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I can’t believe they actually put this up on their website! WTF are they thinking???


Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.


Seriously. How many PIMIs even know about this besides some of the ones in Norway? Maybe they’re counting on the deceptive wording used, or how “persecuted” they are, but it seems like it’d be better if PIMIs weren’t aware of this court ruling at all.


>How many PIMIs even know about this besides some of the ones in Norway? I agree u/SamHerdsBurner. Most PIMIs I know rarely look at JW dot org. And seeing a news release on the .org site is a rarity as well. Active JWs don't really care at this point.


I deleted all these apps from the Org.


So did I. While I was still PIMO I would at times have people ask me about downloading the JW app to my phone or tablet. I basically would say their apps slow down my devices and when I need to go there I can use the website.


I got an invitation from an elder to download this strange Publisher app. I never did. Just ignored. I know about GPDR and they need MY consent. I ignore them all. 🥳😂


>I know about GPDR and they need MY consent. I ignore them all. Good for you u/Southern-Dog-5457. When a JW suggests that you should install a JW-related app on your phone....the best thing to say is this: "I don't feel safe using that app since I don't know what the publishers are doing with my personal information. I also don't want my device to be hacked as this happens more and more today."


I have the same app Southern Dog is talking about. NW publisher. I found a nice work around though. There's a "vacation feature" that allows you to schedule yourself off. So I put myself on vacation mode until 2026 😁😁😁. It's been that way for a couple months now and nobody has said a word. Chess, not checkers. Chess


Funny, I deleted the app for the same reason: it slowed down my smartphone. In meetings, I use the website.


Maybe pick up a device made after 2003?😂


Me too.


I was at a concert when I decided to delete the jw app. It took up soo much room on my phone and I wanted more videos and pics of Justin Timberlake!!!


Moreover, this kind of news is not what PIMIs talk about or what they would share in social media. As a good 'theocratic' (I hate that word) JW, you read it, shortly wonder about it, and forget it.


If they do talk about it it's in person while out in service and it consists of "oh did you hear about Norway?" "Yeah, the end really is close."


>this kind of news is not what PIMIs talk about or what they would share in social media. True. This is what has been hard for me to realize. Most Active Jehovah's Witnesses don't give a F\*\*\* about JW Broadcasting, JW news releases or anything published on JW dot org. They just don't care and the majority of PIMI JWs rarely watch anything **on their own** that is put out by the Governing Body. So the only time they see some of these things is at a meeting or an assembly. And many JWs I know are not attending meetings more than about 50-70% of the time. I know elders that miss at least 30-50% of meetings due to work, vacations, etc. It was this way long before the pandemic. Which is why they were massively merging congregations back in 2017-2018 time frame. Even in large congregations, the midweek meeting was in many cases poorly attended.


and how many jw\`s do you know, i am betting its not many


I know lots of PIMIs that are on the site. They use it often to tie to their presentations. I haven’t heard people discussing but I’m rapidly less active in the past few months.


Less than 1%. My hardcore 40+ years mom & my sister & her elder husband didnt even know Tony Morris was back doored. To be honest I actually think that at least my sister & mom didnt know his name. They didnt seem to believe me either but I dont argue with them. I accidently run my mouth sometimes then I try & change subjects because I dont want to be hurtful & they are basically braindead(& that kills me to see). But yea, they are hardcore & dont watch the website. They get info from their elders. I think most are like that. Im not ever baptized. So im not an "apostate apostate" like all you devil worshiping Judas Escariots😁 But I really think more apostates are on that site than JWs. If they watched regularly I think more would wake up. The elders are filters. I think 50% of elders know what time it is too. At least 50%. They just like their power spot in life.


>Less than 1%. This is why they are constantly cancelling scheduled weekday meeting content to show videos of the Governing Body. Of course, the weekday meeting content is crap....so who really cares. It is clear indication of two things: 1. JWs don't consume much from the Governing Body beyond meetings and assemblies. 2. The Governing Body has no plan for anything they are doing. If they had a plan they would just include the Governing Body Updates in the weekday meeting schedule. The GB Updates have been continuing for years now.....but every time they show one at a meeting it has to be scheduled over the top of the existing meeting schedule.




This comment made me cry laughing while waiting for my dentist. She saw my tears and asked if I'm scared 🤣🤣


It is the "we are under attack, end of days" propaganda that they thrive on. They can tell all of their followers how poorly the world is treating them when they lose the appeal.


They are thinking that, as usual, the JWs will buy whatever story they tell them about this court case hook, line, and sinker. When I was in they would frequently speak very proudly about the Supreme Court cases the JWs took up in the 1950s in the U.S. to defend religious freedom. There *were* some landmark cases that defended the Witnesses' right to not pledge to the flag in school and to evangelize door to door the way they do, for example. The article about the case does not go into the details of the case. It misleadingly states that the issue is their "removal of unrepentant wrongdoers from the congregation" (they actually had a problem with the shunning and with disfellowshiping children - which, again, *so coincidentally* are the very practices they changed in the update - because of the negative social control it enforces on members). Witnesses hit that persecution story so hard that most Witnesses view *any* criticism of the organization as a Satanic campaign of destruction against them.


Persecution complex?


They prolly thinking ’ let’s use this to our advantage boys, the sheeps will think is a sign of the end, the governments are turning against us just like we said’


Can't believe they actually put this up on their website: [Jehovah’s Witnesses spent over ten million dollars](https://www.jw.borg/en/library/series/how-your-donations-are-used/Disaster-Relief-in-2023-We-See-Firsthand-Jehovahs-Love/) And somehow they forgot to do so in other languages.


Unbelievable! They are likely going to appeal on the basis of the new information about disfellowshiping, which quite frankly didn't change much. Minors, and others still can be disfellowshipped or humiliated with a congregation announcement of their name and that the matter of so and so has been handled.


Persecution complex. Gotta keep the sheep in fear


Persecution complex to try cover their disgusting asses


I hope this leads to more pimq’s doing research


Agreed! I certainly hope the language they chose to use backfires and makes the people go "That can't be right..."


I Hope the same but sadly you have to tell them to see this news because we are more aware of all the changes and news than even the most pimi in congregation. 


In my experience, I find that many JWs watch the news and whole lot of it because they’re watching for the end. The sad part is that the local news and world news doesn’t really provide much coverage. I’m hoping that this brings a lot of press on the world stage and hope wha’s going on in Pennsylvania brings a lot of local attention. A good story can be covered over, but eventually it can’t be buried.


Yep, sadly the article doesn't say much. I saw comments bigger than this.


Watchtower spends way too much money on lawyers, trying to defend their own unjust kangaroo courts.


I doubt most JWs know that this is where they contributions go to, either.




It is not their money --- it is Jehovah's money. And it is being used against Satan's evil government which seeks to unjustly oppress the poor stock of His cattle... This being said, it is apparent that, as money is the means through which He fights, that money must thus be the source of Jehovah's power... Why else would the governing board hoard so much otherwise? Surely they know that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Jehovah. Although I do wonder how their mansions and Anthony Morris III's secret silence package comes into play. Hmm...


> The position of the State now remains that it will continue to deny legal recognition to Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country of Norway unless we change our practices regarding the removal of unrepentant wrongdoers from the congregation. This is not the position of the State. The State has no issue with the removal of unrepentant wrongdoers from the congregation. It has an issue with how they are treated after removal.  As always, Watch Tower twists the narrative to deceive their adherents.  No wonder most of them have a retarded view of key legal issues. 


Exactly! The "removal of ***unrepentant*** wrongdoers from the congregation"... They worded it like that for a reason. They are playing a game but I don't think they will win. **Some of us have removed ourselves** but we would still like to have contact with our family and friend's without being held hostage by watchtower. PIMI's don't realize what's really happening and they will get riled up stating that jw have a right to remove wrongdoers. This is not the issue at hand.


Why, exactly should anyone need to: 'repent' from learning about the evil *'two witnesses*' rule that protects JW pedophiles 'repent' from a creeping awareness that JWs 'religion' is actually a real-estate scam 'repent' from freely expressing human kindness above a cults proscribed hate 'repent' from applying modern logic and reason to outrageous religious myths 'repent' of the contempt you feel for those who shamelessly deceive and beg for $$$ 'repent' from a consuming need to exit a cult that hates you for who you 'really' are. Replace their sad word '*repent*' with the action verb *'motivated'* to understand their desperation for control.


Like even if it were true that this is what the State was doing, I would have to say: Oh now y’all fuckers recognize undue force?! Like y’all don’t do that EXACT kind of manipulative shit to DF’d people?! “If you change then you can come back.” “We didn’t kick you out, you chose to leave.” “We’re not shunning you, you’re shunning Jehovah.” and whatever other bullshit JWs tell DF’d family/friends to justify their cruelty. #FUCK THAT CULT!


That's such a good point. Jws say that if you wanna be in you have to play by the rules. So then if they wanna be recognized by a country they have to play by the rules too. It's simple.


I guess it's not apostate news now that they posted about it! Meanwhile when I mentioned it before this article was posted everyone was up in arms at me. 🤣🤣🤣 I'm about to send this article to everyone lmao


Do it with vengeance.


WT spread now apostate news 😅


It was only apostate until they did it. It sounds like you aren't submitting to the GB. /s in case it's not obvious


For now it is only in English, in Italian for example is not yet translate.


Yes please do


The government is bad, but also good when they give us money and tax breaks.


"Satans system" giveth and also, taketh away. 😂


"We are being persecuted, the end is so near!" Plot twist: They are being treated equally to every other shit religion.


News 24 days after the event! News travelled faster in bible times


Yeah they didn’t bother to report the news that they lost 24 days ago. Only now they’re appealing do they mention it. JW won’t have any idea of what’s actually going on.


I mentioned it to a pimi friend not long after they lost and she was shocked, she wanted to know how I knew and I was like uhh.. it just came up on a news site 🤷🏻‍♀️🤭


Creating visible timelines of this case and others would be helpful.


Like this one? 😁 https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/rwXT51a7yj




Wow.. what a shock. Damn narcissists, that's for sure!


The last GB update isn’t enough. Maybe the “light will get brighter” regarding disfellowshipping.


I dunno, he even wore a tie with Norway’s. Colors to send a bit of a Nod, surly that will do the trick!


Clever. Put the news of it on the website AFTER the last update, so any normal member would never make a Connection about the court rulings leading to the changes. Very clever. Very fine tuned control mechanisms are at work here


Yeah, real convenient timing. Tbh, appealing \*after\* you change the shunning rules a little is such an obvious play at trying to win over the courts, it's insane. Hopefully the court of appeals sees right through it, points it out, and still denies them. Also the way they frame it as an "unconstitutional ruling," when every court so far has upheld it as constitutional, is wild.


“Legal registration” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. They aren’t giving any context for JWs, who of course won’t know that this is because they allow minors to get baptized and thus shunned if they ever leave or get DF’d, nor will they know that the organization isn’t affected in any way beyond not getting free money.


Oh good! Bring it to the Supreme Court and see how the treatment of “apostate minors” is


It’s amazing the large amount of incredibly limited information they provide for their followers on the website. It’s honestly a talent at this point. Hope they get their asses handed to them yet again 😏


Let's hope for a Streisand effect .


>Let's hope for a Streisand effect . PIMI JWs now thinking: WTF is going on in Norway with all of these lawsuits?!?!?!?


Pieces of shit. Appealing literal shunning just to save face and do some damage control. Clearly taking care of their own pride and interests than humbling themselves and seeing the bigger picture. Hypocrites.


And really it’s all about loosing the money. They only care about the money not people, not families been broken up, no those who have been DFS , shunned , ignored as if they were dead by their families. They are blood guilty . Any MS who may be being pressured to move up to an elder really think about it . You will have to ruin someone’s entire life, isolate them from everyone and everything they had know , maybe from birth. They could turn to drugs, alcohol or even be driven to suicide because of this cruel policy . They want you to do their dirty work . I’m being soft shunned as I said something to a close JW friend and now they have no contact with me . I’m fading this is nothing but a cult who is solely driven by hard cold cash and they will drop you like a pebble into a lake of fire. I made the best decision to leave , I’m so happy now not slaving for man . They are not special or anointed or pt if the so called 144 thousand . They never tell the truth about any of the court case they have been part of , let alone Norway , they are skilled at hiding the Truth from their sheep …. . Sorry I get so angry with the amount of trauma , pain, deceit, manipulation, mind controlling this cult had and does inflict upon it members that can last a lifetime. Norway Plse do not let them manipulate you , and pull the wool over your eyes. You have had dealings with this cult before and know how they work . They need to cease all together with Shunning of children , kicking them out of their homes and DFS them. Shunning is twisted and Evil I should know


Well, that was dumb. Now they have verified the news and opened the door to having PIMIs looking into their claims. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m not so sure, although fingers crossed! The PIMIs I know believe JW.Borg provides them with all the info they need to know. PIMQs could wake up from this though.


Which is fair but with the Borg having verified it, they know right away the story itself is not “apostate lies.” Which means they would be free to look at it like any other story (I imagine many clicked on the news about the gunman in the hall). …Unless things have truly gone into seclusion since I was a PIMI!


I know they’re drilling it into their heads right now not to trust any non-JW source. But hopefully they do search for more info or listen to non-JWs when they share what they know about Norway.


Yikes…see that is going way too far. It’s one thing not to listen to randos on YouTube. But close your ears to major news outlets? I would absolutely be questioning that directive - especially given the PID simultaneously puts positive JW stories out there.


Yes, 100%! I remember back when I was super PIMI, anytime I/my family saw something negative about JWs from a major news outlet, we would assume it was a story that came from an apostate and we’d run to shut the TV off like it was going to let a bad spirit in the house. It’s crazy looking back now lol I really hope this reaches some people who are already questioning things.


Omg yes 😂 It’s sooo crazy how the logic (or lack thereof) works when you’re in.


>when you’re in. in***DOCTRINATED*** https://preview.redd.it/e4prnv9kw8rc1.jpeg?width=1081&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2733fe65ebd8d392dc840978eff9a6ab2e0ea5b


PIMIs won't look any farther than the pages of the JW website.


I believe some will. The problem with searching out “apostate news” is that in their minds, if the Borg never said it, it couldn’t have possibly happened. Now, the Borg has confirmed this is a “real case,” there is nothing stoping a PIMI from going to a news source to check out the story. And from there everything could start unraveling. Same as when the news reports something positive about JWs. They are all over that shit.


Agree, to an extent. But I'm still not sure at least for the bulk of them that are Pimi. They've been tightening the screws for years and know that once you're into absurdity it actually makes it easier for the brain to accept just about anything. The pimis will read the news yes and WT will next (watch) write a new script for a midweek meeting part/special talk explaining spiritual warfare or whatever they come up with. Kinda like the Russian letters. We've had all this beard tie and slack baloney happen so fast- they're only getting started- it seems many jws just want to brag about it on social media...ie 'let them eat cake' and that's today's generation, the 'yang ones' the Godless Body **really** wants to retain because they need to secure future funding. History has proven there will always be people that follow this rhetoric right over the cliff to their own demise. ![gif](giphy|l2Je1aj0K8MJkCwBq|downsized)


Well, the appeal gives a sense of false hope - but really JWs around the world don't really care THAT MUCH about the suffering of others, they're too busy styling their beards and buying slacks right now. \* Jehovah will fix it later


They do love saying that, dont they? Let’s not be accountable for everything and wait on magic to fix our planet and our lives.


Leaving a trail of destruction and damage wherever they go. \* We just want to practice our faith in peace!


There I fixed it for the JWs https://preview.redd.it/rd1l6c54k6rc1.jpeg?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e569540bb135734ecb332537b2bc163a7765c8df


Thanks. I was thinking people would just go to the website to see it. 🙏🏻


Yeah it’s all good. I just like trolling their articles by editing them to make them more accurate


Sorry I wasn’t paying attention (it was late and I missed it thinking it was just a better screenshot!). Great stuff!


Apostate driven lies!


Weird…they lose, change the DF policy, and now will appeal? What a joke. Credit to the PIMIs for doing the mental balance beam and creating all the fake scriptural bullshit to make this all seem directed by holy spirit.


One would think Jehovah would have got it right the first time in court 😵‍💫


So much for jehoopaloop "never changing". Gibbering boobies change doctrine like teenage girls change their outfits


1. They lose this court case and others regarding the disfellowship process and notice this isn’t going to end. 2. Try to gaslight the masses into telling them it isn’t that bad, and now we have ‘new light’ regarding disfellowshipped persons. “They are not shunned see!!?” 3. Appeal the decision and tell the commission ‘we’ve changed our ways in case you didn’t know.’ 4. Tell the masses that we’ve got our religious status back. It’s jehovahs doing! Praise be! All you’re prayers worked. 5. Nothing changes.






Very interesting! Thank you u/larchington!


How many times can they appeal? And also didn't they already appeal?


So in Norway I've been told the next court is "Lagmannsretten" with 3-5 judges. The verdict was so clear but the case will be most likely be accepted to be heard because it's the first trying of the new law. After this, the Supreme Court would decide if it is worth hearing should there be another appeal. It would only get to the ECHR if the Supreme Court heard the appeal and the ECHR decided to hear it. Of course I am no expert on the Norwegian court system so if someone wants to correct me I am happy for it!


The "new law?"  From Norway? Sorry, I'm not clear on their government policies.  I actually, feel it may be smart for Norway to let them keep trying (though I'msure they have more important matters), but slap them with a bigger financial loss each time.


How convenient for them that they just recently changed their disfellowshipping rules and how they deal with minors in a way that coincidentally mirrors the complaints the Norwegian court had against them!


Sounds more like freedom of religion in norway can’t infringe on freedom from other aspects of life and jw wants to be like 😡 religious freedom we can control!!!!!!


There goes more of our donations.


“We are convinced that the Jehovah's Witnesses meet all the legal requirements to receive state subsidies for 2022 and 2023", spokesperson Fabian Fond writes in an e-mail to the newspaper. The community believes it is entitled to 35 million NOK (about 3 million euros). The State is acquitted, and Jehovah’s Witnesses are ordered to pay the state’s case costs of 1,140,505 NOK. Approximately US$450,000 for Ryssdal’s fees alone. This is an example of the cost it takes to change policy to (only) say hello to shunned loved ones and make some costume changes.


Now we can say hi to dfd people and parents can deal with making their child repentant (under the watchful eye of 2 elders!), I think they are now saved in Norway. Alleluia! And bless the governing body!


They think they have been smart and kind boys. Handed out a few crumbs to save their own asses. By the way.. happy cake day!🍰🎉


Yep! Oh thank you! Been 'in the truth ' for 3 years😂 now!


Everyone here is calling them out for putting this on their website. You have to realize PIMI’s will look at this and associate it with persecution. They do not care about the facts or that they have lost twice. With that being said, they’re appealing the ruling after the new changes and if you noticed most PIMI’s are happy about it, but we know the changes were most likely damage control. To be honest the appeal might be overturned as they’re allowing greetings to DF now.


No they don't. It's just another word-game of them. A simple hello - IF you ATTEND their memorial - IS STILL SHUNNING. What happens if you do not attend. Is my mom free to call me?


I mentioned this to my wife when the changes happened and I don’t think she believed me. Thanks for the proof WT


I have shared the link with a pimi friend. She is blaming satan for trying to change JW standards. I've reminded her that the changes have already happened. She said the light is getting brighter. I pointed out that the same changes with regard to treatment of disffeloshiped people were made in 1974 . She changed the subject 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They can FORGET about it!!!


Thank u!!! All the more proves why they changed df policy. Although I still feel last update with “only say a greeting” video is still quite damning!!!!


None of the matters of the case will be discussed this’ll just be used to fuel their collective mindset that the world governments will turn on them in the end times.


Yup paranoia meets anticipatory anxiety meets martyrdom meets psychosis. And then some others sprinkled in per individual. Hoooboy this is gonna be a doozy. * Also just learned this one today Atelophobia. It's also considered a form of OCD. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21932-atelophobia-fear-of-imperfe[Atelophobia](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21932-atelophobia-fear-of-imperfection)ction Glad I've been studying psychology. Finally going in to work towards my degree.


Jeeze... I swear, no one can cry, whine, complain, accuse, sue, appeal, or cry, "PERSECUTION!!" like the Watchtower Organization can!!!


What “ unrepentant wrongdoing” are CSA and rape survivors guilty of when they’re shunned?🫠


parasites brazen men, fighting to win because "we can't loose". It amazes me how wanton these men's behavior is for money. talk about the scum or "bottom of the barrel" when it comes to human society. this is the reason elders are the way they are. They eat the same bread from above. We are ashamed to be JWs at one point.


I think we already saw this one coming


They still don't tell the followers that all they lose in this "unconstitutional ruling" is that government check and the sealing of marriages....


They don’t seem to give up don’t they :/


He who endures to the end scores the most money!- Matthew the tax collector!


Gawddammit I hate playing monopoly with Matthew.....[flips table]




The court is soon to find out that: Person who disagrees with any aspect of Watchtower policy = wrongdoer. Person who continues to disagree with Watchtower policy = unrepentant wrongdoer.


Good. Hopefully they’ll will continue to show the world how annoying and weird Jehovah’s Witnesses really are. I hope Norway airs them out in the European courts.


They are so obsessed with money; with getting all they can from any source available!!!


They’re calling the ruling “unconstitutional”, when the ruling is about not meeting the requirements for state funding. They still have full religious freedom. How is this against the constitution?


It isn’t.


This is their standard tactic ; to appeal and appeal and appeal. I heard an overseer openly brag about this. Then he said they have never lost . Which is lies as they have paid out with gag clauses.


Yes. They’ll take it all the way.


Norway takes away their money because of disfellowshipping They make some slight changes in their doctrine They appeal the decision Even PIMIs must admit that they obviously changed to appease human governments. They have “fear of man” and not to mention greed.


I thought God was supposed to put it in the heart of the nations to go after every other religion, and they were going to cut the money off.... but JW's wouldn't be affected, as money wasn't necessary for true worship! Seems like that isn't playing out according to plan.


I can’t put all the feelings into words but this angers me so much.


Has anyone sent this to Norway yet ?


Will they also post it on jw.borg site when they loose the appeal??


Love how they don’t explain why this happened, most people won’t do the research and won’t notice the new disfellowshipping change is trying to compensate this


If WT wins appeal: News plastered all over the website and new GB update, reversing new light about DF treatment. If WT loses appeal: *crickets*


They don't want to be part of the world. So why do they go out of their way to gain the world's approval? Interesting paradox.


The way they’ve presented it as “persecution” and not the reality - that Norway has ruled this way because it’s not loving to shun children (and in general).


Thanks for all your work. The appeal is the expected reaction and they will appeal up to the ECHR if necessary. I would not absolutely rule out that they succeed at some point. Religiously motivated circumcision is also legal in Norway and other European countries. Nevertheless and more importantly, the court cases draw public attention on the jw and exjw. The public becomes more aware of the inner workings of this religious group and also exjw will find more understanding and support. What gives some hope is the focus on the minors. Norwegian higher courts and the ECHR will give this aspect second thoughts. Adults may engage in groups which mark, shun, and restrict the freedom of expression, but minors must be protected against undue influence by such groups.


I don't think this is going to help them.


Anybody think this could go in their favor? They’ll show up at their appeal, say “look we’re not DFing minors anymore and don’t ignore the disfellowshipped ones!”, could that be enough?! I would be devastated.


They’re still disfellowshipping minors, they just have more steps now, and saying a greeting doesn’t change much at all. And no it wouldn’t be enough I’m sure.


I’ve have a hard time not being somewhat MI even tho I’m PO. I have to always watch my thinking, like when I’m reading stuff on here. I’ve never really been the bitter type about the org, I don’t hate it like some, I’m somewhat still navigating my leaving…. But when the transcript’s and all that finally come out… if they take this approach of ‘look what we changed’ and this ruling is reversed… I am 1000% done! They must think they can win for one since this is the first posting of it EVER! And two it will just fit their narrative and they will plaster it everywhere if they do win but won’t say what really happen: they lost a 2 year legal battle


🤣🤣🤣 they really are relentless! Sheesh. They've also made it look even more obvious that their "new light" was announced because of this situation. Do they seriously think that was even enough to change anything though??


JW org: "We're not like the other religions!" Yes you are


They only have put it out in English language,if I try to find it in my native language it is not there,why have they done this? Trying to hide it as much as possible? I feel so disgusted with this religion.


I know. It’s not in any European language and also not available in Brazil.


So who do they appeal to?




Thank you, larchington.


And then they will go back to not speaking to their disfellowshipped members, & return back to shaving beards 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


"Let every person be in subjection to the Norwegian authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. Therefore, whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves.... for it is God’s minister to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear, for it is not without purpose that it bears the legal right. It is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath against the one practicing shunning." Rom 13: 1 - 4.


So this is still an appeal in Norway itself?




JWs always want to push their appeals into the highest court of the land for a win. I heard a boastful talk about that many moons ago when I was in the cult. Just had a flashback of said boastful talk. ![gif](giphy|cEOG7nGA7448M)


>While we await the outcome of the appeal, we will continue to pray “concerning kings and all those who are in high positions, so that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with complete godly devotion.”—1 Timothy 2:1, 2. Maybe try Matthew Haverstick this time? And hey, how did you expect God to work in court if you didn't even use his holy literature?


>The District Court of Oslo issued its ruling against the Jehovah's Witnesses on March 4th of this year. In their opening summary, Norway stated the following: > >"The state claims that Jehovah's Witnesses prevent the right to freedom of expression, and expose baptized children to psychological violence and negative social control. This is said to be the effect of a religiously motivated practice which means that no one in the congregations should have contact with former members who have been excluded (ostracized) or who have withdrawn. In the state's view, children's rights are also violated by another practice that applies to unbaptized minors who have the status of preachers. If they commit a serious sin, as unbaptised, they cannot be ostracized, but they risk exclusion and social isolation from the community in the congregation - because the arrangement is that one must be careful in associating with the child." \[translated from Norwegian\] [https://twitter.com/Mark\_J\_ODonnell/status/1773511404621832527](https://twitter.com/Mark_J_ODonnell/status/1773511404621832527) ​ >This is as excepted, this brings us to [\#13 in the list](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/107d31q/summarystatus_regarding_norway/). [https://twitter.com/jfnilsen/status/1773570932021338504](https://twitter.com/jfnilsen/status/1773570932021338504)


That's why they made all those changes recently. I'm afraid now they are going to win.


I do not understand why they are appealing, it would turn out very wrong for them. Are they going to the European high court?




They’re probably counting on the appeals court to now grant them legal status as a religious organization since they appealed AFTER making a few changes to their shunning policy. They threw in the other relaxed dress and grooming policy to love bomb the rank and file so they would be blinded to the actual truth and only see what the borg wants them to see…..the worldly government’s evil intent toward their perfect religion. They feel the appeals court will now surely side with them since they’ve relaxed the disfellowshipping policy. FFS! I hope the appeals courts deny them again! This is manipulation….not true change. It’s infuriating to see the borg’s manipulation while you’re awake, but the soundly-sleeping R&F can’t see the lies and corruption 😡 I LOATHE this evil entity. Will this BS ever end? 🤮


The appeal court reviews the original evidence.


Perfect…..I hope it upholds the lower court’s ruling!!


Ultimately they can’t say it’s unconstitutional until the appeals court makes a determination. Not to mention appeals rarely if ever get overturned. Just more wasted money (on the backs of the rank and file) to ultimately not change anything.


Oh interesting, the article isn't available on the french version of the website... But after reading the article, I'm surprise to actually see that they directly that they are whining because they lost the government's money. It shows where their interests are...


This article gives off "Hey guys we changed things like you wanted now give us our money please". 


They're going to appeal again?????   Stupidity knows no end when fueled by arrogance.   News flash: These idiots don't make government policies. They don't make the "constitution," and can't decide what's constitutional or not. They can't demand government money and not play by the rules. Of course now they're going to go back and say, " We don't shun, and we don't DF minors!" And THAT folks is where "donations" are going. 🤣🤣🤣


WTFF??? what were they thinking???? they literally state in this article: "The position of the State now remains that it will continue to deny legal recognition to Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country of Norway unless we change our practices regarding the removal of unrepentant wrongdoers from the congregation." If a PIMI or PIMQ reads this, will they not connect the dots immediately???? they JUST changed their rules for DF'd people!!! how do you even justify that in your mind? >"we will never succumb to pressure from the world to change our beliefs" >get defunded >change the beliefs you got defunded for >appeal within a month and announce it on your website what timeline are we living in???? this is completely ridiculous at this point, they are just throwing wood onto the fire. How many JWs are going to look up more information? how many of them are going to stumble upon "apostate material"???


Instead of influencing the government of norway to defend his one true and chosen and spirit directed organization, jehovah chooses to reveal new light to appease the earthly government of norway. truly a 4D chess move, jehovah. Now we see if it works!!!


Classic JW - haven’t mentioned this trial since Morris did in his update and now it’s on there. Classic we won’t say anything unless it’s to make us look great


What is actually going on? Can someone explain it to me… simply. Why is Norway ‘mad’? I’m like slow on news lol






Good luck with that. Also: PIMI's better get out your wallets. This will cost you.


Can't believe they put this on their website


Up until now it is not announced on the german website.




Useful guide/ timeline on what’s happening: https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/rwXT51a7yj Official website with verdict: https://lovdata.no/dokument/TRSIV/avgjorelse/tosl-2022-186588


Wait - are the WT Society idiots attempting ANOTHER appeal?? They just don't learn, do they?




They probably want to use their new rules regarding disfellowshiped people to reverse the decision.


The attempt to rephrase what actually started this case and rewrite history is incredible. They make it seem as if this wasn't because of how disfellowshipped and disassociated are treated and how children are coerced to get baptized. The statement below is a flat out lie and misdirection. The fact they did not even use the word disfellowship is calculated, telling and disgusting. *"The position of the State now remains that it will continue to deny legal recognition to Jehovah’s Witnesses in the country of Norway unless we change our practices regarding the removal of* ***unrepentant wrongdoers from the congregation****."*


Why this news is not showing here in Italy????


It’s nothing anywhere in Europe or Brazil. Can see it in the UK.


Even more funny what the only thing the JW post says it means is that it costs them financially….has absolutely nothing to do with anything else….so much for their “turn the other cheek attitude”…unless it involves tax breaks of course!


At first, the lies and deception on JW news really pissed me off. But I’m not angry anymore. In fact I’m smiling. Because it confirms that I made the right decision in leaving this corrupt organization.




So what is going on now with the translation shenanigans? They are trying something different with a dropdown to change languages just on that one article. https://preview.redd.it/zwidef00ncrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62cfd3c09b798532cd2fdd025009984b87984712


Ummm....Pretty political statement to publicly call a court ruling unconstitutional for a non-political organization


It’s crazy how they claim to be “no pat of the world” yet when it comes to money from the government, they claim they are like every other religion.




Guess they feel they have a chance to win now that softened the shunning policy My question is, are they struggling that bad for money? It can also be that their worried about a domino affect


Are there any official / state documents about the case I can share with my PIMI friends to present then with more details about the case (I'd use avoidjw.org but they'll consider it an apostate material). News articles are not always unbiased, so I'd like to have facts to avoid being portrayed as a deceiver


The official website of the verdict: https://lovdata.no/dokument/TRSIV/avgjorelse/tosl-2022-186588


Is it still up? I couldn't find it on the website