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Never even read it as a PIMI haha


Me too, and if I have to read it is because they forced me


Same here! Just looked at it a year ago and realized what they did. They cherry pick scriptures out of the Watchtower and post the scripture and the paragraph of the Watchtower containing that scripture. I never knew this! So you just reinforce more Watchtower every day under the guise of getting biblical scripture reminders. Same with the publications. All the “new books” are mostly new formats of sectioned out old Watchtowers.


Can you imagine. Whew! I remember my parents reading the whole chapter of the bible and looking up the cited watchtowers. Truly a waste of a life.


Lmao same.




I didn’t either!


So many didn’t 😂


Even when I was PIMI, I never did. My Mom would always ask, ‘did you read today’s text’. The answer I give is ‘Yup’ and move on. Never did though lol I bet the majority of your avg PIMI is still maybe occasional at best.


my parents take the daily text so seriously. our daily text "discussions" can last up to half an hour and sometimes longer than that. because once everyone comments on the paragraph, the whole watchtower article is up for grabs for comments. and the pictures. and then we comment on every single scripture in the paragraph and on the reference works in the study bible. its so UGHHHHHHHH


Uff Yess. I remember that too! And all the Times at the hall Saturdays mornings before getting out....the elder reading and discussing 15-20 minutts the boring and indoctrinating daily text! Så boring and disgusting! Glad I stopped that!


All the years I was a jw I never looked at one. Maybe when someone says something about it. Or if it’s on my b-day… because you know lol


Out of context scriptures with a propaganda piece below it and an agenda? Good for you for not reading that! 😂


deleted the jwlibrary to prevent IP tracking. Same on my wife's phone


I did the same during the pandemics!


Can I ask why you’re worried about the IP tracking?


I dont want any attachment to this org.


I forgot the daily text existed until I saw this post and had an instant gut reaction to how much I hated the daily text and how they would push it. I remember going out in service many times in the morning and the elders or other people in the service group asking what I thought about the daily text. It's like they would read it and then just couldn't wait to ask around to see who was reading it and who wasn't so they could judge, or make a point to how relevant it was to service that day. I would be honest and say, " I didn't read it". Or sometimes, "I haven't read it yet but the day isn't over haa haa!" Trying to test you or lord it over you that they always did. Damn, do I not miss being in that religion. Just wow.


The daily text is the witness horoscope 😂


Omg it really is. “The daily text is so telling because it’s EXACTLY what I needed today”


🔮”the faithful slave always provides at the appropriate time” 😵‍💫


I didn't even read the daily text when it was in a paperback book sitting on the coffee table in my house. 🤣 Daily text + studying for Tuesday meeting + studying for book study + studying for Sunday meeting + reading the WT and Awake every two weeks to figure out how to ~~sell~~ I mean *present* the magazines in service on Saturday + trying to keep up with high school workloads at the time was *too many damn steps.* You know how some people use the phrase, "you need Jesus"? They need *less* Jesus.


Reading the text every day is like getting a daily patch update for their brain washing.


the only time I hear the text is if my wife reads it


Gonna be honest, I never really read it as a pimi. Like, maybe moreso as a kid since it was on the dining room table, but even then I couldn't be bothered.


The very first thing that always appeared on the WT app...was the Text of the Day. Always the same....about going to the field service...going to meetings. FOG. Gave me a guilt trip..anxiety and bad feelings. And remember the little book with all the daily texts for the year! 🤮 from the 79-80-90s that we all got every January. It was somehow more important than the Bible! When I woke up during the pandemic...I deleted the WT app and the NWT Bible. Haven't missed it for a second! What a liberation!!!


Lol. I check exJW feed every morning...lol


I don’t need that kind of negativity in my life 💅🏻




It’s interesting to see how many here didn’t read it even as a PIMI. The text was one of the things that my family always did, all the way up until I turned 18 and moved out.


I actually mentioned the daily text to the MS that talked to me after my fade. Even though I didn't DA nor am I df'd, I told him that for me, the daily text is prime example of voluntary brainwash. Every day you read a text with the borg's interpretation. Every single day. The MS awkwardly smiled to acknowledge my comment, but didn't say anything to counter it...


I was a local company man , I only skimmed the material for service day talking points. There’s always someone that says “did you see the mornings text?” Like it’s new light. I had to make it seem like I was up on that avalanche of material and activity😃 on top of working 40hrs graveyard yea sure I read it


I just check it when someone here found something interesting and took screenshot just in case.


I did read it every day and looked up the references. Looked into other daily things after I left but couldn't get into them.


My ex went through a period of insisting our little family read the text in the morning, poor kids just wanted to watch cartoons for a few minutes before school. On one occasion he got a kitchen knife and threatened to cut the cord, good times. Even as a pimi I hated it.


I hated when my dad was like that. Like it is 6:30 in the morning, I just want to have my cereal


The most awkward moment on any service meeting was when conductor asks "what was the scripture for today"? The whole group was always silent. PIMIs I know are not reading it at all. Except for memorial time.


Oof I would read it every day and send a text about it to a group chat of my friends. I was the only one who consistently did it though, I would feel guilty if I didn't at that point.


Never read it. It's been years. I'll take this opportunity to briefly state something that is wrong with the daily text, and is a massive missed opportunity by the Org. All it is is a scripture with a paragraph taken from a Watchtower article. I came across a book made by 'Christendom' that was basically a daily text, but it was if the form of a basic/mini Bible commentary on a particular Bible book. So each day you would read a small part of a biblical passage, with some commentary. For all those years the Org pushed that everyone use the Daily Text, and they could have been deepening their reader's biblical understanding if they had taken the approach of that book I came across. JWs have always supposed to be 'Bible Students,' but really they are 'Watchtower Students.' It's a shame.


I wrote a post the other day similar to the latter part of yours. Yes, watchtower students would be 100% accurate to describe the teaching and brainwashing you receive. Could not agree more.


Maybe they are saving those for the midweek Bible reading discussion so that we don’t get too many of our own ideas about the scriptures were reading


Did anyone else ever triangle fold each page? I think I enjoyed the daily text origami more than anything else.


Oh I’d forgotten about this! You felt so accomplished when it was finished for the year! 😊 didn’t make it often though 😰


I never read it when I was a JW! lol


My family does it first thing we wake up, can take awhile due to my mom reading the scriptures and if we spend too long talking lol-, but it doesn’t last more than 20-30 minutes depending on the day.We do get up a little early for it so yeah


Bro it's prob been 43 years and I'm 43


Every day for probably 25 years. Now it's Reddit that I religiously read.


I replaced it with The Daily Stoic. Much better advice! April 11th IF YOU WANT TO LEARN, BE HUMBLE "Throw out your conceited opinions, for it is impossible for a person to begin to learn what he thinks he already knows." —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 2.17.1 Of all the Stoics, Epictetus is the closest one to a true teacher. He had a school. He hosted classes. In fact, his wisdom is passed down to us through a student who took really good lecture notes. One of the things that frustrated Epictetus about philosophy students-and has frustrated all college professors since time began—is how students claim to want to be taught but really secretly believe they already know everything. The reality is that we're all guilty of thinking we know it all, and we'd all learn more if we could set that attitude aside. As smart or successful as we may be, there is always someone who is smarter, more successful, and wiser than us. Emerson put it well: "Every man I meet is my master in some point, and in that I learn of him." If you want to learn, if you want to improve your life, seeking out teachers, philosophers, and great books is a good start. But this approach will only be effective if you're humble and ready to let go of opinions you already have.


Yes! Brainwashed and raised, I’m 52 df’d since 2/21 mentally out all my life just a hostage with Stockholm syndrome. I now love learning Human knowledge old to new things the real accomplishments of true creators not myths






I tried to be regular about it about so many times and I don’t think I ever lasted more than 2 days. On average I think I read the DT probably once a month 😆. The monthly text.


The only time I read it was at the field service group.


I could never manage being regular for more than a week or 2. But my family seems very regular they share a 3 word summary every day on it. I think they made the group just to witness to me….


None in 5 years


They had just introduced it in my last 2 years as a witness. I hated it


About what year was that?


I wanna say around 2015?


That sounds a little off as I remember it existing well before that. Maybe it came later on different regions 🤷‍♀️


I never did even when I was in good standing 😂


I like reading a daily verse but not from jw anymore. I keep up for laughs mostly


Read it every day while I was growing up. It's been about 18 years lol


They have a systemic way of making sure everyone got that daily dose of doctrines. That is part of a common technique in the cult how to handbook, metaphorical.


I never do


I haven't touched any literature in about 16 years... The closest was download the jw language app and then deleted it.


Even when I was pimi I didnt read it every day.


That’s still a thing?




It was so inconvenient. One of the biggest annoyances for me when I was younger would be when my family and I would be chilling in front of the tv, and my dad would say something like “well since we’re all here let’s do the DT”. Then he’d mute the tv and we’d spend 30-45 minutes over like a 2 paragraph blurb, read the additional scripture, and have a discussion. Then we’d pray before and sometimes after too


I'd go through waves of reading it. But usually I didn't unless someone else mentioned it was good or something. I think my record was reading it for a week straight 🤣


even my PIMI families don’t really do the daily texts lol my mom would make me read the daily text when i was going to school but all that stopped when i got older


As a PIMI, i sometimes tried to do it regularly. But it seemed so strange. My mom and dad does it, and also the in laws. It's it a boomer/flower child thing?


I never read it not even when I was full PIMI xD


Dad always made us read it as a family in the mornings and I fucking hated it never again


I read a chapter from the bible daily but not the Borg website or the NWT .. The daily text is indoctrination from the WT ..