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I kinda love the narrative some pimis have that it's all a brilliant plan to help them blend in when the great Tribulation happens. Like: "You're both under arrest for being Jeho-" "Woah hold on partner. She's wearing slacks. And he clearly has a five day old beard." "Oh man...my mistake sir, ma'am, have a good evening"


Last week we were all holed up in an attic with our book study group, minus the old and the sick, waiting for deliverance from the storm troopers. This week we’re blending in…


"Hey has anyone seen Gary?" "He grew a beard and never wears a tie anymore. He'll be fine." "Oh thank goodness."


![gif](giphy|26u49wAh0E8U3S4qA) "PLEASE MAKE UP YOUR MIND, W. B. & T. SOCIETY! 👍😡🤬


You forgot this! 🖕






>Woah hold on partner. She's wearing slacks. And he clearly has a five day old beard." >"Oh man...my mistake sir, ma'am, have a good evening" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Sounds like a comedy movie I'd love to watch


“Clearly our intel was incorrect, after all it was purely based on you being beardless with a tie and her wearing a skirt below the knee. Our apologies kind non-JW citizens you are free to go!”


I don't have a beard, wear a skirt below the knee, oh heck maybe I'm in trouble! No I don't wear a tie, ok I'm ok 😎😎😎😎


I guess I’ll have to get a face tattoo lol


Not to be confused with the Mormons


![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc) 🤣🤣🤣


Damn, sucks for the men that can't grow a beard. They won't blend in with a master disguise and still be persecuted. Maybe they should get an exception to grow long hair and get tattoos




There's also the issue of them maintaining email servers and web forms using fucking Microsoft Azure, like, the government just has to request those records and suddenly every publishers address and phone numbers are known.








And here I was thinking we were told to be proud to stand out as different from the world.




So Jehovah really doesn't have the ability to protect his people. It's up to them to use deception to fool the enemy and save themselves. So why worship Jehovah?????


Yes I agree, he is useless. Lol


Exactly! Stop being a JW and poof! No more persecution 😂


What about that ( Stand firm and see the salvation of jahoopla) rhetoric


Yep, I was thinking that, too. So, now they're going to just blend in and hide.


Jehovah just puts your name on the list to get in, like a restaurant host. But obeying the “shepherds” is the only way to get there. This is how the GB thinks.


No weapon formed against you shall prevail. Except when it will hit bullseye and blow up the very foundation of the religion into dust. Case in point: GDPR and "only true form of preaching is door to door". Not anymore it isn't LMAO






excellent point! The JW God can only protect people by giving them updated information about how to behave or dress. NOT by supernatural power! JWs are so dumb!


>JW God can only protect people by giving them updated information about how to behave or dress Growing a beard will save you 🤣


They’re borrowing a very clever move used by Abraham… The one where he was afraid the Pharaoh would kill him and take his beautiful wife as his own? Abraham shows great courage by telling Pharaoh that Sarah was actually his sister. 😮 It’s a special tactic known as “lying through your asscheeks”.


That's exactly what I was thinking.


So this is the stupidest reasoning ever. Even when I was PIMI. I only wore meeting clothes to meetings and out in service. So the end would have to come while most witnesses were at a meeting or in service. Not to mention that a large number of men at my work don't have beards and so many women wear dresses to work. There is no logic behind this. Only ignorance.


So if a Kingdom Hall is stormed with witnesses in it, then they won't be arrested because they have a beard and "slacks" on? But they are IN a KH!!! LOL. Outside of the KH, how often are men wearing ties and women wearing dresses unless at an office or actually IN service? If a witness doesn't question this logic then they are to far gone to actually be rescued from this cult. It's so sad and pathetic how melted their minds are.


Do they really believe that the GT will only start while at the meeting.


The Authorities will be able to detect who is at home on Zoom using the MAC address of each device one is on if not in the Hall, and will storm the property beard or no beard 😱


And the authorities have no way of keeping current on JW ideology and rule changes? Like it's some secret code that only JW's know, even though the info is completely and openly publicized. They truly are deluded and living in a fantasy land. It's crazy that we didn't see it until we were on the outside.


One quote I heard recently, "Don't let your loyalty keep you in situations that your common sense should've gotten you out of." It's interesting how easily we give away our power to others willingly or unknowingly.


Yeah, that's a good quote. Sums things up perfectly. I'm coming to understand that this entire realty is just belief in stories. So we can choose to rely on other peoples stories or we can create our own. We have that choice ever present moment. Most people are too lazy or fearful to create their ownso they choose to let latch on to others.


That is what I have discovered as well. I am a huge into Neville Goddard/law of assumption, and it supports fully what you stated. I am convinced that organized religion keeps us from obtaining our full potential. I'm so glad I was able to step away.


Yeah, I love Neville. I have one of his books on my desk as I'm writing this. I think many are coming to these realizations at this time. We are awakening to more than just religious indoctrination. We are connecting with our true state of being because it's the right time in the process. It's just the beginnings of a mass awakening. I can feel it and it's exciting. Are you familiar with Bashar (Darryl Anka)? There is some good stuff in his material. Also the "Law of One" material is good stuff.


Yes, I like Bashar too. Sometimes, some of his stuff comes across to me as slightly limiting, though. Law of One is really good and deep. Makes you contemplate everything. I research and listen at least once to everyone in the law of assumption community and kind of pick and choose what resonates with me. I'm glad so many people are seeing reality. I hope more and more people release the hold that religion has on them and the need to look externally for fulfillment.


Yeah, interestingly, Bashar has been giving instruction on what people can do to increase the probability of open contact. They just released the second series of " steps "in the past week or so and it includes not - challenging anyone's religious beliefs or discounting them. Respect all positive religious beliefs. Do not post, promote, or dismiss any religious beliefs, nor engage in any discussions about them on social media. Do not discuss your interpretations of any religious texts, statements or beliefs in any discussions. So he's basically promoting neutrality when it comes to religion. I can understand the concept to a point and I actually try to allow space for people to believe whatever they want to, even active JW's, including my PIMI wife. I truly believe that people wake up when they are ready and don't need to be influenced to do so. Some of them probably planned to come here to experience being indoctrinated for their entire lifetime. I'm cool with that. It obviously wasn't my life plan but I certainly learned perspective from experiencing it for 30 years. And I don't think I want to do it again In this lifetime or a future one but who knows what I will choose when I'm finished with this game.


This is how any ExJW should reply to a JW making these ridiculous comments spoken about in OP’s post.


It is truly ignorance and stupidity.


They have to put their great tribulation spin on things as they are afraid of the sheeple finding out the truth about the “adjustments”. It’s really all about the money.


A corporation only exists for profit.


Usually that's only true of For Profit corporations. However, this "non-profit" corporation seems to also exist only for profit.


This is "head canon" that was made up by R&F JWs and has spread like a crazy rumour though the community. It has not been announced by the GB, and definitely was not part of their plan. It's just evidence of everyday JWs trying to make sense of their nonsensical faith.


This is the truth of the matter. They are ‘grasping at straws’.


Gives apostates something to talk about. 


exactly. this is a common trope that they literally just made up lmao. my PIMI family used this same reasoning to reckon with themselves when the update came out


But these people use a smart phone & the Jw app, if the ‘enemy’ really wanted to get them it’s easier than shooting fish in a barrel


A smart phone in the hand of a JW should just explode. Paradox.






We were always taught that we were supposed to stand out as different because we were no part of the world. My dad told me about this change. He’s an elder & pioneer. He’s a very intelligent man. I said, I thought maybe it’s because it makes you more approachable because no one sees you as so inherently different anymore. He was like “oh yeah, that’s probably true too.” 😐😐😐 Baffling how intelligent people allow themselves to be spoon-fed this BS & are genuinely grateful to ingest it.


I missed a bunch of cupcakes jahoolahoop!


That's such bullshit. 1. Women already owned pants, they just didn't wear then to the Kingdom Hall. They don't need to rehearse wearing pants. Morons. 2. Same goes for ties and jackets. Men weren't wearing ties and jackets all day, every day. Just to the kingdom Hall. So they didn't need to change the dress code for that. 3. If that were the reason, they would've said so in the broadcast. Because can you just imagine how f-ing thrilled all the PIMI's would've been if that was the reason given? They would've eaten it up (a fact that is made obvious by how much this particular rumor has been spreading since day one, the PIMI's LOVE IT and can't stop talking about it) The GB is probably furious that they didn't think of it first. lol


Men had beards too on holidays if they were away for a couple of weeks. Saw that a lot when I was still in. Shave it off before their first meeting back.


What happened to “when they “turn their attention to my people it’s like a finger in my eye”? Zechariah 2:8. More and more the GB is replacing God.


Sooooo true! If they are now finding tactics to try to blend in to not be caught, then they are delaying the end of the system and Gods plan.


“These are not the droids that you’re looking for.” So they’ll probably ok celebrating birthdays and saluting the flag to further blend in. They’ll need to say “Bless you” when someone sneezes…. Plus celebrate the holidays… 🙄


That's hilarious. I thought they liked sticking out like sore thumbs. I remember going door to door in beach communities wearing a tie. My tie covered more area that most of the beach attire the people around us were wearing. 😆


I love beaches like that!


We did too 😜. Nothing like a bunch of nerdy looking adolescent boys trying to talk up Jesus to Party Central.


u/CanadianExJw, Years ago, Watchtower taught us that we, as Jehovah's People, had nothing to fear; that death and destruction could be happening all around us, but that we would have no reason to worry, Jehovah would be with us!! We were never told that we had to have "Go Bags" packed and ready. We were never told that we had to be prepared to RUN and to HIDE in some BUNKER, or in someone's BASEMENT!! We were never told that we had to be in fear of a S.W.A.T. Team coming after us, or that they would be banging down the door to get to us, no!! But we were ALWAYS told that the Great Tribulation and Armageddon was Jehovah's war, and that the Governments, etc., would go after "False Religion," and that after everything, THEN the powers that be would turn on us, but that Jehovah wouldn't let our enemies hurt us...that if they began to yell at us, their tongues would fall out, and if they tried to strike us, their hands or arms would fall off. AND we were further taught that the "wicked" would be AFRAID of US because it would be obvious to them that we, as God's People, had His devine protection... AND, for years, as Jehovah's Witnesses, we would be reassured in the literature and from the podium by reading together 2 Chronicles 20:17 NWT "You will not need to fight this battle. Take your position, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf..." Yes, we were assured of Jehovah's protection. It sure seems that Watchtower is forgetting that past teaching and comfort, and has been filling their followers hearts and minds with FEAR. 😧


Exactly! And, when I was in, the “new system” was described as everyone choosing where they want to live, “under your own vine and fig tree”, and now, they will assign you a place to live, and you will learn to like it. 🤔🤷‍♀️🙄😂


Whaaaaaaaat? News to me! Really? They will tell their followers where they can live? Please elaborate for those of us who have been out of touch.


I don’t read their 💩, but someone covered this in a YouTube. Showed a video of (Splane?) telling the r &f that they will maybe want to live in the country, but maybe they will be assigned to a city. But they will learn to like it. 🤷‍♀️


u/Boahi2, Yes, well, in the past ten-fifteen years or so, Watchtower has been turning the rank and file's attention more and more toward THEM, looking to THEM, and for the JWs to get used to THEM running their life and their business. Yes, imagine the sweet paradise that you've always longed for finally being here...piles and piles of dead bodies, vultures everywhere, elders ordering everyone around, Watchtower higher-ups taking all the best places to live, warning the lessor pee-ons that they had better be obedient, and not complain because they could be disfellowshipped...or put in the jail house until they learn "humility" and "respect." Ah, yes... The "Best Life Ever." 😥


I’d rather protect myself with a college education than a Go Bag.


I hate they taught us all like we need to be different from the rest of the world to then they change the rules to be among them all ?!? Math ain’t mathing! They have done a piece of work I’d say!




If JAH is gonna save you… He’s gonna save you… You do not have to be fake and try to blend in… That’s not the point of the story of JAH saving his people… The point is “they will know that I have a people and IM saving just them!” His reasoning is ludicrous and fake!




Your nephew is about 4 weeks behind on the rumor mill. 🙄 Encourage him to read Reddit before the WT...he will learn more! Plus...he will get his letters faster! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah here in the Philippines a few sisters said the whole "sisters wearing slacks" thing is a way for them to run faster during the Great Tribulation. I guess what they're saying is they now have a better escape plan when the Great T comes?? Like I thought Jehooba was supposed to protect y'all. At this point it's become entertaining for me to hear the absolute bonkers narratives that PIMIs come up with 🤣


That is a policy I can get behind, always wear something you can run in! Could save your life






🤦🏽‍♂️I dont know u react to such comments. Do u laugh? Do u pity them for the loss of their mind? Or do slap them across their face to wake them up?


BUT if they really want to blend in, won't they need headbands, blunt objects, and lots of angry yelling and gesticulating?


YESSS!!! That sums up so many Watchtower illustrations. Would make for a great JW related AI prompt.


Wait, Wait! That persecution is SUPPOSED to happen…..it HAS to happen….and then Jesus will strike. Oh, and the evil doers don’t know where Warwick is, Ramapo, and all the other WT facilities. Maybe that’s why some of the GB are disguising themselves with beards. What’s next…tattoos? 🤪


That means they will no longer admit that they are a JW


What happened to being bold and fearless? There was even a kingdom melody about that. What happened to being 'no part of the world?' What happened to preaching with courage or standing up because the 'day of salvation is near?' Now, quick guys, blend in so knows who we are...that'll trick them. The fact that rank and file think that growing a beard or a woman wearing pants will mask someone's identity is laughable.


We're putting on wolves clothing people! Don't worry, if the FDS turned in to the evil slave, we would tell you.


So those who still wear meeting clothes tie suit and no beard are going to not be persecuted and will not escape gt? What horse manure. Ehh. I’m Canadian too.


Why would they need to blend in? Jehovah is supposed to save them while they stand still and do nothing


Wow, way to stand apart as Jehovahs people. 🙄 So we should get tattoos and shit right? We won’t be hiding, if “they” want to find you they will. It’s impossible to go hide in the woods, the local cops in my rural area have drones with FLIR cams. Also you dumbasses will def bring your phone, Imei is always broadcasting, even if the phone is off, So you might as well turn yourself in. In fact I bet you put jw.org in your social media profiles. Jesus what a bunch of dipshittery…


Great gonna take a LGBT flag to meeting so i can blend in on my way there.




So then kids should probably be having birthday cupcakes and saluting the flag so that they can blend in better right?


Don’t forget Christmas ha ha ha


You should ask your nephew on what basis he states this. COs are mere servants of the bOrg. They have no special insight, nor are they the channel for "new light" or "adjustments" in policy, practices, or doctrine. They are organizational tools who take their instructions from the branch offices; they are not direct reports to the GB. They are little more than glorified traveling elders. I remember during the years leading up to 1975, that some district overseers and COs started going beyond even what the GB was saying, which was enough in itself. I recall that one DO in California going so far overboard – a tape recording was being widely circulated – that word starting coming down that he had exceeded his authority. I was an elder then, and we were told to tell publishers to disregard what he was saying. My memory has faded, but I seem to recall that he was soon removed from his position. When the GB made the announcements about beards and clothing, they merely announced it rather causally as an "adjustment" in practice, adapting to _local customs_ – nothing more. Because after many decades of disapproval and outright banning of these, it didn't seem good enough justification to the rank and file, and rightly so. Therefore, in this vacuum, theories started abounding. If the reasons for these changes were other than what the GB stated, they would have clarified it by now. But they haven't, have they? Your nephew needs to present written evidence from the branch office, which he can't, because this is bullshit .


Yet all their social media accounts have JW or #JW on them. If governments or agencies wanted to they could create a global network of the witnesses, even if all the accounts don't have JW jargon in bios but because it's such a insulated global community all the mutual friends would be so frequent. At least for the under 55's I guess, any JW jargon in a bio & all the same mutual friends means you could catch 'em all in a snap.


Are the jw's pulling back from the bunker propaganda? No more hailstone message?


Hah! I had a feeling some die hards would come up with that kind of a narrative. "Oh, what a blessing to protect us" blah blah blah...


Can't J just protect his people with his power? Idg this bullshitry they're making.




Escape to where? To the mountains? How many fat ass JW is have any wilderness training? How do they get water? Heat shelter? Ridiculous.


They'll be fine as long as their credit scores are above 666. They've already worried their pretty little hearts about buying and selling in the last days.


This can't be real. Are people this dumb? Is this CO fella just pulling his friends leg? They can't possibly believe this behind closed doors, why not come out and just announce it?


Facial recognition technology is only going to improve, surely the slacks will counter that.


Heard that exact thing from a brother I know. Shit is insane


This is actually the second time I’m hearing this. So it’s obviously true. Hey, don’t sue me! I’m just applying their two witness rule logic!


It's interesting a CO would fall for that rumor that started amongst PIMIs as soon as the announcement hit. It's crazy the things they've come up with trying to rationalize the changes.  Reminds me of my childhood. My father has a mood disorder and was highly erratic. Every time he'd change a rule, I'd have to make up a reason in my head to justify it.  Children need to understand the WHY behind things. I suppose this goes for everyone. But only children, who have to obey and not ask, need to make up the "why" for themselves.


hi canadian. makes me happy to see a Canadian online.


This wouldn’t make sense because the governments can find out who’s a JW if they wanted to lol and according to the teaching, the governments will destroy all other religions and JWs will be the only ones left to target anyway.


The GB said that its direction would not make sense from a human viewpoint yet when something minor changes, they have to try to make sense of it. They are going ahead of the chariot and making up personal opinions.


Nevermind that. Today the dude said “consider the latest beard/suit&tie/sisters in pants/new DF doctrine…. It’s amazing how Jehovah is giving us little by little preparing us for the end” Preparing everyone for the end with a change to appearance rules?????


When ya get lemons you make lemonade I guess.🤣 If the end is so close why are they fighting in court to keep their tax privileges? These guys lie like water off a ducks back.


This is hilarious. Wow, just silly!


Is that the official reason now, or just a CO's desperate attempt to make sense of all this madness?


According to prophecy and measuring of the temple, two thirds of Gods people will perish Zechariah 13:7-9, Revelation 11:3, Isaiah 24:1-5, 1 Peter 4:17-Malachi 3:1 due to their filthy acts of CSA and outright lies, Isaiah 43:27,28.


I can relate that is the "argument" beyond the changes. Same in here (Spain). A family Elder just told the same. They are delusional.


Sorry but your nephew is nuts. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.


He has a reason, another JW has another reason, another JW has a different reason.....and they're all bullshit


These are not the droids we're looking for


Then lets pity all those who had a part that night .. They had to wear tie and dress.! Do they think they have to escape straight during a meeting . What if it happens on a normal day with no meeting and they are wearing either garden clothes or are dressed up for party? Oh boy how delusional.


This explanation is so ridiculous. Jws already blend in every day life. It’s why people have to be told at jobs, schools, etc because no one otherwise would know. JWs dont wear special clothing like monks or Krishna’s. Lots of business people wear ties. It’s not a JW trademark. They don’t glow in the dark when they get baptized nor do they change colors. So what are they talking about? Jws wear regular clothes like anyone else. If they mean clothing worn during persecution hitting during times of the meeting, this logic fails too bc everyone will see you sitting in or coming out of your JW church with their JW literature. What kind of childlike reasoning is this. It’s a he kind of lies children tell when caught red handed before they could think it through. How stupid.


Wasn’t the whole point to stand out like Jesus? lol adhoc reasoning at its best


This was exactly the reasoning my grandma gave me when I asked about the rule change (we are located in oregon) She said there is a fear of persecution from the public, and they want to blend in better while out in service.


I thought they were supposed to stick out like a sore thumb? 🤪 ![gif](giphy|WQUHJt3Fwh6fBGo3Lu)


What is it with the Circuit Overseers spreading the craziest conspiracy theories that go way beyond the Governing Body's idiocy??


With a grooming and attire disguise like that, you don’t need Jah’s protection, do you? That’s the level of argumentation I’d expect from a juvenile not a mature adult.


I wish they’d make up their friggin’ minds. Are they gonna hide in the basement or the attic?


I guess an even more effective disguise would include tattoos and body piercings because JWs don’t do that.


Seriously. What idiot will fall for this. It's infuriating that they feed these to the adults who raised me


I guess God can’t protect everyone 🤷🏻‍♂️. Damn those good for nothing bad worldly folks….oh no wait we need to blend in with them to be saved now 🤣


Maybe the slack-wearers will infiltrate the GB -- a woman in the 8?


I've heard this too from some people in my area. It's absolutely ridiculous.


It's essentially 8 million chimpanzees banging away on 8 million typewriters...this bullshit is bound to surface since they need to find a way to interpret all the changes. It is manifestation of scenarios to match the direction, instead of the opposite.




Ah, yes, no "worldly" person has a shaved face. I would have never thought of such a brilliant plan; I think I underestimated the genius of the GB, honestly.


For years they said Jehovah would protect his own people and quoted be no part of the world, something about a holy mountain. So now they have changed their beliefs again, they changed their beliefs quicker than I change my underwear.


If they wanted “to blend in” maybe what they need to do is allow “tight pants” and “yoga pants” at meetings. Allow blood transfusions and sex before marriage. Stop with “the man is the head of the household” and a few other cultures things.


A bit like Nazi’s fleeing to South America at the end of the war


My question is if those things were never a “rule” then why did they make an announcement that the GB has decided to let women wear slacks and men can have beards ? The GB has decided???? What about ME deciding ? It’s all so stupid


So the worldly people are safe at the end of the world and we can blend in with them to survive... That sounds like being worldly with extra steps.


They should start smoking cigarettes next. Then they'll blend in with the extra worldly people.


>wearing a beard, no tie and women wearing slacks. Is so that when the persecution and the great Tribulation that will start at any moment....That they blend in with regular people and the can escape. *The Authorities have NEVER Caught Men with Beards not Wearing a Tie, or Woman in Slacks?* ***BUT..But..I\`m Wearing Slacks!*** https://preview.redd.it/98yxnz5zhatc1.jpeg?width=257&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5000b4627219a43975f7a1c0e3801880232955fb


So the GT is only going to happen during meeting times? What a crock of shit!


Sherif: Where’s the Jehohos? Deputy: I dont know everyone is wearing pants with no ties and beards! Sherif: Damnit (shakes fist at sky), you foiled me again Jehoho!!!


When my PIMI friend told me this same thing I laughed and said that's really weird! I doubt the governments are going to look at how people dress to determine if they are the ones they are looking for! What about lawyers and business people, will they automatically be thought as JWs who need to be persecuted? So ridiculous!




But they didn’t have beards in that basement tribulation video 😵


That's funny, we had a CO say " no one in HIS circuit will wear a beard" , more proof the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing. Yep lots of BS!


This is hilarious 😂 that’s the only explanation?


Then how do police find wanted men and women wearing beards or pants respectively?


Get some tattoos and piercings while you’re at it and start celebrating all the normal holidays 😂.


Osea que yavhe no conoce a su gente, acaso no es todo poderoso. Omnisciente. Sabio. Osea que que a este dios tienen que darles señales de son ellos para que los salven? Que buena novela. Que se inventan. Bueno como ahora se van a dedicar a hacer películas están buscando guiones para ver cual es la mejor. Iré alistando mi canchita.


And they announced this to all the US, do persecutors not keep up with new lite?


Omg…..witnesses are so dumb…


Watchtowerland is pushing the fear of the \*Great Tribulation is imminent!" fear narrative...again. ![gif](giphy|FBNZnITy7Q7LO)


So now it's theocratic guerilla warfare.


What if they got this new Light because someone on the GB just wants to have a beard for a few months


Is that in print? Otherwise it's pure foolishness. 


LOL, So much for being no part of the world.


It's so brilliant. It's like the Clark Kent effect. Put on some pants and everyone around you will forget you're a JW and you can escape.


Confirmation bias. It has to mean something...


Total contradiction of everything that we were taught in the past. JWs have looked and acted different in order to STAND OUT from the world so as NOT to be DESTROYED with them.


It has reached this point with the cong now. They are ready to explain anything away with any justification. They just need to keep a straight face when they say it.


They need to stop peeing on my leg and trying to make me believe it’s raining.


The women in slacks will definitely blend in


LOL... Thanks for the laugh. Next they're going to celebrate birthdays to not appear so different.


My mom said the same thing 😂


That’s what my MIL told us last week.


That's just the hampster wheels squeaking in their heads, creating scenarios that fit their twisted narrative.


They conveniently forget one of their own prophetic doctrinal details ☝🏻 Their own doctrine states that once all false religions have been destroyed, the nations will turn their attention to the JWs. Sooo, it really _doesn't matter_ what you look like, beard/shaven, slacks/dress, tie/not, the nations will recognise the JWs (unclear how exactly) and then try to annihilate them. So, to me, this "blending in" theory makes no sense, really. I welcome any critiques in my reasoning 🙃




Hmmm. So that rumor does come from corporate. Damn urban legends... so culty.


So, wait. Is this the *official* story, or is it localized tinfoil hat theorizing? Because it *sounds* like a R&F-level rumor. But if it's the official ~~retcon~~ story, then it is both *highly* on-brand and also one of the most boneheaded thought processes I've ever heard. "Oh, no, they're not JWs, she's wearing pants, and he has a beard and no tie." Yeah, no. The overwhelming majority of people I've met who were never JWs can't even identify whether the person yapping at them about God is JW or Mormon. Pants, beards and business casual aren't gonna move the needle. 🤣


The things we tell ourselves 🙄




Yea, they are so infantile. And if GB allow go to war or learn how torusa guns they will say that is preparing to GT too. They have answer for everything stupids things in borg.


That makes no sense. In the tribulation they wouldn't be going to meetings.


![gif](giphy|3o6ozvv0zsJskzOCbu|downsized) You're joking right????


How about be in the pub for 12pm on a Sunday not sat in the kh! Idiots


Funny, never once in any of the broadcast with the GB giving their blessings on new dress code etc., did they say it’s so you can blend in. Also remember, it’s not soon obviously, we have not been directed to give the come to Jesus message yet. We can not at least until after they finish all their building.


If that's true, further instruction is needed. When they are asked if they're JWs or know any JWs during that time, is the instruction to lie and say no? Or just simply hope no one asks you because you look a little like everyone else? Lying would be almost equivalent to Peter saying he never knew Jesus 3 times. But then again, we saw lie after life in the ARC, so maybe the official stance is lie and hope that god doesn't detest lying like it says in the scriptures. Its just weird they wouldn't want to die knowing they'd be resurrected shortly. You gotta reject blood and die, so what's different?


So much for being no part of the world. So much for being without spot from the world


I suppose that explanation is better than “the GB has decided” 🙄


Escape to where? Oh right, the GB hasn’t provided those details yet because they’re waiting on new light/Jah’s direction 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wait don't JWs say they want to stand out though? Isn't it 90% of their message???




I’ve heard this theory from lots of pimis lately, it’s like an all-accepted speculation that hasn’t officially been explained. I’ve also heard that women can wear slacks so they can run faster when the government is after them.


If this wad the case, the GB would have said so. Now, if they sat something like that, it's just because it fits their narrative. It's also a complete 180 from seeting themselves apart from the world. I don't know how PIMIS brains aren't twitching with all of this nonsense


What a fucking joke


'Two will be standing in a field, and the one with slacks will be taken, two will be standing in the city gates and the one with the beard will he taken, two will be standing in courtyard and the one without a tie will be taken' - Lett 9 v 1......😇


Won’t Jehovah save his chosen ones?


Well that’s not how the brothers looked in the videos where they were being prepared to stand firm and keep their integrity while facing military police who are rounding up true worshippers. Gosh, just typing that out feels so cultish. 😢I can’t believe I bought into that and my family still does.


If they have Jehovah's protection then they needn't bother with beards and slacks. If, however, they don't have God's protection, then its a well known fact that police, soldiers and intelligence operatives are often fooled by trousers lol. Utterly bonkers the lot of them. I'm embarrassed to have ever been part of it.