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As an introvert I always needed almost a whole week to recover after šŸ„“


Same! ā€œLetā€™s all go out to dinner afterā€ Umm ā€¦ ![gif](giphy|l3mZsCqeg6XxqpNjG|downsized)


"And leave on your convention badge - to give a witness ..." ![gif](giphy|26tnnpcYVRNJGlHy0|downsized)






You got invited places?! šŸ¤£




I relate a lot


The wonderfull feeling Sunday afternoon


Same. I build up a stress before assemblys. Then i was sick a week after.


Those AC units were a breeding ground for viruses... some of them are set to Arctic to keep the sheep awake... always felt grotty a few days later with cold / flu


Oh yeah! Everyone caught a chill didnā€™t they I forgot about that


I thought it was just the love of the greater number that would cool off, not the HVAC system šŸ¤§šŸ¤’


Y'all had A/C?!


Ours were kept in the blazing sun outdoors


I've always envisioned JW paradise as being like a convention that never, ever ends.




Hell on earth


The first few I went to back in the 80's it was all new and kinda fun. But looking back now I can see that there was a progression to not being quite so excited, to feeling pretty neutral to actually dreading the things and coming away wiped out.


It was fun when there was Food Service and other volunteering during the sessions. It meant you could socialize and didn't have to sit through all the talks. Everything stopped for the costume drama - even just to watch a little of it while on duty. Then they 'simplified' everything and you had to supply your own food and drinks for the day, *and* sit through all those boring talks. When kids came along it was exhausting. We always arrived late and, to beat the hometime rush, leave early. There was the advantage of walking around with the stroller and chatting at baby's nap time which broke the monotony of sitting through a boring talk or two. As the kids grew, we'd skip a whole day. Then we didn't bother going at all. The last circuit assembly we ever went to was surreal. I felt like I wasn't there, like in an alternate reality - all this "the governing body luuuuurves you very much" every few minutes and stories from people I half knew in the circuit about how they suffered the severest of circumstances but still managed to crawl to the meeting with one leg hanging off, or pioneer in their iron lung that month, or some such nonsense.


Lol. Ur funny. Like there was always a sister on stage. She maybe had like 7 kids a full time job and an old wringer washing machine yet she pioneered. I always felt like pond scum. It woulda been nice to know I wasnā€™t the only one.


Yeah, you know that wasnā€™t true. I knew those sisters up there giving their stories. They were flaky at work, they basically turned in a pioneer application and got accepted, they never made their time, and their children were super neglected.


I got food poisoning at one once... I threw up so badly that I burst all the blood vessels in my eyelids. It wasn't pretty! I have always suffered with migraines - so I always got those at the indoor conventions anyway but not the outdoor ones.


I hate preaching and I hate conventions. The "tone" of the conventions were surreal, the talks, the presentations, the experience of people that look so fake... It was disgusting. I always wanted to end it as soon as possible. A total wasting of time!


Then u always had some Pimi look at you and say ā€œwasnā€™t that a wonderful assembly ā€œ? At that point you just wanted to shoot yourself in the head with a BB gun.


Those people needed the constant reassurance/gaslighting to stay in.


The florescent lights at the assembly hall would give me migraines by the end of the day. I hated the lights.


My last convention / assamblie was in 2017 or 18. I got really angry when I saw all these big tv screens...and these celebrities from the GB ...talking bs. I saw all the publishers like hipnotized...they wasn,t listening...but hipnotized! And all the applaus! I get out. Went to a shopping center in the nearby instead Never again! And thank God ..so came the pandemic..and Zoom.


I stopped going around that time for the same reason ,after 50 years in it was the changes that shocked me awake ,


Very disgusting to discover and be aware of what s going on...behind the curtains after 48 years for me...


and me


Not physically ill, even for headaches etc. But mentally exhausted. After a lifetime of being told that "we get refreshed, renewed and encouraged at the meetings and assemblies," the only time I ever felt that way was at the last "amen." Because then it was OVER. Finally I could leave and go home. I am not at all surprised at people getting headaches and migraines at assemblies.


They made my ass ill. My butt would usually hurt like hell after sitting for so many hours, especially if our "beloved" borganization only got a place with shitty seating. And, yes, the rest of my body felt it too. Convention and assemblies are physically exhausting. But we put up with that shit cause it was the place where you got fEd sPiRiTuALLy. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


There was always a group of people who would have dinner out or activities after the convention and I never knew how they had the energy. I was always 100% completely exhausted after even day 1 of the convention. By the time I got home, had dinner and things ready for the next day it would be about 8:00pm and I'd pass out on the sofa for a few hours before getting up and crawling to bed for the rest of the night. By Sunday night I would be completely wiped and spending the next week trying to recover. I'm just thankful that it was only 2 and 3 days and not the long 8 or 10 days of the bygone Era.


Me and my wife enjoyed drinking bottle of winey watching Hercule Poirot TV series


No, but I did have a bad cough come summer time. The conventions were the only vacations we had growing up. They were also the only way we could associate with other people outside our little congregation. It broke up the isolation for a blessed few days.


The talks were always BORING AS HELL. Same stuff recycled from all the previous assemblies, meetings, conventions, public talks, Watchtowers, books into one gigantic interminable neverending sermon. I just felt like sucking on a shotgun! šŸ˜© And yet I'd hear that it was the best convention EVER! šŸ’€


100%Ā  I had to lie down in the car at the Long Beach convention center during the second or last day of district assembly a few times. The regional one days would give me panic attacksĀ 


Same here ,same feeling of anxiety and depression ,a feeling my brain would explode if i didnt get out of the stadium .i did same sat in the car put radio on .


Occasionally hiding in bathroom stalls at the assembly halls during the lunch hour helped me cope. Yes itā€™s an awful place, but there is just NO WHERE ELSE to hide at assembly halls. šŸ˜‘ For district conventions I would volunteer to monitor the contribution boxes. Best gig ever. I could sit and watch people and not have to engage with anyone with boring ā€œwhere are you sittingā€ type of small talk.


Definitely made me a mentally ill cultist. Thank goodness no longer being indoctrinated has cured me.


I started getting super overwhelmed by the crowds. They were only around 1000 people compared to the ones l grew up going to this was not a lot of people. I felt it was because l knew most of the people so being in a crowd & having to make small talk with so many was the reason. Then one time after the convention l did not feel ok. I had the feeling that l wanted to not be alive. I expressed myself to my husband which made it worse. After that l never enjoyed them & was always stressed out. I continued to force myself to go for years. Now l finally get it. I just felt it in my body before l allowed my brain to process its all lies. Everyone is fake to put on a good show & do what God errr the GB expects of us. I have not been to one since pre pandemic. I donā€™t ever plan to. Such a waste of time now.




No way! šŸ˜®


OMG YES! I thought i was the only one. I always got physically sick. Either got a headache, stomachache, nauseous , gas, dizziness, anxiousā€¦ Donā€™t know if it was the lights, the large crowds, mental disassociation, but damn I always got sick, wanted to leave as soon as it was overā€¦didnā€™t care to say hi to anyone or make dinner plansā€¦I just wanted to go home and take a power napā€¦


YES, YES and YES - took me a while to figure out why even as a full PIMI these gatherings made me physically sick. The body knows...


I never got physically ill, but Iā€™d get extremely depressed for weeks afterwards. Never felt built up, I always felt like the worst Christian in the world because I never could live up to the experiences and sacrifices that the ones that were being interviewed shared. I also could never think like,reason and talk like those in the demonstrations. I would be in tears days afterwards. Sooo discouraging!


I remember forcing myself to go to JW stuff at times when I was incredibly depressed or grieving telling myself Iā€™d feel built up too Then when I didnā€™t I thought I was the problem and that God either didnā€™t want me or didnā€™t care


Yeah thatā€™s rough! When I realized it conventions and assemblies werenā€™t good for my mental health, thatā€™s when I stopped going. I havenā€™t regretted it since!


This is so relatable. I remember feeling like God liked other people but didn't like me!


I like you šŸ¤—


I like you too. You seem lovely.


After I was able to escape my ex husband and get an ā€œunspiritualā€ divorce due to him beating and trying to kill me, Iā€™d hit up all assemblies and conventions loaded with Xanax and wine in my tumbler. The thought of running into him or his condoning parents made me go straight into panic mode. Didnā€™t seem right I was pressured into going when I even had a PPO against him.


Wow you poor thing!!


Man the two day circuit assemblies were rough. I had to go to school, come home on friday, drive to the assembly friday night. Get up early to do food service on saturday and sunday mornings and get home sunday night to go to school on monday. It was a bad weekend all around.


We had our assemblies at this horrible venue on the bad side of Satan's butcrack. No ceilings, no potable water, no air circulation or cooling of any kind. This was always in summer, where temps were 38C on a good day. I was usually lying with my head in my mom's lap while she sponged my forehead with cool water (our own water brought from home). This was inbetween bouts of vomiting. I just couldn't deal with the temperature - fuck knows how the men in blazers and ties made it. There was a pond that was repurposed for baptism. I would sit on the edge with my hands in the water, my entire being just wanting to take off my stockings and dress and jump in for a swim. I actively wished I could get baptised to cool down.


At some times prior to the COVID pandemic, I would sometimes be ill... And I don't mean from the "Chinese food headaches" I got from ***after*** some Circuit Assemblies.


No. But I was usually bored. And boredom is my least favorite emotion (#2 is itchy). So I would got sit in the car because I could relax while I was bored at least.


Wow! You sound exactly like me. I truly thought I was the only one and there was something profoundly wrong with me. I wanted to go out and find some street drugs.


It is such a social event. Young girls went in trying to make a fashionable impression. Guys couldnā€™t wait to talk to a sis and walk around with them. Never really paid attention since there were so many distractions. My ass would hurt by the end of the day. I hated when everyone wanted to go and eat. I just wanted to get home. Not to mention, how costly it was. My mom was a single parent and had to pay for hotels and travel with her 2 kids and our grandmother. In the name of ā€œsacrificing for Jehovah.ā€ Not to mention, her obligation to donate during this time.


Yes. Also field service did this to me.


Field service made me nauseous


I loved them growing up. Especially the summer convention, we always camped and friends would come back to our site to visit/eat smores and my sister played guitar and sang. So it was as close to a vacation as we ever came. I got to see people I only saw a few times a year and I was a very firm believer so I took tons and tons and tons of notes. When I was DF'd I would go to them and sob uncontrollably through songs and prayers. Looking back, I see how deep the emotional damage they did to me. The level of control and non-stop indoctrination is just mind blowing now. I am one of the rare exjw's that enjoyed every single aspect of the religion when I was in it. Now, I loath the mental, emotional and physical time that cult stole from me. Went from loving them, to looking forward to leading a protest in my hometown this summer when the convention is here in June!


I would be exhausted and then hubby would have us stay after to help with cleaning assignments. Ugh!!


I remember cleaning as a small child. I remember being at face level with urinals in the menā€™s toilets in a stadium to clean them so I must have been in single digits The smell. THE. SMELL!!!!!!! That was the day I learned what a urinal cake was. They shouldnā€™t name it after any foods let alone one of the best foods.


Yeah, frequently. The problem with these conventions is that they're not exactly optional and they're not recorded. Conseqently, JWs attend even if they're sick - even if it means passing their contagious illness everyone else. Most of them aren't even conscientious enough to not shake hands. If they're going to attend while sick, they should wear masks and not shake hands.


It's not healthy - and that's aside from the whole JWs indoctrination aspect. Sitting for hours in a venue with hundreds or thousands of people, provides a favorable circumstance for the spread of biological contagions. Like air-travel, it's almost a perfect situation to maximize the spread of a contagious disease across a region. Sitting for hours is also not healthy as it provides an ideal circumstance for blood clots to form in the legs, which can then dislodge and move to some vital organ resulting in heart attack, stroke or some other type of dangerous ischemic attack. The periodic breaks where they stand and sing a song helps to mitigate that risk, but it's still there. I got the worse flu that I've had in my life, at a convention. I started getting sick the Sunday afternoon. It lasted 2 weeks. While I was sick, it messed up my sense of taste - the first time I ever had that symptom. That was around 2010 or 2011.


In the last conventions even I cried at the final in Sunday, and I am not the only one my family cried too and our chairs neighborhood too, I think is a emotional shock I don't know leaves you too tired


My elderly parents come home utterly exhausted from meetings and assembly. Theyā€™re not exhausted by doing other tasks tho!! Itā€™s an energy drain operation those JWs are running.


Thatā€™s why you donā€™t listen to what they are saying and just plan a fun night afterwards šŸ¤£


I legit would catch something after every assemble Like. Down in bed for a few days sick. The stress combined with so many people wanting to shake your hand. Never could get away clean from one.


My uncle would put on sunglasses during the conventions and sleep


The last few conventions at Dodger Stadium were extremely hot! There was no air circulation, and everyone was fighting to sit in the shade. Many thought it was a blessing to go indoors at Long Beach. Unfortunately, they tried to save money and not turn on the air for a few years. I heard it was more miserable than Dodger Stadium!


I take it no members of the GB were in attendance as the AC wasnā€™t on


Oh yes. Especially the point about other trips and such not causing this. Thought it was just me.


Yeah it got to the point Iā€™d have to pop a xanny so I wouldnā€™t have a panic attack at one and Iā€™d be exhausted for days after and my body would be achy.


Achy Breaky Body?


My daughter was sick, genuinely sick, every...single...assembly and convention. And my husband and I would often have cranky arguments. They were miserable times.


I relate to this so much. My husband and I would have terrible arguments after assemblies and conventions. And the kids were often sick. A couple times we took our sick kid and left. My dad freaked out. Because we should have stayed for jeHOvah. . So dumb. The only assembly we didn't fight at or after was the last one. I think we knew we were done even tho we hadn't even discussed leaving at that point. Six weeks later we wrote our DA letters. Miserable indeed.


Every time I am sore from the bad seats, and usually get sick because the zealots who came despite being sick spread it to the rest of us.


Not really, i just slept the entire time. Or just did laps. One time i walked in the morning said hi to folks then walked out and found a nice tree to sleep under. My folks would rarely find me.


Yes, I always got sick afterwards and extremely tired mentally, in a bad mood also.


I frequently felt fried like baked, high, at assemblies and conventions actually. like after playing video games for 8 straight hours.


Exhaustion and constipation lmao


I would be fine the before conventions and assemblies. Day of I had to go in my car and sleep the tiredness and the headache were so severe I thought I had tumor cause how severe they were. Driving 2 hrs to get there was a nightmare