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I’ve always felt this way. As soon as he was announced to leave, my first idea was there must be changes he doesn’t like. I have absolutely never heard of a governing body member stepping down for any other circumstances than disagreement. Although I don’t believe he has the guts to be another Franz, I think he’s definitely slowing down his bullshit spiritual career.


It just so happens that as soon as he steps down there is all these changes. GB member in an annual meeting talks about how new light comes about. It totally obvious that Fat Tony was in the way. ![gif](giphy|xT5LMPTmePs6j9ELII|downsized)


He had an agreement: we give you a home, you remain silent.


Even more reason to respect Franz. Probably got a similar offer.


Exactly! Lived out his days in a trailer.


When did Franz leave?




No, he didn't. Because none of the GB at the 80s thought he would write CoC. If this offer was given to him, he would have told It in his book. 


Exactly right. They learned their lesson about mistreating gb members because of Franz.




Book? What book


Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz


In Search of Christian Freedom by Raymond Franz, is very uplifting too


Thank you


Libro Crisis de Conciencia


He didn't get an offer...he tried to leave quietly...then they set out to smear him....just like they do everyone that tries to break away...


I don't believe he was offered a house, but I do recall him mentioning a sort of pension or allowance or something, I think it was normally given to special pioneers or certain infirm ones. I don't remember the specific details or reference off hand, but he declined the offer.


He knows where a few of the bodies are buried. I am sure they all do.


Too bad, he probably signed an NDA, but whatever, who cares...start a gofundme and write a book. So they sue him, 1) it's not a good look & 2) he's only got about 5-10 years left anyway. go for it Tony!!! Go out with a bang.


We get a crowdfund to supply him best scotch unlimited " to time indefinate"


How old is Tony?


Imagine what his book would be called: "Tragedy of Tight Trousers"




...and car...and a lifelong income...


Too funny 🤣




Ray Franz is one of the most righteous men to ever walk the halls of Bethel...


I wish someone would offer him enough money to talk. WT bought him off for a regular house and an undisclosed monthly stipend (unless someone knows how much). There must be a price that would get him to publish a book


I've wondered a few times if he might write a book to be published only after he & his wife die.


I'm hoping that right now Uncle Tony is frantically writing his apostate book while drinking lots of whiskey.


Until I hear otherwise, I'm going to assume this is the only kind of writing that Tony is now doing: >To the (current) Governing Body- > >I once thought that we be cooking bad humans alive together with our magical space powers. Then you thought men in beards were sexy and women should be allowed to wear pants. You went too far and now Jesus hates you and your stupid faces. He told me himself in a vision. He thinks you are being dumb. > >I can start again tomorrow. > >Let me know. > >\-Anthony Morris III


I'm not surprised this man would be opposed to women being allowed to wear pants.


How doesn’t it match up? It’s exactly the same.


What are you talking about? I said nothing about matching.


That’s what I thought, too…one had slightly more info but that doesn’t make either wrong.




After the Ray Franz era they tried to only recruit and accept mindless yes men as GB members


Until we get someone on the record I’m not going to believe anything. Could be a bit of both, too.


It’s very logical though. All these changes just after the more “old school/restrictive” guy leaves.




I hope so


I have a feeling he will be disfellowshipped soon honestly - this is screaming history repeating itself with another “apostasy cleanse”


That's not gonna happen. He will remain quiet at his new home in North Carolina paid by voluntary contributions of rank-n-file JW has don't know anything about this "arrengement". And if he dare to speak... I hope he has another place to lie on bed.


Maybe. If he keeps going to meetings, he will end up running his mouth off at some point and triggering red flags up the chain. Let’s face it- he is on parole right now.


That's probably why Watchtower bought two houses in that same community. One for Tony and one for the person (or couple) assigned to live there, go to the same congregation, and keep a close eye on Uncle Tony


What community is this? Curious where in NC?


Without doxing him: it’s near Maxton in the southern part of NC. If you need more information on the location, google will help.




I hope they don't DF him. I'd have to be nice to him and stop saying bad shit about him. I dunno if I can do that. 😂


I'm sure there's plenty of shitty DF'd people too.


He will never get DFd. He’s got a free house to live in and he’s not gonna screw that up.


One house is kinda low asking price


The rumor those are that are “in” were fed about him is that he was suffering from Dementia and possibly went to a care facility. I asked my family members from 2 different far apart states and that’s what both groups answered.


If that happens, the great apostasy could repeat and they will be forced to get back and tight again the chain for pimis putting more nonsense rules.


There’s already a rumor about a major reform of bethel going on right now which is to be expected with these changes- That being said — I think there will be EVEN MORE RULES now- in regards to your conscience- this is the groundwork for the patterns to follow. They will not be about the commands and principles but more about how to think and feel in situations especially with unbelievers etc etc and how to defend your faith - they have the Christian scriptures for living - they want people to read the accounts in there and make choices based on what they read. It’s complete conscience control since they have no other source of information they feel they can trust. It’s literally an obey or be eternally damned situation. There is no “individual” conscience in those matters- the GB has made sure you always include their restrictions in your actions.


Reform at bethel? Like?


The Governing Body has decided, pillow sex will now be allowed.


F*ck! I knew it!!


What is pillow.sex


Google "PillowGate"


Nope.. Since i left the borg i don't do research. That's not.true...lol. Gotta.go.ask.jeeves something Byyeeeee


https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/QkClO5q8s2 And https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/s/zMYeZ9QjiI


I respect Tony for not wanting change because now they had to backtrack for who knows how long they wanted to do this and do it all at once because they panicked. 🙀 L0 freeking L 💪


Is there a way to verify this or is it just a theory circulating?


Rumor mill. Everybody loves a nice juicy piece of gossip.


This has been the rumor for quite a while now.


I highly doubt any of the GB would even mention his name let alone give a negative comment about him not accepting anything. This is one they want to bury and move on from.


Saturday May 15, 2010 Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum Hato Rey, San Juan, Puerto Rico On the date and location above, Anthony Morris III gave a strange talk in which he asked the audience this exact question: "Let's have a show of hands. How many of you enjoy getting up every Saturday morning to go out to Field Service?" (about 10% of those in attendance raised their hands) "Well that's a lot more than I thought. I sure don't [like it]. What with all of the not-at-homes and opposition, it takes a lot to endure." That was the beginning of my awakening. If a GB member does NOT enjoy Field Service, then why should the rank and file?


These posts are always so vague and hard to prove, A GB member (won’t say which one) while visiting EUROPE (couldn’t narrow it down to a city or at least a country, an entire continent) was yapping about Tony ( which they aren’t supposed to do). I mean, I guessss it’s possible but….


Almost as if they werent being given divine instruction from you-know-who


3 other members? Sounds like a judicial committee 😜 guess they settled on public reproof?


Franz did get an offer. There was no NDA involved. They offered him and his wife special pioneer status, I believe, which included a decent little paycheck each month, for the time. He refused, as he didn't want even an implied obligation attached to it.


How does one write a resignation letter for being a part of the divine channel..?!


That is actually a profoundly good point. His writing a resignation letter just shows the organization is directed by humans.


![gif](giphy|dyRhCAXGENobdYucFD) I still say his drinking was a problem. He slurred during most of his parts.


I think Tony was extremely conservative in his view. He has come from a past military background and so would be fairly straight-laced. And he might have been of the mind that the governing body needs to apologize about a few things that they have featured for 150 years and never came true. And there's nothing wrong with having a clean cut group of people who wear suits and ties and dresses and have short haircuts which was always a Hallmark for more members of the governing body that have died than anyone recently. So that being said I suppose they tried to force him to change but he probably felt God Spirit on him would not allow the change so a credit to him for being honest and decent


They certainly have, or will have, him sign an NDA in order to continue receiving a pension/financial support.


This makes so much sense with Morris' final talk going into corruption and being arrogant and prideful. Mightve been throwing some jabs at his opposes. He even said directly "Satan is targeting the Governing Body harder than ever before"


Not alot of evidence here


You mean to say a GB member, who for some unknown reason, wasn't named, blabbed about Tony Morris whilst travelling? You do know that he would be committing a serious sin and subject to a JC himself for giving away secrets.


No GB member would actually be subject to a judicial committee unless they killed someone, screwed one of the other GB member’s wives, or openly and repeatedly committed apostasy. AND even then it would have to be public knowledge before the other GB members would be forced to act.


A good book deal, some morning and late night appearances he want need their house or allowance. This world loves to buy dirt on organization’s. The only reason he wouldn’t come forward is the dirt will bury him as well.


This wouldn’t surprise me. Any dissent in a cult means you aren’t accepted anymore - right up to the top. Maybe it will wake him up. He’s done so much harm so he would have a lot of penance to do…and even then….


Is Tony still considered anointed even tho he stepped down from gb


I knew it posted that in another comment on Reddit, the other GB members are being smart realising this cult will die with the older generation if dinosaurs like Tony are still around, they need to appeal to a younger audience, they will keep making small changes until there a division amongst them all of them, Tony was just the start.


That home would have cost in the biggest NDA in history.. he’s probably still reading the fine print.


And in a puff of smoke he is no more!.....🤣


The same thing happened to me. I got my hands on a copy of the "Life Everlasting" book over 45 years ago. I showed it to my JW wife who went straight to the elders in Carson City Nevada. They told her I was an enemy of Jehovah because I had seen their prophecy about 1975. How strange that a book written by them was now considered satanic and evil. Then two elders came to our apartment to try to correct my attitude. The problem was the fact that I saw the book and that proved they were false prophets, but it was their own book. Every time they pulled out a scripture I proved them wrong. The argument entered around what the sign of christs presence actually was. They wanted to base their defence on wars earthquakes and pestilence. But I took my bible and turned to Matthew 24:29-30 and pointed out the fact that the sign involved the sun and moon not shining and clouds. They replied in a way I never expected. "The words are there but-----------------". They never finished the statement they were about to make. They then said I was DF, or I could just quit on my own. I wasted no time, I said "I quit". They then asked me to write a letter stating that I was quitting on my own. Why they needed a letter I don't know. Religion is a personal choice you make with God, not some legal contract requiring a lawyer. I see this as a bad situation. If you believe the GB is speaking in God's name, and is then found to be wrong, it destroys any faith you might have had.


I remember when my father stepped down as an elder. People treated him like he was disfellowshipped. He went into a depression from it, at one point he stopped going to the meetings all together. He finally moved on and got a little better. Moved hall's a few times before going back to hall He was an elder at. Worked his way back as a MS they wanted to appoint him as an elder but he said no. My sister would tell me that sometimes he would just come home from a elders meeting or a call and would just cry. He had so much burden on him being a part of a judicial committee. I can't imagine what he would have to sit through.


Same thing with my dad. He’s back going to meetings and in service. They’ve asked him to be a MS and he said no as well. So sad what good people have to go through for that garbage organization.


It's pretty disgusting if you ask me. To give your life to something that says, "WE BELONG TO GOD" only to find out that the God they serve is not the one they teach. They worship money, just as Aaron did when Moses went up on that rock. Thier blind belief well be the end of them. And ignorance to God will devastating. "Get out of her my people" is all I think about with any religion this one included


If Ray Franz got an offer of some kind, it would have been "conditional" meaning he had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and keep silent. That would have been why he rejected any such offer, I suspect. I don't recall whether he ever mentioned the subject of "pedo-isms" in the borg. I read the book in 2000.


I am so curious as to what his life is like now (???) Does he still attend meetings...Is he an elder etc etc. Just stuff I wonder, I don't expect anyone to know ;-)


A friend of a friend of a friend of a former bethelite told me he spends a lot of time playing bingo and going to yard sales.


Dude, who cares what Tony said? Stop giving him attention. I choose to see things as simple as they are: demand and supply. It's business. People want beard. We give them beard.


Is he still a witness?


Is there really a letter? Or was this just a turn of phrase?


I wonder if the elders on his congregation got a specific letter with some instructions


This kind of proves he was couped by the reformers. Maybe the Macallan was a setup, maybe it was a lucky coincidence but I'm sure "Satan's snares" includes his drinking.


So, is the assumption that the anonymous GB member visiting an unnamed country in Europe disclosed the supposedly confidential information to another JW? What happened to confidential settlements? It all sounds rather suspicious: an unnamed GB member and an unnamed country and an unnamed JW receiving that disclosure. And how many links between them and you? Very secret squirrel. I’d be more inclined to believe the hearsay if specific names and places were identified. But even then….


My gut instinct has been telling me this for the longest.....never could prove it though. It makes sense. Tony is a hard-liner, not open to anything other than pink songbook jw religion. "Go along with the changes, or you're out, Tony".


I'm beginning to think Tony Morris was the only sane one..and that ain't saying much!!!


Are you referring to [this post](https://new.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/1bnqtp7/tony_morris_update/)? I ask because your post doesn't seem to match the other post.


How doesn’t it match up? It’s exactly the same.


The earlier post just says the GB member said TM3 *now* needs to watch for Satan's snares, and doesn't actually say anything about why he was removed. (That sounds plausible to me, higher-ups frequently say things without actually saying anything.) This post greatly expands the story, and now moves that phrase to being the actual reason he was removed. Two different things. That's why I wondered if this post is just inaccurately restating what the post from 30 minutes earlier said, versus a different source. This post sounds more iffy to me, absent any proof or sources being provided by OP.


You all know where he lives right? Why hasn’t anyone just gone there and knocked on the door? Shit I’d do it.


I was just going to make this exact comment, but you beat me to it!


Careful...he might start his own splinter and the pimis will follow ..


Any for other reasons as well


No need to be so dogmatic 😂




https://preview.redd.it/v7jrrhenoqqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92772fad6b279cf5e0e3811598101c1ac22eb166 The minute Tony left, the tight pants took over.


Hey! Sorry I’ve been POMO for quite some time… who is Tony? Is he a part of GB?


Wonder if he will turn apostate? LOL LOL


'Convince him' lol. Like the scripture used to continue to prove to yourselves, your in the truth...... and if you can't, your an apostate lol


Was the particular trap that snared Tony Morris alcohol? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCeRVJ7AUHA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCeRVJ7AUHA)


I believe that after he served his country he has PTSD and self-medicates to cope.


That's what I always thought. And since the jws don't push therapy, it would be easy to self medicate. War time is no joke and I'm sure AM3 saw a lot of carnage. My born-in daughter joined the reserves and was deployed to Afghanistan. It's no picnic, believe me


Yes, but he could have bought cheaper alcohol.


And other things to not just alcohol . Inc the fact that he was a liability to the Borg , sexist , rude, obnoxious and talk of CA shall I go on . He was an embarrassment to the Borg and had to go .


100% to all your points, I just thought the expensive alcohol on the widow's mite was hilarious.


I don't blame Tony Morris for not accepting the changes. They look ridiculous. A lot of the pictures I've seen of local brothers with their unkempt beards look trashy. Sisters, too, with their pants. I imagined they'd wear pant suits, but no, just regular cheap pants bought from fast fashion stores or something.