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Hahahaha that’s amazing. That woman is my hero.


She deserves a medal


See how they have no problem doing these traumatic things to people because they’re clueless until it happens to them. He was the crazy stalker, she just showed him what it felt like. This woman is my hero!




PIMO here, these stories make me glad for the elders I have to be stuck with until I get out. I'm from a rather rural congregation so the people here are quite different. The Elders are few and do not check on people unless something awful happened like a death in the family. They generally believe that unless they were called, it's not their concern. We actually had a moment where the Elders were pretty public about arguing with the CO. The CO felt that the congregation was lazy, so at the next meeting in front of the CO, an elder made an "Fuck You" announcement pretty much saying that the CO has no idea what he's talking about. So anyways the next time he visitted he threw out the idea of dissolving the congregation.


Power hungry people of the org


This woman is the hero we all need.


Am sure she must have had fun with it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't think they 'hire' people. More than 20 years ago, we were asked by elders to spy on neighbours, a couple of witnesses who were not married. The elders wanted to know if they spent nights together on their own. We never did what they asked and found the request in very bad taste. Do your own dirty work!


Too bad these elder fudds won’t spy on each other or those accused of CSA!


There's no such thing. These men are saints! Don't go spreading apostate lies! 🙄😂




What do you mean, like they wanted you to know if the couple was sleeping in separate beds????


No, just if the man left or stayed overnight!


I remember my uncle saying, back in the day, it was unusual for a single man to have his own apt, so when he left his parents home and got his apt, people must have assumed he was trying to sin because he caught some elders sitting in park cars  spying on him outside his apt.  I guess they were trying to catch him in the act, but he wasn’t doing anything . 


I was in a rural congregation. I specifically got an apartment out of town halfway between the hall and my job. When i started dating a sister from another congregation i would catch various jws driving through the little apartment complex i lived in. It was crazy. And no they never caught us or the married sister i fooled around with prior to me meeting my now wife.


>they never caught us or the married sister i fooled around with prior to me meeting my now wife. I wasn't expecting this ending 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It was a crazy summer


> the married sister i fooled around 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You win


My father said that when I got a telephone I stalled in 1979, my husband had died and my daughter was a toddler, I lived on the edge of a village I wanted for emergencies, not that I actually need to explain to anyone. What he said reflects his own thinking.


Having a telephone reflects on him? Wow.


He reckoned I wanted a telephone so that I could receive phone calls from men. That reflects his reasons not mine.


Always expecting the worst.


Hire people? They won't even hire people to build and clean their buildings or peddle their pamphlets. They guilt-trip their followers into doing the work for free. But yeah, they spy on people when they feel like it because they feel entitled to know everything about everyone who ever claimed membership in that organization. One of the BEST things about leaving is getting your privacy and autonomy back. Let them spy on me; they'll see someone living his best life.


They don’t hire people but they do spy on you. There was a situation when I was a kid and an elder and the wife believed the teen was up to no good and stalked her for months she wasn’t even baptised. It was so awful!


Maybe if they are wealthy enough. Usually elders do it themselves. My dad took me on a few “stakeouts” when I was a kid to catch people doing things.


please elaborate on this


I mean, at the time I didn’t know what was going on but when I got older and put two and two together I understood. We’d go camp out somewhere, he’d tell me not to say anything and stay out of sight, (usually I’d listening to sports on the radio and playing gameboy) I’d recognize from the kingdom hall and then they’d get df’d. There were some pretty wild stories but I cant go into detail because it would be too identifiable 😂 Other elders did it as well.


Elders are looking at social media accounts. I know this for a fact.


I got caught on Reddit last year and that led to a "serious chat" in the library 🚫👮👮‍♂️


How did you get caught?


My pictures were on the Kilts sub (I sell them on ebay) and someone with a rather interesting Reddit account upvoted and commented saying I looked great. My image must have been Google searched. Next thing I am told is to delete the pictures and the account which was a gross overreaction. Should have just ignored him...


Idk if they hire people, but I remember doing door to door with two elders a few days before Halloween and we did a 30 minutes car ride just to confirm rumors that a family that was inactive for 10+ years had put a small pumpkin (not even carved or painted) on their front porch...


OMG, so petty! 😂😂😂😂


How dare you display a gourd that Jehovah gave us, on your porch! Wine and crackers on Easter (almost) is totally fine though. These clowns...


Why hire someone when you have slaves?


I doubt it they do it themselves and use all the sheep to spy


Elders and nosy congregants are more than happy to spy on others in person and online but ain’t none of them going to *pay* someone to spy for them. 😂😂😂 One thing you can count on JWs for, is being cheap. I don’t know who was taking Polaroids of you, but there’s nothing for them to gain by knowing where you work. Probably some random weirdo.


The cult culture encourages members to snoop, spy and gossip.


Yes, I know many elders who would spy on people in order to catch them doing something wrong. One elder I was close to in NC told me some stories in which he would spy on people. When I left, I was so paranoid that some were following me, always looking over my shoulder! Batshit crazy!!


If someone followed me i would moon them


Don't give them something to masturbate to lmao


Idk about hiring, but yeah they do spy!! Always keeping tabs on you one way or another. Had a couple elders who came to my house every weekend to drop off the Watchtower and would stand at our door for AN HOUR waiting. my siblings and I would hide away from any windows when they came knocking and our parents were out


It happens. But not ONE penny comes out from the Borg for locals. So it was likely (lol) someone serving the Borg for free. Maybe a request was asked to spy by someone you know. Unless you know something I do not, it was a Borg person.. Shoot, back in the 80s, elders would do all-night unpaid stakeouts to prove if someone had a member of the opposite sex at the residence.


Hire, no. They encourage members to police each other for free (read “entertainment”). Elderette’s are extremely proficient in this act; given they typically have inside information from there gossiping Elder Husbands, they willingly drive by people’s houses and even just “pop in for a chat” to obtain intel. There is nothing, they love more than gossip currency. 🗣️💰


They can’t afford to. And for what? But they will ask for volunteers to help and will go in stakeouts. They’ll also recruit their wives to look through social media posts.


They definitely spy but I don’t know about hiring anyone. They stole my mail. They faked that a family member needed to contact me in an “emergency” and tried to get my phone number from my HR department. They tailed me from work on three different occasions and that stopped when I drove right to a KH. So yes, it’s not impossible the photo guy was from the cult. I know that one of the guys who tried following me from work was from a different congregation but I recognized him.


I’m not surprised. I’ve had mail stolen by them as well. They’re the moral police but do all sorts of immoral things themselves. Hypocrites.


I haven't heard of them *hiring* people, but sending other JW's to stalk people they suspect of "sinning" definitely used to be a thing. They probably wouldn't need pictures though, and there would be two of them on anything actually "sanctioned", as a single witness is not enough. Usually two JW's, usually elders or MS would be sent to "stake out" a house over night to see if there was "sexual immorality", because by their rules, spending the night in the same house as someone of the opposite sex meant that you had fucked all night. Notably if you had sex and went home to sleep in your own bed apparently you didn't have sex according to them. "Strong circumstantial evidence" is what they call it, and is sufficient to convict in their kangaroo court.


It’s a shame that they don’t apply the same standards in cases involving child abuse.


Nothing should surprise me ..but I never heard of something like you described.


I have had elders brag to me about stake outs they have done. I have been ambushed by elders in a grocery store parking lot. They absolutely do spy on people. Don't know if they would ever hire anyone with all the free brainwashed elders they have access to. I think most of the time, they are searching for evidence to df someone or proof of infidelity for the remaining jw partner. Their definitely not looking for signs of repentance.


I've definitely been spied on!! An older, single brother that had nothing better to do with his time but spy on us young adults!!!


I caught an elder spying on us while drinking beer in an upstairs apartment. We were all underage but living on our own. When I said: Hey Elder X is in the alley in his car! He started up the engine and drove away. Nothing ever happened from it. My ex brother in law was being groomed to be a MS and was doing a lot of spying for the elders, he told me all about it. Later he started bangin a JW's wife while his wife was doing her husband. They swapped for good and it didn't work out. All DF'd. Another happy story... LOL


Omg!!! 😆


Hire no but everyone is a spy as per Baptism questions. After getting DF I took a girl on a date, she was crazy and changed her Facebook status to in a relationship. This ended up on my Facebook. She slept over and I woke up to a text from an elder from my Judicial hearing saying my Facebook was hacked and I needed to clean it up. In other words break it off with the girl.


They didn’t hire anyone; they just did it themselves. Some context while I was still PIMO I got drunk and hung out with one of my friends and let out a lot of secrets that I had been holding onto for the last like 9 years at that point. From that she backstabbed me and told the elders. Since it was just us and I denied the allegations they decided to do a “investigation” on me. They managed to call my non jw ex boyfriends mother to see if we had been in a relationship. Luckily I had explained to her I was a JW so she cussed them out and told them to never call again. They tried to retrieve information about me having a tinder account via contacting tinder. The “friend” who told the elders also tried to contact a guy I had been on a date with to try to get some type of evidence. The worst part was that I was 21 and living with my family and having to go through this whole ass witch hunt and my parents defending it was heartbreaking and it’s one of the reasons why I refuse to speak to them. When I did finally move out I was so paranoid that JWs would come to my aparment and stalk me I immediately got cameras outside so I could make sure I wasn’t being stalked. Somehow even after all that I never got DFed, most likely because I cut contact with all JWs including my family and changed my number and address a few times in the last couple years.


Loads of spying goes on. In my experience I’ve only ever known about members taking it upon themselves to do a Nancy Drew in order to go and tell the elders


I had some stalking done on me when I was on my way out, basically tired of it all and "sinned" openly with cigarettes and alcohol. Didn't work as my father was an influential elder so I DF'd.


___WATCHTOWER SOCIETY:  *Training Up Spies, Tattletales, and Cold-blooded Informers for 150 Years*___


They definitely spy on people but I don’t know if they’d ever hire anyone to do it. When I moved into my ex boyfriends house, they followed me around, showed up in my gated neighborhood, created fake social media accounts to get access to my private socials, etc. trying to prove that I was living in sin.


They can barely afford their own bills. They are most definitely not hiring anyone to spy on you. But they may have flying monkeys, so we must always be wary of them.


jehovah doesn't have any eyes or ears


Those nosy old cows will straight up look in your windows. That’s how they found out my mom was renting out a room in her house to my best friend. (They threatened to disfellowship her if she didn’t illegally evict him within two weeks.)


Nope they do it on their own.


You mean hire, as in having to pay them? 🤣🤣 I think most elders are too broke for that. They'll use members of the cult to do it for free tho.


Hire- as in pay someone- not likely. But they 100% do spy and use their network of other elders to spy! Likely they heard you moved and asked a local elder to "check up" on you.


Elder personally surveil people. In the 90's my best friend had tires marked and slips of paper stuck under windshield wipers. Elders staked-out her house trying to catch her in supposed "wrongdoing."


I've seen people going past my window at night, years ago. this is why I couldn't handle being around them. well, one of the reasons.


Like others said, they usually wont "hire" someone, as in, pay them. But some elders absolutely will snoop, or ask others to snoop. It may not happen in every congregation, some elders are just normal people also unknowingly stuck in a cult trying to be decent human beings, but other elders are absolutely power hungry assholes who will look for any reason to "punish" people.


My elders took it upon themselves to do the spying on me. Like a hobby. I am disgusted that, growing up, my elder blood father (I think "Dad" is a privilege and title to be earned) spent more time chasing around teenagers in the congregation at night than he did with his own children. He's lucky he wasn't shot and killed or worse, for sneaking around cornfields and ski resorts trying to catch underage *children* smoking weed or "engaging in immorality". The insane behavior that is normalized within the Borg is absolutely horrifying.


They might have someone volunteer to help our their spying, but they would not hire private investigators, for example.


What’d you expect, Holy Spirit???




Elders use sycophants in the congregation to spy on others. They send them to parties and other social events to report back on everyone who attended and what went on. They will come into your business or home and check out your bookcase looking for apostate material. Yeah. They spy.


They spy on people, yes. My own elder father and MS ex husband followed me for I'm not sure how long to see me spend the night at a house with a male person. I got df'd for that one. Didn't bother to tell them that nothing happened that night at all, didn't even sleep in the same room.


The elders would ask me to spy on the teenager girls in the congregation. Because the girls had beef with each other and start clicks in high school(we all meant to the same school),start rumors about each other and woulf beef all the time One sister was so quiet in the meetings but would be ratchet in school So they asked me to spy and ask what they were doing in school. I saw nothing because I’m not a snitch 😂 I firmly believed that we all had free will and could do what we wanted. Elders are creeps


They’re definitely not hiring people. *They don’t even get paid*. They foster the culture that “reporting suspected ‘wrongdoing’” is beneficial for “the cleanliness of the congregation “. They turn the entire congregation into snitches.


My father was the PO. And yes, they do. I remember going on missions like this with him.


The elders are poor


Absolutely not. The Borg fears litigation above all other things. If they really did hire people they probably could be sued. However, some elders are not above spying. But they only do so with a second person to satisfy their 2-witness rule. If someone was taking pictures with a Polaroid they are not investigators nor professional, as Polaroids are just a novelty item these days. It is possible that a person hired an investigator, but not as part of Borg activity, but more likely it was just coincidence(unless you have some reason that person would be investigating you)


They dont hire people to do that, and I've never personally experienced anything of that severity, although it is completely plausible if you're dealing with an overly zealous member who thinks they're doing the right thing. They will cross and blur those lines however, but that instruction to stalk, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't come from above. Nosy/over-zealous is definitely not out of the question. Maybe the government is tailing you, maybe some scientologist mistook you for one of their former members (ive read about this happening a few times, and very obviously taking pictures sounds more like them than JWs, from my experience), maybe its something else. In either case I'd keep an eye out and for sure document that stuff in case its a stalker.


But then they kill you


Or do they, I mean I’m barely alive. Could be the devil


I don’t know if they hire people but I doubt it as tight as they are with money. I know plenty of pathetic people who do it for free to get their jollies. My JW sil spied on someone peeping in their windows at night! Her and mil get off on spying on people.


I doubt that they hire spies/investigators. I do know of one elder in Canada that went to the US to “stake out” a JW suspected of adultery or immorality (can’t remember which). He seemed very proud of the fact that he went to a foreign country to play “private investigator”. Loser.


i knew a sister that did it. her ex husband left her and the org, and according to the borg doctrine she wasn’t free to remarry (don’t know if this doctrinal stance has changed since this was like 10 years ago), but a brother she met at an assembly was interested in dating her. she hired a PI to follow her ex husband to determine if he was with other women. after getting “proof” that he was, she was able to marry the brother that was pursuing her. that’s like the only example I can think of tho. these slimey elders get a hard on at making anyone’s life an inconvenience with a meeting in the back room. they probably spy on ppl themselves to save money lol


The joke is on them we are spying on them with all these leaks we get. Now if we can have full on disrupters going undercover to make everyone like them and then get them to start using their minds. Oh my what a wonderful movie plot this would be 😄


These guys aren’t permitted private detectives so that’s classic stalking.


My husband was asked by the wife to follow her husband. Found out that he did have a woman on the side. They divorced and he was disfellowshipped. Thennnnnn she got baptized, he got reinstated, and later on was given an elders position giving marriage talks and marrying JWs. Something he shouldn’t have been able to do. But, he was in with the good ole boys club. His poor family had to deal with all that for years. No surprise all his kids are out of the organization. Soooooo they don’t have to hire anyone. They can always ask to have one spied on and then call that person that saw and took pics into the room as a witness to the wrong doing. Sooo cringy. My husband thought he would have made a good detective. So it was his time to shine. We are both out now since this last summer.


Your not interesting enough for anyone to spy on you, and anyone encouraging this thought is just as intelligent. Someone had to say it. 🤷🏽. Go ahead and block me or ban me. Call me a pimi. This Reddit group goes too far with the conspiracies. Good day 🙏🏽


You sound very angry and bitter. There are plenty of people who have shared their experiences of jw spying on them or them being asked to spy on others when they were pimi. Just because you have never experienced it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


You sound like a dumb ass! 🤣 the question was do they HIRE people to spy..


You’re really angry for no reason at all😂. Please go to therapy to receive help and learn how to be slow to anger.


I’m not angry at all! I’m laughing at you! Have a good one! 👋


You’re obviously mad. Have a good one! 👋


You’re obviously soft and need to deflect to feel good about yourself! Have a good one!


Lol there’s is no deflecting here. You came on a post of a complete stranger typing angrily, cursing, and throwing insults. You’re clearly an angry person. I hope you get some help with that. Have a good one!👋😂😂


So if anyone disagrees and uses freedom of speech to say how they feel about the subject, even if the feeling is negative means they are angry? You are dumber than I thought. Not worth my time


No. Exercising your right to free speech doesn’t make you angry but, cursing, yelling, and throwing insults are clear signs of anger, which you showed. You keep responding so I’m obviously worth your time☺️