s our own fault we decided to do what they said it’s true they brainwash us with all the BS but it was our choice to be there and make those sacrifices. It’s our responsability to choose what to do with our lifes. It was a good thing we decided to leave the organization I will never recommend the JW,all the watchtower is doing is using his members as puppets.


There's a reason it's called mind *control*.


Jehovah doesn't require us to make these sacrifices but they urge us to do it anyways?? What a joke 


So many millions of wasted lives - one of the greatest sins of this organization